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  • Happy 8th Birthday, 4chan *click*

    Server/posting issues should be resolved now.

    Portland, OR folks: THANKS FOR COMING OUT EVERYONE!!!!! And thanks for the cake, cakeguy! It was delicious.

    File : 1318107895.jpg-(132 KB, 1280x720, ni chi jooouuu.jpg)
    132 KB Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:04 No.55653218  
    I just got round to finishing Nichijou.
    I kept putting off the last few episodes because I didn't want to say goodbye to one of the most enjoyable animes these past few years.

    What do I do to fill the gap, /a/?
    Any other animes that made you feel this way?

    Nichijou will always have a place in my heart.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:05 No.55653248
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:06 No.55653286
    Nani nani, kono dokidoki?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:07 No.55653300
         File1318108021.jpg-(332 KB, 800x600, 1317767618157.jpg)
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    I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, OP. Nichishit was one of the worst shows of the past few seasons, it was insufferable XD SO RANDUMB bull shit and the lack of plot or character development just led to shitty threads spamming screen shots and a bunch of idiotic fans who can't comprehend the idea of anyone disliking their shitty show.

    I think the sales figures prove that Nichishit was absolute garbage, how can you still care about the anime that single-handedly ruined KyoAni's reputation?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:07 No.55653306

    The best way to fill the gap is lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:08 No.55653332
    no fun allowed
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:08 No.55653347
    It wasn't meant to have a plot and character development, idiot.
    Just quick, clean fun.

    Next you'll complain that Monty Python's Flying Circus had underdeveloped characters and no good, flowing storyline.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:09 No.55653373
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:09 No.55653381
    Shush, I'm drunk.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:09 No.55653393
    /a/, 4chan, /blog/ central
    if you're a nichishit fag
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:09 No.55653399
    Yeah, that's why it fucking sucked shit and the only people who liked it were immature manchildren.

    Sketch shows are some the worst comedy imaginable, and they're for the same idiots who like garbage like Invader Zim, only Nichishit was filled to the brink with Gir scenes and nothing else.

    You seriously need to grow up if you think ripping off Monty Python makes this show good. Even the Japanese hated it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:10 No.55653408
    >Sales = Quality

    Holy shit, I thought summer was over.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:10 No.55653426
         File1318108231.png-(234 KB, 432x480, 1287782411065.png)
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    Stay classy, /a/
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:11 No.55653456
    But reputation ruining=bad
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:11 No.55653462
    Only thing that I could think of that comes close is probably Azumanga Daioh.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:11 No.55653480
    Sales = Popularity which in turn typically tells quality. There's a few exceptions, but Nichishit sold so badly next to shows like K-ON, Haruhi and Lucky Star that thinking this show could still be good while being unpopular is absolutely ridiculous.

    Even KyoAni had admitted it was a terrible endeavor and they've given up all ventures dealing with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:11 No.55653486
    That's a very nice opinion you have there.
    I don't share it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:12 No.55653514
    >a common error made by retards
    >twice in the same post
    >everything else spelt correctly

    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:12 No.55653533
    Doesn't matter, if you can't defend your shitty show, my argument is better and therefore right.

    Nichishit is absolutely garbage, liking it after the sales figures came in is like still believing the world is flat.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:13 No.55653548
    What the hell do I care that it didn't sell well. I still had a lot of fun watching it, and so did a lot of /a/.
    Don't you have anything better to argue about?
    >> Mogamigawa !!KCKi24Y/b48 10/08/11(Sat)17:13 No.55653575
         File1318108435.jpg-(47 KB, 340x300, 251.jpg)
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    I know that feel OP.

    I trust you've seen the other KyoAni SoLs? Lucky Star and K-ON! are really the only other shows I know of with that kind of love poured into them.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:14 No.55653600
    Yeah, and you're the fucking tepid idiotic summerfags who plague the board. Haven't you noticed the huge sway in opinion to more and more people hating Nichishit as summer ended? All the fans of this shitty show had to go back to school.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:14 No.55653609
    You don't know how opinions work. They differ. None is right, unless there are facts involved, which usually are not, seeing as these are opinions.

    I liked the show. DEAL. WITH. IT.
    Enjoy being furious at how I could enjoy something. I have better things to do.

    Have a nice saturday.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:15 No.55653643
    Don't give a fuck. I enjoyed it.
    Anything else?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:15 No.55653656
    More like there's 2 people samefagging and trolling the show because they mad that people actually enjoy watching anime.

    nice dubs
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:15 No.55653666
    If a shitty show sells well, then that doesn't change the fact that they're shit, bro. Vice versa, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:16 No.55653679
    Wrong, the person who provides the most logical argument and in depth analysis of a show is the one who is right, and therefore their opinion becomes objective fact until a better argument in opposition is provided.

    Since I have the best arguments, it means my opinion is the best.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:16 No.55653691
         File1318108580.jpg-(112 KB, 500x305, 1315703326271.jpg)
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    No matter what anyone says.
    >> Mogamigawa !!KCKi24Y/b48 10/08/11(Sat)17:16 No.55653694
         File1318108587.jpg-(43 KB, 340x282, 5 (2).jpg)
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    By the way, there are like two or three anons who've made a posting career out of trolling the shit out of this show every time it's mentioned. Just ignore them.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:17 No.55653725
    Too obvious, broski.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:17 No.55653729
    If people enjoy a show, it is not shitty. This is a simple fact. It may be shitty to the general public, but if even one person enjoyed it with all his heart, it has fulfilled its purpose; to entertain.

    This is entertainment we're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:18 No.55653770
    Oh man, you should've told me.
    I thought the hater posts were getting kinda pathetic.

    Why would someone waste their time doing that?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:18 No.55653772
    Then you can keep being wrong, at least I'll always know that deep down you know my opinion is better than yours and the only correct perspective.

    You could claim the same bull shit on people liking Nichishit, how do I know it's not all one big samefag?

