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!!BJiYgff8zf2 09/14/11(Wed)06:10 No.54672173Sup
Reading Faggot? You're one retarded fuck you know that? Always talkin
to yourself and pretending that people actually like Steins;Gay when
it's just you samefagging your thread to eternity, no life phaggot.
I'll point out the samefaggotry going on in this thread so you can
learn what NOT to reply to. Reading Steiner, is /a/’s single obssessive
Steins;Shit lover, and biggest S;G fag. Mind you, lots of people watch
Steins;Gayte, but only he goes way out of his way to fag up every
Stiens;Gay thread where S;G is mentioned, spending all his time on /a/
doing just that. A retarded troll who does nothing more than waste his
days with trying to pick up fuck buddies with cheap gay tricks and
buttsex quotes, "fuck my butt", posting the same reaction pics with the
same filenames every time and endless, massive, unparalled samefaggotry,
as you can see. And which happens to be the biggest S;Gfaggot of this
board. Mind you, he posts anonymously most of the time, but it’s just
too obvious it’s him, due to all the samefaggottry, reverse-trolling and
replying to himself most of the time, same copypastas, trolling
arguments, threads, trolling images, same filenames, and reactionpics
“But how do we know you’re not the troll himself and what you’re saying is the truth?” Because there’s plenty of proof: >>/a/?task=search2&ghost=&search_text=&search_datefrom=& amp;search_dateto=&search_username=reading+steiner&search_tripcode=&search_del=dontcare& amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;search_img=dontcare&search_spo=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=rel |