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  • The "posting blocked from your ISP" messages that everyone was seeing earlier were a glitch. Everything is fixed now. (There are still a handful of blocks in place, but an error caused *everyone* to be blocked.)

    File : 1318536171.jpg-(305 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000205.jpg)
    305 KB Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:02 No.55869317  
    /a/ desides what I draw... In a 2bit Chinese restaurant
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:03 No.55869351
    Draw your waiter/waitress
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:04 No.55869365
    getting raped by tentacles
    >> Daiz 10/13/11(Thu)16:04 No.55869368
    Why didn't you go to a 10-bit Chinese restaurant?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:04 No.55869384
         File1318536276.jpg-(277 KB, 1920x1200, - 17349 disgaea p(...).jpg)
    277 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:06 No.55869473
    Why not in 12 bit and in 4D too ? Better than 3D, it takes advantage of the hypothetical fourth D and has even more bit codes and shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:06 No.55869483
         File1318536413.jpg-(133 KB, 826x932, 1315736621164.jpg)
    133 KB
    The waitresses are fatter with no discernable increase in quality of service.
    >> King !FairyL8cyo 10/13/11(Thu)16:07 No.55869517
         File1318536466.jpg-(511 KB, 1500x1125, Saya.jpg)
    511 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:08 No.55869552
    The soup seems to have a much smoother consistency that couldn't possibly be duplicated in an 8-bit restaurant.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:09 No.55869561
    Highway-anon is that you?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:09 No.55869562
    i vote for tentacle rape
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:10 No.55869611
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:11 No.55869659
    Draw moe versions of your food, like the sushi guys from Kapa Mickey.
    Also make them have dicks for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:13 No.55869713

    Lonely-chan H
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:15 No.55869786
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:16 No.55869835

    Fuck. Thirded.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:17 No.55869860
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:17 No.55869876
         File1318537057.jpg-(101 KB, 1024x768, 64795.jpg)
    101 KB
    Blooming Saya
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:17 No.55869877
    Oh God, my sides.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:17 No.55869893
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:19 No.55869958

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:22 No.55870054
         File1318537330.jpg-(451 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000206.jpg)
    451 KB
    I'll try to get her pic too

    Nsfw. Sorry I got banned more then once for that.

    Yes...but if rather not have that name stick

    Also sorry id my responding takes awhile. The phone freezes when I post pics
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:24 No.55870128
    Isn't a restaurant to, like, eat? It doesn't seem appropriate to draw whilst being in one...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:26 No.55870230
    The ear on the right side.. What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:31 No.55870408
    This is /a/. It is not appropriate for anyone from here to show up anywhere outside their own room.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:32 No.55870436
         File1318537925.jpg-(467 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000207.jpg)
    467 KB
    the girl I Drew in the op was OC from a manga project. Fucking Japan....
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:44 No.55870827
         File1318538682.jpg-(281 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000208.jpg)
    281 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:26 No.55872317
         File1318541197.jpg-(501 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000209.jpg)
    501 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:27 No.55872345
    Good job on taking an hour.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:30 No.55872437
         File1318541422.jpg-(506 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000210.jpg)
    506 KB
    Fucker won't upload my pics.
    Sorry again.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:31 No.55872461
    Not a problem, but that does look good.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:32 No.55872488
    Nice job, anon.
    Looks pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:33 No.55872526
         File1318541604.jpg-(347 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000211.jpg)
    347 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:34 No.55872552
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:35 No.55872576
    hahaha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:36 No.55872603
         File1318541764.gif-(16 KB, 156x124, 1311019132175.gif)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:36 No.55872619
         File1318541785.jpg-(113 KB, 704x396, YES YES YES.jpg)
    113 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:37 No.55872642
         File1318541837.jpg-(368 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000214.jpg)
    368 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:38 No.55872688
    and again /a/ save the day
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:38 No.55872689
    Great job, anon-kun, but where did her arms go?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:38 No.55872690

    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:39 No.55872705
         File1318541955.jpg-(37 KB, 400x320, 1276635286766.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:39 No.55872729
    well done
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:40 No.55872744

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:40 No.55872753
         File1318542030.jpg-(15 KB, 294x196, 1304902018075.jpg)
    15 KB
    Time to fap thanks OP!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:40 No.55872764
    Now show her it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:41 No.55872802
    You are a gentleman and a scholar.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:41 No.55872804
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:44 No.55872900
    Take a picture of her next to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:45 No.55872929
    Holy shit you're good.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:46 No.55872968
    What did you use to draw this? Just a regular pen?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:46 No.55872986
    i know i should fap to this but i'm too busy LMAOing.

    captcha: BAG, ArtsNot
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:48 No.55873076
    I like what I'm seeing.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:49 No.55873108
    Can I have more?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:49 No.55873118
         File1318542599.png-(20 KB, 126x126, 1304772293608.png)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:50 No.55873140
    Draw something else, OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:51 No.55873159
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:51 No.55873164
         File1318542668.jpg-(65 KB, 720x720, 1298234330630.jpg)
    65 KB
    Are you me? I thought the exact same thing
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:51 No.55873176
    I would but I really like that place, I don't want to be kicked out.
    I didn't have time to finish, I was on lunch .
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:51 No.55873177
    give it to a waitress along with the tip with your phone number on the back, OP
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:52 No.55873201
    Oh wow.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:52 No.55873221
    Fucking zeima.

