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  • hi friends, let's chat!

    ps: i am eating ice cream right now
    also, what's the best way to chat with a large number of people at once besides irc without it being a shitshow?
    edit: aaaaaand my computer is about to overheat from flash/meebo :(

    File : 1316745440.jpg-(334 KB, 1280x720, no.jpg)
    334 KB Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:37 No.55013716  
    >I'm sorry, but Job Creators need that money.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:40 No.55013831
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:42 No.55013863
    Post more. I know there's more.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:42 No.55013883
    This thread is bad you and should feel bad
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:45 No.55013958
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:45 No.55013973
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:45 No.55013983

    I just made this one myself, but I'm looking.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:47 No.55014027

    >Job Creators

    I nearly have an aneurism every time I see this. And I voted for fucking McCain.
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/22/11(Thu)22:50 No.55014112
    Yep OP, Acid Bombs, Glistening Coats, Blue pots are really expensive... being a Creator is suffering.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:50 No.55014116
    Paying attention to politics? Why would you do that?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:50 No.55014117
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:53 No.55014210

    Just because you're a shut-in doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't exist. The tax those figures you import, you know.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:54 No.55014259

    Who is Producer-san? Obama? Ben Bernanke?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:55 No.55014290
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    >giving money to poorfags that will just spend it on booze and cigs
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:57 No.55014336
    Iori is the super wealthy class.
    And yet I still love her.
    >> Jake the Budgerigar !6kgj/OnyWw 09/22/11(Thu)22:58 No.55014357
    My disdain for the Tea Party cannot be put into words.

    Fucking assholes. Stop ruining tea for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:59 No.55014381
    so why does the left feel the need to flood my country with racist non-whites from the third world?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:59 No.55014392

    Why don't you take this back to the huffshitton post, moonbat. The adults are trying to talk here.
    >> Jake the Bacon !6kgj/OnyWw 09/22/11(Thu)23:00 No.55014425
    Fuckdamn shitcunts, did 4chan x just break again?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:00 No.55014437

    Just you.
    >> Jake the Brandy !6kgj/OnyWw 09/22/11(Thu)23:01 No.55014463
    Yeah, I guess, since it's working again.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:01 No.55014465
    >30k government jobs lost in august
    >no jobs growth in august
    >100k immigrants, both legal and illegal, came into the US in August

    Did you know since the recession started we've taken in 4 million legal immigrants and an estimated 2 million illegal aliens?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:01 No.55014466

    >whine about having to share with less fortunate people

    Really? They beat that out of me in preschool.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:03 No.55014519

    >Middle class

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:03 No.55014525
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    >giving stuff to people you don't even know for no reason
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:03 No.55014529
    durr if you give people infinite money they will make infinite jobs
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:03 No.55014531
    Mine's been acting shitty all fucking day, PATCH IT ALREADY YOU FUCKS.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:05 No.55014604
    And so? You've stated two unrelated facts and no conclusion. Why?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:05 No.55014609

    >Not knowing how basic civilization works
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:06 No.55014647
         File1316747182.jpg-(430 KB, 1920x1200, oreimo1.jpg)
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    Exactly. You were brainwashed at a young age into being a complete beta faggot. Spineless dolts like you don't deserve to have a comfortable lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:06 No.55014648
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    >thinking being a poorfags grants you entitlement to other peoples shit
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:08 No.55014713
    I know. Its not like rich people blow millions of dollars on luxury goods OH WAIT. ITS FUNNY BECAUSE THEY DO. EVEN MORE SO THAN MIDDLE AND POOR PEOPLE. IS THAT NOT HILARIOUS. THE SARCASM WAS THE JOKE.

    Fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:08 No.55014726
    >durrrr people should be able to hoard money because they "earned" it

    It's like people haven't even taken high school economics yet.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:08 No.55014728
    Throughout most of mankind's history, the poor basically just starved. Once we gave them rights, the fuckers kept demanding more and more shit. Next thing you know pussy liberals will want to give the poor free internet like it is a basic human right, regardless of the fact that they leech off of the rest of us like parasites. Give a man an inch...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:08 No.55014734

    We tried low tax rates on the rich and few regulations on big business for the last 30 years. All that happened was that rich people made a lot of money at everyone else's expense.

