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    File : 1317142499.png-(156 KB, 897x827, Screen shot 2011-09-27 at 11.44.47 AM.png)
    156 KB Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)12:54 No.55198699  
    Why are scanalators such assholes?

    I respect the work they do, and I know they deserve more credit than they get from sites like mangafox. But this is the work they've chosen to do. Take the Japanzai forums. It doesn't matter how many people compliment them on the release of a chapter, if one "guest" insults their work, they'll intentionally delay their next release by days. Its like they're all children. Just look at the discussion regarding the next Nozoki Ana chapter:;topicseen#new

    It isn't just Japanzai, either. Blackwing Scans permanently shut down earlier this year because the owner felt "disrespected" by other sites, despite the support he was getting from his readers.

    I know there are multiple scanalators who frequent /a/, and this may not apply to you, but tell me... why do so many of them feel so entitled?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)12:59 No.55198821
         File1317142767.png-(104 KB, 446x687, Screen shot 2011-09-27 at 11.5(...).png)
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    Pic related, Black Wing's "final message"
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:04 No.55198974
    I'm not upset, just curious. From what I've seen, a single anon could waltz into a scanalators site, as a guest, and completely shut down his operation. In fact, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:09 No.55199093
    A lot of scanlators are children, yes. They are being way too serious about what people say to them.

    I do feel for the groups who get upset when sites like MangaFox upload their scanlations, even when they have clearly expressed that they don't want their scans up there. That's just low. It's going to get worse, since MF are going to start completely ignoring scanlation groups from now on.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:13 No.55199194
    >Nozoki Ana scanlator drama again.
    That shit is cursed.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:14 No.55199225
    I agree, but delaying releases punishes readers more than it does mangafox. The best solution would be to form a sort of union with the other scanalation sites, banding together against hosting sites.

    The scanalators would never do this, though... they all hate each other so much, it just couldn't work.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:15 No.55199257

    >Nozoki Ana

    you know what? an anon posted Nozoki Ana chapter 60 almost 2 weeks ago, but mods deleted the thread before he was done dumping the chapter
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:15 No.55199271
    Actually, Woxxy's FoolSlide is being used by quite a few groups. That is probably the solution; a semi-decentralized manga viewer/downloader.

    MangaFox really should abide by the groups' wishes, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:17 No.55199299
    >Getting mad over people not following your wishes in regard to your illegal distribution of copyrighted works

    Scanlator bitch tears really are the best tears
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:19 No.55199349
    >i will not check 20 different scanlator sites

    How much retarded can you get?

    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:19 No.55199358
    Really, if a site like Baka-Updates became more popular, it would be the best for the individual scanalators. Japanzai doesn't even have its online reader, and the download process is a pain in the ass. Its no surprise that the first thing people are going to check is a broad-spectrum site like Mangafox.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:20 No.55199385
    This is the web
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:22 No.55199447
    see ebaumsworld controversy

    if the internet went up in arms for that
    then the same can go for this
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:22 No.55199454
    >Nozoki Ana

    That's what you get for reading retarded fanservice shit
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:22 No.55199458
    OP here, this isn't my comment, but just watch the shitstorm that erupts. Rather than just deleting the post, every translator and cleaner on the board is going to go full rage mode on the "guest." I won't be surprised if that one post delays the release of the next chapter.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:23 No.55199469
    >MangaFox really should abide by the groups' wishes, though.
    Why should they? It's not like the scanlator groups give a shit about the wishes of the manga artist who's works they are illegally distributing.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:23 No.55199471
    feels kind of old man
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:26 No.55199561
    Sure, but it's not like the scanlators are making any money off it. If Woxxy is to be believed, he's even losing money on FoolRulez.

    MF on the other hand, is chock full of ads and crap. It's even run by a fucking company. Its only purpose is to make money.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:27 No.55199582
    But if the manga in question isn't being released in the western world, it doesn't hurt either. In fact, it would only make it more likely the title will be released in english.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:27 No.55199588
    i dont read a lot of Manga.

    what does it mean by watermark?

    I know what they are IRL but what do they have some shade cover on most manga so it doesn't look clean? i've never seen this before if its the case does that happen often?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:28 No.55199606
    It doesn't matter to the reader if the site is making money or not, just how fast the releases appear and how good quality they are.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:29 No.55199628
    A watermark is basically just stamping every page with the scanalator's logo, so that even if it is uploaded to a hosting site like mangafox, the reader will know where it originated.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:29 No.55199630
    >Seriously just learn it and be done with the drama.
    The best advice for all of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:31 No.55199684
    Though that's true, the scanalators don't see it that way. And in the end, its their childish tendencies that will lead them to cancel a project, regardless of the number of fans that project has.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:31 No.55199691
    Once your shit is on the internet. It's public property.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:31 No.55199695
    I guess I'm lucky, the worst scanlator drama I've seen for my favorite series is updates being slow and the translator being whiny sometimes when they don't get comments.