    You got a better camera.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:54 No.55873264
    >This thread
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:54 No.55873273
         File1318542862.jpg-(829 KB, 850x1201, sample_e5aaada81031f352a7d0fa5(...).jpg)
    829 KB
    Draw Asuka as a fat neckbeard
    >> Rbo !ynVR.xq/s2 10/13/11(Thu)17:56 No.55873329
    I thought you were dead.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:56 No.55873336

    fuck, this just made my day
    OP you are my new hero
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:57 No.55873377
    so, op is a tripfag or some irc faget?
    -anonymouses get out. private party mode starting in 5...4...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:57 No.55873378
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:58 No.55873410
    A good drawfag who was on the first drawfag thread.
    I think...?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:59 No.55873441
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:59 No.55873448
    She's 16.
    I asked her before.

    Pencil first.
    Pen for darker lines.
    I get off in one hour.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:59 No.55873462
    He started the precursors to the current drawfag threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:01 No.55873503
    >I get off in one hour.

    Oh yeah thanks, fucking memory.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:01 No.55873524
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:06 No.55873665
    >she's 16
    I'll enjoy living in my country where doing a 16-years old is legal.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:08 No.55873722
    Yha I get that alot
    Feels bad man...i'll try
    I use to be but it got a few people mad for some reason. So after I lost the code for it I never did it
    again. If anon wanted i would pick it up again
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:10 No.55873780
    >If anon wanted i would pick it up again
    Imo it's good like this.
    And we can recognize you with your artstyle.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:12 No.55873827
    If you were to trip in your own threads / drawfag threads, that would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:13 No.55873856
    Thank you.
    Looking forward to the result.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:13 No.55873877
    I agree with this anon.
    But never outside your own/drawfag threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:14 No.55873904
    Why aren't you making your own doujins?
    Or even manga?
    Do you have a Pixiv account?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:20 No.55874074
    >Do you have a Pixiv account?
    This could be helpful as an archive for OP's stuff at the very least.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:20 No.55874081
         File1318544448.jpg-(200 KB, 1165x1549, 1318536171207.jpg)
    200 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:22 No.55874124
         File1318544534.jpg-(19 KB, 198x228, 1303797228573.jpg)
    19 KB
    Are you a cleaner?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:24 No.55874214
    I am a Wizard

    This was just a quick manipulation in Paint Shop Pro.

    Straighten, Perspective Correct, then adjust brightness and contrast. I'm surprised it came out that nice. Just needs a bit more and it's good to go. I'll leave that up to someone else.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:25 No.55874263
    use you're wizard power here >>55872642
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:33 No.55874549
    No dude, seriously just leave it off. Last time I remember you posting with it was some Haruhi pic you were drawing and 90% of the thread were having raging aneurysms because of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:33 No.55874560
         File1318545203.png-(1.42 MB, 1200x1600, lolivector.png)
    1.42 MB
    Not that guy, but I'm giving it a try too.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:38 No.55874745
         File1318545536.png-(15 KB, 400x400, 1312494105362.png)
    15 KB
    /a/ and lolis
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:39 No.55874775
    Lol I was going to paint her when I got home but while your doing it her hair is teal and eyes are green.

    The op pic is the MC of my manga.
    I plan to share it with /a/ sometime next month

    As far as doujin goes I can't think of one I want to portray.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:44 No.55874928
    >my manga.
    Can I have the synopsis?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:47 No.55875020
    She's really an adult male with the ability to assume the body of the little girl, representing /a/'s one true wish.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:49 No.55875079
         File1318546168.jpg-(11 KB, 170x211, 1309216781432.jpg)
    11 KB
    Hell yeah, motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:50 No.55875105
         File1318546219.png-(13 KB, 429x410, 1308713841126.png)
    13 KB
    Looking forward to the result.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:50 No.55875112
         File1318546235.jpg-(45 KB, 600x600, 1304214138078.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:51 No.55875123
         File1318546268.jpg-(220 KB, 600x600, Pukeblood.jpg)
    220 KB
    >Puking at greatness
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:53 No.55875201
    You must be gay then.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:53 No.55875225
    >on /a/
    >not gay
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:53 No.55875229
    >Not being gay or at least on the way there
    >on /a/
    >Not to mention transforming into a girl and then having sex with the opposite gender is somehow gay.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:54 No.55875236
    Group of students study/investigate paranormal,occult,conspiracy theories, ect.
    A "item" founded by a new member attracts all of said events unknown to them.
    The agency that made the item seeks to get it back.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:55 No.55875262
         File1318546502.png-(35 KB, 176x137, 1311685794299.png)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:55 No.55875271
    OP just droppin in to say that you draw some amazing lines

    really good work, you should really consider drawing more and selling it / putting up a blog with donate button
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:55 No.55875280
    I don't know what to believe.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:55 No.55875284
    That's not me. The story is about a girl who wants to have sex with 1000 men.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:55 No.55875290
         File1318546543.jpg-(57 KB, 240x240, 1317341419299.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:55 No.55875295
    So...>>55875020 was a troll?
    ;_; too bad...