    Richfags don't make money by doing work - they make it by pocketing the difference between what people's labor is worth and what they pay them to do it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:08 No.55014737

    I don't want political threads up in here, it'll make me hate all of you.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:08 No.55014743

    >using that 'as long as it's not affecting me, it's alright' argument
    >implying everyone can become middle-class
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:09 No.55014780
    You don't know how some welfare programs work do you?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:09 No.55014797
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:10 No.55014811

    We elected Republicans in 2010, who pushed through major budget cuts. The economy was beginning to recover until Republicans won the midterms.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:10 No.55014819

    >implying those rights don't affect you also
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:10 No.55014840
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    Nope. Most of them invest the largest majority of their wealth. This helps start-up firms get moving, banks give loans to people, and is useful for everyone as a whole in a myriad of other ways as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:11 No.55014859
    >thinking being a richfags grants you entitlement to other peoples shit
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:11 No.55014866

    >Implying the Tea Party knows how the job creation process actually works
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:11 No.55014870
    This post was so retarded it gave me cancer.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:13 No.55014944
    >BE RICH
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:13 No.55014947

    The current problem is actually the lack of people purchasing goods and services. Richfags have more money than ever before, but they're hoarding it and the economy's suffering for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:14 No.55014983

    No. The Economy is suffering because bankers are fucking idiots and gave out millions of loans to poorfags who can't pay for their own shit so now they want other peoples.

    >> Commissar Lord Girlfriend !nPurgEDOvU 09/22/11(Thu)23:14 No.55014990
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    Get mad jobless faggots. Enjoy being poor. Maybe one day you can channel that poor-based anger into not being lazy and get a job.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:15 No.55015001
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    I don't need welfare, I don't need food stamps, I don't need shit from the government besides infrastructure, emergency response, and postal service. I am willing to tolerate public transit as well, I suppose, since that at least helps the local economy more than it costs.

    I happen to produce things for society. I get paid for it. But a bunch of parasites decided that they would take a large chunk of that by force and give it to lazy assholes who waste money and have kids they aren't prepared for.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:16 No.55015052

    I don't know where you're getting the numbers, but all reliable statistics show that immigration of both kinds is way down because there are no jobs.

    Also, most illegal immigrants are too scared of being deported to take advantage of social programs through the government, and they don't take jobs Americans are willing to do anyway.

    Also, as someone with a teaching certificate I've never been able to use because of cuts to schools, yeah, I'd like some government jobs. At the very least, I don't see companies "creating" jobs anyway --- they started making less profit, so instead of trying to compete with better products and services, their just going to cut more jobs.

    At the very least, they government can't do any worse than the corporations who created the recession, because they've done jack shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:18 No.55015099
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    side note, why are we discussing economic policy on the anime board?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:18 No.55015105
    But that money doesn't sit there. It is managed by the owner, the bank, or fund manager. It goes into bonds or stocks, which in turn let companies and the government do their shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:20 No.55015171
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:20 No.55015174
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    Kirino has a model job and paying her taxes. Kuroneko is going to be on welfare.

    Kirino SUPERIOR choice.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:20 No.55015176

    That's responsible for the initial collapse, yes. But after a speculative bubble bursts there's usually a recovery. There hasn't been, because of a lack of demand, because the wealth distribution got way skewed in the recession's aftermath.


    Or shareholder dividends and executive compensation and private bank accounts. We don't have a shortage of people investing in bonds and stocks, but a shortage of people able to purchase consumer goods.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:20 No.55015186
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    Because we're on /a/. If you want to discuss anime go back to gaia.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:20 No.55015190

    >implying banks are lending as much money these days, especially to other banks

    Guess that's really the main problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:21 No.55015236

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:22 No.55015264
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    This is all the medias fault and not the jews!

    The media prompts living beyond your own means making people think they HAVE to have all that shit they can't pay for.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:22 No.55015265
    Oh jesus when buttmad libertarians get started they never stop. Q: which /a/ fanbase is most like those wild eyed libertarian hippies?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:23 No.55015305
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    >Study hard
    >Go to a good college
    >Work your ass off to get what you wanted
    >Government gives your money to those who didn't do anything with their life.
    That's how socialism works. Greetings from Venezuela ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:23 No.55015311

    The things you are talking about only make up a tiny portion of government spending. Most of government spending goes to pay Medicare, Social Security, and Defense. Those first two at least you will be clamoring for when you are old. The former you can pin on Bush for bringing us into two wars, only one of which was even partially justified.

