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  • File : 1316029443.jpg-(357 KB, 810x1410, 1218307226525.jpg)
    357 KB Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:44 No.54684817  
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:45 No.54684877
         File1316029557.jpg-(343 KB, 1000x1600, myhobbiesareembroideryandreadi(...).jpg)
    343 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:48 No.54684935
         File1316029682.png-(25 KB, 175x175, yesand.png)
    25 KB
    >> Reri !!WF91viYvxCD 09/14/11(Wed)15:49 No.54684999
         File1316029791.png-(24 KB, 201x201, yes and.png)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:51 No.54685048
         File1316029872.jpg-(54 KB, 260x260, 1292190413764.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:52 No.54685101
         File1316029960.jpg-(84 KB, 350x350, 1294605139822.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:54 No.54685156
    Yes, and? mind
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:55 No.54685201
         File1316030136.png-(355 KB, 600x449, otokonokosure.png)
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    Otoko No Ko Sure?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:56 No.54685242
         File1316030197.jpg-(233 KB, 665x610, opfm.jpg)
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    I have seen this before. Who is it from?

    Trap general?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:57 No.54685280
         File1316030266.png-(87 KB, 512x712, 1257910446143.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:58 No.54685297
         File1316030300.png-(63 KB, 512x712, 1257911118762.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:58 No.54685317
         File1316030336.png-(968 KB, 1280x720, trapsillustrated.png)
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    Prunus Girl.

    And yes.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:59 No.54685321
         File1316030342.jpg-(32 KB, 848x480, akemichan3.jpg)
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    Trap thread?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:59 No.54685342
         File1316030378.jpg-(68 KB, 650x572, 1233391378092.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:01 No.54685437
         File1316030514.png-(138 KB, 712x512, the best the best.png)
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    This artist is the King of traps.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:02 No.54685463
    Will you posted the sequel?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:03 No.54685504
         File1316030633.jpg-(98 KB, 650x948, 1310019543248.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:04 No.54685519
         File1316030659.png-(954 KB, 897x1236, glasses.png)
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    I meant the OP image.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:04 No.54685536
         File1316030678.jpg-(35 KB, 468x662, 1297581243652.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:05 No.54685552
         File1316030707.jpg-(93 KB, 500x600, 1268606453151.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:05 No.54685577
         File1316030735.png-(223 KB, 1600x1200, kei3.png)
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    I'm quite sure that's a one-shot thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:06 No.54685613
    Goes by the name of Riyo on Pixiv IIRC

    He has a major crush on the Idolm@sters girls
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:06 No.54685636
    Got this one without that box?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:07 No.54685648
    Oh Kei... mai waifbando, the things I'd do to/for you.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:08 No.54685676
         File1316030888.jpg-(248 KB, 743x1052, 1268605941688.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:09 No.54685723
         File1316030975.jpg-(126 KB, 500x600, 1268606334974.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:11 No.54685776
         File1316031072.jpg-(24 KB, 300x300, kei.jpg)
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    Got any other pics of her? I must say I'm fairly short on that.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:11 No.54685778
         File1316031076.jpg-(90 KB, 500x800, 1268606058493.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:15 No.54685904
         File1316031342.png-(136 KB, 712x512, thebest2.png)
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    Traps are cool now.

    Neuroscience agreed don't bother it:

    ( ̄へ ̄)
    >> Reri !!WF91viYvxCD 09/14/11(Wed)16:15 No.54685909
         File1316031347.png-(Spoiler Image, 79 KB, 712x512, 5d3880bea4b5316f9ebade55dfaa48(...).png)
    Spoiler Image, 79 KB
    I do.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:18 No.54685980
         File1316031495.jpg-(419 KB, 832x1024, norio.jpg)
    419 KB
    Aren't you jealous, /a/? She's a trap, yet she's manlier than any of us will ever be.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:21 No.54686090
         File1316031678.jpg-(65 KB, 600x360, 18204129_m.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:23 No.54686187
         File1316031838.jpg-(217 KB, 856x1382, 7be1039a5b47760c3cd4397b45c620(...).jpg)
    217 KB
    Download Tales of Doppelgänger
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:26 No.54686287
         File1316031999.png-(139 KB, 410x544, kei.png)
    139 KB
    I already have it, I was just lamenting my lack of "generic" pictures.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:29 No.54686331
         File1316032173.jpg-(567 KB, 725x1000, 4659632.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:32 No.54686424
         File1316032320.jpg-(274 KB, 900x1497, 3ab305df26d0253939216ca7d73f5a(...).jpg)
    274 KB
    Generic trap or generic Kei pictures? I could give you his pixiv tag.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:32 No.54686434
         File1316032332.png-(312 KB, 570x600, 18389579_m.png)
    312 KB
    All that bulge up in dem broomas
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:32 No.54686437
    2D traps = good
    3D traps = nope
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:32 No.54686456
    I wish I was the trap, /a/.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:34 No.54686497
    Talking about Kei, and sure, I'd be glad if you did.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:35 No.54686540
         File1316032526.jpg-(103 KB, 560x683, 1315033995492.jpg)
    103 KB
    >3D traps = nope
    Some are pretty good looking.

