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    File : 1318573440.png-(109 KB, 420x420, 5a162bc8aeeda82aa15321a415022899.png)
    109 KB Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:24 No.55891140  
    >Japanese 101 Class
    >Teenagers, teenagers everywhere
    >After break, look at overhead projector, trollface.jpg
    >Hear the term "waifu" mentioned a few times
    >See people playing VNs and watching anime
    >Dudes in back half-heartily attempting to draw anime characters
    >Me sitting astute trying to work on some verb predicate sentences, actually trying to learn the language

    I know you faggots browse /a/. You're probably browsing it right now. Stop this fucking nonsense. Pay attention. Quiet the fuck down. Stop being fucking children, you're in college, grow the fuck up. You know who you are so fucking stop it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:26 No.55891223
         File1318573604.jpg-(19 KB, 251x223, daria.jpg)
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    Thank god my class knows how to hide their powerlevels. After getting to know some of them, they admit they like anime, but they don't go into class every day expecting it to be just like anime or whatever weaboo fantasy people think of.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:28 No.55891274
    here's my advice op, drop that shitty language and learn Korean
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:29 No.55891304
    No one who posts on /a/ would act like that in public. Try gaia.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:30 No.55891325
    You give /a/ to much credit
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:30 No.55891329

    nigga you all kinda of delusional
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:30 No.55891338
    I want to learn Japanese, I really do. Thing is, I'm Korean and I'm still not fluent in Korean. If I learn Japanese first, I feel like my mom would feel betrayed in a way. Nothing political, but just that she'd probably wonder why I didn't learn Korean first.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:32 No.55891400
    >Take japanese class
    >after a year
    >only white person left in the class

    It's just me and bunch of chinese people after an easy 100%, I can't believe people failed this course.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:34 No.55891452
    Well, I didn't want to bring it up but while we're on the topic...

    To the guy with the Toradora wallpaper browsing /a/ during Economics, fucking stop it and get on with your work. And stop trolling Madokafags as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:35 No.55891494
    I haven't taken a Japanese class in two years now, but I remember how that shit went down.

    -Half of the class kept their power levels to a minimum, the other half are basically weeaboo Super Saiyan 3s

    -One other guy confirmed to browse 4chan, his poison of choice was /v/

    -Come project time, most did their projects on anime, video games, etc.

    -Japanese 102 next semester, literally 70% of the class dropped because it wasn't what they thought it was
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:36 No.55891543
    Oh shi-
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:38 No.55891589
    shit just tell her you never want to watch pro starcraft
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:39 No.55891633

    Half the fun I got out of doing Japanese was writing stupid shit for the writing exercises and seeing the lecturers face when she marked it.

    I was recommened to do some english teaching co-ordination over in nipland, I'll probably apply at some point.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:42 No.55891727
    I miss taking the class, but then shit that I'd rather not talk about went down, and I basically dropped off of the face of the earth for a year, didn't attend school, no job, anything.

    I've since started going back, and have an okay job that at least pays for the roof over my head and internet.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:46 No.55891814

    What's the worst possible thing that could happen in a Japanese class?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:47 No.55891856
         File1318574847.gif-(154 KB, 360x360, Horo is sad.gif)
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    >Want to learn Japanese
    >To embarrassed to check the class out
    >Go on /a/
    >Japanese class horror stories
    >I'll never learn Japanese
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:49 No.55891916

    Just do it, after a year every faggot leaves because it turns out the lecturer doesn't have magical powers or something; that being said, class shouldn't be your main source of learning 4-5 hours a week of study is pathetic, most of your study should be done from home; try reading something that interests you.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:49 No.55891920

    You're better off, fucking trust me. Just learn online, there are a ton of resources out there. I may as well not take 102 and do my shit online forgoing any of this bullshit.
    >> ILIVEINJAPAN !FsuEHQZkNg 10/14/11(Fri)02:49 No.55891925
    >go to language school in japan with several other foreigners
    >ask koreans about "fan death"
    >they seriously believe it

    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:50 No.55891931
    It wasn't in the class.