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:57 No.55875352
         File1318546653.jpg-(37 KB, 314x263, 1302981076884.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:57 No.55875355
    You upload your stuff anywhere zeima? I've saved stuff from threads you've done before but I doubt I got everything from them.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:58 No.55875384

    >> /a/'s babby teacher 10/13/11(Thu)18:58 No.55875391
    What the fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:58 No.55875393
    I don't know what to believe...
    Anyways, I look forward to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:59 No.55875422
    Damn that shit's glorious

    I wish I could do inking like that
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:01 No.55875506
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:04 No.55875570
         File1318547040.png-(435 KB, 1165x1549, Untitled-1.png)
    435 KB
    Perspective is kinda off in OP's pic. Try something like this.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:04 No.55875578
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:04 No.55875592

    I actually thought the top left tentacle was a dinosaur head drooling at first.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:05 No.55875622

    I admit.. I don't know the subject matter.

    This reminds me of Desco from Disgaea 4
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:07 No.55875667
         File1318547273.jpg-(715 KB, 1200x1600, Untitled-2.jpg)
    715 KB
    Not the guy but
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:08 No.55875675
         File1318547292.jpg-(37 KB, 640x478, keikaku.jpg)
    37 KB
    Sorry guys.

    I wish it would become true though.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:09 No.55875703
    >not wanting to be the little girl.
    How new are you?

    Even an 08-09er should know about wishing to become the little girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:09 No.55875707
    I hope you showed this to the waitress.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:09 No.55875711
    Hey OP, won't you upload the progress/what you do to some blog or something?
    I'm going to sleep and this thread will probably die before I wake up ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:10 No.55875733
    I've been here since 2002.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:11 No.55875759
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:11 No.55875765
         File1318547504.png-(155 KB, 800x800, 1318353858416.png)
    155 KB
    Nice one.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:12 No.55875786
    >claims to have been here since 4chan beta
    >doesn't want to become the little girl.
    I call bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:12 No.55875791
         File1318547555.jpg-(17 KB, 360x336, Are-you-a-wizard2.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:13 No.55875805
    >4chan beta
    >> StrayWolf !!PjpmVb3a5gw 10/13/11(Thu)19:14 No.55875842
         File1318547647.jpg-(869 KB, 1200x1601, zeima's waitress.jpg)
    869 KB
    my version
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:14 No.55875845
    >Not here since 4chanusenet
    You are small time.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:14 No.55875863
         File1318547681.png-(456 KB, 1165x1549, Untitled-2.png)
    456 KB
    And another foot, why not.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:15 No.55875875
    Fuck wish you had posted this earlier. Too lazy to redo the vector (what I have so far, at least). Well, guess I'll leave it to OP.
    >> StrayWolf !!PjpmVb3a5gw 10/13/11(Thu)19:15 No.55875876
         File1318547701.jpg-(290 KB, 1154x1863, zeima's loli.jpg)
    290 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:15 No.55875896
    Saving like the fist of Zeus
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:16 No.55875943
    Best fix.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:23 No.55876165
    6 star thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:24 No.55876187
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:24 No.55876212
    I don't really know vector art, but you can always select the whole thing and Edit > Transform > Perspective. Pull the top corners out or the bottom corners in.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:29 No.55876368
         File1318548564.jpg-(8 KB, 272x252, thefook-sp.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:30 No.55876407
    Vectoring as we speak.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:35 No.55876582
    Get this shit archieved
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:38 No.55876692
         File1318549133.png-(10 KB, 381x378, 1318385823089.png)
    10 KB
    Post some more loli, OP
    >> zeima 10/13/11(Thu)19:51 No.55877124
         File1318549880.png-(687 KB, 900x1130, p1(safe).png)
    687 KB
    sorry im back.
    i just got home from work
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:52 No.55877152
         File1318549929.jpg-(144 KB, 480x600, Saya2.jpg)
    144 KB
    Could you do a sketch of Saya If you get the chance to?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:54 No.55877233
    Miku, is that you?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:57 No.55877329
         File1318550253.png-(7 KB, 182x337, 1283389207247.png)
    7 KB
    Hey drawfag, do you dare draw the one taboo that /a/ won't touch with a 10 foot pole?

    Do you dare cross the territory of ultimate trolling?

    Do you dare sketch something so vile, so repulsive, so absolutely abhorrent by /a/ standards that it has said by prophecy that the day it comes into existence, the world will end?

    Do you dare draw Rule 34 on Yami Yugi and Cirno?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:59 No.55877392
    we can't have a single drawfag thread without you doing this can we?
    >> zeima 10/13/11(Thu)20:08 No.55877712
         File1318550918.jpg-(304 KB, 1600x1200, WP_000154.jpg)
    304 KB
    lol this was the plot.
    that other guy idonteven.

    i have a pixvi page and a deviant.
    i use pixvi more then anything

    my tag will always be zeima for anything.
    my ps3 tag is zeima81 though
    >> zeima 10/13/11(Thu)20:15 No.55877946
         File1318551321.jpg-(461 KB, 1600x1200, WP_000192.jpg)
    461 KB
    sure i'll try just need a min to set up...and by set up i mean eat.

    yha i never really finished it

    I would but i wouldn't know how to go about it


    mom says not to feed the trolls...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:15 No.55877951

    That's yours?