    Yeah, but in most cases, shitty stuff doesn't sell, it's more rare than good stuff selling well. Good stuff is typically popular and bad stuff isn't. Nichishit isn't popular, so it's most likely shit, and then my arguments against the show prove it to be so.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:18 No.55653774
    try it with a trip code
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:18 No.55653794
    How do you know i am not you ?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:19 No.55653814
    Then Twilight must be fucking awesome, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:19 No.55653854
    Wow what a crappy thread this turned out to be. Some people are just too sad for words to describe. I'm out of here.

    Guess I'll check out some random recent SOLs then. Thanks /a/
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:20 No.55653865
    And by popularity you mean popularity in Japan? Now what have we learned about them over the years?
    They have shit taste and everything with fanservice sells better.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:21 No.55653920
    But Nichijou was insufferable moeshit, they didn't even have noses 95% of the time.

    It should have selled great if it was actually good, but the Japanese actually have taste. You faggots sat around all day whining that, "YOU HAVE TO KNOW JAPANESE CULTURE TO LAUGH AT NICHIJOU" and then that was proved wrong by the Japanese hating it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:22 No.55653949
    Every single Nichijou thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:22 No.55653972
    If an anime becomes too mainstream or popular, /a/'s dislike of it becomes proportional to its popularity. If an anime isn't written to be "highly intelligent with a coherent storyline" and isn't aimed at one specific audience, it must be shit. They fail to realize that it is, in fact, possible to be entertaining without being mentally stimulating. Stop acting like a bunch of elitest assholes and thinking that your Chinese cartoons must be "deep" to be good.

    Anyway, I loved TTGL. The action was great, and I had a lot of fun watching it. It left me wanting more, and I pretty much went through all the manga, movies, CD dramas, music, and Parallel Works after watching it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:22 No.55653977
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:23 No.55653987
         File1318108990.jpg-(141 KB, 387x417, 1313517734104.jpg)
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    Still trying?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:23 No.55653996
         File1318109008.gif-(1.13 MB, 529x432, 1314828327908.gif)
    1.13 MB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:23 No.55654009
    Nichijou is shit and sold like shit for good reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:24 No.55654031
    Yeah, it's amusing to see you Nichishit fags squirm with reaction images rather than providing a defense for your shitty show.

    All you idiots do is fling buzzwords like "fun" around. "HURR I ENJOY THE SHOW FOR NO REASON, THAT MEANS NOBODY CAN SAY THAT IT'S BAD!". Seriously, you fags need to grow up.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:24 No.55654055
         File1318109094.jpg-(109 KB, 698x660, 1315704479142.jpg)
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    Just mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:26 No.55654104
         File1318109168.jpg-(185 KB, 800x600, 1315711736887.jpg)
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    So why do you about something we like?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:27 No.55654141
    Nichishit threads cloud up the board, pushing good threads off the page. Then, even if I hid them, people would still be posting in them, which wastes time they could be posting in good threads. The only solution is everyone hates Nichishit and everyone stops making threads about it, and I intend to make everyone hate it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:28 No.55654181
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:29 No.55654231
         File1318109354.jpg-(294 KB, 1280x720, 1315719643555.jpg)
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    >good threads
    You're new.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:29 No.55654240
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:29 No.55654252
    >one group of people

    More like all of japan.
    Its only like 5 fags who think LOLNICHIJOU REACTION IMAGES are funny so they spam them everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:30 No.55654264
    >They actually think it's like this.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:30 No.55654270
         File1318109413.jpg-(214 KB, 554x439, 1308237121524.jpg)
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    Yes! Finally I get to use this.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:30 No.55654278
    We had them before your kind took over.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:30 No.55654287
         File1318109437.gif-(498 KB, 405x228, 1312462765091.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:31 No.55654331
         File1318109507.gif-(176 KB, 400x225, fu.gif)
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    >this thread
    >> Mogamigawa !!KCKi24Y/b48 10/08/11(Sat)17:32 No.55654346
         File1318109527.jpg-(44 KB, 300x311, 85.jpg)
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    God himself is not capable of such a feat, friend.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:32 No.55654357
    I can understand not everybody liking Nichijou because of different tastes and whatnot, but this one guy who keeps coming into these threads out of some misguided crusade is getting pretty old. He hasn't even added anything new to his arsenal.

    >Nichishit is shit
    >all you manchildren and your LOLSORANDUMB XD humor
    >vague mention of Invader Zim
    >my opinion is right, yours is wrong
    >objectively wrong in fact

    We get it man. You don't like Nichijou.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:33 No.55654386
         File1318109589.gif-(48 KB, 354x302, 13178565066762.gif)
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    >greentext everywhere
    >poorly made reaction images/ gifs
    >u mad spam

    Yeah, nichijou fanbase are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:33 No.55654388
         File1318109590.jpg-(142 KB, 860x708, 1317864029266.jpg)
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    Grow up.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:33 No.55654389
    Why do you keep bumping the thread if you hate Nichijou?
    At least use sage. You know how to sage, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:33 No.55654416
    Well, I'm right. I'm not going to all of a sudden say something completely different.

    I'm not a comedian trying to make you laugh, I'm here for a mission. The idea is to destroy Nichishit threads and make everyone hate it. My arguments have never needed to grow or develop because nobody can disprove them.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:34 No.55654442
         File1318109691.jpg-(997 KB, 1700x1700, 0002-1311789850099.jpg)
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    I really like this show too OP. The ending was good with Nano's final thoughts. I wish there was more to watch.

    I would recommend Hidamari Sketch if you have not watched it. Make sure to give it some time though.
    >> Mogamigawa !!KCKi24Y/b48 10/08/11(Sat)17:35 No.55654449
    He doesn't hate Nichijou. No one could possibly hate a comedy slice of life as much as he professes to. He likes the fact that we are a pretty good fanbase to troll, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:35 No.55654454
         File1318109709.jpg-(258 KB, 1680x1050, 1276868931421.jpg)
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    It was quite entertaining to watch,
    but K-on! and Lucky Star is still superior in both quality, jokes and the fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:35 No.55654461
    I want my message to get out, saging is counter productive because the thread is on the front page less, and less people read about how much it sucks shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:36 No.55654515

    You seriously haven nothing better to do with your day?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:37 No.55654530
         File1318109827.png-(820 KB, 704x396, Peace.png)
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    This thread is now Nichijou reaction images
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:37 No.55654536
    You think anyone but you and the people that like nichijou are reading this thread?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:37 No.55654541
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:37 No.55654546
    I agreed with everything you said except the entertaining part.

