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    File : 1318290589.png-(1.13 MB, 1400x800, 1306689076447.png)
    1.13 MB Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)19:49 No.55751315  
    It's been awhile, post your score

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)19:55 No.55751478
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 10/10/11(Mon)19:57 No.55751532


    storing anime is a killer
    >> Eurofag !qUytODkcyE 10/10/11(Mon)20:01 No.55751659
    Well over 30k, cba to sum it up

    Also, the list of those words mabe by brain bleed. Daishobu? Really?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:02 No.55751712

    I felt bad and then I saw the scores in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:05 No.55751807
    Leave /a/ and never come back
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:07 No.55751872
    >tfw youre not ultra hardcore
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:07 No.55751889
    About 10k
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:08 No.55751907

    I'm working my way up, but I'm still an /a/ newfriend. I'll be there eventually though, guys!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:08 No.55751926
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:08 No.55751927

    I'm not much of a buyfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:09 No.55751958

    Never bought any merchandise.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:09 No.55751971
    >Bonus points for doing stuff in public
    But that's wrong you retard.

    4450. I've seen less than 25 shows but have 200GB worth of anime.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:09 No.55751981
    >Giving point for revealing your powerlevel.
    Also, I think we had a big discussion about this chart last time. Too bad I didn't save the new version.
    >> Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma !!RBaVX6t0twu 10/10/11(Mon)20:10 No.55751996
    I rank as a soft Otaku.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:11 No.55752042
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:12 No.55752051

    I can kill Nappa, fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:12 No.55752067
    5000 exactly
    I'm ok with this
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:13 No.55752093
    4500, Im ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:13 No.55752122
         File1318292034.jpg-(18 KB, 227x239, 1228241384986.jpg)
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    what the fuck is wrong with this chart? totally fucking worthless, the person who made this chart must have been a fucking summerfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:14 No.55752135
    "ok with this" mind
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:14 No.55752143
    8400... mostly because none of the manga counts unless you bought it. Where are all the better versions of this?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:14 No.55752145

    I'd be much higher if it didn't say "bought and read" manga.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:14 No.55752154
    The only way to ever to get a high score on this one is to have a huge backlog
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 10/10/11(Mon)20:14 No.55752161

    This chart is straight out of Gaia though. Points for sharing your computer and cosplaying? Really?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:14 No.55752167
    This is why /a/ is so shitty.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:16 No.55752224
    >Hating on the newfriend

    At least he's trying.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:16 No.55752225
    Around 750 GB of stored animu, and only 10 GB of mai waifu. What a shameful display.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:16 No.55752241

    >only watched around 30 of the shows
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:17 No.55752257
    I have every picture of mai waifu in existence (pixiv etc) and it still comes out to less than 1 gb. Hipster as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:17 No.55752263
    32050 here, how can you people have such low scores?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:17 No.55752266
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:17 No.55752275
    But seriously, this screams Gaiafaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:17 No.55752282
    Guys seriously, I've been here since December and I scored 15050. Step up your weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:18 No.55752308

    I don't even watch that much anime.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:18 No.55752325
    >buying anything
    Yeah, no.
    >> Jake the Yellowjacket !6kgj/OnyWw 10/10/11(Mon)20:18 No.55752333
         File1318292322.jpg-(13 KB, 401x234, you funny guy.jpg)
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    >go to convents

    Total score 24,000, over half of which is on account of archiving anime. Clearly, the key to being an otaku is hard drive space.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:18 No.55752334
    >Buying manga
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 10/10/11(Mon)20:18 No.55752345
    The chart is shit and doesn't accurately represent your powerlevel at all. If I stored all my anime I'd have at least double what I have now.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:19 No.55752359
    >working my way from bottom to top of the quiz
    >5,000 points
    >welp, that's pretty good
    >+500 points for every 50gb of anime
    >2.8tb of anime; 2,607gb
    >new total: 31,068
    >that feel when you have a super mega ultra hard core power level
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:19 No.55752362
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:19 No.55752377
         File1318292380.jpg-(85 KB, 500x561, 1313090699349.jpg)
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    I'm sorry Komeji, you're not worthy of my love
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:21 No.55752469
    anyone with a score below 10,000 probably streams
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:22 No.55752477
         File1318292530.jpg-(41 KB, 501x369, 2liiz5z.jpg)
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    Here's a slightly better one.