    Although one of my Japanese professors accidentally made the mistake of asking a young girl what color her pantsu were when she first started learning Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:52 No.55892006
    Blame their parents. They teach us that so we grow up believing that myth. Only after we have internet do we learn that it's false.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:53 No.55892037
    >Don't know what "fan death" is
    >Decide to Google it

    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:54 No.55892050
    About to not even go to Japanese 2, trying to tell somebody if they want to be partners for the dialogue exercises is much more harder for me than Japanese itself.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:54 No.55892079
    Don't the Japanese also believe in fan death? I thought most Asian countries did.

    But yes, fan death is silly.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:55 No.55892090
         File1318575326.gif-(97 KB, 430x354, 1300006271558.gif)
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    >take Japanese 101
    >weeaboos everywhere
    >pass it, move on to Japanese 102
    >considerably less weeaboo scum, though there are still pockets of resistance
    >pass it, move on to Japanese 201 & 202
    >almost all overt weeaboos removed, only a few mature closet ones left
    >class is small enough to the point where we know each other very well
    >most of us watch anime, but we keep it to ourselves
    >stay with them into 301
    >drop out at 302 because I had to focus on finishing my BA and I didn't want to wake up at 7 am just so I could attend the class at 9 am

    Shame I forgot most of what I learned already, though I'm sure if I start studying again, it'll come back to me.
    >> ILIVEINJAPAN !FsuEHQZkNg 10/14/11(Fri)02:55 No.55892099
    yes, i just started laughing. then they were like "well, its on the news!" and i laughed harder.

    hope i didnt shoot my chances of getting with a korean girl...
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:55 No.55892102
    >Learn Japanese

    No, why would you ever want to do that?

    Learn Russian. If you get good at it, you'll have a sexy sounding accent to boot.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:56 No.55892125
    That prof is alpha as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:58 No.55892188
    I thought it was more likely to give infections or something because of the blowing wind. Or something.

    >expecting any serious whatsoever in any class 2000-level or below
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:59 No.55892202
    I felt similarly, but it's important to remember that parents should always support you, never hinder you for an arbitrary perceived reason. Also, the older folks I've spoken with are usually simply impressed I'm learning a new language; maybe it'll prove the same for you as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:59 No.55892230

    >Japanese 102 next semester, literally 70% of the class dropped because it wasn't what they thought it was.

    Same here JAPN 101 started out w/ 27 students. One week later it was 16. This semester in JAPN 102 we started out with 11, now down to 6. Our college offers two JAPN 101 classes with max of 29 Students but only one JAPN 102. This means I'm only one of 10% who go on to the next class.

    >Half of the class kept their power levels to a minimum, the other half are basically weeaboo Super Saiyan 3s

    My JAPN 101 class consisted of 1 Touhoufag, 2 Bleachfags, 1 Russian Yaoi-loving Hambeast, 2 Normalfags (Who met each other in class and got married at the end of the semester ), an Autistic who flipped the fuck out when she couldn't remember the lessons (Seriously, "crying and banging head against wall" type stuff), 2 Deviant art Mangaka wannabes, a Emo Kid Guitar Player, a huge Fatass Sweatpants-wearing Neckbeard, and myself. The last couple probably kept their powerlevels low, that's why I don't remember them.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:59 No.55892232
         File1318575592.jpg-(13 KB, 300x266, Dual-AA-12-Shotguns-FPSRussia-.jpg)
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    Really? Just like this sexy motherfucker?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:59 No.55892236
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    I can't even begin to articulate what I'm feeling right now. Although pic is my face when I first read.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:00 No.55892250
    My Jap class isn't like that. We have three non-/a/non narutards, a couple of old people and a /lot/ of chinese and korean chicks. None of them speak English OR Japanese. Makes group work very difficult.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:02 No.55892285
    >Take a japanese class
    >tell other people to grow the fuck
    Oh god my sides
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:03 No.55892320
    >Teach self Japanese
    >Buy books online and in stores for grammar, particles, sentence patterns, kanji, etc.
    >read raw manga and watch raw anime
    >Do practice tests online
    >Take first two levels of JLPT, pass both
    >Taking next level in December
    >Anxious as fuck, still confident