    Nichijou was shit and sold like shit because it looks like shit, smells like shit, and IS shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:37 No.55654551
         File1318109851.gif-(1.97 MB, 254x204, fucking_raccoon.gif)
    1.97 MB
    >These guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:38 No.55654591
    Perhaps someone interested in the show who hasn't watched it will see it too, and then they'll be turned off when I tell them it sucks shit and the fan base embarrasses itself.

    Even then, the idea is for everyone to hate Nichishit, so the people who like it are my primary targets.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:39 No.55654621
         File1318109941.jpg-(26 KB, 225x350, mhmhmhm.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:39 No.55654664
    You really need to go to bed, it has to be past your bedtime already.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:40 No.55654681
    I just woke up an hour and a half ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:40 No.55654696
         File1318110023.jpg-(4 KB, 185x82, 1316280296688.jpg)
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    Yes, of course because your opinion obviously matters.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:40 No.55654702
    How about reading the azumanga mangas if you haven't do so yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:40 No.55654725
    Well go back to sleep. You really need more of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:40 No.55654736
    The more commercially successful something is the less artistic merit it has. Usually.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:41 No.55654746
    My opinion has the best arguments in justification of it, so it's the only correct opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:41 No.55654795
    and obviously
    >butthurt it was a failure
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:42 No.55654815
         File1318110131.jpg-(52 KB, 439x659, 1317717931088.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:42 No.55654844
         File1318110165.jpg-(60 KB, 200x182, 1312899419685.jpg)
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    >It's shit cause I say so!
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:43 No.55654881
    Theres more evidence pointing towards nichijou being shit, than it not being shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:43 No.55654884
         File1318110230.png-(45 KB, 469x2400, TROLL HATE.png)
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    This is you... You sure are cool with all your trolling.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:44 No.55654900
    No, the fact that in my first post I provided an argument as to why the show sucks, and then went and told everyone why saying, "WAAAHHHHH OPINIONS CAN'T BE RIGHT" is a logical fallacy.

    I'm the only one who's able to provide arguments that defend my opinion, Nichishit fags just say, "I DON'T CARE THAT IT'S SHIT!"
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:46 No.55654961
         File1318110367.jpg-(132 KB, 521x1283, Even in death.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:46 No.55654975
    What are your arguments again? Lets see, "LOSORANDUM XD", complaining about the lack of plot in a comedy show and "it sells bad -> it's shit"?

    Sorry but that's even worse than "my opinion>your opinion".
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:47 No.55655018
    Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:48 No.55655047
         File1318110488.jpg-(55 KB, 740x328, nichitroll.jpg)
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    it's like he was born to shit up threads like this
    anyways, this is him
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:48 No.55655048
    Evidence being your opinion? Nope.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:48 No.55655058
    Nope, XD SO RANDUMB and absurd comedy is the worst genre ever imagined. The the same people who go to /b/, Gaia and Reddit are fans of that kind of stupid bullshit, and since Nichishit is 95% RANDUMB humour and 5% DEEPshit I factor the fans in with those other idiots who love Invader Zim and rage comics.

    It's also a well known fact that the more story something has, the better. That's why Books are the best medium and video games are the worst.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:48 No.55655069
    >people still replying to this samefagging nichijou hater on his childish 'sacred' mission, instead just ignore him and let the butthurt flow through him

    You guys never learn.
    Nichijou was awesome, btw.
    >> Mogamigawa !!KCKi24Y/b48 10/08/11(Sat)17:50 No.55655123
    By the way, anyone who wants to make a thread about Nichijou, please, *please* include a message in the OP imploring posters not to respond to the troll.

    Are people actually responding to him, or is he replying to himself?

    Saging because this thread is kinda wrecked.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:50 No.55655140
    I can't believe you guys fall for that shit, that has to be most obvious samefag I've ever seen. Rest assured, that isn't mine.

    Majora's Mask is the worst Zelda game. It's an overhyped NPC talking simulator with shoehorned and incredibly easy dungeon sequences and it's filled to the brink with game ruining gimmicks such as overpowered masks and tedious sidequests.

    The Legend of Zelda: Grimdark Hipster Bullshit
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:50 No.55655142
    We never learn anything from our mistakes. It's always been like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:51 No.55655195
    I fucking knew it.

    'sup Tragic Funimori.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:51 No.55655208
    why the fuck are you talking about MM?
    it's pretty damn good imo
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:52 No.55655216
         File1318110735.jpg-(96 KB, 796x718, 1300692761822.jpg)
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    It doesn't matter, /v/ has tried that, and I just wiggle through and wait for some idiot to reply to me.

    I can also take a break, then come back when people have forgotten, or I can change things around so I have new arguments that insult Nichishit fags in a way that they can't resist me.

    You think just having a warning about me is going to stop my crusade? You can't spell Nichijou without Ichijou.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:53 No.55655243
    He always talks about MM in his troll posts.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:53 No.55655252
    Majora's Mask is first on my list of things that I hate. I hate Majora's Mask more than anything in the entire Universe.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:53 No.55655257
    the fuck is ichijou?
    is that your codename?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:53 No.55655266
         File1318110816.jpg-(121 KB, 532x1290, nichihater.jpg)
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    sup fuminori
    Remember, people, don't try to argue with this guy. H's opinion is right because you don't have evidence to prove him wrong, but your opinion is always wrong.
    And he will try to stop you from enjoying things until he dies. Hence, pic related.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:53 No.55655269
    Uh, what? But.. what? Do you think people pretend to like it to piss everybody off? I don't get this whole "HURR I LIKE IT FOR NO REASON" thing. Is there really any need to justify why you like something? It's like having an opinion on an opinion. You like something because you like it. Jesus, myheadisfulloffuck.jpg
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:54 No.55655279
    Yeah, Ichijou or Tragic Fuminori.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:55 No.55655327
    Yes, if you can't defend your opinion, it is ill-founded and therefore wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:57 No.55655423
         File1318111061.png-(185 KB, 1125x900, eeeeeeh.png)
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    Sorry, wish I saved more reaction pics, but enjoy this one.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:01 No.55655590
         File1318111280.jpg-(22 KB, 200x185, 1280431783251.jpg)
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    But weren't you talking about people who say they enjoy it? I mean, to say it's good needs to be backed up, but to merely imply you like it doesn't, right? I mean I k-kinda like it b-but I'm not going to say it's good because I wouldn't know what to say after that.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:02 No.55655630
    He doesn't care. If you say you like it you're wrong because you said it's the best thing ever.
    He puts words on our mouths so he can have something to hate.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:02 No.55655638
    I am handsome, intelligent and a crusader of justice. To argue with me if futile, I never lose.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:03 No.55655703
    can't prove it
    your posts show us otherwise
    >crusader of justice
    Is stopping a person from liking things justice? I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:04 No.55655728
         File1318111465.jpg-(162 KB, 1280x720, mai's the sexiest.jpg)
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    Read all of his posts in Mai's breathy voice.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:05 No.55655784
    Just being so smart and charming makes me handsome enough.

