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    Portland, OR folks: THANKS FOR COMING OUT EVERYONE!!!!! And thanks for the cake, cakeguy! It was delicious.

    File : 1317550773.jpg-(60 KB, 600x611, andthenthegiantfaggotopposted.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:19 No.55380523  
    Alright so I know /a/ laughs at the mere mention of "friends," and I also know that there really are shut-ins among you guys, but honestly? Do the majority really have little to no friends, and even less have friends with whom they can discuss/watch anime with?

    I'm retarded as fuck but I have bros that I watch anime with regularly, who are not weeaboo faggots, who know how to hide their power levels, whom I can drink with. Is that really so rare?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:21 No.55380544
    /a/ is so infested with casuals and newfags it's not even funny
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:22 No.55380581
         File1317550924.jpg-(63 KB, 399x387, frog who feels bad.jpg)
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    Hey /a/, this might be a weird question, but how do I not be a faggot?

    Every time I post someone calles me a faggot. And okay I know I'm kind of an awkward person to be around but I am trying to ficks that, but when everyone just yells faddot in my face it makes me feel like I should not try and just stay a loser forver. I just want a place where I can fit in and talk with other anime fans without being make fun of. Why am I faggot? What can I do to help myself and everyone here to not be conceived as a faggot?

    pic related it's the frog who feels bad just like me
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:22 No.55380586
    There is one guy at work I talk about anime regularly and there is another at poker.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:22 No.55380592
    I fall into your category, OP, but for the most part I'm a shut-in with a few close friends that I drink & smoke with occasionally, but seldom venture out into society.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:22 No.55380602
    I do have friends, I don't like seeing them, though. I just want a quiet life.
    >> J !!8haflFSoIRm 10/02/11(Sun)06:23 No.55380616
    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)06:23 No.55380625
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    I remember when I was a normalfag

    life was shitty
    >> Boku no Tripfag !!uo+rI9nd/lP 10/02/11(Sun)06:23 No.55380630
    >I just want a place where I can fit in and talk with other anime fans without being make fun of.


    The insulting other's tastes and endless bickering is part of the experience, deal with it, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:24 No.55380635
    What do you think OP is? both
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:24 No.55380639
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:24 No.55380642
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:25 No.55380650
    I don't watch anime or read manga with anyone, I do have a very eventful social life. I'm actually commonly called an alcoholic and live with 5 other bros, no college involved.

    In reality I stick around for One piece, GL, rule 63, and joke Bleach threads. Call me casual all you want buuuuuuuuuuuut I could go for some 63 now that I mentioned it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:25 No.55380677
    >> Eurofag !qUytODkcyE 10/02/11(Sun)06:26 No.55380692
    Are you me?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:26 No.55380693
    I talk on a regular basis to a select group of people and I have extended friendships from high school that I acknowledge when the occasion calls for it.

    When it comes to anime I have one other guy who watches about as regularly as I do (not sure if he does nowadays) and a few others who I usually give shows to whenever they ask me "what's a good anime to watch".
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:26 No.55380698
    If you want a place where everyone is nice to each other try gaia. or stay here but stop being a faggot.
    >>   10/02/11(Sun)06:27 No.55380703
    >sup patrick
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:27 No.55380705
    I remember when I made my first "Is this what /a/ really believes?" thread. It was about waifus. What's worse if that it took me a year to even get to that stage. But now I am a wiser man and realize that you will never get a straight answer from /a/nons about anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:27 No.55380714
    >spend most of your time indoors watching
    >never seeing another human being for days at a time
    > refuse to get a facebook or similar social network
    >"waah I have no friends"
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:28 No.55380721
    Not everyone is as lucky as you, OP. Why do you think anons seem so bitter all the time? We're very lonely people.

    None of this applies during summer, on the weekends, or after school lets out in the United States. During those times /a/ is just edgy teenagers shitposting until bedtime.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:28 No.55380725
    I have no friends at all. Haven't had anything resembling one for a few years now.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:28 No.55380726
    Sums it up well.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:28 No.55380729
    >but I have bros that I watch anime with regularly, who are not weeaboo faggots, who know how to hide their power levels, whom I can drink with. Is that really so rare?

    Yes, extremly rare. Most people who like anime are Narufags etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:29 No.55380739
    I'm a very introverted betafag and while I don't have large number of friends the ones that I do have are very close. In fact they're the ones that introduced me to anime all those years ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:29 No.55380744

    You know, I don't think you can equate having friends or interacting with people as normalfaggotry in and of itself. Even Don Quixote had Sancho Panza.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:30 No.55380752
    It's not rare, atleast not in Estonia.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:30 No.55380761
    Also one of thiose bros, on the second floor, is a total giant robot fag. Kid jerks too Gundams. Personally I prefer Small people super punching shit. But we both have been getting smashed for over a decade together, /a/ is probably the least thing people know about us, and we dont hide it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:30 No.55380768
    I know quite a lot of people. They are nice people too. But I am too lazy to socialize.