    Suns gonna rise, I guess
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:32 No.55199715
    It matters to the scanlators.

    And sure, you can claim that scanlators are leeching off of the manga authors' work, they are putting time and effort into releases as well, so I don't think it's totally wrong for them to decide if other people should make money off their releases.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:32 No.55199723
    >The point is scanlators have no rights to their scans.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:33 No.55199767
    I translate mostly h-doujins but I can understand the feeling.
    It's a combination of factors but:
    1.) You are getting this shit for free. People do it as a hobby. If they have a bad day, someone happens to troll them when they are in a bad mood (even if it's an obvious troll) it's easy to go "you know what, fuck it, why do I even bother with these people?"
    2.) People do this as a hobby and therefore get no compensation (if they do, they are doing something illegal, but we'll get to that). They do get genuinely pissed off when someone uploads that stuff to mangafox or even just exhentai because someone else is making money of both their work (translation) and the original authors work without paying either of them. If they do have a way to make profit, they'll get pissed off someone else is hogging all the viewers who'd bring in ad revenue and traffic.
    3.) Yes, we are selfentitled pricks who do this to get praise and (at least in a few cases) because it's a way to use the Japanese knowledge we've acquired and check if we are doing a good job. Constructive criticism because of mistranslation, weird English grammar, etc. are welcome. Obvious trolling is only going to piss off your scanlator of choice for the same reason as number 1.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:33 No.55199782

    Do they have? It's not like they can do anything about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:34 No.55199787
    If a bank robber hides the money in his house, and then has it stolen from him by another robber, whose money is it? The bank's, obviously. Since the scanalators have no right to the scans in the first place, they have no right to be complaining when those scans are stolen from them.

    Unfortunately, the only people these conflicts really harm are the readers.
    >> OP 09/27/11(Tue)13:35 No.55199822
    Glad I created this thread, its interesting to see what other people's opinions of scanalators are.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:35 No.55199833
         File1317144950.png-(153 KB, 718x249, 1304140702317.png)
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    I heard watermarks?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:36 No.55199850
    but there's nothing in it for the scanlators

    Scanlators can't take the moral high ground towards Mangafox for distributing it


    readers can't take the moral high ground towards scanlators for scanlating it

    everyone is a thief that has no standing

    and as such I don't have the right to rage about this topic
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:37 No.55199881
    Unfortunately, most scanalators don't see it that way.
    >> OP 09/27/11(Tue)13:39 No.55199926
    I already use mangaupdates thanks, and I'm not the anon posting in the first image. I just like going to the Japanzai forums after every Nozoki Ana update, because this literally happens every single time.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:39 No.55199927
    "Oh hey, I'm gonna translate this shit along with my internet pals, just because I want to"

    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:41 No.55199976
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    You DIDN'T suck the translator's dick?

    What are you, a fucking fag?
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)13:41 No.55199993
    >wall of text
    >go to reader site

    I stick with online readers than you.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:42 No.55200010
    why dont scanners treat manga the same as subbers treat anime? they should be doing it because they feel it's nessicary not for the praise, not for the fans but becuase it's something they love and want to give other people the chance to read it and enjoy it to. they shouldn't even look at comments about it. their passion alone should be what keeps them going.

    and in the case of haters:
    rule11- all your carfully picked arguments can easily be ignored.

    [spoilers]fuck that makes me feel like a newfag[/spoilers]
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:43 No.55200039
    Well, yeah, bro. You might be surprised but scanlators also have something called lives and use their free time to do this shit.
    Piss them off, they'll just go back to play Persona 3 and pretend Aegis is their girlfriend (or level up their WoW character)
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:44 No.55200061
    >Its like they're all children.

    It's not /like/ they're children, they are children oftentimes.


    The thing is that it's impossible to both release your scans to the general public and to keep them from ending up on mangafax and the rest of the warehousing sites, so really scanlators just need to accept that warehousers are gonna warehouse and idiots are gonna idiot.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:45 No.55200084
    That might be because you are one.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:45 No.55200088
    God damnit I wish someone else would pick up Nozoki Ana. I barely read any manga and it's one of the few I'm currently reading that I enjoy.
    >> ­ 09/27/11(Tue)13:45 No.55200093
    the failed spoiler tags don't help
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:46 No.55200108
    >implying there are any fansubbers still doing it for the love of anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:46 No.55200127
    >wall of text
    >Translation: I'm 12 years old
    Do you even know how to use an RSS feed?

    >than you
    I hope you're trolling and not just clinically retarded you lazy piece of shit.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:46 No.55200129
    ITT: there is nothing you can do about it (except drop the manga)
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:47 No.55200144
         File1317145635.png-(18 KB, 879x434, Alright, about fucking tim(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:47 No.55200163
    Anime fanbase is infested with autists. Autists gonna autist.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:48 No.55200169
    Unlike subbers you don't have any of those companies doing the scanlating themselves.