    Ignore the lucky star thing, whoever made this was a raging faggot.
    >> Hayate !!y0Eem2xxRI6 10/10/11(Mon)20:22 No.55752479

    not bad
    >> Jake the Tarragon !6kgj/OnyWw 10/10/11(Mon)20:23 No.55752538
    Discounting the LS criteria, 9500.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:23 No.55752545
    mfw > 47950
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 10/10/11(Mon)20:24 No.55752548
    Naw, my powerlevel is plenty enough. Even picking up a job soon just so I can get some more figures of Azunyan.

    Or they delete after watching the episode. I don't have five externals lying around to store my anime in.
    >> Wikipedia 10/10/11(Mon)20:24 No.55752556
    Only semi-hardcore
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:24 No.55752562
         File1318292659.jpg-(27 KB, 421x363, shinjisip.jpg)
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    Why would you get a bonus for reading visual novels online? How would you even do that, by watching streams of someone else playing them? Doesn't sound like something that should be worthy of a bonus.
    The guy who made this chart can't even spell these words correctly. Give me a test written by someone who actually knows what they're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:25 No.55752603
         File1318292722.png-(87 KB, 300x345, 1315177062422.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:25 No.55752616
    Do you see that?
    If you download and store even one title, you are already entitled to 2000 points
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:25 No.55752624
    >implying there's a correct way to spell romanizations
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:26 No.55752658
    8500, I don't have a waifu and I don't own any kind of animu related merchandise.

    Still, >3000 points for +50 series
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:26 No.55752662

    >reading VNs online
    I don't even-

    Also this chart is basically TEST HOW MANY GIGS OF FANSUBS YOU HAVE SAVED as far as I can tell. I have like a terrabyte worth of DVDs and BDs that only count for +1000.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 10/10/11(Mon)20:26 No.55752664
    3000 points for watching just 50 series. This chart is probably even worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:27 No.55752672
    Well at least I'm not a weaboo
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:27 No.55752678
    >> Something 10/10/11(Mon)20:27 No.55752685
    I could do better but I half everything. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:27 No.55752686
    Sugoii and daishobu at the very least are inexcusable.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:27 No.55752701
    11,000 with this one.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:28 No.55752703
    I don't buy manga.

    There are also certainly other otaku measures, like "learned to read japanese", "own one or more anime figurines", etc
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:28 No.55752711
    16500. Other chart rewards huge backlogs and buyfagging, this one is too basic.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:28 No.55752718
    Adding to that, even watching Lucky Star and moeblob?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:28 No.55752728
    1 tb is + 10k points
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:28 No.55752739
    why should I use speakers?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:29 No.55752761
    Only for downloads.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:29 No.55752766
    and I've only been interested in Anime/Manga for 2 years.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:29 No.55752769
    Okay, let's make a new one then. What should we award points for?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:29 No.55752774
         File1318292972.jpg-(143 KB, 640x480, 1258270587737.jpg)
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    I haven't been downloading very long, and I still need to get an external hard drive.
    No waifu, but I do have a good deal of pictures of my OTP, surely that counts for something?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:29 No.55752792
         File1318292998.jpg-(41 KB, 310x310, 1315272106963.jpg)
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    >buying manga

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:30 No.55752796



    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:30 No.55752800
    Japanese characters can be converted directly to romanji, what's wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:31 No.55752821

    That chart is shit. Power levels involving moe shit? Seriously? I have over 20,000 with just decent animes, none of that KAWAII UGUU~ crap.

    He also implies that people buying blurays and dvds have a power levelwithout specifying which blurays. If he means anime then he also needs to specify if they are IMPORTED or not since U.S/E.U releases are butchered shit which deserves the point being reduced to nothing for anime released past around 1999.

    That's a terrible list O.P.

