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    File : 1317042678.jpg-(127 KB, 703x819, KyoAni then.jpg)
    127 KB Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:11 No.55155440  
    >KyoAni 9 years ago
    >"Kyoani Project" is a new challenge for Kyoto Animation's creators to produce, make and sell with new concepts.
    >●Creators consist chiefly in making.
    >●To sell a packaged product at a low price.
    >●Completely original.

    What the fuck happened?

    Where is your original anime?
    >> Sendō Takeshi, Naniwa‮ IAKNEZ UKOYRNEZ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !Tiger.wTtg 09/26/11(Mon)09:12 No.55155456
    Money happened.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:13 No.55155489
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:14 No.55155503
    I'm going to be an ignorant now, but that is how I see the industry as a whole at the moment:


    pick one
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:15 No.55155521
    >ALICE in The DARKNESS by Yasuhiro takemoto

    Mite b cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:15 No.55155531
    moeshit happened
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:16 No.55155539
    Companies change all the time. Nintendo used to be a cards game company
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:17 No.55155558
    ignoring the fact that most popular anime titles practically always were original works
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:18 No.55155574
    I prefer what Kyoani does than shit for anime hipsters
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:19 No.55155605
    Kyoani trained new animators and wanted to let them make original and interesting projects.

    However they decided to give a try and make a VN adaptation. It turned out that Otaku bought that shit like mad, so for a while they were making only other VN adaptations.

    Them making LN and manga adaptations now is actual progress, at least they are not making another Clannad/Air/Wish/Whatever
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:19 No.55155611
    They win more money using popular mangas to pander than creating something original
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:21 No.55155636
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:21 No.55155643
    I agree, shit anime for idiots is better
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:21 No.55155653

    fuck man, what I would give for another Clannad.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:22 No.55155657

    I would honestly rather have those than what Kyoani is currently churning out of its ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:22 No.55155664
    SHAFT used to make good shows and had some great directors, like the ones making EF and Rec. It used to help Gainax (also its true that titles on which Gainax cooperated with SHAFT are considered one of their worst, except Maroho).

    Now its just SHINBO and shit shows. What happened? How come an idealistic and talented studio turned into one man company doing same shit over and over?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:23 No.55155679
    >shit anime for idiots
    That would be shit for anime hipsters
    >> OP 09/26/11(Mon)09:27 No.55155779
    I didn't say that.

    I like KyoAni now but it would be interesting if they made more of those anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:28 No.55155796
    What happened to JC Staff? They used to be great studio making great anime like Slayers or Utena...

    Now they are just making anime about tsunder lolis each season, over and over..
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:29 No.55155814
    no FMP Third Raid

    Fuck you, Kyoani,
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:29 No.55155825

    Heh. More original than what Kyoani shits all over the place nowadays.

    >he dislikes tsundere lolis
    Well well well, the kiddies have awoken.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:31 No.55155846
    >Heh. More original than what Kyoani shits all over the place nowadays.
    Well well well, the kiddies have awoken.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:31 No.55155857
    What happened to Madhouse? They used to make all kinds of cool anime... now they make more Marvel adaptations per season then they do manga adaptations...
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:32 No.55155863
    those shorts seem more interesting than Kyoani's anime from the past 5 years
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:32 No.55155875
    Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:33 No.55155890
    What happened to ordet? They used to be saviors of the anime, but in the end only sold around 663 frt...
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:33 No.55155891
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    >It used to help Gainax

    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:34 No.55155905
    >663 frt

    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:34 No.55155913
    >663 frt
    That would be 585k sales bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:34 No.55155915
    A unit of measuring sales count.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:35 No.55155924
    And you don't know how to use ft
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:35 No.55155938
    surprisingly, thats the only Shinbo directed show i love.

    Too bad after it, he just continued making same shit using same artistic and directing methods. Bakemono had a lot of scenes basically copied in their visual performance from Moonphase.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:36 No.55155941
    Maybe you are not. But there are plenty of people in this thread that are probably like this.

    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:37 No.55155957
    Yeah I'm currently watching it, I'm kind of surprised /a/ never mentions it.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:37 No.55155968
    What happened to Gainax? They used to make a variety of excellently written and emotive sci-fi, now they just make dumb action crap.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:38 No.55155975
    I'm not using it at all, tune your detector.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:38 No.55155984
    Actually, that was pretty good show, and mainly made by Gainax. The quality of the show seems to depend on how much Gainax is involved.

    Mahoro - Gainax is medium involved, great show with lot of fanservice
    Ugly Yet Beutiful World - Gainax is hevily involved, beutiful show with good story
    He is My Master - SHAFT given free hand, shit show
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:41 No.55156022
    You all KyoAni haters, you just dont understand their grand plan - making millions of cash and then using it on making S3,4,5,6 or the FMP and FMP movies each year - including original Fumuffu seasons between each LN adapted season.

    They stain their hands with moe blood, for you!
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:42 No.55156052
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    >Ugly Yet Beutiful World - Gainax is hevily involved, beutiful show with good story
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:45 No.55156091
    >your mind is full of newfag
    Its one of the best Gainax shows, along with Nadia, Petite Princess Yucie and Ebichu.

    NGE and TTGL is the actual show that attracked shit fanbase to Gainax and outshadowed their real good works by shallow popularity.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:45 No.55156103
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    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:46 No.55156108
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:49 No.55156158
    clearly has shit taste and could not appreciate a better Gainax works, but probably being a kid who first heard the name of the studio after watching shit like NGE or TTGL
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:51 No.55156200
    Actually it was FLCL.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:52 No.55156218

    adult swim is the worst cancer of our times.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:52 No.55156228
    >list best Gainax series
    >no Gunbuster
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:53 No.55156251
    Stop talking, you're embarrassing yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:54 No.55156262
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:54 No.55156265
    pandering to the otakus happened
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:55 No.55156297
    Should have pandered to anime hipsters instead?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:56 No.55156318
    I know right

    >list best gainax shows
    >no wings of honneamise

    Kids these days
    >> Solidus Snake !!8HRRBMPlxBo 09/26/11(Mon)09:57 No.55156324
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:57 No.55156332
    Yes, because then more countries than just Japan would care about anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:58 No.55156350
    they could do both, like shaft.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:58 No.55156368
    Still wouldn't compare to stuff for kids like doraemon, sazae, etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)09:59 No.55156375
    originality = good

    this is a fact.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)10:01 No.55156411
    I sure hope that you guys are kidding and are only pretending to be blindfully ignorant
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)10:01 No.55156417
    Because anime for hipsters are totally popular overseas, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)10:02 No.55156438
    Originality does not necessarily mean thinking something that was never thought before; it can also be putting old ideas together in new ways.

    ex. Gurren Lagann
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)10:04 No.55156506
    >hipster; a word that plebians, who enjoy watching the same shit over 9000 times, use to describe those that are sick of it
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 09/26/11(Mon)10:06 No.55156554
    No it does not, nor has it ever, nor will it ever.

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