    The internet you are using right now is only possible because of the infrastructure a stable government provides. If you think it would be great to like in a country with barely any government, go enjoy yourself in Somalia.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:23 No.55015319
    Wat.... Who would be stupid enough to do that?

    I'm a poorfag, and I only have a small apartment that my welfare check can actually pay for.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:23 No.55015324

    >Banks lending money to people who can't afford it
    >Banks packaging these loans up as AAA material
    >Sells to other institutions
    >Lose billions/trillions
    >Ask the government for a bailout
    >Gives it to them unconditionally whatsoever
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:23 No.55015327
    It's like I'm really in Georgia or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:24 No.55015336
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    Except much of the time they keep the house. The poor are basically scamming the banks at this point.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:24 No.55015341
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    >9% statistical unemployment
    >Likely 15% actual unemployment

    >Job creators
    >> あかり !!MJ74UCz0WkC 09/22/11(Thu)23:24 No.55015357
    I love these threads.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:25 No.55015372

    People are living within their means now. That's why the economy is doing so poorly. During the Bush years it was a house of cards built on credit card debt.

    The problem isn't that people don't live within their means. The problem is that we've created a lazy aristocracy which owns half the nation's wealth and most of its politicians and sees recessions as an excuse to screw their workers more.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:25 No.55015381

    This is so completely wrong I don't even know where to begin
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:25 No.55015395
    I got to go with "Who is - Pórk Ranger -?" on that one, Alex.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:25 No.55015403
    What if I want actual political discussion, instead of reading your inane posts about politics?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:26 No.55015405
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    Kirino ends up paying for Kuroneko's welfare check. It only fair that Kirino gets Kyousuke.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:26 No.55015425
    PROTIP: History has shown that the less money the upper class has, the better the economy becomes.

    Rich people do not create jobs, the upper middle class does. If you give CEOs giant fucking salaries they stop giving a fuck about their companies and people in general. They become emotionless sociopathic assholes. They would kill their own mothers for a nickel. Same thing happened in the 20s, while people were suffering and starving they were off partying and wasting money.

    However when they have less money they're forced to invest it and actually give a fuck about their companies. This trickle down theory is bullshit spread by lobbyists and republicans.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:27 No.55015513
    >>Government gives your money to those who didn't do anything with their life.

    Why would you want money, when there's not even shit worth buying over there?

    At least, that's what I heard.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:28 No.55015526
    You would be amazed. My fiance works as a financial consultant (so I hear stories all the time), and a lot of people who could live decently (30k-60k) go under because they live right on the edge or beyond. Instead of the 32" TV, they go for the 55" because their neighbors got a 48". Need a house with 3 bathrooms so each kid can get their own. Shit like that, which is entirely luxury-based, but somehow poorfags in the West think they are entitled to.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:28 No.55015532
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    Actual political discussion? Then I know a place where well mannered and intelligent gentlemen have actual political discussion.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:28 No.55015549
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    >Saying my waifu is on welfare

    I normally laugh at jokes about my waifu, but this goes too far.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:28 No.55015556

    >using OreImo as an argument against welfare

    Who do you think is on welfare? The media loves to talk about inner-city blacks to rile up viewers, but the majority of people on welfare are inbred white trash. You know, the type of babies Kirino will get for fucking her brother.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:28 No.55015565
    >can't draw his own conclusion

    This is why I'm voting republican no matter who gets up there. If the country is going to collapse either way, might as well feel some AMERICA STRONG before we get swarmed by job stealing immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:29 No.55015591
    All your arguments are invalid because Warren Buffet is an obvious socialist.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:29 No.55015595
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    >Why would you want money, when there's not even shit worth buying over there?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:30 No.55015613

    Like Republicans care about illegal immigration? They make too much money off of having a workforce with no rights that doesn't even speak the language.

    They're just saying shit about it for your votes.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:30 No.55015627
    >implying it matters whether jobs are created or not if they're all taken by foreigners
    >defending immigrants to the death

    There's gonna be a civil war, and I'm going to murder both of you during it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:30 No.55015638
    >You don't know where to begin

    Typical liberal response.
    >You're wrong
    How so?
    >So wrong I don't know where to start\
    Can I get some facts to go with that statement
    >Are you from Texas or something? Stupid conservafag, don't you know reality has a liberal bias.
    >See, you stopped arguing, I win!!!1!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:30 No.55015639
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    >Kirino fucking her brother.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:31 No.55015661
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    Pic related, it's all of you.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:31 No.55015670
    One of these things is not like the other
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:32 No.55015689
    This is the OP. I posted this just to be funny, not to make any kind of political point. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:32 No.55015697
    >sustained economic prosperity
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:32 No.55015699
    It's high time for another march to the sea, that much is clear.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:32 No.55015706

    Then delete the thread before it gets even more cancerous.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:33 No.55015737
    Mass immigration is the only thing keeping the USA mildly competitive with China over any long term projection. It is also not cheap immigrants who have dismantled America's manufacturing base (the supposed "stolen jobs"). You have globalization and NAFTA to thank for that.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:33 No.55015743
    No no, job creators are fine. Being nice to businesses is -fine-.