    I've also never lost an argument and have proved thousands of times that Nichishit is a bad show, that makes me intelligent.

    It is when they viral shitty shows and waste people's time on insufferable moeshit. If you like Nichishit, you deserve to be hanged.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:05 No.55655786
         File1318111549.png-(38 KB, 320x211, 1296669801802.png)
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    Still responding to Tragic Fuminori? Still taking him seriously? Oh /a/, you poor thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:05 No.55655791
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    Oh jesus... we might have found a third nickname for him.
    >she uses boku
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:06 No.55655821
    Yes, that's basically the tldr version of what I said. And the humour in Nichijou is actually not even that random, except for a few sketches like some of the Helvetica Standard ones. It's actually quite fresh, creative and has great timing compared to most anime comedies. Also if you watched the show and complain about the lack of development, then you must be really dense as the show wonderfully developed several relationships throughout its 26 episodes and was constantly coming up with new stuff while using and developing the main cast.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:06 No.55655825
    Nichijou was one of my favorite anime of the year 2011.
    Come at me bro.
    Oh, and I will tell everyone about nichijou and convince them to watch it, and there's nothing you can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:07 No.55655838
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    It's just so funny to see how he thinks he's fighting something and actually winning by talking to strangers on the internet about a japanese show...
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:07 No.55655839
    I can't do it, his writing style implies that he's pounding his fists on the keyboard from the depths of hell and screaming at the top of his lungs like an insane monster.
    >> Mogamigawa !!KCKi24Y/b48 10/08/11(Sat)18:07 No.55655858
    He's samefagging with himself. Even /a/ couldn't be this stupid.

    Damn good troll, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:07 No.55655867
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:09 No.55655926
    the only way to win in a troll argument is to the the one that replies last or leaves the thread, making the remaining trolls rot inside
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:10 No.55655966
    Give me 10 jokes that aren't XD SO RANDUMB in your eyes, and I'll tell you why they are. It is also an accepted fact even among the fans that it's a Monty Python ripoff and the comedic timing is awful, they even go so far as to ironically use a brick joke over the fact that they stretch out jokes forever and constantly repeat lame sequences like that stupid "EHHHHH" shit or Yuck-O forgetting her homework.

    Eventually, everyone will see my way, it will be illegal to enjoy Nichishit when I am victorious. Try your best to find fans for your kiddie bull shit, reveal your low power level, in time, they'll hate it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:12 No.55656053
    Everything you posted are OPINIONS. Your justifications are OPINIONS. Good anime get low sales, especially ones people from the west like.

    Also, jokes are fundamentally something that you laugh at because you weren't expecting it, you could call any joke from anywhere "LOLSORANDUMB", but that doesn't mean you're right.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:12 No.55656077
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    I'm sorry, but after
    I just can't get mad at you any more.

    actually i'm kind of aroused now. please continue
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:12 No.55656086
    >good troll
    >pork ranger tier shitposting

    lets just call him 'retarded'
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:13 No.55656109
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    >Eventually, everyone will see my way, it will be illegal to enjoy Nichishit when I am victorious
    Man, you're almost as hilarious as Nichijou... Almost.
    I swear you're killing me with that.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:17 No.55656249
    I'm able to reply to everyone else's view points and arguments as to why their opinion is justified, meaning that my opinion is better and more complicated, and in turn, a fact.

    I can reply to any argument as to why Nichishit is good, and tell them why it's bad. That means my argument is better.

    There's a difference between being XD SO RANDUMB and being witty. XD SO RANDUMB tries way too hard and just does whatever is silly and ridiculous in a desperate attempt to be funny. Witty comedy actually puts thought into things.

    Having Mai all of a sudden pull out a ridiculous floor plan for a house with 36 rooms and do windows is XD SO RANDUMB, and almost all of Nichishit's jokes are on level of shouting 'HURR I LOVE BASEBALL' for no reason. The only funny scene in Nichishit is this one;

    It's funny to see a child so disappointed with his present, knowing full well that his entire Christmas is ruined because of someone's lack of care and respect in deciding a gift for him.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:17 No.55656268
    every once a while, I need my daily dose of Yotsuba C stupidity.
    please continue your show, sir.

    Nichijou was good
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:17 No.55656274
    Every future nichijou thread should include this suggestion.
    I honestly love our little troll now.
    tl;dr My little troll cant be this cute.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:20 No.55656362
    Ok, let's use one of your examples then. Yukko forgot her homework and asked Mio to let her copy hers. Mio gives her the notebook but then remembers that she was drawing embarrassing pictures in it and tries to get it back, etc.

    And they stretched out scenes to play with the visuals and evoke some impressions in the viewers. Nichijou wasn't just about the jokes.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:20 No.55656371
    Except, I can say I like most of the jokes in the show. You can respond with that, but it doesn't change the fact that I enjoy them, I am not a /b/tard, and I probably also enjoy the same anime you do.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:21 No.55656410
    >Having Mai all of a sudden pull out a ridiculous floor plan for a house with 36 rooms and do windows is XD SO RANDUMB

    It's in her character to be weird. It's not so farfetch'd for her to do something that retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:21 No.55656411
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    >It's funny to see a child so disappointed with his present, knowing full well that his entire Christmas is ruined because of someone's lack of care and respect in deciding a gift for him.
    oh my god, mai's a sadist
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:21 No.55656433
    The random part of the joke is that they engage in a crazy running sequence before Mio goes super sayian in an effort to get her book back.

