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  • File : 1316729649.jpg-(85 KB, 953x953, deus_ex.jpg)
    85 KB Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:14 No.55004910  
    Hey /a/, /v/ here. Would you watch a Deus ex anime, Y/N?
    If yes, then how you think it would be adapted?
    >> /a/non !1lT3mqsvEA 09/22/11(Thu)18:14 No.55004929
    I never asked for this but sure.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:14 No.55004932
    An anime of Deus Ex?

    I didn't ask for this
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:15 No.55004947
    GITS with a male protagonist?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:15 No.55004951
    No Ahlycks, I wouldn't.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:15 No.55004954
         File1316729743.jpg-(857 KB, 1280x800, I never asked for this.jpg)
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    Deus Ex on /a/?

    I never asked for this.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:16 No.55004969
    >Video game


    yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:16 No.55004970
    The music better be pure earsex. I hold this franchise to a high standard.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:17 No.55005013
    I would be afraid to let japs touch this perfect cyberpunk jewel, they ruin every western adaptation.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:20 No.55005079
    Deus Ex doesn't have too much of an open-world as you think, a linear story would fit perfectly, and with OVAs featuring alternate endings it would be even better.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:20 No.55005085
         File1316730019.jpg-(138 KB, 1280x960, aniwalls-115-w-GITS).jpg)
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    A bomb?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:20 No.55005093
         File1316730038.jpg-(108 KB, 827x545, 1316000834985.jpg)
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    >Deus Ex
    >Not linear
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:20 No.55005103
    do it in shorts like the animatrix, based on elements taken out of all 3 games, that way you can have your Square-Enix "I never asked for this" Deus Ex, then you could have something like "a day in the life of a MJ12 soldier" and a balls to the wall run and gun action short.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:21 No.55005116
    Are you fucking retarded?

    Not every video game is a sandbox type, and Deus Ex definitely isn't one.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:22 No.55005143
         File1316730153.jpg-(28 KB, 347x418, Bitches and whores.jpg)
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    Why would I ever ask for that?
    Anime based off of video games always turn to shit!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:22 No.55005147
         File1316730163.jpg-(6 KB, 192x144, him.jpg)
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    >Bobu Pageru
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:22 No.55005148
         File1316730168.jpg-(76 KB, 448x473, 1314749274893.jpg)
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    is dis nigga serious
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:23 No.55005165
    inb4 I never asked for desu
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:23 No.55005177
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:25 No.55005223
    I see what you did there.
    I don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:26 No.55005240
         File1316730372.png-(189 KB, 411x360, 1315790951771.png)
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    Malik is my waifu
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:27 No.55005291
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    >Implying you won't watch it just because of the fan service Anna Navarre would make
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:27 No.55005303
    It would frustrate the shit out of me, because an adaptation of DX would be like an adaptation of a visual novel; they'd make choices that I never would, abridge the shit out of routes by necessity, or, even worse, partially merge routes.

    I'd much rather see a remake of DX in a modern game engine. And as long as I'm living in fantasy land, I'd also like them to add back some of the deleted areas, like Texas, Siberia, and the Moon.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:27 No.55005305
    "oh my god jc a bomb"

    All of my money. I think it would actually turn out pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:29 No.55005344
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    >tsuntsun anna navarre
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:29 No.55005359
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:30 No.55005379
         File1316730612.jpg-(8 KB, 180x155, a bomb.jpg)
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    "Bombu desuka!"
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:30 No.55005380
    I let your waifu die.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:30 No.55005385
         File1316730622.jpg-(19 KB, 174x173, 1316223093687.jpg)
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    No because it would be shit. Most of Deus Ex's appeal lies in the amount of freedom of action it provides. Take that aspect away by changing mediums and all you have left is a subpar cyberpunk story.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:30 No.55005393
    What are you talking about? All the choices you make in the game are minor, except for the endings.
    >> Steins;Pepper !!E/koaBWVoiD 09/22/11(Thu)18:30 No.55005402
         File1316730652.jpg-(2.07 MB, 2208x3080, 1316359256906.jpg)
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    >A 45 minute OVA where Adam Jensen visits 2027 Tokyo in search for a bomb
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:31 No.55005423
         File1316730676.jpg-(124 KB, 1280x720, 1308712817711.jpg)
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    >didn't watch Gungrave
    >didn't watch Sengoku BASARA
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:31 No.55005427
    Theyre optional, you dont HAVE to save Paul. But you would feel like shit because he was such a bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:31 No.55005438
    Human Revolution would make for a better anime