    What pisses me off, though, is that Politicians seem to think mult-bajillion dollar corporations are the only businesses that matter. Help the smaller businesses more ffs.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:33 No.55015755
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    What else is she supposed to do? She can't be halfassed to get a job, sits on her fat ass all day browsing 2ch, too poor and pirates all her shit.

    Kirino is the true master race, having a modelling job to afford all her stuff.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:33 No.55015756
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:34 No.55015784
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:35 No.55015836
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    Ore no Anonymous konnani clueless wake ga nai
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:35 No.55015839

    Neither of the posts you quoted even mentioned immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:36 No.55015844
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    >Acting like your social problems are not to blame on the fact that your dictator is a mucho tonto loco motherfucker.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:36 No.55015864
    >started in about 1929
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:36 No.55015887
    >Bread and meat

    That guy sure is making some high demands. I'd give him some rice and potatoes, and he should learn how to make do.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:37 No.55015896
    >Government gives your money to those who didn't do anything with their life.

    And we're on /a/. So a majority of the people here are those people who didn't do anything with their lives, so they want free shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:37 No.55015900

    >Leech off others like parasites

    Almost reminds of a certain group of people who pride themselves on being jobless shut-ins...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:37 No.55015919
         File1316749065.jpg-(150 KB, 650x720, 1305178460545.jpg)
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    Typical Republican:
    Slightly greedy
    Technological innovator
    Positive force on society.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:38 No.55015930
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    Why is she so perfect, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:39 No.55016056

    Just keep telling yourself that while picturing Rush Limbaugh.

    Choking down oxycontin while jerking off his tiny flacid penis to a picture of Ronald Reagan
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:40 No.55016060
    >Next thing you know pussy liberals will want to give the poor free internet like it is a basic human right

    Aren't they planning on doing this on the EU? Or was it only in France? I'm sure I've heard something like that.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:40 No.55016072

    It's, you know, like a political cartoon. Like, Republicans are really just self-serving bastards like Ritsuko, and Miki is the middle class, thinking if it works hard, everything will work out.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:41 No.55016126
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    Typical Democrat:
    Did poorly in school (but refuses to believe it is a reflection of intellect)
    Lazy, unable to focus on goals
    Dependent on others for survival in society (cheats on hw)
    No visions for a better future
    Expects others to take care of her
    Focuses on feelings, not facts
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:41 No.55016159
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    With this, we now have bulletproof evidence that Moe faction are the ones who keep society running while the deepfags are the dead weight.

    Moefags >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deepfags
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:42 No.55016180
    Typical Nichijoufag:
    Loves dicks
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:42 No.55016201
         File1316749347.jpg-(100 KB, 1280x720, hibiki.jpg)
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    I'll save this thread

    Miki is shit. Hibiki is better.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:42 No.55016210
    I'd fap to 2D rule 63 Reagan.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:43 No.55016240
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    Typical libertarian:
    Either brilliant or insane (probably both)
    Doesn't conform (or even fit in)
    Chronic Troll Syndrom
    No regard for harm caused by negative externalities
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:45 No.55016310
    Typical Libertarian:
    Shitposting in bad threads, covering their weakness
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:45 No.55016318
    Cause and Effect derp.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:45 No.55016324
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    >Implying I ever voted for him
    It's not my fault that most of the country is filled with assholes that keep believing the fictional stories that this undeveloped monkey says! It's been 12 years since he is president for fucks sake! That's why I'm moving to the USA to steal your jobs motherfuckers, expect me
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:46 No.55016358
    You know, I wouldn't really care which party is in power if both actually did what they say they'd do and stick to what they preach.