    It's also randumb to all of a sudden introduce her love for Sasahara that way, showing the poor character development in the series.

    Too bad you like Nichishit, so your opinion is automatically garbage.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:23 No.55656519
    Her entire character is centered about being as random as possible, carving dumb wooden statues, pretending to be a lesbian out of no where, going to a karaoke bar by herself and forcing the employee to sing with her, replacing Yuck-O's bike seat with broccoli, wearing a wig in class, standing on her desk, etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:24 No.55656541
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    Hey, hey, can we get some shops of Mai typing on a computer?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:24 No.55656545
    But she liked Sasahara since the first episode...
    I mean, it's in the fucking opening for god's sake
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:25 No.55656601
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    To the guys responding to maitroll:
    >pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:25 No.55656603
    >carving dumb wooden statues
    That's not random, that's a hobby.
    >pretending to be a lesbian out of no where
    It was a joke.
    >going to a karaoke bar by herself and forcing the employee to sing with her
    Why are you listening to a character CD if you hate the series so much
    >replacing Yuck-O's bike seat with broccoli
    For all you know, that wasn't her, and that shit happens in Japan all the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:26 No.55656625
    I wouldn't construe things in an opening as always being part of the show.

    Not to mention openings aren't part of character development, only what happens in the actual show matters.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:27 No.55656654
    there's a backstory to why mio likes him
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:27 No.55656662
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    We're making fun of him, join in!
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:28 No.55656715
    A part of the joke hardy makes the whole joke random let alone LOLSORANDUM XD. The show also frequently used these types of scenes for purposes I already explained. It's just the style of the show (also well handled without making the thing overused), it doesn't make the joke random. and her crush wasn't first revealed in that scene.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:28 No.55656732
    It's a random hobby that she does in the strangest places for no reason.

    A random joke, there was no reason for her to do it, and Yuck-O herself was confused as to why she'd bring it up then, since it was so random.

    Because I should know everything about the show before I criticize it, or else my opinion isn't well-founded.

    It was a brick joke, which are random in the sense that the punch-line is incredibly unexpected and comes about far later. Yuck-O took some of Mai's food and offered to pay her in broccoli, so later on in the series, she replaced Yuck-O's bike seat with a piece of broccoli.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:29 No.55656744
    Too bad you're probably not a troll. I feel sorry for someone being so dumb. Well, it can't be helped, am I right?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:29 No.55656751
    >implying we are not just toying with him to make him more angrier and make him typing ridiculous shit, so we can laugh at him
    >implying we take him serious
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:30 No.55656811
    Which is revealed 20 episodes in, and then they didn't even solve anything, she just gave up without finding out if Sasahara and Misato were a couple.

    The show being about trying to be as random as possible doesn't mean it can be random and still not be random. It's on the level of Gir jokes in Invader ZIm, cut-away jokes from Family Guy or ridiculous behaviour from Shitty Python.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:31 No.55656824
    Saya no Uta was terrible, Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game and Nichijou is in my 3x3. What now?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:32 No.55656861
    Nice try, troll, 0/10.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:32 No.55656894
    Here's an idea:

    if you don't like something just ignore it

    if you're too immature to do that then find new friends here >>/b/
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:33 No.55656930
    the game.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:34 No.55656938
    >implying it's not true, or even impossible
    nothing is impossible, bitch
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:34 No.55656939
    Even if I ignore it, it's still a blemish in my world. People waste time liking it and their mind is spoiled so they only like XD SO RANDUMB comedy rather than anything clever or witty.

    It also ruins the board by making people waste time posting in shitty threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:34 No.55656959
    Except you wont' stop the people who like it from liking it
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:34 No.55656970
    i liked wind waker.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:35 No.55656987
    So you spend time talking about things you don't like, instead of talking about things you do like? Real productive there, champ.
    >> Mogamigawa !!KCKi24Y/b48 10/08/11(Sat)18:35 No.55657005
    >implying this thread hasn't gone on for three times longer than it would have without you
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:36 No.55657024
    Now you're just being ridiculous again. I was talking about the scenes like Mio chasing Yukko or the sausage scene. You have about one of those in an episode so it hardly makes the show "trying to be as random as possible." Not to even mention the fact that the scenes have their purposes besides simply being over the top/unexpected.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:36 No.55657057
    after the sixteenth time, it's not even entertaining anymore, reading your bullshit again and again.
    welp, time to leave this thread
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:37 No.55657068
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:37 No.55657093
    You don't know that.

    I only like things that are good, so they have a fan base of people who will talk about them for me. They can excuse me to clean up the board of Nichishit threads.

    At least nobody is talking about Nichishit being good, the entire thread revolves around me and why it sucks dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:38 No.55657165
    Nichijou is the best anime this year, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:38 No.55657171
    I am going to make a Nichijou thread every day. Just to spite you.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:39 No.55657227
    Other than Like Love, Short Thoughts and some of Helvetica Standard, nearly every single joke is random in some fashion. The rest are DEEPshit.

    Hopefully you never make another Nichishit thread, since you know it will just draw me out to ruin it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:39 No.55657230
    You'd have more fun doing things you like. What are you, QB, who knows no emotions?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:39 No.55657231
    >people trying to talk about an anime in /a/
    >would rather people talk about how shitty a troll is

    Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:39 No.55657232
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    Nichijou was great. I showed it to some of my friends and they loved the fuck out of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:41 No.55657320
    Do it, I'll just keep on ruining them. I find this very entertaining.

    Wrong, Madoka is the best anime this year.