    You people probably don't remember the dramas around Dattebayo and other fansubbers who did shit like this back in the day before crunchy was around (not that I like crunchy but at least they are doing the translation they offer themselves not stealing it from someone).

    The day mangafox starts scanlating shit themselves I'll stop abusing the 4chan quoting feature when someone posts a screenshot from them.
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)13:50 No.55200233
    >than you

    Clearly, it is a typo. It was meant to be "thank you". If the best you can do is insult me personally and poke fun of typos then that just shows how weak your argument really is.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:51 No.55200254
    >Tazmo profits off scanlators' works
    >Everyone bashes Tazmo
    >Online manga readers profits off scanlators' works
    >Everyone bashes the scanlators for bitching about it
    How low have you fallen, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:52 No.55200303
    They are just being white knights for the mangakas.

    "Oh, pirating and downloading things that are copyrighted on the internet is bad!"
    >> That guy !!D/txAIyjx+4 09/27/11(Tue)13:53 No.55200333
    this is why I'll learn Japanese and never deal with this again. One day.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:53 No.55200345
    Is this copypasta?

    MangaFox is shit, yes, but groups like FoolRulez and RHS have full-quality scans in their readers.

    This is a dumb argument.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:53 No.55200346
    Why do shit sites like MF still exist?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:54 No.55200359
    Thats ironic, you ignored the rest of the text and went straight for the typo.

    >that just shows how weak your argument really is.
    Arguement? What arguement? Its a point, learn the difference you illiterate shit. You use online readers? I'm not surprised, enjoy eating shit.

    Never change faggot, go ahead and change the subject you're not going to refute my point anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:54 No.55200379
    Finding raws would probably be much harder than getting them from scanlators
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:54 No.55200386
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)13:56 No.55200439
    That online readers are somehow bad. When we have established that they are just more convient.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:58 No.55200495
    Back then, scanlators attacked Tazmo and appealed to their fans rationally and made their loyalty worth something.

    Now they just bitch at their fanbase for the sake of a couple bads, shit up their fan's discussion threads for attention and then crumble or drop shit at a moment's notice.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:59 No.55200527
         File1317146399.jpg-(87 KB, 314x360, K (74).jpg)
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    Well I don't know about you guys, but I've been on the internet long enough and seen enough things more stable than scanlation groups go under that I want to personally archive all the mango I read.
    >> Mamimi !9911144992 09/27/11(Tue)14:00 No.55200542
         File1317146438.png-(1.17 MB, 3350x4000, 1316471883461.png)
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    I cleaned for a scanlation group for a few weeks. It is a pain in the ass. I have sympathy for them because they work hard and most of them try to make enough money via advertisements/donations to pay there web hosting fees, and purchase manga they plan on scanlating. Those online manga readers kill the groups money source, and they need to start completely funding themselves if they want to continue. So essentially you work your ass off so that you can then fork money out of your pocket to buy manga, and pay for a server. Online Manga Readers that aren't cooperating with the scanlation groups are killing them.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 09/27/11(Tue)14:01 No.55200561
    So much drama I hope sub drama never comes back that was so zzzzz.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:03 No.55200596
    Just popped into the thread.

    So if I want to remove my traffic from online mangareaders, I should make note of the scanlator groups and use RSS? Anything else?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:04 No.55200628
    > "waaahhhhh the mango we translated is hosted in ohter webo site!! fuck the readers, they should only read OUR things HERE, because WE tranlated it and so we want the WHOLE INTERNET know that!! waaahhhhh"

    Sup /a/
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:04 No.55200637
    >When we have established that they are just more convient
    You're speaking for /a/ again, retard. Established when? Because you said so?

    >That online readers are somehow bad
    Gee, opinions. More accurately, shitty FORCED opinions from a tripfag who can't type properly.

    I think its time you headed back to >>>/gaia/, you're nothing more than a Pork wrangler-tier shitposter.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:05 No.55200639
    So I recently got into reading manga again and I have to ask, what sites do you use to download manga? I found a few decent torrents on bakabt but that's about it
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:05 No.55200649
    I add series to mangaupdates and follow the RSS and pop into the scanalator's site whenever they post something new.
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)14:05 No.55200659
    1. There are plenty of ways to get around paying for a website.
    2. Remember that time a popular raw provider started watermarking their releases and, all those scanalator asking for donations to buy manga came to a screeching halt?
    3. They are taking what they have no claim to so I can't feel bad when the same thing happens to them.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:06 No.55200663
    Direct Downloading has the same or better quality so that is irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:07 No.55200693

    Why not just use a free forum, website or some shit? Wordpress for example.
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)14:07 No.55200707
    In several threads over the past several days. Your ad hominem won't change that no matter how pissed you get.
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)14:08 No.55200732
    To paraphrase: People care about the manga not the translators.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:09 No.55200735
         File1317146942.png-(26 KB, 204x187, 1297167462734.png)
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    Read them online at Mangafox, obviously.