    JC is not a terribly good character when it comes to interacting with NPCs
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:32 No.55005486
    Does Japan even like the DX series at all?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:33 No.55005495
         File1316730781.jpg-(45 KB, 460x586, problem adam.jpg)
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    Reed as token slut?
    This could work.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:33 No.55005509
    >JC is not a terribly good character when it comes to interacting with NPCs

    JC had a lot more charm and charisma than Adam did. Though Adam developed more over the course of the game.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:33 No.55005512
    >> Steins;Pepper !!E/koaBWVoiD 09/22/11(Thu)18:33 No.55005519
    SE is marketing HR all over Nippon.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:34 No.55005530
    "It's not like I wanted this, baka"

    is Jenson tsundare?

    I would like a Deus Ex anime, as long as it was decent and expanded the universe.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:34 No.55005540
    Square Enix pushed Human Revolution pretty hard over there

    Good voice cast too
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:34 No.55005557
    Tons of the choices matter in small ways, and it's a large part of what made the game good; would animu JC be a terrorist murdering motherfucker, or would he knock everyone out? Would he reconcile the Rentons, or would Sandra get robbed and raped on the trip across the US? Things like that.

    Plus, adaptations of visual novels are all ABOUT choosing the shitty melancholic choice where people die, so you KNOW they would let Paul die.

    Also, how can you say that "none of the choices matter, except for the endings" like that's a small deal? Of course the endings matter, and if they try to go the Invisible War route of merging all the endings that would be super lame, just like Invisible War.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:34 No.55005558
         File1316730886.jpg-(29 KB, 280x252, 27.jpg)
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    >Not JEISHI
    I still laughed.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:34 No.55005562
    >teh rie as Pritchard
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:35 No.55005569
    Imagine all those NTR and rape doujins she would inspire.
    >> Steins;Pepper !!E/koaBWVoiD 09/22/11(Thu)18:36 No.55005602

    The newest posted 13 hours ago
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:36 No.55005612
    Fuck, I giggled.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:36 No.55005617
    >Also, how can you say that "none of the choices matter, except for the endings" like that's a small deal? Of course the endings matter, and if they try to go the Invisible War route of merging all the endings that would be super lame, just like Invisible War.
    OVAs could solve that.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:37 No.55005627

    If done well it would probably involve a good amount of introspection on JC's part about things like killing terrorists etc. Especially after he finds out about MJ12 and all that.

    >Why are you locked in the bathroom?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:38 No.55005650
    Pussycats, 250.
    >> Blame !GLR.wqUgGs 09/22/11(Thu)18:38 No.55005652
    I would ONLY watch the show if they followed the proper playthrough style.

    Which is, of course, to go full nonlethal up until you get the DTS and then out of nowhere JC becomes a veritable engine of death and ninja-like destruction.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:38 No.55005656
         File1316731117.jpg-(29 KB, 800x600, JC BOMB.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:38 No.55005666
    Only if it had Helios end. That shit was glorious.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:40 No.55005704
    Reactor explosion end > all others
    also, the HR endings were lame as shit
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:40 No.55005715
         File1316731237.jpg-(368 KB, 1207x859, 1316305344346.jpg)
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    What if Sarif was voiced by Wakamoto
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:41 No.55005742
         File1316731301.jpg-(16 KB, 242x320, dx_Gunther.jpg)
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    Prime husbando material for fujoshis and fags right here.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:41 No.55005744
         File1316731306.png-(238 KB, 512x384, c15fbf6e2d4ed61c45df3d52012222(...).png)
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    No need to compliment me, some day even all of you might acquire my legendary mspaint skills.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:41 No.55005750
    >I... I... We... are one. We have grown, but there is still much to be done. Many that live in darkness that must be shown the way. For it is the dawning of a new day.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:42 No.55005757
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:43 No.55005792
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:44 No.55005838
    The only characters i can imagine being voiced by Wakamoto are Jock and Darrow.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:45 No.55005859
    Deus Ex won't be out in Japan until October 20th.

