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    File : 1316984432.png-(756 KB, 850x478, 522369.png)
    756 KB Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:00 No.55127180  
    Teddie's human form is really gay.

    What does /a/ think about it?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:01 No.55127213
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:09 No.55127410
    Your aspect raito is gay.
    >> PHG !bp4ntybF0M 09/25/11(Sun)17:12 No.55127467
    Possessing that gay kid really did a number on ol Nyarly
    >> Chie is mai waifu Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:16 No.55127545
    Chie's pants are so short...oh god...I would do anything to make her mine
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:20 No.55127640
    It's not gay. Just really fabulous.

    Blame the chicks who dressed him.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:22 No.55127694
    I'll bet he and Yosuke sleep in the same bed together at his place.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:24 No.55127743
         File1316985843.png-(1.24 MB, 640x444, Teddie.png)
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    I think your spoiler should be marked with spoiler tags.
    >> PHG !bp4ntybF0M 09/25/11(Sun)17:24 No.55127764
    How does Yosuke explain this gaijin to his folks in the first place
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:30 No.55127916
    I bet Teddie loves to cuddle.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:31 No.55127939
    I still don't get what Teddie is. If Personas are shadows and Teddie is a Shadow, how does he have a Persona? Who the fuck was he originally?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:31 No.55127956
         File1316986289.jpg-(44 KB, 468x551, a088e3daa7b6b60fedc97a76c08108(...).jpg)
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    I fucking love Teddy.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:32 No.55127968

    >Persona 4
    >anything spoilertagged

    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:32 No.55127970
         File1316986336.jpg-(25 KB, 412x500, Wonderweiss.jpg)
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    Teddie who was a spirit, trained hard and became a real boy, sounds like he turned into an arrancar.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:33 No.55127993
    >Who the fuck was he originally?
    Lucifer's shadow. It's not that hard to figure out.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:33 No.55128012
    When you find out, you won't like him.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:34 No.55128038
         File1316986469.jpg-(1.43 MB, 2108x2984, 1314674568703.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:34 No.55128054
    What, really?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:35 No.55128071
    Well, if you are not retarded, you will not "find it out" because it's wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:35 No.55128092
    Guys. Is this torrent okay? Or is there a better one out there?
    >> PHG !bp4ntybF0M 09/25/11(Sun)17:36 No.55128115
    Why can't a Shadow have a Persona if it's gained sentience and does not have a corresponding being. Hitler had a Persona and Hitler really was just the strongest Shadow ever defaulting to a human form, it just took the form of his preferred monster form though. What's to say Kintoki-Douji isn't Teddie's 'Shadow' form
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:36 No.55128124
         File1316986614.jpg-(136 KB, 600x669, jun and his variants of his bi(...).jpg)
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    Piece of Lucifer

    That's what I believe.

    Also Human Teddie will never be as gay as Yosuke.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:37 No.55128150
    >55 parts

    How HIGH do you have to be to even upload that.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:39 No.55128215
    A good spirit that is able to survive independently from the rest of the shadows

    Shadows represent suppressed personalities

    Perhaps he was the cutest Nazi in a past life.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:39 No.55128223
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:41 No.55128279
    >Teddie is Theodore Roosevelt's shadow.

    I'm siding with this one.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:42 No.55128295
    watched p3 8/10
    started playing p4 last month (ps2 emu) 9/10
    reading p4 manga 6/10
    waiting for p4 animu... ?/10

    I will enjoy the show...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:42 No.55128311
    Wow, first time that I have ever seen a trope page that should be entirely deleted.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:42 No.55128325
    Yosuke probably told his dad that he's gay and his boyfriend was kicked out by his parents and has nowhere to go cause they never taught him english.

    Teddie probably flirted with Yosukes mom as well to convince her.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:44 No.55128391
         File1316987080.jpg-(738 KB, 1366x768, 1309140808249.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:45 No.55128424
         File1316987129.jpg-(225 KB, 557x603, is that a roll of quarters or (...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:46 No.55128440
         File1316987164.jpg-(564 KB, 1366x768, 1309140595675.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:46 No.55128452
    >Carries a tiny green woman between her breasts.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:47 No.55128481
         File1316987231.jpg-(639 KB, 1366x768, 1309140734516.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:48 No.55128539
         File1316987311.jpg-(605 KB, 1366x768, 1309140956880.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:48 No.55128550
    I would love to see Teddie NTR random women from around town.