    >Destroy irreplaceable old environments
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:46 No.55016366
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:46 No.55016372

    You forgot Religious.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:47 No.55016415
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    When did this turn into a Kirino thread? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Kirino's always good
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:47 No.55016437
    Are you competent?
    If yes:
    Get your ass over here, we have so few useful people these days
    If no:
    Stay out. We already have a population half brain-dead from liberalism and pop culture.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:49 No.55016448
    So how about that planned obsolescence? Sure is nice to have to make lower quality products deliberately in order to keep the economy from completely shutting down. I'm glad we beat communism, those long lasting East German lightbulbs would have been detrimental to our society.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:50 No.55016458
         File1316749808.jpg-(90 KB, 1280x720, 1297237000125.jpg)
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    Kirino is hardworking good girl. Kuroneko is burden on society.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:50 No.55016488
    I didn't say anything.
    I was just pointing out that you got your decades wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:51 No.55016540

    And Yayoi is the lower class believing in the American dream.

    Miki is the welfare cheat who thinks she deserves everything due to her talent.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:52 No.55016563
    Republicans are the ones who destroyed the economy in the first place. Thanks for massive deregulation Regan, short run success is definitely worth unlimited potential to create massive bubbles and destroy future generations.

    And thank you democrats for bailing out everyone, surely bailouts are the foundation of capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:52 No.55016564
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    >Typical Republican:
    >Positive force on society
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:54 No.55016668
    For fuck's sake. While you guys are killing each other over those two parties, liberals and conservatives are the same shit forming a government together in my country. At least they used to.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:54 No.55016671
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:55 No.55016688
    I despise this idea that everyone on welfare is just some parasite living off the Rich's tax money. It's just demonization of the bottom class of society to further the goals of the super-wealthy.

    Fuck you neo-cons, and fuck you neo-libs too. You're doing this insane dance of policy because you're too scared to debate the things that really matter. We're in a war of misinformation, and the winner is whoever can buy the most propaganda.

    Fuck this place, I'm moving to Canada.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:57 No.55016793
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:57 No.55016794
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:58 No.55016829

    Dont let your biased butthurt hit you on your way out.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:58 No.55016835
         File1316750319.jpg-(789 KB, 962x962, mylittlepicturecantbethiscompl(...).jpg)
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    This. Though labor arbitrage into the counrty has fucked us over to some extent as well, don't lie.

    When will people realize that we no longer matter, even as a consumer base anymore? There are much larger bases of wealth (With considerably lesser restrictions as well.) in other countries elsewhere, so it's only logical to assume that Corps will gravitate to them as the next part of the plan. They hold no allegiance to anything other that the sustainability of their bottom line.

    I'll just be glad when Greece defaults and the good majority of Yurop follows so we can blame the EU for all our problems semi-legitimately Despite lending a fuckload of money to EU central banks for once.

    Also, fuck Kirino. She's a conniving corporatist cunt and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:58 No.55016840
    Got a spare seat in your car?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:59 No.55016868
    Car? shit nigga nah.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:59 No.55016883
    >We're in a war of misinformation, and the winner is whoever can buy the most propaganda.
    Well that's democracy for you. Got any better ideas?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:59 No.55016888
    >Fuck this place, I'm moving to Canada.

    Enjoy your shit internet.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:00 No.55016917
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    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:01 No.55016942
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:01 No.55016953
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    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:01 No.55016964
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    Kirino supports the animu and VN industry with money from her own pockets. Kuroneko is a leech of society!
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:02 No.55016984
    Why are you wasting time posting here when you should be packing your shit?

    Please, hurry up and leave as soon as possible. We don't want you here.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:02 No.55016990
    >implying that doesnt exist anywhere else
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:03 No.55017016
    Standard butthurt response to anyone who doesn't like the way the country is going.

    You are the cancer that is killing America.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:04 No.55017072
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:05 No.55017078
    No see, you're a fucking retard. If competing and winning against china means being a minority in my own country, then fuck it. You are somehow not understanding- I DO NOT WISH TO LOSE MY COUNTRY.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:06 No.55017116

    inafter you missing the point
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:06 No.55017129
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:06 No.55017131
    > warm sandy beaches
    > warm
    > Canada
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:06 No.55017138
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    Kuronekofriends, what do you have to say for yourselves? You know deep down that it's bad to be burdening society like this..
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:07 No.55017158

    I love how you completely disregarded what he said. Get the fuck out of american. Your scum ass isn't wanted here anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:07 No.55017160
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    Just one
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:07 No.55017162

    Lose it? Do you think the Mexicans are going to move it somewhere else?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:08 No.55017215
    >Standard butthurt response to anyone who doesn't like the way the country is going.