    Hoping by the time I speak to an adviser or someone in the Japanese department about placement, I'll have skipped over all the obnoxious weeaboos. I normally let my power level show like a black eye but Whenever discussing learning Japanese, I make sure to avoid it or find ways to dance around it so I don't sound like a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:04 No.55892348
    Hey people do you know any online resources for learning korean? I know shitload of webpages and books for japanese but I haven't found any for korean. Please could you point me in the right direction?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:04 No.55892363
         File1318575884.jpg-(117 KB, 900x840, .13128189392.jpg)
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    Ho shit nigger, are you me? Korfag with minor vocab deficiencies in both gookinese and japanan, starting up po-pycckuu?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:05 No.55892386
    Sorry, you'll never be as sexy as FPSRussia.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:05 No.55892390
    >anon wants to learn another language
    >anon must be a kid
    You mad that I know 3 languages already and in the process of learning another one?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:06 No.55892418
    >that feel when you're already dead every night for four years
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:06 No.55892429
    There's a couple of theories going around:

    >Fan creates a vacuum in the room by moving all the air out of it.
    >Fan "chops up" the oxygen atoms in the air.
    >The motor in the fan makes carbon monoxide.
    >The fan sucks all the air away from a persons face, so you can't breathe.
    >Fan causes Hypothermia, by making you too cold.
    >Fan causes Hyperthermia, by heating up a room w/ it's motor.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:07 No.55892439
    Anon's clearly laughing at self-righteous languagefags like you.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:08 No.55892477
    I love what he does with guns but he comes off as kind of a douche.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:08 No.55892478
    Nothing but bad news from my end: korfags can easily into japlish, but not vice versa.

    Fucking dipthongs mang.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:09 No.55892491
    Yeah, everyone in the class was a huge Bleach fan with a couple of Narutards sprinkled in for good effect. There was even one girl who tried to dress up as Rukia for Halloween that year, but failed miserably since she was a little too chubby. Not fat, just chubby. Everybody loved Fullmetal Alchemist (the first one) for how ZOMG DEEP it was, and there was an Eva fan who was basically the stereotype of what you'd expect an Eva fan to be. No deviantART wannabes, though.

    That next semester, most of the Bleach and Naruto fans had dropped. Instead, they were replaced with some a fat dude, a host of Hispanic girls, this guy who scared the shit out of everyone because we all thought he was going to be the next Cho Seung-Hui, and a titty monster who dropped the semester after that.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:09 No.55892500
         File1318576164.jpg-(39 KB, 347x464, cute tennis boy drinks popcorn.jpg)
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    Back in college there was a guy I knew who had recently discovered 4chan. He ran around the hall in a guy fawkes mask and made prank calls so that he could be an "epic troll"
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:10 No.55892517
         File1318576217.png-(12 KB, 200x200, 1318532621905.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:10 No.55892534
    Yeah, you're probably right, my parents probably wouldn't mind that much or try to stop me. It's just I think I'd feel kind of guilty myself. Ugh.. it's frustrating.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:10 No.55892540
    I've found that if you have a Russian accent, you can be as big of a douche as you want to be and people will love you for it.

    Everywhere except Russia.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:10 No.55892541
         File1318576259.png-(845 KB, 1148x760, 1312994836414.png)
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    ok im going to do an experiment. I have a fan and I will sleep right now with the fan on in my room. I will report results if I survive. FOR SCIENCE.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:11 No.55892570
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:13 No.55892614
    All of the terrible weeaboos drop the course or fail after the first semester. Stick it out and you'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:13 No.55892619
         File1318576415.jpg-(63 KB, 450x557, rei.jpg)
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    >Go to private college
    >Take Elementary Japanese I
    >15 kids in class eight of which are DI athletes including myself
    >Two blatant Narutards
    >Six of the athletes including me have A+ in the class
    >Both Narutards and a land whale in the back fail everything
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:13 No.55892623
    I know that fell. Best course of action is to get in there and be prepared for any guilt or irrational feeling; you may surprisingly impress yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:14 No.55892646
    Well that's bad. I guess I have nothing left but to continue my journey in look for some korean books.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:14 No.55892651
    Maybe you're right. I guess I'll think about it some more. Thanks, anon.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:16 No.55892695
         File1318576609.jpg-(97 KB, 702x720, 1318470175712.jpg)
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    I sleep every night with my fan on, I can't sleep without the humming noise it makes, it's so soothing.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:17 No.55892702
    >CTY (hard) DEN (soft) TKA (hard)