    I stopped counting when I counted over 5 TB of anime simply stored. Not a single moe anime in there either.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:31 No.55752849
    >buying stuff
    >sharing your computer
    >dancing Haruhi or Lucky Star themes
    >watching anime or reading manga in public
    >going to cons
    Wow, what a load of bullshit.

    The following are arguable:
    >anime desktop
    >enjoying moeshit
    >reading yuri/yaoi

    And finally, some technical errors:
    >shitload of misspellings in the 'word' section

    Shit chart is shit.
    >> ­­wtH !!geIKdOh6/lP 10/10/11(Mon)20:32 No.55752868
         File1318293130.jpg-(6 KB, 251x193, cirno_no_fingers_no_toes2.jpg)
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    is any1 else disturbed to HELL and back by that fugly girl in OP's pic with that ugly as HELL hairy mole?

    cuz lol i am, that is one ugly ass hairy mole
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:32 No.55752886

    13,000 not including the lucky star shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:32 No.55752892
    >6 TB
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:34 No.55752941
    Back to /jp/ with you
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:35 No.55752970

    My power level is still too low
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:35 No.55752983
    >>55751478 here

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:37 No.55753043
    You forgot 「ie」 Smarty Pants
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:37 No.55753053

    Nothing at all
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:37 No.55753055
    OP list makes me fucking cringe. Especially using the word "otaku" to define this shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:37 No.55753065
         File1318293446.png-(47 KB, 286x324, 1315269557313.png)
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    ehhh not bad, I could have done better
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:37 No.55753081
    Well, that was amusing.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:38 No.55753088
    "True otaku" don't steal their anime from the internet.

    Most people could easily reach 20000 just by archiving every anime they've seen, using Bloatgirls whenever possible.

    What is so special about Lucky Star/K-ON/Hidamari Sketch?

    What the fuck does how loud my volume is when watching have to do with my powerlevel?

    What is so special about Yuri/Yaoi?

    Why does knowing Japanese words that every weeaboo faggot who watched 5 shows would know score me any points at all?

    What is it about Final Fantasy, Tekken, and Soul Calibur that make them more special than other JRPGs and Fighters?

    Why do I score points for revealing my powerlevel?

    Why do I score points for knowing some faggot weeaboo dance?

    Since when could you read VNs online?

    That chart is shit. It should be renamed "The Ultimate Weeaboo Faggot Test"

    >Over 9000!!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:40 No.55753159
    9950 eh
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:41 No.55753167
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:41 No.55753192

    This is more about buyfag level than real /a/ powerlevels.

    Only retard buy their stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:42 No.55753205
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:42 No.55753217

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:42 No.55753222
         File1318293752.jpg-(5 KB, 250x252, 1315882281755s.jpg)
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    not having Hidamari Sketch or anything moe a true bro and watch classics and moe like real /a/nons would faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:44 No.55753288
         File1318293871.jpg-(48 KB, 491x495, 1315269630053.jpg)
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    you sir are one sad poorfag
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:44 No.55753298
         File1318293886.png-(30 KB, 377x461, bloatgirls.png)
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    >Bloatgirls whenever possible
    Pic related.

    Planning on downloading the 133GB CCS batch soon.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:45 No.55753313
         File1318293911.jpg-(63 KB, 500x500, ttc.jpg)
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    alright nigga, that was fun.

    Seriously though, this would be a whole lot different if this were a powerlevel chart under /a/'s standards.

    Speaking of which, does that even exist?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:45 No.55753315