    To each their own I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:39 No.54686671
         File1316032745.jpg-(214 KB, 740x1024, 80f2f404030e4a379f93558332de83(...).jpg)
    214 KB
    There are a few (as in, really few 0,1%) that look passable.
    Most of the time it's that self-proclaimed "traps" don't actually care for their looks and just put on dresses and hope for the best.

    There is (was?) a Japanese game show where girlfriends would send their boyfriends to so they could get trappified:

    The voices sometimes don't fool anyone but the rest is really impressive and they tend to show the difference as opposed to how they looked before.
    Just goes to show how well you could fool someone with some (professionally applied) make-up and a well chosen, properly-worn dress/outfit.

    As with 3D girls, it often boils down to them having their own interests before that of pleasing you (HOW DARE THEY NOT SUBMIT TO OUR WISHES?) unlike 2D which will always try to be as eye-pleasing (and boner-pleasing) as possible.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:41 No.54686762
         File1316032906.jpg-(111 KB, 581x700, 33da0f00444f6a8c4d26f959290425(...).jpg)
    111 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:41 No.54686764
         File1316032908.jpg-(111 KB, 1280x720, 1315790316222.jpg)
    111 KB
    >Some are pretty good looking.

    >Go to /soc/ for the 3d trap threads
    >My face after

    Why do you lie!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:44 No.54686847
    Well, /soc/ is hardly the right kind of place to look. I'm sure there are way better traps right here on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:45 No.54686893
         File1316033134.jpg-(230 KB, 600x970, 38283791.jpg)
    230 KB
    See >>54686671
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:49 No.54686999
         File1316033358.png-(534 KB, 649x984, 9797070.png)
    534 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:58 No.54687288

    it's been months since i finished narutaru and i still have nightmares about that death.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:00 No.54687398
    what happens?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:01 No.54687410
         File1316034074.jpg-(408 KB, 861x1082, 32a56c1ae5326a4634fd1ba4772e16(...).jpg)
    408 KB
    Disregard canon, acquire abgrund doujins and fanart featuring Norio
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:03 No.54687486
    s/he gets raped and tortured to death
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:05 No.54687551

    Sorry i...just don't want to remember again.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:06 No.54687580
    Brutally raped and murdered, all the while disregarding the situation she's in and focusing instead on protecting his friend.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:36 No.54688430
    Why would you post that image? Are you trying to blind me!?
    >> Anomalous 09/14/11(Wed)17:37 No.54688471
         File1316036272.png-(1.01 MB, 905x1285, 142313423526.png)
    1.01 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:51 No.54688843

    so it's grimdark shit

    yep, won't read, shit manga is shit
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:55 No.54688959
    >basing an entire manga by a few comments and one manga page

    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:57 No.54688991
    >rape and murder of children makes a story realistic and mature
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:59 No.54689042
    Nah, it's pretty good and interesting, l liked bokurano more though.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:02 No.54689158
    don't worry anon, it is shit and only fucked up japan could think it's a good idea to depict rape and murder of underage to make a good story

    read something better that isn't tasteless shit for asocial teenagers, they will grow out of it
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:08 No.54689305
    it was probably just the writer being despressed so he had to take revenge by drawing grimdark shit

    that's japan society for you, can't cope with their feelings have to put it into imaginary world

    see: evangelion

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