    Make those scanlators cry.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:10 No.55200770
         File1317147021.jpg-(18 KB, 360x360, 1314760659754.jpg)
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    >you mad? =))
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:10 No.55200780
    >People care
    >I care about the manga but I don't care about the translators

    Fixed that for you.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:11 No.55200809
    translator and scanlator's namida are delicious
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:11 No.55200814
    >Additionally, I question the judgment of anyone who really wants traffic from the gaiafags and shounentards who regularly visit mangafox and its ilk.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:12 No.55200831
    Stop speaking for people as if everything you say is a fact, your ego is too big for someone as new as yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:13 No.55200872

    But you wouldn't know this scanlation thingy if you don't first read online and see the credits pages.

    Type " [manga name] read online" on google and the first things you will see are the manga reader sites.

    Online readers help make the scanlators website known to casuals and new to manga.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:14 No.55200877
    They do, they just don't care.
    Same for people using e-hentai.
    Humans are animals following set patterns. Once they get used to something they won't change it unless:
    a.) Something easier/more convenient comes around
    b.) Something flashier/"cooler" comes around.

    The discussion is moot anyway. People will continue going there until someone who actually owns the rights C&Ds Mangafox (seems unlikely seeing nobody has done anything by now) or scanlation groups disappear due to their own inertia (even less likely) and Mangafox is forced to live on the existing backlog they have or having to start hiring translators themselves.
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:14 No.55200889
         File1317147278.jpg-(208 KB, 1920x1080, 1295137644716.jpg)
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    Stop the machines. I am the owner of mangawox. Ask me anything.
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)14:15 No.55200910
    I wasn't even the one that came up with it. The last thread there was an anon that pointed out that a lot of scanalators get into because they think they can get internet famous not realizing that people care about the manga not the people doing it. That is why people are fine reading manga on places like mangafox.

    My arrogance and pride have little to do with it. Do try to stop being distracted by my radiance and focus on the matter at hand.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:15 No.55200912

    Here we go.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:15 No.55200919
    How much kane you have?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:15 No.55200930
    Shitsen subs should pick up Nozoki Ona..
    >> Mamimi !9911144992 09/27/11(Tue)14:19 No.55201019
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:19 No.55201024
    I hate how i have to join every single scanlator site to get my releases.
    Sure, i'm willing to download my stuff from your site, but please don't make me join your forum, put in 15 (quality) posts before i can download the latest chapter of -insert manga here-
    God forbid those livejournal communities where you have to join the community, await approval and either get denied or accepted depending on how the person feels. Or when they come up with additional rules before you even get accepted.

    Now i don't use online readers either (asides from mangatoshokan, but that one died). I just like to have them bundled and ready for ddl. But apparently that's not allowed either
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:19 No.55201039
         File1317147583.png-(109 KB, 597x597, hatacensor.png)
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    My manga aggregator puts this logo on every page.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:19 No.55201041
    Stop getting your shit from shitty scanlators, then. Good scanlators don't force you to register.
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)14:20 No.55201050
    Because the scanalators are too focused on being glory hounds to have one centralized reader site. It is more convient to go to one large site than it is to go to several small ones.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:20 No.55201061
    They want it all handed to them on a silver platter with a spork because they can't learn to internet.. In other words, everything in one place, no matter how bad the quality is reduced, no matter who is hurt. They are the cancer that will slowly kill scanlations.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:20 No.55201070
    On Blogger for example, if you post Mediafire links in every post you make, Google will delete your blog for spam.
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:21 No.55201084
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:21 No.55201100

    scanlators should be more grateful.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:22 No.55201131
    shut the fuck up and start translating those missing chapters of SYD
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:23 No.55201154
    The worst are the guys that put their scans up in forums that force you to comment a certain number of times to download the releases and then are shocked when they get posted to places like mangatraders. Of course people are going to download it from the easier place.
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:23 No.55201159
         File1317147837.jpg-(269 KB, 489x600, 14102953_m.jpg)
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    We can't be grateful. MangaFox is trying to migrate every user over to MangaHere and preferably to MangaRush to remove also the credits pages.

    We were silent until this situation started going on. We knew the good part of it, but now we're just getting shit thrown at us.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:25 No.55201191

    >removing credit pages

    Now, that's a problem.
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)14:27 No.55201234
    HAHAHAHA... no. The scanalators are just thieves too. No one cares about boosting their ego. People just care about reading the manga in a way with the least hassle.

    You started the war. Mangafox just retaliated. Also thanks to these threads and your bitching MangaHere and the like are getting a hell of a lot more exposure than they could have hoped for. You're being hoisted by your of petard and, you don't even realize it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:27 No.55201245
    While I do understand that scanlators are butthurt that aggregators make advertising money off of their work, they need to understand that that's the consequence of operating in a black market.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:28 No.55201265
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    Anybody who "frequents" /a/ can, I hope, take this stupidshit troll board with a grain of salt.

    Or fuck it, a pound of salt.