    You must have not updated in forever
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:18 No.55878072
    If I kill you, I can take your talent?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:28 No.55878422
    this isn't highlander....
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:29 No.55878454
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:31 No.55878501
         File1318552266.jpg-(131 KB, 414x600, 10577059_m.jpg)
    131 KB
    Being a retard and making a request even though this probably isn't a draw thread.

    Pic related. H, not H, go about it how you will if you will.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:31 No.55878535
    >> StrayWolf !!PjpmVb3a5gw 10/13/11(Thu)20:40 No.55878855
         File1318552855.jpg-(98 KB, 1280x800, vectoring zeima's loli.jpg)
    98 KB
    hey zeima does she have a special color palete, because she looks like konata to me and I'm coloring her this way for the moment
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:42 No.55878916
    Zeima... I remember you. You posted some threads like that one already, right? One of them was... Konata frying something, I really can't remember. Was it?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:43 No.55878934
    saludos compañero hispano
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:43 No.55878939

    Zeima, would you draw a chibi mugi from k-on ?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:44 No.55879009
    To all the talentless people(like me)
    >you'll never draw like OP can.

    And, no, even with training, if you're born without talent to draw, you'll never be that good.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:46 No.55879098

    I still like to doodle and I'm not going to get mad if people don't like my style.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:48 No.55879146
    Fuck you, all you need is motivated to improve. That's the secret to "talent"
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:48 No.55879179
    Goddamn you.

    I'll break that logic. One day. I've been practicing for 4 years. It's only a matter of time until I catch up.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:50 No.55879230
    You'll be, at most, decent. Face it, those people were born with the talent to draw. You can practice, practice and practice.
    to them.
    The truth is hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:52 No.55879301
         File1318553557.jpg-(89 KB, 800x600, sadfrog2.jpg)
    89 KB
    >The truth is hard.
    Fuck you...let me dream...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:53 No.55879337
    Hey man, but that's not TOO bad. I mean, you can do those gag manga with shitty/average art.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:54 No.55879360

    So? If you're trying to bring me down, its not working. I love drawing, even if I'm not great at it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:54 No.55879377
    Or make some really original and interesting stories like Fukumoto
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:55 No.55879392

    Except that's wrong. anyone can learn to draw if they have the motivation. Some people need to change styles multiple times to become better. If your art plateaus, then you need to change something because your mind has become complacent.
    >> zeima 10/13/11(Thu)20:55 No.55879403
         File1318553751.jpg-(1.39 MB, 1920x2560, WP_000059.jpg)
    1.39 MB

    yha...sorry...i'll try harder

    why not?>>55878916

    I never died before so i cant give an honest answer...sorry.

    a hentai of her?

    chrono frying a were you guys thinking that day?



    teal hair green eyes.

    clothes are w/e they are PJ's
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:56 No.55879426

    Would you stop arguing with me you incessant little child? It has been GENETICALLY PROVEN that you can NOT draw as good as those who have talent.

    Talent + Motivation > No Talent + Motivation

    Is that so hard to understand you autistic piece of trash??
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:57 No.55879469
    All it depends on is circumstances and motivation. There are people who start early and told that they're good, work up to a good skill level quickly. Others are told they can't compete at all, or start off late. Their minds aren't as adaptive to new techniques, things take longer to get a hold of, and the motivation may not all be there.

    I despise the word talent. I'm a drawfag myself, another drawfag told me I was talent. I almost wanted to tell her to shut the hell up.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:57 No.55879479
    But Fukumoto's art is good, just different.
    I'm not saying that you can't learn to draw. Just that, to achieve the same skills as famous mangaka is almost impossible.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:57 No.55879487
    The keyword is "like".
    I've got my "western" like style. And fuck haters. Anime faces are too difficult to draw cause they're too simple (with the exception of stuff like One piece, JoJo, Kaiji etc.)
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:57 No.55879495
    see >>55874775
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:58 No.55879508
    >A hentai of her?

    Either was is fine, Hentai would be ideal.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:58 No.55879512
    >Motivation > Hard Work > Talent

    FTFY, even if you have the talent if you doesn't have the drive you'll still end up nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:58 No.55879524
    Oh, and before someone start shitting up.
    I'm >>55879009

    I'm not >>55879426
    . Even if I agree with him, I don't like to offend people.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:58 No.55879534

    This. Right. Here.

    It's the same reason most basketball players are black and all anime watchers are either Japanese or anti-social autists.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:59 No.55879549
         File1318553948.jpg-(232 KB, 679x797, 1251064713639.jpg)
    232 KB

    What? no... I mean her. Please Zeima, you dont have to make it detailed. It'd make my night if you did.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:59 No.55879568

    That's the point I'm making you twit. No matter HOW high your motivation is, a guy with both motivation and talent will outshine you in every single way imaginable in the drawing field, and there's not a single thing you can do about it.

    Deal with it, accept it, and move the hell on with your life.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:00 No.55879601
         File1318554052.png-(3 KB, 276x276, 1290592635095.png)
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    >I don't like to offend people.

    Don't go to /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:01 No.55879605
    Can the people mentioning "talent" define it?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:01 No.55879626
         File1318554093.jpg-(29 KB, 225x350, 1317793142732.jpg)
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    How about you draw your favorite katanagatari character?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:01 No.55879632
    see >>55879601
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:01 No.55879634

    Really, the only real difference between someone who tries hard and a natural genius, for something like drawing, will be speed. Once you know what lines to draw...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:01 No.55879647

    Talent: An inherent trait from genetics

    Being talented at drawings is the same as having brown hair and blue eyes. It isn't up for debate.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:03 No.55879718
    Man, didn't know the ability to draw was a primal, genetic trait.