    And you are doing what exactly to help the country by leaving? Oh yeah that's right you don't give a shit about your native country you are just bouncing around from one to the next like the financial parasite you are.

    >You are the cancer that is killing America.

    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:10 No.55017267
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    Well, you can start by bulldozing your statue of liberty for once. Or at least cross over the poem inscribed in it.

    It's fake advertisement at this point. And I'm sure Emma Lazarus is rolling in her grave by now.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:11 No.55017290
    bitch is dead, who gives a shit
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:12 No.55017359
    This 1000X. Being a superpower doesn't mean shit if my country loses all of it's values and traditions. If we abandon our culture for a little economic prosperity we will not be Americans, just people inhabiting a country once known as America.

    I cannot possibly facepalm this fucking hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:12 No.55017365

    >burdening society

    Society pays me a pittance and bankers get almost a trillion in free money. I honestly don't feel bad about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:13 No.55017373
    Nah, needs to be bulldozed.

    Considering whats become of this country, it's wrong to have it there.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:14 No.55017418
    I never said Kuroneko was any good either, but to say that Kirino has any investment towards anything else other than her own personal livability is ludricrous. She is manipulative, conniving, has a poor regard towards others until truly needed. She's only a step or two above Ayase Totalitarianism in the human accountability scale. If anything, the fact she subsidizes the relationship with her bro and Kuroneko only proves that she only cares about the bottom line.

    And just like real life, the one who get fucked over in all of this is the poor simple Manami. All that girl wanted was a chance to succeed and everyone takes her genuine desires and shoves them up her ass with barbed wire. Kirino even utilizes intra-class warfare to divert the masses attention to her bullshit antics. At least Saori is formal about the relationship between the classes and wishes to engage with them on an equal level.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:14 No.55017442
    >I cannot possibly facepalm this fucking hard.

    Explains your mental retardation.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:15 No.55017455
    I care, but people like you have ruined it. I'm not going to let you take me down with you.

    Get out
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:15 No.55017463
    >If we abandon our culture for a little economic prosperity we will not be Americans, just people inhabiting a country once known as America.
    That happened a long time ago pal. There are no more countries.

    Just hunks of land slowly being bought out by the wealthier corporations.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:15 No.55017491

    Culture changes over time. The culture of the US today would strike the founding fathers as really strange, I'm sure. Remember the whole slave-owning thing?

    Hell, just think how different the 50s were.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:16 No.55017509
    >Losing your country means being around people of a different race

    Fuck off and die. You are a disgrace to America.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:16 No.55017520
    >Emma Lazarus

    Yeah no. Also,

    >comparing taking a few hardworking immigrants to completely destroying the host nation with people of another nation who have absolutely no desire to assimilate
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:17 No.55017535
    The rich have the responsibility to help their fellow man. Society has allowed them to live unbelievably comfortable lifestyles, the least they can do is give something back to the system that keeps them there. The poor are a necessary part of capitalism, you like your lifestyle? Help prop up the system that's keeping you there.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:17 No.55017564
    >There will never be an industrial age machine to administer the world.
    Fells fuckin' awful.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:18 No.55017576
         File1316751494.jpg-(82 KB, 447x651, 1313300183715.jpg)
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    >Thinks he can survive in Canada without a car.
    >Thinks Canada will let him in to stay if he doesn't get a reasonably important job, or have a PhD in a technical field.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:18 No.55017584
         File1316751513.jpg-(344 KB, 1200x1600, 1288841988554.jpg)
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    >If anything, the fact she subsidizes the relationship with her bro and Kuroneko only proves that she only cares about the bottom line.
    Lies. Kirino is only afraid that her bro will reject her incestous advances.

    Of course, this will never happen, now that we now he's a real siscon. So she's become a completely good girl now, with victory assured ahead.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:20 No.55017643
    >Job Creators
    How do people still listen to this bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:20 No.55017649
         File1316751635.jpg-(54 KB, 600x766, Nez-Perce.jpg)
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    >completely destroying the host nation with people of another nation who have absolutely no desire to assimilate
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:20 No.55017650
    They do, just the bare minimum to keep people from tearing their front doors down.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:20 No.55017668
    You're comparing minute changes in culture (mostly brought about by technology) from the nation's founding to the 50's to the degeneracy we see today.

