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    File : 1318594011.jpg-(108 KB, 1280x720, yuppppppppppp.jpg)
    108 KB IT'S SHIT LIKE THIS /a/ aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)08:06 No.55898338  
    The following are some nitpicks about Guilty Crown
    >>Why didn't that resistance mech with cloaking device simply took her up and ran?
    Apparently she didn't get to her until the last minute. The mech got there as soon as the other mech was shooting at Inori so there was no time to.
    >>Why she was siting there singing instead of going to the next meeting spot.
    >>Why didn't she run as soon as she noticed the boy.
    >>Why the boy, that was crying in a fetal position, didn't run home, but instead went somewhere unknown when the unknown robot told him to.
    Did you watch? He was having a moment, reflecting on his actions and felt really bad about what he did.
    >>Why didn't the blond guy took away the package from when he could.
    They probably thought they took it from him when they took the mech thing, whereas he had it in his shit pocket.
    >>Why did the pink haired girl didn't ran to a shelter and her allies, instead of climbing the debris to face the two mechs.
    Pretty sure she couldn't see from all the debris. How was she supposed to radio them anyway?
    >>Why did the boy suddenly ran to the girl he saw for a minute, when he saw that two mechs are about to fire.
    The same reason he went and finished off her mission for her in the first place. He was being irrational, though didn't want to be a huge faggot like he was the first time.

    As you can see alot of it is irrational, then when i compare this to Toradora, that was 26 episodes of retarded irrational shit and it's loved by /a/.
    Maybe Inori is not moe enough.

    Then we have shit like horizon trollfags saying it's better perfect what not, and here i am still trying to figure out when the plot is about to start let alone remember every character they've introduced.

    TL;DR /a/ has shit opinions
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:08 No.55898355
    Inori is a slut though.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:08 No.55898377
    Why aren't you posting this in that thread, instead of creating another one?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:08 No.55898378
    Why make another thread when the other one hasn't still reach the bump limit?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:09 No.55898393
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:12 No.55898442
    Toradora made more logical sense than Guilty Crown currently does, and doesn't have shitty inexplicable shit occur like those dudes NOT EVEN SEARCHING THE ROOM OF THE SUSPECT OR QUESTIONING THE WITNESS FURTHER, and that's just the start of it
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:14 No.55898472
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    >when the plot is about to start

    the PLOT is already there at the first episode.
    Why don't you read the novel instead?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:15 No.55898489
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    Please god NO.
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)08:16 No.55898510
    yeh and everything ryuji did seemed logical too?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:19 No.55898552
    It's a cool story and all, but could you please drop the trip?
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)08:19 No.55898561
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    right tell me when what i'm seeing relates to the plot, cause at the moment it's just fan service and introducing EVERYcharacter in the universe, i wouldn't have a problem if this was slice of life, BUT IT ISN'T
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:20 No.55898564
    If it's meant to be an adaptation, I can't see why they didn't start at the beginning, and if they did, then wow it really is shit.
    >> aoitoori 10/14/11(Fri)08:21 No.55898581
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:21 No.55898589
    There was a huge history class exposition explaining everything that you needed to know.
    You were just too retarded to realize or maybe have your eyes fixated on the tits and ass instead of the plot.
    Stick with your shitty kiddy shounen plot with Generic Grown.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:22 No.55898593
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    Confirmed for troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:25 No.55898653
    Why did the robot explode when it loses it's arm?
    >> aoitoori 10/14/11(Fri)08:29 No.55898734
    >history exposition
    that's another piece of dump that anime does, maybe they just need to dumb it down for me, cause there's a million things going on at the same time. M Night Shymalan could adapt something more coherent than that piece of shit director
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:35 No.55898838
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    >[CoalGuys] Guilty Crown - 01 [E1695770]. mkv

    Should I?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:36 No.55898870
    >Guilty Crown fan is mad enough to make a new thread dedicated to a single copypasta.
    And all of his answers could be summed up as ' it happened because it was convenient'
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:37 No.55898886
    nigga best stay away from this shit. even sacred seven is better than this dawg
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:38 No.55898900
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:38 No.55898902
    >I'm a Fate/zero, 'magical men anime', lover. Praise my show.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:39 No.55898917
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:39 No.55898927
    Your choice.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:40 No.55898934
    Do it and post screencaps.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:40 No.55898935
    the commie release was full of artifacts

    i need a groupd that doesnt make crap releases
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:40 No.55898941
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:41 No.55898949
    Don't. Its lesser Code Geass with angsty and pathetic high schooler as the protag.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:41 No.55898950
    caol guys? theyre good?
    I TRUST YOU and if its not good