    I do talk about anime and whatnot with few people, they browse 4chan too.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:30 No.55380771
    It's currently six o'clock AM EST in the US. Anyone posting at this time is likely a shut-in without a job/school to worry about.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:30 No.55380773
    This. All of them are stupid normalfags with petty problems and can't think for themselves. They still bug me constantly to get out and go drinking/partying with them even though I just want to stay indoors by myself.
    For those who've never been clubbing before: It's a horrible experience ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:30 No.55380774
         File1317551449.png-(20 KB, 500x461, we´ve become that feel.png)
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    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)06:30 No.55380778
         File1317551456.jpg-(200 KB, 573x726, no fucks.jpg)
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    if you leave your house for anything other than groceries, you're a normalfag
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:31 No.55380781
    I juggle 2 lives. one online life with online friends from all over europe, anime, online games etc, and one regular one with 4-5people whom i hang out with every now and then. The 2 never interact with eachother.
    >> Eurofag !qUytODkcyE 10/02/11(Sun)06:31 No.55380794
    Or, you know, are fron Yurop
    It's 12:32 here
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:31 No.55380796
    I have a bunch of "college friends" and one real friend.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:32 No.55380801
    I used to back in my third world country, but now that I live in this country, I'm a complete loner.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:32 No.55380802
    Well, fuck it then. I also buy cigarettes.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:32 No.55380803
    OP here, thanks for the responses. I guess I should treasure what I have then.

    Also, so you feel better, observe our shitty taste and then feel smugly superior!

    Shows watched with bros: HotD, Evangelion +rebuild
    Currently: Baka Test, Penguindrum
    Next in line: Madoka, Geass (for their sake, I've already experienced it), Brotherhood
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:33 No.55380825
    Who the fuck would want to know what anime you watch with your "bros"? Go write on MAL about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:33 No.55380829
    I'm so depressive lately that I don't even want to hang around my friends.

    Having friends to discuss anime is one of my least problems.
    >> Eurofag !qUytODkcyE 10/02/11(Sun)06:33 No.55380833
    Drop FMA and that's a decent list, faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:33 No.55380835
    That just made me rage. Get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:33 No.55380838
         File1317551629.jpg-(190 KB, 450x450, 1317261605688.jpg)
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    You're right, I do feel better.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:34 No.55380852
    Fuck off
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:34 No.55380865
    I have friends but i only watch anime with two certain ones. One got me into it and another I introduced it to

    I also watch anime with my sister.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:35 No.55380877
    Your imouto?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:35 No.55380882
    It may make me a normalfag, but I have to work because my parent will not pay all my living expenses while I sneer at them behind their back for being bourgeois plebs like the rest of /a/. So I have to interact with people, which keeps me from getting too lonely. But I don't have any real "friends" in my current area, and my job has me at different places nearly every day, so it's hard finding any. I've considered going on /soc/, but it doesn't seem like the sort of people I'd like to hang out with use that board. Also, poverty prevents me from leaving the house a lot, because gasoline is expensive and my city's public transportation is only used by minorities, and it feels too awkward to be the only white guy on the bus.
    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)06:35 No.55380885
    MAL THREAD?!?!?!!??!?
    /a/'s strongest
    ✔ OFFICIAL Formspring BEST Poster
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:36 No.55380899
         File1317551798.gif-(534 KB, 360x270, 1317494236878.gif)
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    I wish...
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:37 No.55380914
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    I'd rather have a girlfriend
    >> Uncovered !Esper6.L46 10/02/11(Sun)06:38 No.55380929
    I have people I keep in contact with online like once or twice every few weeks, but that's about it. If you mean friends outside of the internet, then they number approximately zero.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:38 No.55380939
    >Mean score 8.1
    Why do MALfags do this? Isn't it supposed to 1-10, not 7-10?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:38 No.55380949
    Holic, do you think Hina will win Saimoe next year?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:39 No.55380956

    So you mooch off your parents to live? Like a tapeworm?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:39 No.55380964
    I've long given up on teaching MALfags how to count, it's a hopeless cause
    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)06:39 No.55380970
         File1317551988.jpg-(983 KB, 1000x1414, 2012 will be her year.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:40 No.55380984
    My only friend is my older brother. We hardly share any interests though. I don't even have any internet friends apart from /a/.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:40 No.55380996
    My average is also around 8. But only because I

    a) select stuff before I watch it to avoid watching shit
    b) if I end up watching shit I drop it early and don´t give it a score at all because I don´t think I can judge a 26+ episode show after 3 episodes...