    Unless the anime shows the entire story through the perspective of the main character (heavily doubt it), they should work on semi-official pairings for characters. Namely Kenji and Naoto.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:50 No.55128603
    >Igor is a alternate version of Lucifer
    Wow they really are stupid. Granted they are probably right about Nyarly since he's one of them law demons.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:50 No.55128605
    Teddie is the straightest guy in Inaba.

    Search your hearts, you know it's true.
    >> PHG !bp4ntybF0M 09/25/11(Sun)17:50 No.55128615
         File1316987447.jpg-(25 KB, 640x480, mai frieenzu.jpg)
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    >they should work on semi-official pairings for characters
    How about no
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:51 No.55128652
    I don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:52 No.55128673
    I hate retards who emulate PS2 games at a 16:9 aspect ratio.

    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:53 No.55128704
         File1316987608.jpg-(90 KB, 770x611, 1309355539566.jpg)
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    How about Bancho?

    Teddie may flirt around and make out with Kanji that one time in that club, but Bancho's the one actually dating everyone in town.
    >> PHG !bp4ntybF0M 09/25/11(Sun)17:53 No.55128708
         File1316987618.jpg-(25 KB, 640x480, faaaaaaaabuloous.jpg)
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    Because they see the bigger picture, only if you have been fully acquainted in the ways of Purse Owner may you speculah
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:53 No.55128717
    That's stupid.

    Kenji wasn't even in P4.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:55 No.55128765
    Is Lucifer even around in Persona? Teddie fits the bill for Lucifer stand in, and I think that's who they were trying to make you think, but Lucifer himself shouldn't be in Persona verse...right?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:55 No.55128771

    there is a p2 ova?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:56 No.55128833
         File1316987811.gif-(321 KB, 340x255, persona gif.gif)
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    >> PHG !bp4ntybF0M 09/25/11(Sun)17:56 No.55128834
         File1316987811.jpg-(25 KB, 640x480, is tatsuya suo gonna have to c(...).jpg)
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    No, it's just a six minute animation the P2 team put together for shits and giggles. Look up 'Persona 2 anime trailer', it's so mid 90's anime
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:58 No.55128882
    He's excluded. You can make Brotag as gay or straight as you want him to be.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:58 No.55128905
    He's the ultimate persona of the Star Arcana

    Teddie is aligned with the Star arcana

    other than that he doesn't take much of a direct hand in anything related to the story, but one could probably rationalize his involvement depending on some of the other big players involved.
    >> Ai !!LhqsHNL6ert 09/25/11(Sun)17:58 No.55128908
    So much fucking speculah
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)17:59 No.55128940
         File1316987987.png-(324 KB, 500x573, happy birthday.png)
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    pic related!
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:00 No.55128968
         File1316988024.jpg-(108 KB, 1000x734, 1312047133241.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:00 No.55128982
    Semi-official pairings... Hell No. I can already see the fucking shipping wars over who MC should poke with his Mara, don't make it even more complicated.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:01 No.55129014

    I see, thanks!

    welp, what could have been...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:02 No.55129049
         File1316988167.jpg-(144 KB, 750x1000, 6283908.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:03 No.55129062
    Been playing P2P.

    The voice acting in this game...why did they put in there? It's like it seemed as if there was no voice acting, then all of a sudden one line, then no voice acting again.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:03 No.55129090
         File1316988222.jpg-(90 KB, 495x700, 8249278.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:04 No.55129122
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:05 No.55129143
         File1316988315.jpg-(257 KB, 550x778, Mara loves them bitches.jpg)
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    Mara won't be satisfied till she pokes all them bitches.
    >> PHG !bp4ntybF0M 09/25/11(Sun)18:05 No.55129148
         File1316988319.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, keep in mind he's supposed to (...).jpg)
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    It was kind of lame really other than this and >As if your dreams will ever come true...IF YOU CAN'T EVEN PROTECT ONE WOMAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:05 No.55129158
         File1316988333.png-(797 KB, 1100x900, 14438009.png)
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