    >> Lelouch - Skrtelsbitch [ATKINSON IS A BIASED CUNT] !!vKeby4ZIHSI 10/14/11(Fri)08:41 No.55898953
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:42 No.55898968
    Always bet on Jaka
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:42 No.55898970
    It would be incredibly difficult for a wimpy teenage boy with no combat experience to run directly towards two giant fucking mechs, completely unarmed, to save some bitch he just met. Humans have survival instincts like 'run the fuck away' hard-coded into their brains.

    Also if a massive explosion went off that close to you, you would die. That goes for both Inori and Shu.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:42 No.55898974
    >retarded irrational shit
    I agree with the rest of your post but you still are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:42 No.55898978
    Goddamn, Lelouch. You seem to be mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:43 No.55898988
    coalguys is troll subs
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:44 No.55899008
    >a huge faggot like he was the first time.

    Fuck you. Senselessly risking your life for some stranger who is said to be a terrorist? Yea, fuck you. Fucking anime morality
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:44 No.55899012
    Looks like I won't wake up tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:46 No.55899034
    >go in to steal secret super power vial
    >wear bright, slutty idol clothes
    Inori is the biggest autist.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:47 No.55899054
    I remember the relationship chart showing that Inori is protecting the boy. I can't wait to see her being motherly to him, letting him angst and whine on her shoulder, while soothing him with her song and trying to convince him that his power is not bad and he needs to use it as they want.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:48 No.55899064
    Maybe she had to seduce someone for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:48 No.55899071
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    That feel when your mission is to be a decoy and you have to be as flashing as possible but the viewers won't understand you.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:50 No.55899107
    Do you know the story behind it ? how it ended up that she is the one to steal this thing ? no ? neither do I.

    seriously guys why are you trying to find something to complain about
    OST and animation was very good ,
    and dont even start to complain about the plot, it was the freaking first episode what do you expect ?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:50 No.55899112
    Nah. He'll have a fit if that happens and will become possessive and overbearing as hell, arguing with everyone and, expecially, Inori, that she has to do as he wants.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:52 No.55899144
    >a huge faggot like he was the first time.

    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)08:52 No.55899151
    >using her status as an idol to get in a government facility to steal some special genome
    that's not even remotely possible, cause then...why does she have a cloak?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:53 No.55899169

    I agree that the visual and music is top notch, but the writing is pretty ehhhh.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:54 No.55899181
    >Go in facility as a famous idol
    >secretly steal the genome and sneak out
    Not even that hard to imagine guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:55 No.55899184
    So she doesn't get raped on the street.
    Fuck disguises.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:56 No.55899200
    What reason would an idol have to visit a military(?) facility?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:56 No.55899211
    A performance?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:56 No.55899214
    >animation was very good
    I don't think you know what good animation looks like.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:57 No.55899217
    Pleasuring the sexually frustrated soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:57 No.55899224
    To give some service, if you know what I mean.
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)08:57 No.55899226
    i was being sarcasm bro
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:57 No.55899227
    Because those points are actually quite valid, and that retort OP made is feeble at best. Injured, so just sit there and start singing instead of crawling to a corner to hide? WTF.

    Anyway, I don't care for points like that, because if the premise of the story is as such, willing suspension of disbelief and all that.