    It's more entertaining to argue with people than discuss things I like.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:42 No.55657335
    Being a nichijou fan, I like the fresh style of it. The art, the humor, etc. A the while reminding me of classics like Azumanga Daioh. I say this with complete sincerity that this is one of my favorite animes and I will continue to search and hope ones similar to it. I will also continue to recommend it to other people. I recommended one of my mates yotsuba, azumanga, and nichijou yesterday actually. They promised to watch it soon and I hope I will have someone to discuss it with in person.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:42 No.55657350
    I showed it to my cousin and brother. They don't even read english.
    We were laughing like madmen until my mom asked what the hell was wrong with us.
    Of course, I put the next episode and we all laughed and d'awwwed until my dad came home and asked for his food and his soccer.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:43 No.55657409
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:44 No.55657438
    lmao bullshit
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:45 No.55657480
    But it's just extremely poor drawing with terrible corners and edges, no noses which signifies poor quality and moeshit and the humour is just recycled from Shitty Python. There's nothing fresh about it, especially coming from KyoAni who makes nothing but moeshit.

    Proof that Nichishit is for brainless children, you guys were laughing at the randomness of the show, nothing actually witty that would require intelligence to understand.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:45 No.55657490
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    >I recommended one of my mates yotsuba, azumanga, and nichijou yesterday actually.
    Aw shit, me too!
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:45 No.55657498
    >nearly every single joke is random in some fashion.

    You can say this basically about any comedy. And by this logic, if you take a great joke and present it in an unusual way, it becomes random and therefore shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:46 No.55657533
    So, you're either a shitty government official, or a kid? Though, I will agree sometimes debating is fun, but every Nichijou thread I come across you're wasting your time in.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:46 No.55657568
    But my mom also enjoyed it, and she does understand english.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:48 No.55657664
    It requires intelligence to speak and read english; it requires intelligence to walk.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:48 No.55657680
    hell yeah
    I'm also trying to look for the manga at my local bookstore.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:48 No.55657695
    There is no such thing as a great joke which is presented in a random way. Random comedy entails that you don't put any thought into the joke, and just do whatever is absurd and silly.

    Your mother probably like ridiculous moeshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:48 No.55657719
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    Watching anime with your family is the best. Every Sunday me and my brother would watch Nichijou together. Now we're watching Mawaru Penguindrum.

    >hfw I told him that we were caught up with all the current episodes and now he'd have to wait for new ones like the rest of us
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:50 No.55657825
    so what did you guys think of the ending?
    I thought that while it left some holes unfilled, it was satisfying enough. But, being the fan I am, I am always looking forward to a second season, more source material from a manga would be nice too
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:50 No.55657847
    *the manga
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:51 No.55657879
    They won't do it bro, the sales were too bad. Not that I wouldn't watch it, or anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:51 No.55657905
    >They won't do it bro, the sales were too bad.

    Didn't stop Kyoani from doing another Munto
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:52 No.55657920
    KyoAni said themselves Nichijou was an utter failure and they've abandoned all projects dealing with it, such as second seasons.

    They even stopped producing DVDs.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:52 No.55657941
    Well, you may have a point there. Besides, wasn't this a series testing out their newly trained animators? Or so I have heard.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:53 No.55657946
    She loathed animation precisely because she thought it was all either magical girls, dragonball or porn. I showed her Miyazaki, Azumanga and Nichijou and she decided there may be good stuff in animation too.
    I still laugh at my brother.
    -watching nichijou
    -he asks "anon, is that... MOE?!"
    -hahaha, you'd think so for the artstyle, check it out
    -my cousin comes five minutes later
    twenty minutes later we're enjoying the shit out of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:53 No.55657953
    That was their original anime, they tried again, only to fail even harder.
    >> Mogamigawa !!KCKi24Y/b48 10/08/11(Sat)18:54 No.55658004
    I thought it was perfect. Episode 25 was the emotional climax; the finale was back to everyday life.

    I bawled over both of them

    No, this was definitely the animator from Gainax whose fuckfail Dantalian no Shoka sold worse than Nichijou.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:54 No.55658019
    how about an OVA of some sort?
    If not, i'll be waiting for the manga to come to NA then
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:55 No.55658026
    Take the homework scene for example. Now I'm not saying that it's a brilliant joke, most Nichijou jokes good at best (its strongest point being their presentation), but the over the top presentation makes the whole scene more interesting (and not because it's random, I already explained that). Also seeing your posts about the art of Nichijou, it's quite clear that you don't even pretend to know shit about art and animation, so I won't even try that argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:56 No.55658102
    I like how the only arguments that the samefag is using are "no noses", "lol random" and poor sales.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:57 No.55658172
    I liked Dantalian ;_;
    It was a mix of mistakes, like using the kind of scenery and characters that does well in the west (see: Dalian being a cute tsun girl instead of a cute moeblob reaction face), not having a good script, not so good direction and having trainees working on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:57 No.55658189
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    I thought it was pretty good, considering it's a slice of life. I think it struck a nice balance between not having any sudden 'OH GOD ITS ENDING WE NEED PLOT ASAP' bullshit or leaving us going 'wait what it's over?' while giving us enough emotional closure to feel satisfied (friendship coupon) and making us want more (what about Sakamoto?) The manga seems to be hitting its stride as well, judging from the snippets of raws I've come across (dat perky Mai). I'd expect KyoAni to at least revisit it sometime in the near future.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:57 No.55658191
    I find that nichijou kind of has the same essence of humor as azumanga but more over the top and longer (most of the time). Not that it's a bad thing though, I like switching between them.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:57 No.55658196
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    I found it unsatisfying there was no resolution to gundere and sasahara but I am guessing that happens in parts of the manga they didn't animate.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:58 No.55658224
    You meant that stupid scene with Mio trying to complete a manga and Mai just keeps on trying to be random with what she does with the page she was meant to work on?

    Then they engaged in extremely stupid yelling cataloguing Yuck-O saying and doing shit that made no sense given the situation and Mio expressing how it was random and silly? Yeah, that scene was shit.