    As for OP's derp, scanners really are being shafted when "streaming" (gallery) sites put their stuff up, because they probably get a buck every time 50 people (or whatever it is) download one of their releases from a /rs/-type 1-click filesharing host.

    People are supposedly "contributing" scanners' work when one of these "manga streaming" galleries wants to put their scans up. It's supposedly not the gallery's fault, it's their users or whatever.

    Really it's the manga stream site owners doing it, but if the scanner thinks it's his own fans doing it, hey. I mean, the stream site gets ad revenue at the scanner's expense, so they punish the people who are supposedly putting it up for doing that.

    It's simple internet bottom-feeder economics.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:29 No.55201311
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:31 No.55201348
    there are people that actually save the images from mangafox or mangareader to discuss them in redhawk forums. There is something wrong about that and it makes me giggle everytime I remember. I don't know if they are trolls or not (proabably not, more likely unintentional) but it's so fucking funny. The real reason is probably that they don't download the chapter, but there's some kind of irony in it. If they start watermarking stuff, think about the images in redhawk with the watermark and the streaming site.

    you can check it here if you are interested
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:31 No.55201356
    Ugh, sometimes I wonder if it's worth it to keep going when I get lumped together with people like this all the time. Not all scanlators are like this. There are assholes among us just like among any other group of people. You just notice them because they actually have a say in providing a good you enjoy.
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:32 No.55201377
         File1317148345.jpg-(304 KB, 537x759, 14722284_p1.jpg)
    304 KB
    But I am obviously doing it to advertise my comic management system. This is the best viral marketing, and works wonders to attract scanlators.

    I'll soon take over scanlation, and be the most popular tripfag in 4chan. The dream of all my life, basically.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:33 No.55201410
         File1317148431.jpg-(49 KB, 279x291, 1309395668168.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:33 No.55201411
         File1317148432.jpg-(71 KB, 999x773, failmanga.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:34 No.55201417
    >hurr mangafox
    >hurr aggregators
    Why do scanlators feel the need to bitch about this on /a/? Shouldn't you attack or appeal to the groups of people who actually use these services instead?

    This is like musicians crucifying people who go to their concerts because someone in another country downloaded an mp3.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:34 No.55201420
    I hope the Western community doesn't turn into the Chinese translation community where you have to register, get enough rep and reply to the thread to get access to a translated piece of work. They even disable right clicking, scripts, hotlinking just to screw with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:35 No.55201454

    Haha. Why would he even do that?
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:36 No.55201479
         File1317148584.png-(61 KB, 840x525, 13440617_p0.png)
    61 KB
    My group actually uploads our manga to mangafox to troll me.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:37 No.55201514
    I read all of my manga on mangafox out of spite.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:38 No.55201528
    You forgot about the credit system which forces you to keep posting on their forums if you want to download more, and the online readers with 6+ ads (which come with videos/audio)
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:38 No.55201535

    That failmanga sounds like an /a/non. An underage at that.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:39 No.55201557
    - wait, is she naked?
    - click the thumbnail
    - okay, it's just a bikini

    - YEAH!!
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:40 No.55201591
         File1317148849.jpg-(658 KB, 1080x1440, 14525562.jpg)
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    Because they use Adsense which is not reloadable without reloading the whole page, unless you want to risk an Adsense ban.

    Scanlators use on my readers, because it allows reloading. Also, nicer image-only ads with asynchronous loading, and works by pageview.

    Brb, I am going to buy a car with my $13 a month.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:42 No.55201634
         File1317148941.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2480x3508, unwatermarking1.jpg)
    1.14 MB
    Hey, OP. I'm an scanlator, and I agree.

    That's why I took business in my own hands, and I have either killed or forced to change a couple of groups. I also made a tutorial for you to do the same!


    If you've got the time to whine like a little bitch, you've got the time to mess with them motherfuckers. I'd do it myself, but I don't give a shit about Nozoki Ana. Dropped it in the 10s.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:42 No.55201645
    In a perfect world, people would come to MY blog to DOWNLOAD the manga just as I intended. However, this is not a perfect world and therefore I have to deal with things like mangafox, and people wondering what the status is on my projects when they're right fucking there on said blog.

    But I accept this. I mean, sure, it'd be nice if people didn't talk about the stuff I do with THIS IMAGE IS HOSTED AT MANGAFOX.COM fixed to the bottom of a downsized version of a spread I spent hours redrawing. But at the end of the day, it's getting out to more people who're enjoying it, in whatever format, and that's all I set out to do. I find myself unable to understand why other scanlators get so damn mad about this sorta thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:43 No.55201660
    >online readers with 6+ ads (which come with videos/audio)
    I know that feel, fuck those flash ads.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:45 No.55201705
    If I have a manga archived then sometimes it's easier to just hunt for that one page online than fire up the external. That would be stupid for anything recent, however.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 09/27/11(Tue)14:45 No.55201706
    You can bet your ass off that no anime fansubber likes the billions of illegal anime streaming sites with ads plastered all over them. You can also bet that the fansubbers would be very glad if these sites got shut down for good.