    What irks me the most is this >>55899008

    Loads of anime has this shit in it. And I never once liked shit like this. Especially how that faggot with long hair told the MC off. He's a coward? What? because he didn't stand up to a bunch of professional soldiers who are armed and wouldn't hesitate to open fire? All for some girl who might as well be a stranger at this point that failed to escape after her decoy mission? Of which that faggot put her in ( he might not be the strategist though) ? Fuck This.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:57 No.55899229
    everyone who complains about this anime is trying to be an elitist fuck.
    stop beeing autistic and enjoy your favorite anime
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:58 No.55899238
    Implying baka gaijins would appreciate eleven music.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:58 No.55899243
    It's like they go out of their way to establish the set characters, with no regard for context.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:58 No.55899251
    >I don't think you know what good animation looks like.
    Look at that irony
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:59 No.55899260
    >can't win against legitimate criticism
    >start name calling
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)08:59 No.55899264
    But nitpicking this is the best way to enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:00 No.55899290
    Godfucking damnit. We've only seen 1 episode, have you guys not heard of the '3 episode rule'.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:01 No.55899297
    are you a wizard?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:01 No.55899303
    >I don't think you know what good animation looks like.
    wow now I want you to show me an anime with way better animation. Seeing how you try to tell me thats this one is shit
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:01 No.55899312
    It's a semi-shitstorm, shitstorms are always fun.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:02 No.55899317
    I thought the first episode was great. Gai beating those niggers up, the bitch being dumb as all hell, "Use me" then her orgasming when he pulls the sword, the sword scene and the damn near complete rip from Code Geass. Is all good stuff. My big beef with this is the loli engineer, hate that shit man.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:02 No.55899327
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    One episode in and the threads are already this retarded.

    My body is ready for the escalating weekly shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:02 No.55899335
    But it was hyped as fuck and there's lots to nitpick.

    If it does become just another average show then things will die down.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:04 No.55899362
    >escalating weekly shitstorm.
    The shitstorms usually only happen in the beginning (everyone takes a peek) and in the end.
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:04 No.55899370
    totally not up to par with the greatest animation ever
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:05 No.55899380
    There was countless hype threads on how the premiere was a huge success and was AOTY.

    Went in expecting highly engaging plot, high realism, good animation and good music. What I got? Kiddy plot, zero realism, good music to try to make the fightan scenes cool.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:05 No.55899384
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    Eh, I enjoyed it. It looked nice and the animation was pretty good in my opinion

    $10 says that they'll fuck the ending up.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:05 No.55899387
    I can judge a show from 15 minutes in.
    I'll give this show 6.5/10 for very well done execution and high production value. The remaining 3.5 points for huge cliches and plotholes everywhere.
    >> pr0x !SSop9P/INc!!tC7/DOO+9z9 10/14/11(Fri)09:06 No.55899406
    I just woke up, from OPs post I'm going to assume the trolling has started on this now?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:08 No.55899447
    Just watched it. The only redeeming quality of the MC is his voice, because it sounds like, and probably is, Ko's VA from Hanasaku Iroha. He's so beta I want to punch him, seriously. And the plot is terrible. Lolopinions.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:08 No.55899456
    The disappointment.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:09 No.55899461
    >Hey, we made a cool story about a songstress that, with power of friendship and emotion, can use her songs as weapons. Its like Macross + Code Geass.
    >No, Japan can't into female protags, center the story around a generic boy and make him use weapons we can sell as toys.
    Aniplex confirmed for killing this anime.
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:10 No.55899476
    funny thing is this is all a copy of someone elses post

    "The following are some nitpicks about Guilty Crown
    >>Why didn't that resistance mech with cloaking device simply took her up and ran?
    Apparently she didn't get to her until the last minute. The mech got there as soon as the other mech was shooting at Inori so there was no time to.
    >>Why she was siting there singing instead of going to the next meeting spot.
    >>Why didn't she run as soon as she noticed the boy.
    >>Why the boy, that was crying in a fetal position, didn't run home, but instead went somewhere unknown when the unknown robot told him to.
    Did you watch? He was having a moment, reflecting on his actions and felt really bad about what he did.
    >>Why didn't the blond guy took away the package from when he could.
    They probably thought they took it from him when they took the mech thing, whereas he had it in his shit pocket.
    >>Why did the pink haired girl didn't ran to a shelter and her allies, instead of climbing the debris to face the two mechs.
    Pretty sure she couldn't see from all the debris. How was she supposed to radio them anyway?
    >>Why did the boy suddenly ran to the girl he saw for a minute, when he saw that two mechs are about to fire.
    The same reason he went and finished off her mission for her in the first place. He was being irrational, though didn't want to be a huge faggot like he was the first time."
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:10 No.55899482
    Blame the writer.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:10 No.55899491
    There are quite a lot of legitimate criticisms. Stop using the word "troll" for "people who don't like the show".
    >> . . . 10/14/11(Fri)09:11 No.55899512
    Sona and Tryndamere join Vlad's terrorist group?
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:12 No.55899518
    like the people on /a/ are any better than MC
    this board is full or virgins, aspies, hikkis and NEETs. why's everyone gotta hate on Gary Shu
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:12 No.55899525
    What's with japans love for bitches (tsunderes) and beta as fuck whiney ass MCs? I swear to god If he complains about not wanting his power or not wanting to use it because it hurts people I'm going to break something.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:12 No.55899530
    >Awesome if imperfect show comes out
    >/a/ immediately enters bitchy psycho mode over the first episode