    But yeah, most users give only scores from 8-10 and if they hate a show they´ll rate it with 1.
    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)06:41 No.55381005
         File1317552086.jpg-(445 KB, 800x642, BIKURI SHITA.jpg)
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    /a/'s strongest
    ✔ OFFICIAL Formspring BEST Poster
    >>   10/02/11(Sun)06:42 No.55381018
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    >reported like fist of the north star
    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)06:43 No.55381040
         File1317552187.jpg-(33 KB, 506x410, hitagi.jpg)
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    /a/'s strongest
    ✔ OFFICIAL Formspring BEST Poster
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:43 No.55381041
    That's a signature? What the actual flying fuck? Best be a troll
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:43 No.55381043
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:44 No.55381071
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    Probably a troll, but still...

    We love you. Even if we call you a faggot all the time, we call everyone here like that. That is part of this place, part of what make it a place when we can relax from the outside world.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:45 No.55381088
    I'll just never understand this. I actually have a MAL too, and my AVERAGE is 6. I almost feel like that's too high, shouldn't it be 5 (Average)? I just feel like if you have your favorite anime at 10 along with twenty others and some average show you've already forgotten about at 9 that the 10 means nothing.
    >>   10/02/11(Sun)06:45 No.55381104
         File1317552339.jpg-(40 KB, 240x294, 59.jpg)
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    Doth thou not remember the last signature debacle?

    Yes that is a signature.

    Wasn't that only like 4 months ago?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:47 No.55381134

    >you'll never be as much of as a autismal shitposter as this guy

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:48 No.55381153
    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)06:49 No.55381168
         File1317552558.jpg-(170 KB, 700x575, let the banner fly again.jpg)
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    /a/'s strongest
    ✔ OFFICIAL Formspring BEST Poster
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:50 No.55381181
    They are not friends. They are just part of your faced for the sociality.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:51 No.55381210
    Even if you only watch stuff you enjoy, 10 is supposed to be for the thing you really like. If half of the anime you've seen is rated 9 or 10, then it isn't "special" anymore. o excuses, you're just as bad as the others.
    Everything between 5 and 10 means it's good, like it should be. Just because you moderately enjoyed it doesn't mean it's an instant 7.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:51 No.55381224
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    >I have bros that I watch anime with regularly, who are not weeaboo faggots, who know how to hide their power levels, whom I can drink with. Is that really so rare?

    im in the same boat as you OP,
    we´re gonna go into town today and later go to my place to watch fate zero on my my projector,
    shit gonna be cash
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:53 No.55381255
    I think the thread ended here.
    >>   10/02/11(Sun)06:53 No.55381264
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    Why is this guy not banned yet?

    I thought we had an established policy on signatures and extensive faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:53 No.55381269
    My average is 7.8 but I only have six 10s out of ~100 anime. I guess a 6-10 rating system just happens subconsciously.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:55 No.55381294
    Hes doing the whole signature thing which has been done a million times already.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:55 No.55381296
    Sure, you´re right. When I first started using MAL some years ago I was far too generous with 9 and 10 and adjusted that later. But 5 is supposed to be "average", not "good". As I see it, 5 belongs to all those shows which are forgettable yet not too annoying. Everything below 5 is stuff you have a hard time watching down to 1 which is supposed to be "unwatchable". And I´ve yet to find something I consider "unwatchable".
    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)06:55 No.55381299
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    as /a/'s STRONGEST i have the ability to circumvent ANY ban thrown at me
    /a/'s strongest
    ✔ OFFICIAL Formspring BEST Poster
    >>   10/02/11(Sun)06:59 No.55381380
         File1317553197.jpg-(30 KB, 268x594, 196100_10150166755991201_52151(...).jpg)
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    Initial analysis shows a correlation of the formspring, mal and /a/ related memes and indicators.

    The lack of explicit mention of anime in his profile alongside the blatant 3x3's and figma is an assured indicator of the will to be congruent with /a/ dogma's.

    Although there remains the possibility that some third party is using the above mentioned to his advantage in an effort to drum up animosity for this person in question, it is my professional opinion that this poster is in fact Eli Steinauer.
    >> ❤ ͪ ͦ ˡ ͥ ͨ ͨ ͪ ͣ ͫ ͣ ❤ !SuKi//q1Bg!!QXPE1teN3S8 10/02/11(Sun)07:02 No.55381414
         File1317553326.jpg-(112 KB, 695x414, SAIMOE 2011 HOLIC ONLY.jpg)
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    /a/'s strongest
    ✔ OFFICIAL Formspring BEST Poster
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)07:12 No.55381619
    I have friends. They don't watch anime though. Anime is strictly "solo time" time for me. It's what I turn to when I want to relax and enjoy something different. Hell I barely join in the discussion of (currently airing/watching) shows online as it is.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:01 No.55382797
    To be honest I would rather just keep as it is, which is me just watching anime, and if their ever interested, I will talk to them about it. But it's not a sociable thing to talk about, so best to keep your thoughts to one side.
    >> Sakaki榊 !!HM8FQlbH5nx 10/02/11(Sun)08:05 No.55382880
    I have a few close ones but I really enjoy my alone time. Being with people for too long drains me of patience and energy.
    I like them in small doses.

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