    But even then, fansubbers don't drop or delay shit because of them. Despite what you might think about the maturity of the anime fansubbing scene, you can probably agree that the scanlation scene is way, way worse with all the shit that goes on in it (like that one scanlator which requires 50 new posts a week to their forums in order to get a private link to new releases).

    Seriously, why does so many manga scanlator do shit like this?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:48 No.55201788
    Daiz and Woxxy in the same thread?

    It's like the Gods of distribution are here.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:48 No.55201799
         File1317149330.jpg-(115 KB, 777x504, HAHA OH WOW.jpg)
    115 KB
    >Seriously, why does so many manga scanlator do shit like this?
    pic related.

    Also, dude, go kick the shit out of Kusion until im@s comes out. Although, if you're the encoder and typesetter... what's left for him to do?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:49 No.55201830
    chix with dix
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:50 No.55201835
         File1317149411.jpg-(200 KB, 640x960, moenymph_annoying..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:51 No.55201866
    ... stop what?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:51 No.55201872
    There is far too much personal drama in the scanlator world.

    I remember when I worked with a group and the leader decided on a whim that we should start watermarking and announced it on the site, and all the other members managed to convince him that was a bad idea, and even after he agreed he said we couldn't change the watermark policy back until after about 2-3 weeks because otherwise it would make us seem 'weak and indecisive'.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:52 No.55201889
    >(like that one scanlator which requires 50 new posts a week to their forums in order to get a private link to new releases)

    Past me a link, I wanna troll the fuck out of them
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:52 No.55201899

    Why his retardness doesn't surprise me?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:53 No.55201935
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)14:54 No.55201952
    Related to what the guy CAPSed in your image.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:54 No.55201970
    yet, at the time, they were the fastest at releasing bakuman. It was to fight their bullshit that redhawks, muda and... the other group got together to scan bakuman.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 09/27/11(Tue)14:55 No.55201993
    Think it was Doko Demo Doa or something. Thank god I don't actually follow anything they do.

    >For god's sake don't lump me into a fucking "scene" with the immature kiddies who think watermarking is cool.

    Yeah, I won't. Some scanlators are very cool guys and who I take no issues with, but for every well-behaving scanlator there seems to be at least a bunch of these retarded howler monkeys screaming about how watermarking is absolutely essential and how they will drop shit if people don't pirate it THEIR way.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 09/27/11(Tue)14:57 No.55202034
    Also, these same Doko Demo Doa guys (or girls, I think) also plaster fuckhuge watermarks over every single goddamn page. Like, watermark the size of 1/6th of the page or so.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)14:58 No.55202061
    >Doko Demo Doa
    Oh god those watermarks. Too bad I deleted that release where every page had a huge one.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:00 No.55202129
    according to some threads I've seen, they also have some kind of deal with mangareader to do that.

    I don't get why the something something coalition hasn't killed mangareader yet. I don't give a shit about online readers (hell, I've posted about some of the manga I work for in mangafox), but mangareader actually pays scanlators to watermark (see >>55201799 ). At least the other readers aren't so obvious.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:01 No.55202149
    thats why i love gg, they suck, and they know it, but they don't give a fuck

    they are heroes saving fansub anime, the only ones left with the old motto of fansubbing
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:01 No.55202155
         File1317150083.jpg-(511 KB, 800x1200, Kousha_no_Ura_ni_wa_Tenshi_ga_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:02 No.55202168
    Is this on every page? Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:02 No.55202170
         File1317150122.png-(439 KB, 800x1200, Kousha_no_Ura_ni_wa_Tenshi_ga_(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:02 No.55202171
    This was exactly the one I wanted, thanks anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:02 No.55202187
         File1317150148.gif-(760 KB, 259x214, 1302718560137.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:02 No.55202191
    post the page where the watermark covers the face of a girl who is smiling.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:02 No.55202199
         File1317150167.png-(295 KB, 800x1200, Kousha_no_Ura_ni_wa_Tenshi_ga_(...).png)
    295 KB

    fuck I hate this group
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:02 No.55202203
    Always gets me. So hilariously bad.

    Sucks for the people that actually want to follow the series.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:04 No.55202238
         File1317150241.png-(225 KB, 800x1200, Kousha_no_Ura_ni_wa_Tenshi_ga_(...).png)
    225 KB
    And it's sad because this fucking manga is interesting but there's no raws anywhere
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)15:04 No.55202254
         File1317150273.jpg-(696 KB, 911x1432, 19959967.jpg)
    696 KB
    The most hilarious part: they have mangafox link in the sidebar.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:05 No.55202271
         File1317150317.png-(281 KB, 800x1200, Kousha_no_Ura_ni_wa_Tenshi_ga_(...).png)
    281 KB
    I swear they have a vendetta against this character
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:06 No.55202298
    It's too bad since I was slightly interested in the manga. You could immediately tell that they were all bitches.
    >> Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN 09/27/11(Tue)15:06 No.55202299
    Why not just get a hold of some raws and use their own translations to screw with them?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:06 No.55202303