    It isn't anywhere near the top 20 on pre-order charts on Amazon, so tough to say how well it will do.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:45 No.55005861
         File1316731536.jpg-(209 KB, 1920x1080, 2011-08-25_00029.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:45 No.55005867
    I would watch the shit out of Helios end.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:46 No.55005886
    But Sarif is already voiced by Char
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 09/22/11(Thu)18:46 No.55005893
         File1316731580.jpg-(15 KB, 241x230, 1314041712730.jpg)
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    Ok I lold
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:47 No.55005912
    >JC is not a terribly good character when it comes to interacting with NPCs
    It's like you've never played the game. JC is gold.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:47 No.55005915
         File1316731623.jpg-(38 KB, 320x180, DXHR_screenshot_AdamSarif.jpg)
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    Adddddaaaaaaammmmm kuuuun
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:48 No.55005957
    He's hilarious, but not a good character.

    What a shame.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:49 No.55005983

    All of the AIs should be voiced by Wakamoto.
    >sneakan around
    >shit bricks
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:49 No.55005991
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:49 No.55006004
    Do i get to see Malik blushing and calling Adam baka when he uses the pheromones to make her talk? My heart wouldn't take it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:50 No.55006029
         File1316731832.jpg-(53 KB, 512x1024, DX3_Eliza_Cassan_2.jpg)
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    Waifu material right here.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:50 No.55006037
    There aren't any good women in JC's time. You either get a bitch or a whore.
    Plenty of good bros, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:51 No.55006056
         File1316731882.jpg-(181 KB, 1131x1077, 1315832229976.jpg)
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    Yeah, RIP
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:52 No.55006084
    You got some really, really, really awful taste here.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:52 No.55006093
    Her face is kinda fat, sorta not want...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:54 No.55006130
    Only if its dubbed over by original voice actors.

    It's not Deus Ex without JC's one-liners, Bob Page, "I see you are afwaid" and "MISTAH JC DENTON IN DA FWESH."
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:54 No.55006137
         File1316732070.png-(279 KB, 572x494, cock goes where.png)
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    The best waifu.
    Waifus, actually.
    All three of them.
    I'm cold, onii-chan...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:55 No.55006180
    The voice actors(excluding Page) from the original Deus Ex are still available?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:56 No.55006202
    voiced by Rie Kugumiya
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:56 No.55006228
    Kobayashi Yu
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:57 No.55006256

    I have my reasons.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:57 No.55006260
    No, she is actually voiced by Rie Kugumiya
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:57 No.55006270
    >merge routes
    >invisible war.jpg
    All of my mad.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:59 No.55006324
    It's sad to see all those newfaggots jumping on their latest AA+ bandwagon.
    They probably don't even know that Deus Ex is one and just one.
    Fuck, THOSE were golden times.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:00 No.55006364
         File1316732435.jpg-(69 KB, 650x365, Nichijou00056-650x365.jpg)
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    >Are you sure you pressed the right button?
    >I do not make mistakes of that kind.
    >Your hand might have slipped.
    >No. I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime.
    >The machine would not make a mistake...
    >It's the maintenance man. He knows I like orange.
    >So you think the staff has some kind of plot...
    >Yes, they do it on purpose.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:00 No.55006371

    Don't assume things yo, I've probably listened to some lines in DX1 more times than you've taken a dump in your life.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:01 No.55006382
         File1316732475.jpg-(131 KB, 953x953, 1192586023552.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:01 No.55006402
         File1316732510.png-(205 KB, 1600x1200, _125030314.png)
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    Man, that was some nice piece of music.
    Totally unlike this HR garbage of an ost they threw at us. Can't even remember one.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:02 No.55006411
    Stop trying to be a hipster over Deus Ex of all things
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:03 No.55006442
    I remembered the FEMA facility stress theme and Barret boss theme.
    Them guitar riffs.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:03 No.55006450
         File1316732616.jpg-(16 KB, 163x200, 1225893608779.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:05 No.55006511
    Malik was forgettable.
    welp, anyone was, apart of Sarif.
    Sarif rocked.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:05 No.55006517
    It would probably sell very poorly, since otaku japs only likes shitty, bland, beta MCs on which they can relate and self insert. I'd rather want an animation done by a western studio.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:07 No.55006570
    Yeah Sarif was awesome. I shat bricks when it turned out that he was a pretty decent guy, actually.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:08 No.55006587
         File1316732897.png-(12 KB, 128x128, icarus.png)
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    >You will find no one to help you here.
    >Beth Duclare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:09 No.55006623
    It's a shame that Icarus was barely in the game. I love murderous AIs.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:12 No.55006689
    Take off your goggles. It's essentially the same game. Graphics and plot are tertiary in videogames. One has better plot, the other has better graphics, and no one gives a FUCK about it, except for pretentious hipster faggots like you.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:20 No.55006986
         File1316733651.jpg-(37 KB, 526x482, _ok3.jpg)
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    Well, that was a good laugh.
    "essentially the same". heh, good one.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:23 No.55007079
         File1316733817.png-(49 KB, 864x576, 1306737828260.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:24 No.55007097

