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09/27/11(Tue)14:28 No.55201265 File1317148100.jpg-(226 KB, 1274x718, 1312166564178.jpg)
Anybody who "frequents" /a/ can, I hope, take this stupidshit troll board with a grain of salt.
Or fuck it, a pound of salt.
for OP's derp, scanners really are being shafted when "streaming"
(gallery) sites put their stuff up, because they probably get a buck
every time 50 people (or whatever it is) download one of their releases
from a /rs/-type 1-click filesharing host.
People are supposedly
"contributing" scanners' work when one of these "manga streaming"
galleries wants to put their scans up. It's supposedly not the gallery's
fault, it's their users or whatever.
Really it's the manga
stream site owners doing it, but if the scanner thinks it's his own fans
doing it, hey. I mean, the stream site gets ad revenue at the scanner's
expense, so they punish the people who are supposedly putting it up for
doing that.
It's simple internet bottom-feeder economics. |