    Fuck, my mind is blown.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:04 No.55879751
    This. While I can't draw for shit, I freaking love logical problems and have a really active imagination.
    I have a friend that is a pro at drawing, but he's not good in some other areas.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:04 No.55879768

    Before you are born, you are genetically designed to be able to draw or not. Its true.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:04 No.55879787
    Let me put it to you all this way so that even the most AUTISTIC person can understand:

    A person with talent is like a person with a tablet.

    Sure, the guy who draws with the mouse can be extremely good with the mouse. I've seen some awesome mouse-drawings. However, those with a tablet have the tools required to draw masterpieces. Does having a tablet make you a good artist? No.

    Will a person with both motivation and a tablet beat out a person with both motivation and a mouse every single time if their motivation is equal?





    Like I said, stop crying with babies and deal with it. You people whine more than the people on /ic/.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:05 No.55879824
    Anybody who mentions genetics and talent is a troll: Everybody knows that God gave us our talents and genes are just some Darwinistic bullshit designed by scientists to brainwash us all into materialistic slaves.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:06 No.55879853
    Let me put it to you all this most AUTISTIC way possible.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:06 No.55879855
         File1318554401.jpg-(53 KB, 525x525, trolluminati.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:08 No.55879905
    It's something in the genes that make someone more suitable to "see" the world in a different way. It's not like it's a Drawing Gene. Think about an Einstein or some other brilliant guy. You can study like hell, but a genius can see and think differently than you, reaching better results.
    This is talent.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:09 No.55879937
    >whining more than /ic/
    nope, /ic/ has something constantly up their butts. It's way worse than anything /a/ has to dish out on the topic because they're all so fucking opinionated. At least /a/ meets half-way sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:09 No.55879945
    I'm going to assume this is a troll post as well.

    When I hear the word "Talent", what I hear is "Well, I tried once, wasn't good enough, so there must be something I don't have that someone else does"

    Some people start off with the ability to translate images they see into paper much better, but others who may not aren't out of the running. Without the will to surpass limitations, we're left making excuses.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:09 No.55879962
    Citation needed, please.
    Anyways, I really don't have any artistic talent, but after years of practice I think I can just about match OP's level. The difference is that it takes me maybe 2-3x as long to draw the same amount, and I have to plan it out every step of the way. It doesn't come naturally to me, I can't just sit down in the middle of a restaurant and start making masterpieces, but getting the end result is not impossible.
    (There are still artists I will never equal, but I would rank them as 'genius' rather than 'talented').
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:09 No.55879963
    So, what happened with you when you were drawing outside and the cops came?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:11 No.55879999
         File1318554674.jpg-(13 KB, 235x235, 1274356352623.jpg)
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    If this post is 9999, Rule 34 of Yami Yugi and Cirno will NEVER exist!

    Eye won't let it!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:12 No.55880040
    That's nice, but
    There are already a fuckload of Rule 34 of them, so your desire is overruled.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:12 No.55880044
    Go over to /sci/ and ask them about that-- that mindset is really heavily frowned upon.

    More than anything, academia (math, physics, etc) deals almost entirely with dedication and diligence. The people who go into the field "gifted" (high-functioning savants) aren't the ones who accomplish things.

    I'll agree it's HIGHLY about the way you view the world, but very little of it is about genes.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:12 No.55880050
         File1318554762.jpg-(41 KB, 1049x755, cirnohooray.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:12 No.55880058
         File1318554774.jpg-(136 KB, 640x480, 1251062838217.jpg)
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    Thats great cirno.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:12 No.55880059

    for once I approve of quads
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:13 No.55880079

    >citation needed

    If you can't put up, shut up.
    >> Shadnic !!bO11sNeWKVv 10/13/11(Thu)21:13 No.55880084
    I think I'm the most talentless person in the world. Like, completly talentless.

    The most impressive this i can do is barely play a Pentatonic sacale.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:13 No.55880096
    Richard Feynman would disagree with this.
    >> !Cirno92Gyk 10/13/11(Thu)21:14 No.55880110
         File1318554858.png-(174 KB, 906x695, yugiyamicirnosucksdick.png)
    174 KB
    But then the tripfag comes in and ruins the party
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:14 No.55880130
         File1318554889.jpg-(413 KB, 1000x750, Sadfrog window.jpg)
    413 KB
    >that feel when no one will tell you why your art sucks but you know it does.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:15 No.55880141
         File1318554906.jpg-(15 KB, 329x185, 1253580062866.jpg)
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    love you cirno~
    >> zeima 10/13/11(Thu)21:15 No.55880142
         File1318554907.jpg-(546 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000215.jpg)
    546 KB
    ok getting started.
    chibi mugi cuz easy mode.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:15 No.55880148
         File1318554913.jpg-(24 KB, 450x563, 1306551185544.jpg)
    24 KB
    You show him Cirno.
    >> KOG IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF MOTIVATION Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:15 No.55880150
         File1318554919.jpg-(15 KB, 300x300, 1300231748040.jpg)
    15 KB
    Look at this:

    KoG is purely mathematical (as proven by his autism to get GETs), and yet, he created this without a SINGLE DROP of artistic talent.