    Guilty Crown confirmed for /a/'s new Code Geass. Seriously, just watch. In a few months we'll have memes, ship wars, a million threads, popularity backlash, etc. Inevitably, the board will be renamed for a day.

    I'm so excited.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:13 No.55899537
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    >This theard

    Are you guys serious ?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:13 No.55899540
    stop defending a show that's one fucking episode long, you dumbfuck. There isn't even enough to go on for you to make a cancerous fanbase, and you're already starting this shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:13 No.55899548
    Generic Crown isnt Madoka.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:14 No.55899568

    I missed the Madoka train, turns out.

    But I remember Code Trainwreck.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:15 No.55899574
    All this over one episode.
    You guys are fucking pathetic.
    >Implying Madoka was anything other than a steaming pile of shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:16 No.55899586
    >Gary shu
    Why am I laighing so hard
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:16 No.55899590
    He forgot
    >Why did only one mech shoot and why he fired only a single shot and why that, high caliber, shot only broke the vial that the boy had in his jacket and did no damage otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:16 No.55899599
    Holy shit you guys are right, Guilty Crown is such complete shit, i mean, it makes no logical sense at all. Seriously, one of the most irrational things that I just couldn't stand was HER FUCKING HAIR IS PINK YOU NITPICKING DIPSHITS
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:17 No.55899612
    Because its true?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:17 No.55899613
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    Madoka was quite saved from shitstorm because general threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:17 No.55899614
    A question
    Why the mecha use a anti-tank caliber gun and six missile to shoot down 2 peoples?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:17 No.55899620
    Pink hair idol slut is dime dozen.
    Gotta pay homage to lacus clyne and all the slutty idol that came before her.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:17 No.55899625
    They were made in America
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:18 No.55899632
    >generic shounen in a coming of age tale and manning the fuck up after being a loser all his life
    what's there not to like
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:18 No.55899633
    It's just the people who have watched/read so much they can't enjoy anything anymore.
    It's called being jaded.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:18 No.55899644
    I'm calling this plot:
    MC knew Inori and and another friend when they were kids. Inori's powers awaken violently causing the disease and killing the MC's mother and friend this event causes MC to lose his memory.

    Guilty Crown confirmed for most generic and disappointing anime of the year.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:18 No.55899645
    Because idols paint her hair, dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:19 No.55899660
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    >This theard
    How can you say this pile of shit anime was good ?

    Dont you guys have any taste or what ?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:20 No.55899666
    /a/, why are you so fucking retarded these days?
    How can you go crazy over a shitty anime like PSG but hate this anime?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:20 No.55899669
    Madoka threads filled in less than an hour, livewatch threads in 5 minutes, so the trolls were immediately buried upon posting.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:20 No.55899677
    They never man up or at most it'll be for a single fight.

    I'm predicting the EXACT relationship as the MC and albino in Deadman Wonderland
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:20 No.55899678
    because you get it and everyone else doesn't
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:20 No.55899682

    see >>55899227

    Beta? Because?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:21 No.55899689
    This guy gets it
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:21 No.55899694
    Yeah I think you are over estimating how popular this is here
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:21 No.55899701
    Plenty of people get their enjoyment off seeing a half naked girl showing off her side boob, loud music during fighting scenes, flashy explosions and good guy beating up bad guys with cool superpower.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:22 No.55899706
    PSG was a comedy and it starts with a poop joke. Also, main characters were slutty angels. We don't have any complaints about the ridiculousness. The animation and music is great too, what not to like?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:22 No.55899716
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    >Hating PSG
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:22 No.55899718
    The jokes.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:23 No.55899724
    Hiding was the right thing to do no doubt but crying like a girl because of it?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:23 No.55899735
    Well, comedy is subjective but plotholes are not.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:23 No.55899740
    PSG clearly didn't take itself seriously so there was nothing anybody could really say about it.

