Why is Nichijou so shitty?It was full of unfunny jokes, a pile of weeaboo pandering shit "lol so randumb XD".And Yuko, she is one of the worst MC I ever watched.She's the typical retarded attention whore but everyone likes her because "being yukkko iz sufferin' ami rite guiz? lol"This show was bad and you should all feel bad for liking it.Those who like it, the "fanbase" consisted of autistic kids spamming /a/ with shitty "threads" full of reaction pictures taken from this garbage.And besides, this shit won't air next week, I won't be able to watch it on sundays just after I wake up anymore ;_;FUCK YOU KYOANI.
OP, it's time to let go.
I want an action anime made in Nichijou style!!
Life will never be the same
You know what's even worse, OP?Madoka
This kind of tsundere OP always makes me smile.
Anon, anon, it's okay man. Get over here
>>55126518Not tsundere, just a stupid fuck with shit taste.
>>55126515>>55126364>triple a samefaging again, at least without a trip this time
We will get over it. Like we always do.
if it was so shitty, why did you keep watching it?are you mentally challenged?
>>55126870Not OP but I kept going without liking it much because I wanted to like it with its awesome animation. Sure, some Sakamoto scenes were funny but if it weren't for the animation this show would be completely forgettable if not downright bad.
>>55126364OP did an overly long build-up for a simple punchline...comedy in nichijou style...I approve