    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:15 No.55880152
    But are you going to tell me that there aren't people with more, okay, let's not say talent but, "aptitude" to certain areas? People that can reach better results in less time than other people?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:16 No.55880181

    Not Rule 34 retard. Rule 34 must:

    - Explicitly show BOTH characters naked
    - It has to be PENETRATION, not just a blow job

    Drawing a dick and putting Yami's hair on it is NOT GOOD ENOUGH
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:16 No.55880182
    How long have you been drawing?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:16 No.55880187
    You're grasping at straws bro, sage for off topic
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:16 No.55880192
         File1318555011.jpg-(27 KB, 640x480, 1253336241838.jpg)
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    yeah! I'm pretty excited to see how it will turn out.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:17 No.55880225
    What? No, I'm not.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:17 No.55880227
    Nah, a better example would be the difference between drawing/painting with a tablet or with the pen tool. The former is faster and more intuitive. The latter has a steeper learning curve and takes forever, but you'd be amazed at the stuff people can do with that damn pen tool. It's not as nice to work with as a tablet but it doesn't prevent you from drawing the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:18 No.55880240
    holy hell that was awesome
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:18 No.55880263

    No talent? What do you mean?
    >> !Cirno92Gyk 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.55880284
         File1318555167.png-(806 KB, 900x878, 532.png)
    806 KB
    I guess KoG is on the list of people i'm going to kill if i met him in person.
    I'm not kidding bro, and yes i'm mad...but it's a very weird feeling of rage and hate.
    So, call me a Internet tough guy all you want but now i've lost it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.55880287
    You're full of shit, and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.55880295
    Yeah, there definitely is, but that doesn't accomplish their... accomplishments.

    It aids them along the way, but 90% or so is about the work you put into it.

    If you were to define that inherent "thing", it'd probably be your ability to recognize patterns in your environment-- your ability to see something happening, salvage meaningful information about WHAT is happening, and reiterate it through your own actions.

    That's partially an account of mirror neurons (fairly recent research hypothesis), and partially just one's comfort and awareness of their environment. It'd be hard to pinpoint the cause directly.

    It could be applied to drawing just as much as it could be applied to cooking grand cuisine, carpentry, or any other such skill, but probably early developmental psychology (3-9 years old?) determines a lot of that aptitude. Nurture vs. nature, etc.

    I don't even know what this thread is about or what I'm doing here, I'll leave you guys in peace.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.55880296
         File1318555192.png-(39 KB, 432x306, 1302487889740.png)
    39 KB

    According to KoG's blog, the Yami that appears at 1:31 is the only original piece of artwork in that video.

    Everything else is vectored.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:20 No.55880305
    I know I can killyou, Cirno
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:20 No.55880330
    What is rotating Cirno a vector of?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:21 No.55880346
         File1318555274.jpg-(68 KB, 600x637, 1305953018358.jpg)
    68 KB

    Cirno, would you let me snuggle with you?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:21 No.55880357
         File1318555296.jpg-(103 KB, 311x311, 1304060421316.jpg)
    103 KB

    You know that scene in episode 46 of Card Captor Sakura where Sakura is rotating?


    It's that.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:21 No.55880359
    Oh, that's what I was getting at. I'm not saying that someone born with talent can MAGICALLY become a godtier artist. Of course you need motivation.
    But with talentless guy + motivation vs a talented guy + motivation, the result is clear.
    >> !Cirno92Gyk 10/13/11(Thu)21:21 No.55880360
         File1318555302.jpg-(77 KB, 436x348, no4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:21 No.55880372
    you want to snuggle a 300 pound neckbeard?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:22 No.55880382
         File1318555331.jpg-(33 KB, 368x348, 1318426429287.jpg)
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    Why not?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:22 No.55880412
         File1318555377.jpg-(205 KB, 1280x720, 1304184194320.jpg)
    205 KB

    >have no drawing talent
    >vector everything


    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:23 No.55880445
         File1318555414.jpg-(7 KB, 141x129, 7713570817..jpg)
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    >> zeima 10/13/11(Thu)21:23 No.55880450
         File1318555418.jpg-(500 KB, 1200x1600, WP_000216.jpg)
    500 KB
    12 years....which seems really long when i say it out loud/type

    jiangjiang's heyearq

    i swear this captcha shit...
    >> !Cirno92Gyk 10/13/11(Thu)21:24 No.55880487
         File1318555479.jpg-(155 KB, 413x500, BECAUSE.jpg)
    155 KB
    I'm wearing nothing but my bro's large shirt and my underwear.
    I'm sick and sweaty.
    I don't want to infect you.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:24 No.55880492
    If so, it's only because of their circumstances, and environment.

    If I grew up with a family who spent every day of my life telling me I was shit. I would be pretty damn sure I wouldn't succeed at anything. I would be talentless because I've been lead to believe I'm not worth a shit.

    Conversely, I could have been raised with a great family, in a wonderful town, with all the encouragement, positive reinforcement, and resources I could want and end up with a head start.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:24 No.55880493
    wait, isn't that hand motion near the end from tsubasa chronicles?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.55880501
    >12 years
    Oh thank god.