    Also, the size of the noses almost always tells you that the show is good or bad. Kaiji has huge noses, and it's the best anime ever made. Nichijou barely ever draws noses, and it's a terrible show.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:59 No.55658268
    yeah, they didn't animate the Mai vs Mio's Sister troll of and I was kind of disappointed by that, but the yukko running scene and the birthday party scene was perfect and heartwarming
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:59 No.55658302
    You can tell who's never picked up a book, when they call tripe "Good enough". Pulling out a "Friends forever" bullshit card and about accepting yourself is the most cliche generalization of theme ever to be used in any anime ever made.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:02 No.55658417
    >Never picked up a book
    That doesn't matter on an anime board.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:02 No.55658432
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    you must really love this
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:03 No.55658451
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    So how would you have ended it?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:03 No.55658454
    Then, let's just say, "Who has a low powerlevel". Nichijou's ending was on level of Naruto and Pokemon for forced drama and cliches.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:03 No.55658460
    It was nice, kinda like S;G in the sense that it wasn't so much a climax as it was a conclusion. I'd like to see some Gunderedere modo though.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:03 No.55658483
    anyone re watching the OVA?
    How does this compare to a regular episode in your opinion? It's a much better watch when you understand the characters already
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:04 No.55658487
    I would have canceled the show before it even got on TV.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:05 No.55658563
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:05 No.55658583
    No, I meant the scene, where she borrowed Mio's notebook with yaoi in it. But your example is good too. That some great situation comedy, with Yukko attempting to do a tsukomi and Mio misunderstanding and snapping giving opportunity to do the over the top thing with a touching ending with Mai doing her usual business in the background. And it had the great moment when Nano first looked at Mio's doujins. I'm not going to argue about the artstyle, I'm just going to advise you to stop using this argument even for trolling purposes as it's ridiculously retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:07 No.55658632
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    I'm not the best sketcher but this is one of my favorite scenes in the OVA
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:08 No.55658717
    You are a fucking idiot, that was so dumb and random it was trying unbelievably hard. Nano is the biggest cliche I have ever fucking seen in any show and Mai is a shitty fucking character and a terrible gimmick.

    The only decent thing about that scene was Mio said that Mai was selfish, which is the only character development in the entire series that actually mattered or wasn't cliche HURR I LOVE EVERYONE BECAUSE WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN TOGETHER SoL garbage.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:08 No.55658718
    I have a relatively high powerlevel and I liked Nichijou's jokes. I also am reading Shakespeare currently. Nichijou is just forgetable either way, but it's not too bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:10 No.55658774
    >> Floex !2dWQG/dNBk 10/08/11(Sat)19:11 No.55658811
    The Japanese hated Nichijou?
    I remember a few futaba, 2channel and there's a decent amount of fanart on Pixiv.
    Granted it's wasn't popular on the level of K-on! or kyoani's previous shows but it did have a small cult following both in Japan and /a/ from what I understand.
    A lot of good anime have had shitty sales figures before, you can't use sales figures as evidence as towards something someone hates. Try an opinion poll first.
    This was a cult show, nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:12 No.55658887
    Every single cult show is bad. The reason it's unpopular is because it's not good enough to be popular.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:16 No.55659052
    Really? You're going to say this of all the scenes in Nichijou was random? And why would Nano of all the characters be so cliché? You really couldn't have seen that many anime in your life, if you think she's cliché.

    And please find some new stuff to say. Random, dumb and shit just does't cut it anymore.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:17 No.55659100
    She would be my daughter
    So who would be a better daughter , Hakase or Ushio? Granted Hakase would be a brat but she has her good traits like not dying
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:17 No.55659124
    OP here, at first I was mad and left, then I realised it was a shitty troll, then the troll kept going on and on with his hilarious reasoning and messiah complex, now I'm just laughing my ass off ever more than when I'm watching Nichijou.

    I'm gonna make more Nichijou threads from now on. More and more. Just to laugh at the troll squirming.
    You've made my saturday night, troll-kun.
    Also, Nichijou was fucking hilarious. Suck on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:18 No.55659139
    Other than Nano being XD SO RANDUMB as a shitty fucking robot built by another XD SO RANDUMB character, all she did was whine about her poor self-confidence like every single other robotic-affiliated girl and then just went to the tripe of, "We'll always be friends and I'm happy just being me".

    It was also random through all of that yelling, there was no explanation for what Yuck-O was getting at through her stupid faces.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:19 No.55659201
    It's quite obvious he's joking, I don't know why people call him a "troll" and then get angry with him as though they're implying he actually thinks like his posts say.
    >> Floex !2dWQG/dNBk 10/08/11(Sat)19:19 No.55659214
    Star Wars started out as a cult following and I'd say it's quite popular.
    Evangelion was pretty niche as well as whole bunch of other anime regarded as 'classics' nowadays, even on /a/. Look on the 'before you make a <whatever> thread, watch...' lists, more than half are cult anime and have never seen a following outside of a handful of dedicated people.

    A good portion of the characters are 1 or 2 dimensional, but that's inherent in 4koma based comedy. Nothing wrong with it. It's a comedy, not drama.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:20 No.55659261
    Joking and trolling are pretty much the same thing for him. It is "humour" for him to post stupid things.
    And it's humour for us to read it.
    In the end, we're scratching eachother's backs.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:21 No.55659291
    Star Wars blows ass and Evangelion is DEEPshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:21 No.55659322
    > What do I do to fill the gap, /a/?

    Try Pani Poni Dash.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:22 No.55659337
    By such a standard, Madoka is DEEPshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:22 No.55659350
    Oh wow, you didn't even understand the joke?

    And even your retarded description of Nano doesn't make her seem cliché.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:22 No.55659355
         File1318116144.png-(124 KB, 800x800, Ichijo.png)
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    To be honest, Nichijou is a new favorite of mine.

    The threads were fun to be in and discuss.
    The fanbase was actually pretty sane.
    And the episodes were enjoyable.
    The trolls were the best too.

    It was a great experience, just like watching TTGL and Lucky Star all over again.

    Nichijou reminded me of another favorite too.(Pic)
    Pic related (Ichijou)
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:22 No.55659384
    Take that back, you fucking troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:25 No.55659495
    I lost it when the troll used the artstyle as an argument. It's just too obvious.
    Good luck on your mission, troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:25 No.55659527
    Yeah, it does. Every robot ever always fears about fitting in with other people and longs for companionship, and always wants to change themselves, and then they realize HURR I'M GOOD JUST THE WAY I AM.