    Your argument is basically "well since it changes some anyway then there is no difference between it changing x amount compared to y amount".
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:21 No.55017676
         File1316751673.jpg-(213 KB, 658x800, 1300704189680.jpg)
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    Can't be all just agree that wincest is best, no matter who the fuck is in the congress or presidency?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:21 No.55017688
    >>side note, why are we discussing economic policy on the anime board?

    Because all 4chan boards remotely suitable for discussing current events keep getting axed.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:22 No.55017733
    >American 'politics'
    Hows that bipartisanship working out for you?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:22 No.55017738
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    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:23 No.55017763
    Then you should take the hint and fuck on off back to stormfront where idiotic shits like you belong
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:24 No.55017826
    I'm sure you meant to quote another post....
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:24 No.55017829
    >Losing your country means being around people of a different race
    >being around people of a different race
    >losing your culture and becoming a minority in the country your ancestors built for your future

    How about no.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:25 No.55017862
    >Older Generations "WE KNOW BEST"
    >Economy fucked
    >Older Generations "Oops, lol"
    >Us "....."
    >Older Generations "Don't forget to pay for our social security, lol"
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:25 No.55017872
         File1316751927.jpg-(258 KB, 1280x720, the poor.jpg)
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    >don't worry guys, the wealth will trickle down
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:25 No.55017876
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    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:25 No.55017879
    No, cultural marxists really are that fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:26 No.55017894
    The iron rule is absolute.
    Enjoy your petty distractions.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:26 No.55017898
    Typical corporatist thinking.

    "It's okay now, since we bludgeoned, manipulated the people utilizing the most advanced techniques to work our way, and we bought out the system, everything's cool now between us all rite? Now bend over to take it like the Prole you are."
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:26 No.55017909
    >You're comparing minute changes in culture
    >I don't know shit about history

    Ah, got you.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:27 No.55017929
    Paris Hilton and McDonald's ain't 'culture' bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:27 No.55017938
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    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:27 No.55017951
    What's worse is that people think that almost every scientist in the field is involved in some sort of conspiracy to fake this.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:27 No.55017958

    Learn to stay inside it
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:27 No.55017960
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    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:28 No.55017988
    >Believing in global warming
    It's amazing how much shit you'll gobble.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:28 No.55017992
         File1316752137.jpg-(34 KB, 300x400, andersoncooper_happy.jpg)
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    Chah brah

    Looks like you've got a beetle on your chest there Deadpool.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:29 No.55017995
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    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:29 No.55018006
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    I don't get why you have to be like that. It's Kirino who's going to be working hard to pay for Kuroneko's living you know...
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:29 No.55018011
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    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:31 No.55018070
    Trying getting your information from some good books instead of Pawn Stars.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:31 No.55018081
    Average temperatures on Earth are higher than they were several years ago. This is a fact.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:31 No.55018089
    >Still believing in countries
    How naive can you really be?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:31 No.55018090
         File1316752306.jpg-(167 KB, 591x704, 1305313238614.jpg)
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    Well?? Can't we?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:31 No.55018097
         File1316752317.jpg-(82 KB, 600x562, texas-jobs-t1.jpg)
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    We have a choice in this country we can choose either Capitalism or Nationalism. Perry went with Capitalism. What do you want?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:31 No.55018100
    The rich are always the first to they can move to greener pastures and leave those poor suckers our lifetime you'll see it happen.
    >> EDUMACATION Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:32 No.55018107
    Never heard of contex before. What's that?

    Oh wait, you mean context, right?

    Typical, they can't even spell...
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:32 No.55018128
    Feel free to provide evidence at any time.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:33 No.55018147
    It's hard science. The only "proof" against it is by people who believe the world hasn't been around long enough to think it's gone through one of the cycles the claim it is anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:33 No.55018161
    >several years ago.
    >30 years out of a six billion year history
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:34 No.55018174
         File1316752452.gif-(31 KB, 652x474, Global_Temperature_Anomaly_188(...).gif)
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    how can you be so fucking retarded. measuring the temperature isn't rocket science
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:34 No.55018179
         File1316752460.jpg-(51 KB, 653x366, global-warming-underwear.jpg)
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    >Thinks the results aren't fudged to fit the liberal agenda big government regulation conspiracy

    Climate gate /thread
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:34 No.55018192
    On top of that, most of the jobs made are minimum wage, so people have to pick up 2 or 3 just to live off of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:35 No.55018201

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