    I feel better about myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:45 No.55753329
    14500.....not as bad as I thought it'd be. Was stitting at 11250 after the first three questions. Probably should be slightly more, but my archive is ~1 TB
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:45 No.55753334
    >ITT people who don't realize that this chart measures autism, not how much of an otaku that you are.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:46 No.55753365
         File1318293995.png-(75 KB, 200x238, 1278119491189.png)
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    >butchered shit
    Now you can give me whiny arguments about DVD format subs or R2 vs. R1 video quality (although unless you're talking about BD releases or downloading R2 DVD rips you can usually go fuck yourself on that one) but that's retarded, and you're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:47 No.55753399
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:50 No.55753500
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:50 No.55753502
    >mfw I was past the top rank just from amount of waifu pics alone

    you've gotta place some ind of cap on that shit, op
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:50 No.55753521
    > 1000 - Buy manga
    > 250 - Store it in a box
    > 100 - Have bought and read 100+ manga
    > 250 - Reads visual novel
    > 1000 - Downloads anime
    > 1000 - Have watched 100+ shows
    > 750 - Know all of those words
    Just 4350 points, huh? No big points for knowing Japanese (I read my manga and VNs in their native language) or even doing some community work like translating stuff.

    It's all shameless self-wanking (cosplay? cons? doing stuff out in public!?!).
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:51 No.55753565
    >Vegetta, what does the Vegetta say about the Vegetta?!
    >dial-up tones
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:51 No.55753570
         File1318294318.jpg-(12 KB, 231x231, 1315540638212.jpg)
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    20k of that from stored animus, clearly the only way to be "true otaku"
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:52 No.55753603
    >you know these words
    い え? House? But now, in the context, right after はい, chart creator is just a retard who couldn't even spell a word correctly in romaji. And some people here are taking this chart seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:53 No.55753620
    first time i saw this pic a few year's back was around
    4000, now i went up to 11550
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:55 No.55753699
    why doesn't /a/ make its own powerlevel chart?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:55 No.55753702

    recently deleted over 300G of anime....
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:55 No.55753728
    I've only been here a couple of months.

    You guys need to step up your game.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:56 No.55753743
    5400... I'm fine with this.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:56 No.55753744
    because /a/ is lazy
    why don't you make it
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:56 No.55753745

    I don't like anime and I don't buy the manga that I read; I only chart this high because yuri is basically my favorite thing
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:56 No.55753756
    It's a stupid chart. I can't read moonrunes, don't go to cons or any shit like that. I've only read a few manga, perhaps spent about $100 total on anime/manga related shit.

    Yet I get 38k.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:57 No.55753774
    Past self: 9200

    New self: 3500
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)20:57 No.55753788
    14000 in that

    24350 in the other
    >> Total Mass Retain !!GMslJTDYCXq 10/10/11(Mon)20:57 No.55753791

    >8500, including the Lucky Star thing (watched it twice, loved it both times, don't give a fuck)

    I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:02 No.55753982
    >mfw perfect score

    anything less than 19k is newfag tier
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:03 No.55753991
    I would if I didn't suck at charts. That, and if one person makes the chart its bound to be shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:03 No.55754014
    Aw yeah.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:03 No.55754025

    not bad...
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:04 No.55754039
    >basing level of points on watching a particular genre

    Any true wielder of a high power level is an idort, no exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:05 No.55754097
    7300, but if i still had all the shit i've watched downloaded it would be way higher. Also, I need more pics of my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:07 No.55754185

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:09 No.55754238
    This thread made me realize just how many fucking pics of Kirino I have, and she's not even my waifu. I need more pics of my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:10 No.55754258
    Almost 10k

    Really not hard at all to get that much, I haven't even watched over 200 shows
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:11 No.55754310
    6150 is good enough for me
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:14 No.55754420
    HURRR DURR I have a higher powerlevel because some chart said so..
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:15 No.55754452
    Looks like someone got a bad score.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:15 No.55754469

    But I still consider myself a normalfag for getting zero points in the waifu section.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:17 No.55754505

    But that isn't fair because most of it came from storing anime that I've never watch.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:19 No.55754576
         File1318295953.jpg-(58 KB, 720x540, 1296188330412.jpg)
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    All without owning any merchandise of any kind, having a waifu, or having anything to do with a public setting.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:20 No.55754618
    Bitch that doesn't count.

    >>55754576 Here
    >> Black-star !x8ngkAZjXE 10/10/11(Mon)21:21 No.55754645
    somewhere between 9000 - 1100

    Don't feel like looking at the gbs of the anime nor do I buy anything

    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)21:21 No.55754652

    Not that bad considering I'm not a buyfag

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