    No need to have an anime. UNATCO was just founded IRL.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:24 No.55007117
         File1316733885.png-(12 KB, 200x200, 1296360232482.png)
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    Never go full retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:24 No.55007124
    Stay in /a/, weeaboo samefag.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:25 No.55007164
    Your trolling is really low level, you will fit perfectly in /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:26 No.55007176
    >implying he's not right
    >implying I'm not him
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:26 No.55007191
    You know, there are more values to games other than "graphic and story".
    Depth, for one. Quality. Narration. Characterization.
    As much as I liked HR, it was nowhere near the levels of his predecessor.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:27 No.55007209
    Still no counter argument?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:27 No.55007222
    You should stay quiet when grown ups are talking.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:28 No.55007247
    Learn to samefag.
    Besides, I'm fucking easy to spot, since all of my reactionfaces start with _.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:28 No.55007253
    Do you honestly think anyone's going to bother about a troll/retard whchever you are?

    Go to /v/ if you want attention like that.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:28 No.55007257
    Nostalgia goggles. Wanna do a point by point comparison?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:29 No.55007306
    Wow, that info's gonna prove useful. Some random fag on the internet has a scheme in naming reaction faces.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:30 No.55007346
    /v/ agrees, no argument to be had there. It is /a/ who thinks that somehow videogames should be about intricate plots and DEEP characterization.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:33 No.55007440
    I'm not used on wasting time. Whatever I would say would be nitpicked to hell by the same bland stupidity you started with.
    "graphics and plox are all the same" was more than enough to begin with, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:35 No.55007480
         File1316734500.png-(151 KB, 242x351, sad inspector gadget.png)
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    I never asked for this /a/.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:36 No.55007543
    I said they were TERTIARY in video GAMES.

    But whatever, I was playing with a home advantage, what with being a gamer for 20 years. I didn't expect a challenge anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:37 No.55007557
    I bet it would bomb.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:37 No.55007583
    Change all characters into lolis/high school girls/women of appropriate age.

    Everything else stays exactly the same.

    Must include the scene where you knock out the schoolgirl in Hong Kong, take her up to Jock's room or whatever, and then throw her from up there.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:37 No.55007584
    They don't have to focus on that.

    However, that doesn't mean that they can't focus on that, as you're implying.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:41 No.55007722
    20 years and you can't tell the difference in terms of quality between the first and third DE? Goddamn'it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:44 No.55007813
    I'm a regular on /v/, and they actually think HR is shit and overhyped.

    Stop pretending and just shut up, kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:46 No.55007914
    How could you be a gamer for 20 years when you're obviously 13?

    You argue like a 13 year and you have the taste of a 13 year old.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:49 No.55008013
    >hurr /v/ is one person

    Most of the people in those early post-release threads were trolls, there's very little hate now, newfriend.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:53 No.55008174
         File1316735616.gif-(37 KB, 100x100, l_ea54b048b8bbd5aa15b6a1989a76(...).gif)
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    Yeah, maybe because no one gives a shit anymore.
    Just saying.
    Give it two or three months, no one will remember it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:57 No.55008295
    How can I take off my nostalgia googles when I actually played the first after the third and still think the first was way better?