    GC on the other hand looks like it's trying to be super serious but at the same time crammed in a bunch of cliches.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:24 No.55899755
    The MC is a faggot. *Sees pink hair slut* "Umm, ano, eto, it's not like that..."

    A real man would at least say "Huh? Who are you? Why are you in my lame, unexplained secret hideout that I installed a computer and shit in without caring if anyobdy will steal it or not because the can't find this place, except you."

    Seriously, this shit is dumb.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:24 No.55899761
    My favorite cliched archetype is the normal osananajimi, I can't fucking stand these mysterious magical forgotten childhood friends with weird hair color. If you do an osananajimi, do it the orthodox way. Brown or black hair, not forgotten and home-oriented feeling.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:24 No.55899764
    PSG is a comedy like power puff girls and southpark.
    Guilty Crown is supposed to be a realistic sci-fi thriller.
    I am expecting anime at the level of GITS, not saturday cartoon with stupid soldiers doing stupid things.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:25 No.55899771
    Minus the side boob this is accurate for me, at least within this genre. Why can there be only one way to enjoy anime, can't I like some anime for reason X and others for Y. Guilty Crown was cool but generic.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:25 No.55899778
    You're expecting to much if you're expecting GITS.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:25 No.55899780
    correct course of action after the soldiers left with inori:
    >leave the rice cooker robot and the macguffin
    >abandon secret base
    >go home, have a fap, go to sleep
    >go back to school the next day and forget it ever happened
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:25 No.55899786
    Self-loathing bullshit. That's not beta. That's just the anime trying to shove its fucking morals down your throat. Nothing to do with character.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:26 No.55899795
    > Toradora, that was 26 episodes of retarded irrational shit

    huh, I agree with a tripfag, it's so rare that it happens I'm pretty sure everyone will call me a samefag.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:27 No.55899810
    I saw the premiere hype threads and PV.
    I was sold.

    Not my fault Production IG fucked it up with stupid writing.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:27 No.55899814
    WTF this MC is a total pussy,
    He doesnt even man the fuck up and punches one of the guys with a gun pointing at him, NO he even steps back like a fucking pussy he is.

    And then against those thugs when that nigger punched him when he wanted that rice cooker, insted of using Kagebunshin no Jutsu , all he does is " sorry I cant give you this", what a cowerd fucking pussy MC.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:27 No.55899816
    3D =! 2D.

    Learn the difference, etc., you get it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:27 No.55899819
    No, I agree too.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:27 No.55899820
    >government agents later take your computer as possible evidence
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:28 No.55899849
    >judging from first episode

    You're either new to Anime or a pussy yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:28 No.55899852
    Unlike you, I don't jump to conclusions on the first episode. I give every series I watch 4 episodes before deciding if it's shit or not.
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:29 No.55899863
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    it's ok i won't bite
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:29 No.55899882
    >insted of using Kagebunshin no Jutsu

    Jesus Christ what is wrong with /a/?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:30 No.55899886
    Why isn't Gai the main character.

    He has his own theme music and everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:30 No.55899888
    you didn´t even read this post, did you ?
    or are you really this dense ?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:30 No.55899901
    I think you're looking at one of them troll posts, son.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:31 No.55899905
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:31 No.55899914
    "Am I dense"
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:31 No.55899915
    Shit posters abound.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:32 No.55899938
    because he's the Kamina type of character who trains children and dies mid-show
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:33 No.55899942
    Its called sarcasm,
    learn it, it might save your life
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:34 No.55899971
    Acting retarded is not sarcasm.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:35 No.55899985
    >>55899971 a way, it actually is
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:39 No.55900088
    thread derail
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:40 No.55900104
    The main character is a beta without friends so that you, the average anime watching japanese loser, can feel like it's you who gets pulled into an amazing adventure and get to fuck the hottest pink haired idol slut on earth. The reason the dweeb gets his powers by accident is so that you could further self-insert yourself. Gai is not the protagonist because he's the guy you project your object of jealousy upon, be it the hottest kid in school or whoever keeps shitting on you.