    Good God, when you wimba yourself and it all comes together, you feel like a Goddamn Tyrannosaurus.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:17 No.55892707
         File1318576637.png-(180 KB, 600x600, 1315626653905.png)
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    >Japanese 101 class
    >everyone is pretty chill, teacher is funny, class is great
    >amazingly, not a single weeaboo in sight
    >eight weeks into the class, teacher has put up posters made by Japan Club, or at least I assume so
    >all of them are normal, okay
    >eyes drift to the corner
    >a poorly drawn Kyubey is staring at me on one of the posters
    >> Black-star !x8ngkAZjXE 10/14/11(Fri)03:17 No.55892723
    you have to take into account daytime /a/
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:18 No.55892743
    I actually have a pretty chill JP 101 class. A lot of people there have watched anime but it hardly ever comes up in regular conversation. That being said we're still the outcasts of the languages.

    Is Japanese the nerdy language at your schools?
    At mine it's: Japanese = Nerdy, Stoner, non-mainstream
    German: Try hards
    French: Normal fags?
    Chinese: Business, some nerds, etc.
    Spanish: lolspanish
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:19 No.55892749

    same here except add an old laptop humming and thats basically my nightly routine

    cant get to bed with just silence
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:19 No.55892750
         File1318576741.png-(226 KB, 482x441, 1283684999401.png)
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    >that feel when your university is too shit to offer Japanese classes
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:19 No.55892766

    After a couple years in community college, I had thought that I was going to major into Computer Engineering, Shortly before I went to a university I changed my major to Computer Science....Long story short 1 semester later I am now a Japanese Major in a completely different university.

    My parents were a bit shocked, and when I mentioned it the first time they really were pissed at me, even told me to give up on it. They still talk a bit strangely with me when I talk about my major, but I think they will eventually understand accept what I did...
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:20 No.55892772
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:20 No.55892780

    Usually the Chinese in my class were big weaboos, but strangely in a less annoying way.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:21 No.55892798
         File1318576894.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 219 KB, 800x504, 1318229799046.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 219 KB
    Nandemonai, 아논군~
    Hail Caesar and Miku
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:23 No.55892840
    My Japanese 102 class in a nutshell. 8 people in the class, 3 of us have a good grasp over the material, 4 people are babbling retards, and myself being the guy who goes out of his way to learn everything about Japan..

    Vocab quiz tomorrow? Don't worry I know it all already, plus the stuff for the next 3 chapters...why am I in this class anyways?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:23 No.55892851
    This is pretty much a common epidemic. The narutards tend to join the class to prove how much Japanese they know (about three words and some honorifics) rather than actually learn anything, and as a result, they fail tests.

    The narutards in my class literally try to argue with the teacher on second year grammar and vocabulary points. The teachers in my class are all native Japanese speakers.

    It's gotten to the point where I have to grind my teeth when they start talking because the embarrassment I feel by proxy for them makes me physically ill.

    That said, we have this one teacher who I keep correcting on Kanji because she gets characters completely wrong all the time... like, completely wrong, every radical. She's like 45 and a native speaker who's only been out of Japan for a couple of years.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:24 No.55892883
    And when they do so, you won't notice for a while.

    No worries anon.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:24 No.55892885
    Spanish: Everyone takes it, Mexicans errwhere, it's pretty normal
    French: Pretentious douchebags
    Portuguese: Hipsters
    Chinese: Those skinny quiet girls who nobody knew anything about
    Japanese: Weeaboos, nerds
    Latin: More pretentious douchebags, law students everywhere
    ESL: So many secondary English speakers

    My teacher was like that. She's in her late fifties and is a native Japanese person, but she's gotten so used to just typing everything that when it comes time to write, her kanji suffered.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:27 No.55892932
    How the fuck do you niglets know all of these class demographics personally? Do you audit all of these classes or have some language major?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:27 No.55892949
    I already know English, Russian and Latvian. I want to know Japanese but it would take too much effort and time. I'm too lazy for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:29 No.55892977
    I'm just going by the types of people I normally see take the classes, and from what I hear from people who actually take the classes.