    Also the majority on /v/ will tell you it was a good (but overhyped) game but not nearly as good as the first one.

    inb4 "played 3rd before 1st hurr i can pretend too" or "lol /v/ said because it's one person amirite"

    There's little hate now because there are few threads now. And in those few threads people mostly lament how the forced boss fights didn't fit at all and how the first one did almost everything better.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:01 No.55008432
    fun fact: HR boss battles weren't actually done by them, but outsorced to some external studio.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:01 No.55008459
    I can tell that HR's Hard Mode was harder than 1's Hard Mode. That, in a game, tells a lot.

    No, they don't. Didn't you see the hundreds of threads the past month?

    First of all, it's not a matter of taste. It's a matter of fact that they are the same game. Yes I like the first more, but that doesn't mean the second is the shit you hipsters make it out to be.

    Second, all I've seen from your side is argumenta ad hominem. Really, people keep calling me kid, as if being born in the 70s (because I was born in '83, so you have to be born in the 70s to call me kid) somehow changes the essence of either game.

    You just played it? Then it's hype goggles. You like things that are new. Take off the newer=better goggles, and judge them in equal terms.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:15 No.55008953
         File1316736911.jpg-(21 KB, 270x270, _1293215413750.jpg)
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    >I can tell that HR's Hard Mode was harder than 1's Hard Mode. That, in a game, tells a lot.
    So graphics and story are worthless, but the difficulty level matters a lot? In an rpg, no less?
    You got some seriously fucked up standards.

    >You just played it? Then it's hype goggles. You like things that are new. Take off the newer=better goggles, and judge them in equal terms.
    How in the unholy blazes of hell is HR not "new"? It came out a month ago!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:19 No.55009105
    No, I wouldn't.

    Because I'm sick to death of hearing about deus ex and realize that it brings absolutely nothing new to cyberpunk and would be a vehicle for recycling the same cliche shit over and over again.

    What the cyberpunk genre desperately needs is an original, meaningful series better than just a wild romp through techno fads and criminal fetishism paced like a thriller

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:20 No.55009135
    don't know what you're breathing, but I suggest you open the window.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:21 No.55009168
    >How in the unholy blazes of hell is HR not "new"? It came out a month ago!
    DX1 is newer in your experience. I know, I'm a psy major.

    >So graphics and story are worthless, but the difficulty level matters a lot?
    Yes, any seasoned gamer knows to use the modified tier list of Aristotle's Poetics that puts methexis on top of mythos. I can understand if you're a casual gamer and just want to learn the plot and cool quotes, but the essence of videogames is in the gameplay, and I've yet to see an argument against either game in that respect.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:22 No.55009206
    >ad hominem

    More trite with each post.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:23 No.55009235
    >>55009105 an original, meaningful series better than just a wild romp through techno fads and criminal fetishism paced like a thriller

    Ever read Transmetropolitan? Sounds like it'd be your thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:29 No.55009429
    >DX1 is newer in your experience. I know, I'm a psy major.
    Unless you have some sort of brain damage, there's no way in which a week's worth of difference can cause such a huge gap in judgement.

    Besides this, I'll repeat myself: your standards are fucked up to the heavens.
    Maybe they qualify for a racing game, fps or else, not for those kinds of games where if there's something that matters little is the difficulty level.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:31 No.55009507
         File1316737916.png-(81 KB, 374x378, bfd1b6d2528142535ddf2979aaeb07(...).png)
    81 KB
    It's time for god tier MANDERLEY RAPS:

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:32 No.55009516
    My standard qualify for FPS you say?

    Then I'm afraid they also qualify for Deus Ex, which means you need to attack the argument more and the arguer less.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:33 No.55009567
    homeless people kidnapped the soldiers
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:34 No.55009607
    Pussycats 250
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:35 No.55009660
    The GEP gun takedown is always the most silent way to eliminate Manderley.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:36 No.55009701
    >psy major
    Couldn't handle a real degree then?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:39 No.55009794
    >the essence of videogames is in the gameplay
    The essence of videogames is in the experience. That experience can be delivered primarily through gameplay, or it can be delivered primarily through narrative, or it can have a healthy mix of the two.

    And I don't get your point anyway. Even if plot is "tertiary," if they're equal in gameplay, isn't the one with better plot the better game?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:43 No.55009937
         File1316738584.gif-(536 KB, 400x222, _fuckthisthread.gif)
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    >in a game graphics doesnt matter, story=useless, difficulty meter > all
    >if you play a game now and another one a minute later, you can't be fair in judgement
    >DE is just an fps

    Welp, that's it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:52 No.55010329
    >the essence of videogames is in the gameplay
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:57 No.55010512
    Sheesh. I keep expecting a decent argument from /a/ on videogames, and you guys keep focusing on the details of the argument (like whether hard mode should actually be a fun challenge or not). My fault really.