    I still have plenty of time.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.55880512
         File1318555523.png-(367 KB, 530x600, 1304681346115.png)
    367 KB

    Ooh, looking good~ nice fuka too btw, did you get digaea 4 CE?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.55880513
    >that trading figure

    I still mad. Fucking Nippon gets all the good special editions.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.55880523
    I want to know if your cock is pulsating heavily under that large shirt and underwear
    >> !Cirno92Gyk 10/13/11(Thu)21:26 No.55880547
         File1318555582.jpg-(39 KB, 768x1024, Imagen0113[1].jpg)
    39 KB
    12 years and that's the best you can do?
    It's pretty cool
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:26 No.55880559
         File1318555590.jpg-(15 KB, 209x209, 1311733274511.jpg)
    15 KB
    It still stands.

    There is no Rule 34 of Yami Yugi and Cirno.

    And there never will be.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:26 No.55880562
         File1318555594.jpg-(134 KB, 333x500, 1310718760426.jpg)
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    >> !Cirno92Gyk 10/13/11(Thu)21:27 No.55880593
    I have such a large boner right now.
    I need to get rid of it somehow!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:27 No.55880595
    Yes, the environment have an impact on people's aptitudes. But there are people that were born with "talent" to certain areas, you can't deny it. There are people that can view the world in a different way, and artists know that that make a big difference.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:27 No.55880599

    You mean the SE Disgaea 4 that was release in the US?

    My bro has that figure and he picked his game up at the store.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:27 No.55880610
    you didn't draw that stop posting sketches you didn't draw faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:29 No.55880650
    hey kog you going for the 55888888 later tonight?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:29 No.55880658
    Mohterfucking carlos
    Well played Kog...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:29 No.55880661
    What I meant was the JPN special edition got a nendoroid while we got a trading figure.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:30 No.55880698

    Wait, ALL of that was vectored?

    It's good to see KoG putting his autism to good use.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:31 No.55880756
    Op, can I ask you something?
    what's your chinese birthsign?
    >> StrayWolf !!PjpmVb3a5gw 10/13/11(Thu)21:32 No.55880787
         File1318555961.jpg-(101 KB, 1280x800, vectoring screenshot 2.jpg)
    101 KB
    how about now
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:32 No.55880791
         File1318555968.jpg-(21 KB, 400x267, 1305618772136.jpg)
    21 KB

    >carlos in the backseat of the bus
    >> !!RpfRBYOAUaW 10/13/11(Thu)21:33 No.55880814
         File1318556008.jpg-(769 KB, 1920x2560, deviant anon.jpg)
    769 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:34 No.55880854
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:34 No.55880859
         File1318556062.jpg-(44 KB, 450x508, HNNNNNNNG.jpg)
    44 KB
    >them vagina bones
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:34 No.55880876
    It's Zeima, fucktard (same person, but it's ZEIMA)
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:35 No.55880883
    careful on that stomach shine
    you'll make her look fat that way
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:35 No.55880889
         File1318556109.jpg-(7 KB, 250x250, Twilight Cirno.jpg)
    7 KB

    No, but eye will.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:35 No.55880896
         File1318556117.jpg-(195 KB, 750x494, Obama's face when he's gettign(...).jpg)
    195 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:36 No.55880928


    And we all know what's going to happen 8,000 posts from now.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:36 No.55880955
    /sp/ get?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:37 No.55880990
    >can't draw noses

    yeah no
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:37 No.55880993
    Regarding everything about talent and how we can never surpass those people, I say you should just not care about surpassing anyone.

    My 2 best friends are both artists, and we've gone to artschool together more or less, and I was always the least talented of any class. You can easily getting jelly of other people's drawings and curse yourself for not being able to do as well. But in the end it comes down if you're actually enjoying drawing. Because if you don't enjoy it yourself, you should better stop.

    I personally like to draw because I want to express myself on paper, and I have fun with that. You probably have a similiar reason, or just like to draw waifus and stuff, but that's totally fine too. Don't be so hard on yourself, and just enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:37 No.55880999
         File1318556265.jpg-(19 KB, 123x123, 12541234673245729.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:38 No.55881020

    You'll always be a 9 you baka <3
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:38 No.55881038
         File1318556336.jpg-(16 KB, 400x400, 1298178687154.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:39 No.55881056
    this thread just went full baka
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:40 No.55881087
         File1318556415.jpg-(132 KB, 1205x721, 1294882572139.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:40 No.55881090
    Went full baka already >>55879999
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:40 No.55881100
         File1318556440.jpg-(343 KB, 700x933, wws.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:40 No.55881112
         File1318556454.jpg-(16 KB, 190x139, 1111a.jpg)
    16 KB
    Well, this thread is almost at the bump limit.

    One last GET for good measure.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:41 No.55881130
    I just realized something. Is that the vagina monster from Drawn Together?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:41 No.55881133
         File1318556492.jpg-(5 KB, 118x118, 129132474117799.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:41 No.55881137
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:42 No.55881160
    I really want to express myself on paper, but it's so fucking hard. My motor coordination is really bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:42 No.55881166
         File1318556571.jpg-(4 KB, 178x136, 1297326943457.jpg)
    4 KB

    That's a lot of dubs.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:44 No.55881199
         File1318556645.jpg-(4 KB, 115x140, 1311297722865.jpg)
    4 KB

    I know, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:44 No.55881203
    I only know how to draw none anime related things like flowers and what not...