    Well guys, then let's remove the marks!
    Some anon said something about that...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:07 No.55202330
    Removing marks as big as those can be difficult, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:07 No.55202333
         File1317150451.png-(433 KB, 800x1200, Kousha_no_Ura_ni_wa_Tenshi_ga_(...).png)
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    >there's no raws anywhere

    There was a dedicated thread to finding them, but no one actually could. Trust me, if I could I would.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:07 No.55202341
    I was planning on doing that when the thread came out, but good luck finding raws.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:08 No.55202359
    we looked for them back when chapter 1 had just been released. We wanted to apply >>55201634 to them.

    But no raws anywhere. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:08 No.55202377

    Dude, that's nothing. Wait till you see the watermarks on the last chapter of Limit (yes, they were "kind" enough to give it to the public for a few hours). Give me a minute.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:09 No.55202395
    not if you have raws, no.

    If you don't have the raws, though, removing the watermarks is basically impossible without redrawing.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:09 No.55202396
         File1317150564.jpg-(258 KB, 800x1200, a.jpg)
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    I tried
    >> CPU0 !.CPU0jCRoQ 09/27/11(Tue)15:09 No.55202402
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:10 No.55202420
         File1317150602.png-(495 KB, 800x1200, Limit_ch23_003_[DokoDemoDoa].png)
    495 KB

    ... and here we go. Feel free to laugh.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:10 No.55202425
    You should feel bad anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:10 No.55202437
    funny enough, it looks better than >>55202199
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:11 No.55202454
    Haha oh god. They do offer the watermarkless version if you circlejerk in their forums right?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:11 No.55202460
    I don't even have a reaction image suitable enough to show how I feel right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:11 No.55202462
    Oh wow. That's fucking horrendous.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:11 No.55202468
    oh, you've gotta be squidding me...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:11 No.55202476
    oh god, what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:11 No.55202479
    >Doko Demo Doa
    Female scanlators.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:12 No.55202498
    Even the thumbnail generator thinks this is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:12 No.55202499
         File1317150737.jpg-(122 KB, 562x437, 1214182677506.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous of Philadelphia !!2Bu4qKlo0YC 09/27/11(Tue)15:12 No.55202507
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:12 No.55202517
    landwhales being annoying and ruining fandoms?

    Who would have thought?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:12 No.55202519
    Okay, now I can only think they are trolling every reader.
    Just trolling.

    Seriously, no one can be this retarded.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:14 No.55202572
    The problem is essentially that scanlators are people who believe they will be respected and loved by all for doing this work for free.

    What you're seeing when the breakdown/ragequit occurs is the moment they realize we live in a world that is mostly made up of scum, some of whom would piss on their project just for the fun of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:15 No.55202602
    Maybe you should try buying the manga if you're that upset over it.

    Just saiyan.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 09/27/11(Tue)15:16 No.55202640
         File1317151004.jpg-(158 KB, 500x500, ice scream.jpg)
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    Words fail me.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:17 No.55202656
    >Seriously, no one can be this retarded.
    But they can
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:19 No.55202717
    So much trolling, it feels good to be a mere lurker.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:21 No.55202788
    Sure they are dicks

    but when you register in their forum just to call out on their faggotry and provoke them, knowing there is a chance they will throw a fit and delay the project. That is just retarded

    The retards who act like people are entitled to translate manga for them are even worse, their logic is there are always 100% chance that someone will pick a manga up and translate them, yeah right
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:22 No.55202834
    You guys should be glad you're not reading yaoi manga. You can't even begin to fathom the level of paranoia that is commonplace in that fandom.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:24 No.55202922
    At least your shit is getting translated
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:24 No.55202924

    so how is this paranoia related to certain scanlators acting like children and the children who bad mouth them?
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)15:25 No.55202951
         File1317151537.jpg-(268 KB, 567x788, 1294318352307.jpg)
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    Somebody buy me licenses for Tonnura and SYD. You can have all the advertising money. All my $13.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:25 No.55202963
    >Woxxy and Daiz in the same thread


    We all know that you're the Daiz of the scanlation scene, Woxxy, stop shitting our board.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:26 No.55202994
    >Manga volume costs 500yen
    >Upload it to mediafire for free
    >Beg for donations
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:27 No.55203035
    diaz is a fucking bro and the champion of 10bit that made it all possible

    you'll show some fucking respect
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:28 No.55203045
         File1317151687.jpg-(49 KB, 587x392, CAPSLOCK.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:29 No.55203086
    it's not about "act[ing] like people are entitled to translate manga for them". It's about stopping cancer from spreading.

    Look at the JE example. They were releasing maria holic in password-protected rars that you could only download from their forum if you registered and made 5 posts - and said rars were forbidden to be uploaded anywhere else. So we killed them via a combination of watermark-removing and a different group releasing faster (and a couple of chapters later, dying).