    Calm down, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:29 No.55892991
    The hell... when did the hipsters start learning Portuguese. Better yet why did they start learning it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:30 No.55893017
         File1318577427.jpg-(22 KB, 285x357, diesel.jpg)
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    >OP confirmed for beta faggot homosexual

    Motherfucker, if I were in your place, I would've laid it down on those sons of bitches before it even got to that point.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:31 No.55893049

    Learning Japanese is easier than you may think....Just go through a textbook and keep watching anime....and watch a shit ton of it. Also listen to any type of Japanese music....You seriously do learn a LOT of Japanese just by being exposed to it.

    I spend like 10 hours a day studying Japanese, Listening to music, watching anime...its mostly music though in the background while I do things.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:33 No.55893097
    Agreed. Languages have absolutely nothing to do with intelligence, it's just about how much time you're willing to spend bashing your head against it.

    I'm near top of my class in Japanese, and the reason is because I'm probably one of the only people who actually studies.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:33 No.55893107
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:33 No.55893111
    Anyone else know that feel when the other students in class are reading or reciting and it all comes out in one flat monotone sentence? I know Japanese isn't very tonal, but fuck, at least stop at a particle for a second and give the sentence a beat, goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:34 No.55893120
    No worries; sorry for the outburst.

    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:34 No.55893134
    Well of course since I watch anime and listen to jap music I know some Japanese. I already rage when I see that subs are wrong. Buuuuuuuuut actually studying it would be quite bothersome. Not that it's super hard, just that it would take quite a lot of time out my day.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:34 No.55893135
    In the one Japanese class I have taken I was lucky enough to not meet anyone like this. Peoples' reasons for taking the class varied from "about to travel to Japan to take a job" to "engaged to a Japanese person and want to talk to his/her parents". I actually wonder if I was the only one there who was only taking the class because I'm a huge fucking nerd. Needless to say, I tried my damndest to avoid letting anyone know that I liked anime/video games for fear of being lumped in with the legions of weeaboo morons.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:35 No.55893145
         File1318577724.jpg-(37 KB, 250x325, 1317991955308.jpg)
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    yeah, and then you're going to sound like a total tool and faggot once you try to speak it to anyone that speaks proper Jap.

    Congratulations, homosexual
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:35 No.55893161
    ~30 people in Japanese 1, 10 people in Japanese 3 and 4 combined (into one class). Really drops off.

    But yeah, statistics:
    There's me, an obnoxious gaia-level landwhale, and emo landwhale, a slightly annoying genki-type girl (asian). She has alright taste, talked about Lovely Complex recently. There's also a quiet girl (asian, all others are white), a stuck-up bitch that plans to go to Japan and be an animator and a VA at the same time, and an autist. Rest are fairly normal.

    I'm the only male. No bros.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:36 No.55893178
    Other than say Mandarin, in Russian it becomes highly evident when someone is flat out reading grapheme by grapheme.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:37 No.55893215
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:37 No.55893217
    S'all good. Glad to see that there are reasonable people on the internet still.

    I had that problem in my French class in high school (took it because all the other languages were full, and I needed a language to graduate) too. Everyone spoke in a monotone, and I would struggle to stay awake in the class. I just blame it on being a noob to (the) language

    I think since Japanese uses a syllabary, it's more evident, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:37 No.55893224
    You don't have to spend a year in the class to figure these things out. Just sit out in the hall for 10-15 minutes a day for a couple of months and hear how the people inside act and respond. Look inside and see how they're dressed.You're bound to have other classes with at least some of them as well.

    College is really superficial like that if you haven't noticed. Most everybody dresses and acts in a way that represents who they want to be seen as. See a guy with a beard and thick framed glasses in your poetry class? He probably drinks Patriot Blue Ribbon and likes books you've probably never read by authors nobody cares about. White guy with dreads and baggy everything? Probably a stoner. That being said I'm not 100% sure of everything and there are bound to be some people who don't fit that mold but by and large I'm positive I'm correct in my analysis. (Except for the Spanish, fucking everybody takes Spanish).
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:38 No.55893231
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:38 No.55893234

    I have strange ways of learning kanji....Karaoke, song titles, reading random things in anime (Episode titles, signs, the fucking credits), websites, and copy pasta kanji into an online translator a lot....I tend to learn more kanji by encountering them frequently rather than sitting down and memorizing them.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:39 No.55893255
    Welp, I can't unsee that.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:39 No.55893259
    I know that feel bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:39 No.55893269
    Doc, something is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:40 No.55893275
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    >I'm the only male

    Why are you not brutally tapping that Asian ass?!