    Still no argument, here's a quick point by point of each game:

    The same fun, multi-route, linear game.

    DX1 had a better plot, I think we can all agree to that. Although, any cyberpunk fan (which I'm not) with taste would consider them both shit.

    HR had none of the white/black morality. Each character was distinct and with their own backstory, motives, wants and needs. None of the "Unatco is the bad guys now, kill all the bad guys!!" You have people telling you what to do, and you have your own agenda. In the end, it's a game about bringing change, and what our boundaries should be, whereas the first game was about political philosophy, and what we, the uneducated masses, think is best for us.

    HR, as manifested in the dialogue boss battles.

    DX1 had better writing, despite the awful VA.

    DX1, had better music. Not much of an arugment here.

    HR looks better.

    I already stated that I like DX1 the most of the 3. I'm just arguing they're the same game, as in gameplay. And congrats, yours is the only valid argument in the whole thread, even if irrelevant.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:00 No.55010634
    he said the same thing as >>55009794 ,with which you agreed.

    Also, having the same gameplay doesn't make them the same game, what about the quality with which said gameplay is delivered?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:02 No.55010703
    You guys arguing are morons. I'm really hoping this is just one dumbass trolling himself.

    DXHR was pretty good, but fell short of DX1 in terms of plot in my opinion. They could've fleshed out a lot of things much better IMO and didn't really take advantage of the obvious chance for social commentary with the whole aug introduction. I think the gameplay itself is much smoother than DX1, though. Both games were pretty easy in my opinion. I beat DXHR on hard without taking damage on my first playthrough, but I'm pretty cautious after beating DX1 like 50 times.

    To summarize:
    >fags argue about DX sequels
    >someone posts malk mod
    >everything went better than expected
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:03 No.55010759

    Give me one of the scrambler grenades for 1250.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:10 No.55010951
    Get pills against my orders, get moving.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:14 No.55011080
    Aw shittttttt, don't remember this one but this bitch don't carry no flamethrower so no big deal - cap her metal ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:16 No.55011167
    Man, now I really wish Eidos Montreal would remake Deus Ex and upgrade the graphics.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:19 No.55011272
    No fuck you murrican and fuck your remakes.

    There's nothing to remake, Deus Ex is perfect, you accept it or get out.
    Maybe you need remakes of Planescape Torment, Grim Fandango or Fallout 1-2 too?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:22 No.55011379
    Pffft, those three didn't even have a difficulty bar.
    Why would you want to play such boring gameplay?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:23 No.55011407

    Awful graphics and textures and a super dated game engine and combat system do not perfection make.

    In fact the storyline is pretty much the /only/ good thing about Deus Ex 1.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:23 No.55011408
    Flatlander woman. That bitch is too ugly (physically and personality wise) to be remotely close to being fanservice material. Go for Nicolette DuClare. She talks slutty (losing her v) anyways.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:24 No.55011437
    Go play Halo.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:25 No.55011469
    >There's nothing to remake, Deus Ex is perfect, you accept it or get out.
    This is a game that says the future contains CRTs. I think it could use a touch up or two.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:27 No.55011540
    >This is a game that says the future contains CRTs. I think it could use a touch up or two.

    Jesus fucking Christ.

    Did you see the monitors in Blade Runner or Alien movie?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:27 No.55011556
    You're forgetting the musics, characters and depth of the choice/consequence system.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:32 No.55011665
    >Did you see the monitors in Blade Runner or Alien movie?
    Yeah, but BladeRunner's future at least had an excuse (Earth was a shithole for a while). As for Alien, it was a live action film made in 1979. You can't really change those things easily, unlike a fucking video game (see Halo: Anniversary).
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:34 No.55011728
    What about the cornball VA?

    Surely, it's probably the reason the game has been source to so many memes.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:34 No.55011754
    Fucking kids and their fucking childish remakes.

    "combat system is outdated"

    Lack of HP-regeneration makes it old and outdated?

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