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10/02/11(Sun)23:22 No.55414687 File1317612177.png-(8 KB, 309x246, 1272674807964.png)
 >>55413676 I'm
not getting my hopes up. Frankly, he's already backed himself into a
corner. Intentionally or not, he basically wrote Char as THE love
interest. The alternative would be if Germany suddenly grew (or rather
never lost) her balls and swept Ichika away if Char's too passive.
Britain's, China's, and Japan's relationships with Ichika have all been
too stale for too long, they're basically out of the running unless he
hamfists a lot of character development in all at once.
The fact
of the matter is that, realistically, Char and Ichika would have pretty
much become official after that bath scene. At that point Ichika had
already thrown himself into the protective role of Char's life, they had
already developed a bond based on experiencing similar situations and
just plain good chemistry. Their intimacy had developed to the point
where Ichika would feed Char in private, shared a secret, changed
together, and even bathed together. Finally, there's the nipples on back
and hand holding in the bath, which probably would have marked their
relationship taking the next step.
And then Ichika wakes up the
next morning with no memory of Charlotte's existence. This is basically
the point at which the Infinite Stratos story 'broke', and when I knew
it was time to fucking bail. Nobody else had remotely near the level of
development with Ichika as Charlotte had, which is why the author had to
pretend it never even happened from that point on.
By volume 8,
it's up in the air no matter what the author does, because Ichika's
literally ignored every single character for so long that anything the
author does will just be something to trigger 'Ichika suddenly realizes
he loves so-and-so!" which of course has no fucking relation to prior
character development whatsoever. He'd be better off just dropping or
ending IS, and doing a new project altogether. Preferably after spending
a year learning some basic fucking story continuity. |