    The leader of JE ragequit, and all their projects were halted. Some haven't been picked up in over two years (like Gakuen Alice), but that's preferable to JE succeeding in their bullshit and influencing other groups.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:29 No.55203087
    oh wait you're serious
    Keeping sucking your own dick...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:29 No.55203111
    Mangafox would steal the unmarked one.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:29 No.55203115
    Why wouldn't mangafux just take the non-watermarked version?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:30 No.55203155

    Now do the same with the rest of it, then we will troll those Doko Dama Dick faggets.
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)15:30 No.55203157
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:31 No.55203165
    Someone downloads and uploads the watermarkless version to Mangafox...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:31 No.55203174
    Pretty sure that was sarcasm.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:32 No.55203200
    Ya know what I'm talking about, you blabber wash-mouth.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:34 No.55203293


    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)15:35 No.55203309
         File1317152111.jpg-(109 KB, 480x720, muenymph_werks..jpg)
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    We should all stop releasing manga for a month. I am sure it would kill the evil sites.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:35 No.55203339
    Whatever you do, don't try to learn individual kanji one by one. That is absolutely worthless.

    HOWEVER you MUST learn whole words instead (which often contain two or more kanji). Use SRS. I recommend Anki or Learning to read a moderate amount of words with kanji is imperative so you don't have to stop to browse your dictionary every two bubbles. Once you get past maybe 500 kanji in 1500 or so words (if you're committed—with SRS that should take no more than half a year if you persist and train half an hour every day) you'll be able to read most manga WITHOUT furigana (and a lot of the good stuff comes without it) fairly fluently, only having to check back to a dictionary once or twice a chapter. At this point other parts of your language comprehension will develop rapidly as you are able to absorb large volumes of text.

    Unfortunately there's no way around the grind. You're going to have to spend many utterly boring nights just cramming this stuff into your head. Having done that myself I think it's worth it; I can (and do) order manga from Japan that nobody's bothered to scanlate and I can freely enjoy it while also getting better with the language.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:37 No.55203405
         File1317152264.jpg-(25 KB, 640x480, herpaderpa.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:38 No.55203418
    this is why i like when anon scanlates chapters, it gets done quickly and without drama.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:38 No.55203443
    You can count the amount of groups buying tankoban on one hand.

    The donations are such total bullshit, as are the private forums and all the other faggotry in it.
    >> Woxxy !TnFoOlW0X. 09/27/11(Tue)15:39 No.55203451
         File1317152348.jpg-(60 KB, 572x448, 216099_186726861373535_1068446(...).jpg)
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    Because they are not techies.

    Still, going too cheap gets you closed down due to TOS. I usually suggest Linode $20 plan for having a stable site plus the $5 Virpus plan for the FoOlSlide load balancer.

    Slowly scanlators are migrating to my same setup. $25 a month for two servers and summing up 1.2tb of bandwidth. It's crazy good.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:39 No.55203466

    There is another lesson to be learn here

    You learn to genuflect, and think about all those other people who are also going to be affected by it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:41 No.55203517
         File1317152494.jpg-(35 KB, 300x336, 6.jpg)
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    This could be fun. Make huge watermarks and put them all over everything, and make sure they get up there first, maybe even before the unmarked ones are released.

    At the very least it'll piss off mungufux users/admins.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:41 No.55203522
    I already know the nan, human, big, day and month kanjis.

    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:42 No.55203545
    Whichever butthurt scanlater mod that deleted my post about donations, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:44 No.55203605
    and wrong, and then the raws disappear because they get tossed and nobody re-ups them, whereas people will continually re-up the (incorrect) translation (or blatant troll or rewrite)
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:44 No.55203609
    And isn't consistent. That's the big problem with /a/ efforts.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:44 No.55203631
         File1317152699.png-(7 KB, 933x174, -a- - Anime & Manga_131715(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:45 No.55203640

    still relevant.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:45 No.55203648
    does the phrase "fuck donate4chan" mean anything to you?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:46 No.55203671

    Water marks are hardly an issue unless you are a whiny faggot.
    >> Translator-Fag !!onPFmgid3WB 09/27/11(Tue)15:47 No.55203717
    Chiming in because this shit is retarded.

    As a translator/scanlator, I don't care who the fuck uploads my shit anywhere, as long as they don't edit off the "translated by translator-fag" on it. I don't care if Mangafox kiddies don't know who's translating. There are plenty of people who come by my blog to say thanks. And that's fine.

    I don't understand why groups get so butthurt when kiddies think "mangafox" is translating it, or when their site doesn't get many pageviews. And I don't understand why they get so angry when someone tells them their work is bad. Sure, I might get a bit annoyed, but I'm not gonna delay a release or post a big angry post about how I should "get more respect".

    polite sage for non-contribution
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:48 No.55203738
    Can't see images in archive, bro.
    Post it yourself.

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