    This is basic magical high school shounen 101, guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:40 No.55900117
    Fuck yeah. The mecha episode of the season.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:41 No.55900143
    It's generic, but it's not retarded. So I'm enjoying every second of it as long as the enjoyment lasts, thank you.
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:42 No.55900148
    believe it
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:43 No.55900174
    Can't you read all of the plot holes presented in the threads?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:46 No.55900240
    I expected some higher quality animation from all dat madoka money.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:47 No.55900249

    They're using it in Idolm@ster.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:47 No.55900270
    I'd love to see a magical high school shounen with the douchebag genius as protagonist, and the initially weak as shit beta loser without friends as the rival.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:49 No.55900298
    >Japan occupied by powerful foreigners who pilot mechs.
    >MC to be killed by military, girl saves him by giving power.

    Is there any other similarities with geass other than these point?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:49 No.55900300
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    How did the explosion from the third missle not rip her to shreds?
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:49 No.55900308
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:49 No.55900313

    Organized rebels.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:50 No.55900323
    >People watching GC for the animation
    What the fuck
    I guess these are the same retards who watch Bokutomo (when the manga is better)
    You watch it for the plot first/foremost
    The plot in this show is SHIT
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:52 No.55900363
    GHQ troops are out searching for a terrorist girl. She is so critical and to-secret that even the GHQ supreme commander is denied information on her. And yet when they find her in the company of a Japanese boy, they seize the girl, fail to perform an even cursory search of location, and LEAVES THE BOY ALONE without even so much as checking his ID. I mean, seriously guys, no matter how much you want to big up this show, you can't seriously explain that shit.
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:52 No.55900377
    she's not an ordinary bishoujo, bitch can go invisible, and MC can cut mecha.
    but know how if you wanna mythbust i'd be glad to shoot a missle at you
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:53 No.55900382
    >everybody is exactly like me
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:54 No.55900416
    >not killed several times over by a missile explosion
    >can be incapacited with a kick to the face
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:54 No.55900418

    He probably peed himself, and they didn't want to make a mess.

    But yeah, they should have grabbed him, too- Or at least looked for the little robot thing. Did NO-ONE think to mention...

    "Come to think of it, she was with this Japanese schoolboy when we last saw her."

    "What was his name?"
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:55 No.55900433
    >I'll just ignore him and hope he goes away because I can't put up with my own personal failures as a human being
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)09:56 No.55900461
    am reading bokutomo manga, i don't think adaptation is bad at all. there are worse out there
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:56 No.55900466
    There's a 10 ft long sword, a singing naked slut, robots and a gay looking hippie, that's reason enough.

    I'm not going to write a thesis or anything on this, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)09:59 No.55900548
    Seems like it's going to be a fairly forgettable show, even if it is well executed. Does anyone actually identify with with or enjoy watching these shitty boring-as-fuck protagonists that seem to plague anime?
    >> aoitoori !z8k/BObU7E 10/14/11(Fri)10:01 No.55900606
    now we just have to see MC fighting in a narrow hallway
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:02 No.55900611
    Wait a minute,if they want to capture her,why did they tried to kill her at the beginning?Can't the robot just grab her or block her way since obviously they are faster
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:05 No.55900675
    Is it true that GC has the same writer of Geass?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:07 No.55900726
    Because I.G. writers can't write a believable plot.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:07 No.55900738
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:07 No.55900741
    Yes. Pretty much same staff.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:11 No.55900818

    Okay, what is going on with this NTR thing in Guilty Crown? I really don't get it, is the MC going to get NTR'd or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:12 No.55900835
    >people hate mc because h is beta
    >just like me because i'm a real man and not a faggot who watching chineese cartoons
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:12 No.55900841
    No, someone is just trying to forcememe it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:13 No.55900866
    This is exactly the cream of chuuni. Just shut up and watch crazy stupid shit happen with nice visuals.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:16 No.55900937
    The character chart connects Inori and blonde long hair guy with a "secret relationship" which /a/, of course, interprets as THEY MUST BE FUCKING LIKE RABBITS.

    Of course, most of it is trolling anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:17 No.55900958
    It's just trolling
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:20 No.55901016
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    NTR at it's finest.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)10:22 No.55901066
    Tsugumi is mai waifu

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