    I feel ya...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:44 No.55881221
         File1318556696.jpg-(33 KB, 528x543, 1317920996341.jpg)
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    >3 6 9
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:45 No.55881242
         File1318556748.jpg-(43 KB, 500x223, 1317592845641.jpg)
    43 KB
    Are we at the bump limit yet?

    I'm sick of getting dubs in a thread that nobody cares about.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:46 No.55881266
    Don't worry, I'm checkin' your doubles. They are impressive.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:47 No.55881287
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    Hey, I'm patiently waiting for a drawing here
    >> zeima 10/13/11(Thu)21:47 No.55881310
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    if i could CG paint like you i would just be the happiest person...thank you very much.


    im not sure, my zodiac is scorpio though
    i was born 11/14/86 if that helps you find out, and if you do please tell me?

    yha the SE of D4.

    i was hesitant to buying the SE us release due to the censoring of the game but once I heard there were only 3 copies left....well...

    wow chibi art is no joke...its a pain for people who scream to draw detail
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:49 No.55881347
    Make that a penis cake, or a cum dripping cake or something.
    Also, make a new thread in 15 more posts.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:49 No.55881353
    Liking where this is going so far.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:50 No.55881393
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    Well, I know you need time to make good work. Very nice job btw, its looking great!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:50 No.55881401
    Wait, what? What did they censor?
    >> Hobo Hei 10/13/11(Thu)21:50 No.55881407
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    fuck this thread! I am so jelly.....

    I have no real talent in art, what can I possibly do at home to practice? What materials, whatever, etc. I just want to know how to doodle
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:52 No.55881470

    Hey, if doodling is your thing, that's fine. I doodle a lot, but I'm also always trying to improve my technique as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:52 No.55881478
    Download "Drawing with the right side of your brain".
    Read it all and do all the tasks.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:53 No.55881504
    >If so, it's only because of their circumstances, and environment.
    I wonder about that.... I know anecdotes don't pass scientific rigor, but I grew up in a family that turned out a couple of pro artists, and I have two sisters who are really quite talented. It was a perfectly encouraging environment, but the difference between me and my sisters is blatantly obvious. If you were to sit us down with paper and a pencil, I would take all day to finish a drawing, while they could churn out a dozen beautiful pieces in the same amount of time. It's hard to describe, but you can absolutely see they are intuitively better at framing, composition, color choice, etc. (Though that doesn't mean I can't draw well, its just not easy. I think talent is a thing that exists, but I don't think untalented people can't do as well as the talented ones).
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:53 No.55881512
    i didn't read the thread, but hey zeima
    {spoiler]your practice did work out since last year. i like where you're going, but do keep going. [/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:53 No.55881532

    "The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:54 No.55881555
    You don't NEED to compare to them, drawing isn't some kind of cock measuring contest. You also talk like talent is some kind of "free-ticket-to-be-successful", but talented people struggle just as much as normal people. They also expect or others expect much more of them/selves, pressure is really harsh on those people.
    >> Hobo Hei 10/13/11(Thu)21:54 No.55881563
    ok. Link per chance?
    doodling isnt my thing. I want to at the very least be capable of simple doodles, but my dream is to make grotesque, overly detailed, berserk-tier shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:55 No.55881593


    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:55 No.55881608

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:56 No.55881630

    Ehh, sorry then. I didn't mean to offend you if I did... But honestly, all I can say is to keep practicing really and don't listen to people who just want to tell you your work sucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:57 No.55881673
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    >> Hobo Hei 10/13/11(Thu)21:58 No.55881691
    perception! how does it work!?

    But yea I must.
    >> Hobo Hei 10/13/11(Thu)21:59 No.55881722
    oh yea. There was a drawfag drawig waifus and i wanted something, but he was taking a while. So I gave my fake email for that shit so i can sleep without worry.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:59 No.55881723
    You forgot to color a part of the tentacle
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:59 No.55881734
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:59 No.55881750
    hold on, you guys seriously just start drawing from the eyes?
    >> Hobo Hei 10/13/11(Thu)22:00 No.55881783
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    shit this amazing, we show leniency, man
    amazing, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:01 No.55881809
    yes, it's pretty much standard if you dont start with the head first
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:02 No.55881852
    >shit this amazing, we show leniency, man
    I'm not gonna suck his dick for that sorry.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:03 No.55881874
    I used to start from the eyes, but nowadays, I try to do the head shape first, or sketch out the figure.
    >> Hobo Hei 10/13/11(Thu)22:03 No.55881893
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    suppose so, but fuck, man.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:04 No.55881910
    why'd you bring up sucking dicks?

    you like dick?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:05 No.55881972
    Any kind of paper, whatever pencil you prefer, and google some anatomy pictures. Then just practice forever.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:05 No.55881974
    Same, it was hard to draw with other people in real-time starting with the eyes.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:06 No.55881997
    metaphor how does they work?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:13 No.55882299
    I fail to see how that's a metaphor
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:17 No.55882429
    Shit doesn't even look professional and tentacle shit sucks. Emotes aren't allowed if you took a few months to learn how to use photoshop. That's like saying that autists have the ability to do whatever they want because they can 1cc a touhou game on lunatic on their second try. If those faggots can listen to rules this faggot can too.

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