    It's tripe, it's an idea that doesn't require the show to be understood.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:28 No.55659632
    I regret nothing.
    >> Floex !2dWQG/dNBk 10/08/11(Sat)19:29 No.55659701
    That doesn't matter, those two were just examples.
    What's starts as a cult thing does not automatically mean it's unpopular.
    According from what I've seen that wouldn't matter as it's the best selling anime of the year and that automatically mean everyone loves it and that opinion would be wrong because of sales figures.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:31 No.55659784
    It certainly means it sucks shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:31 No.55659790
    So basically, Nichijou is shit becouse you didn't like it? Sure dude.
    Also, don't come up with your painfully retarded fallacies regarding how you stated more arguments because you didn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:33 No.55659917
    I have though, I always keep on going until my opponent quits, which means my arguments are superior.

    They claim they, "Get tired of arguing", but I know for a fact they've run out of counter-arguments.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:34 No.55659928
    Except that her only robotic feature was her screw leading to many humorous situations. And the concept of a robot wanting to be a human really isn't that overused, especially in anime. Not to mention that it's only one aspect of her character.
    >> Floex !2dWQG/dNBk 10/08/11(Sat)19:34 No.55659929
    Irrelevant, I've already made my point.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:36 No.55660034
    She's a robot, that's all there needs to be. There was a ton of robotic features about her, her head opens up, her arms come off, her legs are detachable, her entire body is made out of little pieces and she can be modified to have different XD SO RANDUMB behaviours like when she would do crazy reactions to everything like hitting coin blocks with her head.

    It's overused period, it's a cliche idea.

    What point is that? They suck shit when they're unpopular as cult shows and when they actually become popular they're still shitty?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:38 No.55660110
         File1318117113.gif-(2.21 MB, 200x174, 1246094869024.gif)
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    My God. He's completely discarded logic. There's nothing but mindless reflexive trolling left.
    i can see foreverrrrrrrr
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:39 No.55660178

    Please tell me you're not the same guy. If you are, I'm ashamed of myself for even replying to you.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:40 No.55660193
    I meant mentally. And if you pulled some bullshit about her acting like a robot (which I would kind of like to see, as it would surely be hilarious), your argument as it is would lead you nowhere as it doesn't prove that she's a cliché character.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:42 No.55660267
    Never reply to anyone who hates on Nichijou with shit reasoning. They are trolls. Well, I say trolls, it's just the one guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:42 No.55660284
    She acts like a robot in the sense that she's uncomfortable with her robotic attributes and wants to be a human. Which, is a cliche. There's two types of robots, you idiot;

    Robots that don't want to be robots and feel they're missing some part of life as they aren't human, such as love and friendship.
    Robots that hate humans and believe themselves to be superior.

    Both are cliches.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:43 No.55660353
    I've explained my reasons plenty, it's fucking boring since it has no plot when it's been proven that comedy shows that utilize plot and character progression such as Haruhi are better than shitty SoL garbage, and it also utilizes immature and thoughtless humour. Comedy is supposed to be witty, not silly.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:44 No.55660370
    >I have though, I always keep on going until my opponent quits, which means my arguments are superior.
    Logic of 8 y.o. child: I'll spew shit until everybody is annoyed and leave than declare victory through 'superior arguments'

    I wish more people would use this simple advice: Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:46 No.55660460
    Stop. Replying to this guy.
    It's what he wants. I know it's tempting because his reasoning is ridiculous, but he does it on purpose. Let it slide. Be the better man.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:46 No.55660469
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    An eight year old doesn't know when to admit defeat though, I'm always willing to let someone else win when they are right and give up if I feel that I'm wrong. Nobody has provided any arguments for the quality of Nichijou other than using the buzz word; "It's Fun" which translates to, "I like it for no reason.", which means I haven't had to admit defeat. I've won every argument I've had, even before they walked away in shame.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:48 No.55660544
    akagi is shit and so is kaiji
    the artstyle is horrible
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:49 No.55660569

    Outstanding animation moments in Nichijou.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:49 No.55660572
    Better than Nichishit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:50 No.55660628
    And she's not any of those. She's not missing anything, she just doesn't want others to find out that she's not normal.

    Anway, let's get this straight - you've just basically said that robots generally are cliché (there are two kinds and both are cliché) and you want to prove that a show is shit because it features a cliché character.

    Every new work of fiction featuring a robot is shit then.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:53 No.55660788
    The first half of the show was about her distressing over her lack of friends and her inability to go to school until the Professor let her.

    Then she spent the rest of the time worrying about whether people would accept her and the difficulties of having friends when she really had little social experience. Just like any other robot who tries to integrate with humans.

    It's not the only reason, but when one of the main characters blows, that's bad. At least harems have the protagonist a secondary feature to the girls, Nichishit had a big focus on Nano.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:54 No.55660793
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    at least my reaction images are more pleasant to look at. A larger archive too, you only use what, 3 akagi/kaiji reaction images. Same goes for your arguements - only a couple of arguments and counters
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:54 No.55660811
         File1318118073.png-(10 KB, 311x316, 1301666388455.png)
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    >248 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    It got this so much replies huh? This must be really good for the fans to keep depending this to the persistent trolls.

    I'll never do the same mistake again when I thought K-on is bad because of the trolls. Time to watch it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:54 No.55660818
    I feel that from a technical perspective, Nichijou is quite impressive in the consistency of quality and experimentation of animation. Well-regarded animators who worked on Nichijou:

    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:55 No.55660860
         File1318118142.jpg-(16 KB, 444x452, 1279090625546.jpg)
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    >"It's fun"
    I know I shouldn't be feeding the troll here, but come on. You've reached the point of pure juvenile contrarianism.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:55 No.55660867
    There are plenty of arguments in this thread you dumb fuck. And you haven't disproved any of them. Saying - no it's not, it's LOLSORANBUM XD - is not disproving.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)19:56 No.55660921
    I have around 8 or so Ichijou images, but I don't use reaction images that often, only to add extra personality to my words, as I tend to write a lot, and most people use reaction images as an excuse to come up with poor arguments and rather say, >HE DISAGREES WITH ME! LAUGHINGELFMAN.JPG

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