    Explain yourself anon!
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:41 No.55893306
    >tapping any ass besides his own

    You do know who you're talking to, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:41 No.55893315
    Keeping myself pure for my waifu and the journey to Gensokyo.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:41 No.55893322
    It's the l/a/te night talkin'.

    That's one of those things you can't convince by yourself; you need another anon/stranger to validate it with you. I'm guilty of it myself by actually looking in the mirror before I leave. Not a bad thing, but something I rarely did before.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:42 No.55893339
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:42 No.55893341

    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:42 No.55893344
    There are times when amongst a dozen women 12/12 are really that repulsive.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:42 No.55893356
    I'm not interest in learning japanese but in Spain it's difficult to find a class to learn japanese.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:44 No.55893387
    You're new here, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:44 No.55893402
    What show is that on the right?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:45 No.55893414
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    Boku no Gendo
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:45 No.55893416
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:45 No.55893420
    Oh woops I meant left.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:45 No.55893432
    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:46 No.55893452
    Two and a half men.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:46 No.55893456
    You're right, I might be jumping on the assumptions. But I do know some people from each language and they kind of act how I described (I know a few people taking Chinese language who are really big weaboos).

    >looking in mirror
    I know that feel. I went to CC for two years before transfering to a University, I never gave a shit about how I looked. University though... I feel like such a try hard sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:47 No.55893468
    Every time you see one you don't know, write it down. Keep a little notebook of them and read over them. When you read something with furigana, block the furigana column or just don't look at it unless you absolutely need to.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:50 No.55893523
    >write it down
    I hope you know stroke order and radicals.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:54 No.55893620
    >stroke order

    Really, when it comes down to it, that's not really that important.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:54 No.55893628
    It shouldn't take you more than a couple of weeks to memorize all of the radicals and their personal stroke orders, most of them are even easier than hiragana. Even if you can't memorize them, it's easy to tell what radicals make up a character.

    The stroke order is pretty intuitive once you know the radicals.

    But it's not like you can't just look up the kanji on if you don't know the stroke order, it tells you.

    That said, most Japanese natives don't know stroke order.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:58 No.55893732
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    >stroke order not important
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)03:59 No.55893752
    Kinda off-topic, but also kinda related..

    Does anyone know if becoming a translator/interpreter in Japanese or Korean would be a good career?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)04:00 No.55893782

    Translating what/interpreting for whom?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)04:01 No.55893807
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)04:01 No.55893808
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    >Classics Major
    >looking through Non-Western Civ courses because it is required
    >HIST 389: History - Intr to Hist of Jpn: Anime-Zen
    >We analyze how different media, such as film, Japanese animation (anime), and art can be used as historical sources, and how these shape our understanding of Japan.

    I don't even want to know the amount of faggotry that is in this class.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)04:01 No.55893814
    >implying "Top to Bottom, Left to Right" won't suffice for 90% of Kanji.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)04:02 No.55893827
    >>55893782Translating what

    Anything I guess. Like maybe video games or something?

    >Interpreter for who?
    Anyone.. didn't give it much thought.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)04:04 No.55893904
    My main reason for asking is it depends on what sort of thing you'd be translating. I have a friend who wants to be a legal interpreter, which sounds like hell on earth to me, but she's fluent in 6 languages so why not. The issue there is that you have to be careful not to misrepresent anyone.

    I know a lot of medical interpreters through my mother's work - that also sounds hella stressful, you wouldn't want to make a mistake in either direction.

    Video games sounds like fun, I don't know how you'd get into that though...
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)04:07 No.55893966
    Oh, I see. Good point.

    Yeah, I was just wondering if there might be some decent translating or interpreting jobs out there in Japanese or Korean that aren't too stressful.

    I guess I should do some more research on it..
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)04:09 No.55893996
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    B-But it's true...

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