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  • File : 1315827031.jpg-(16 KB, 150x209, Tsukihime.jpg)
    16 KB Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:30 No.54598974  
    Is the VN as good as the show?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:32 No.54599024
         File1315827175.jpg-(276 KB, 854x1024, 1308816012102.jpg)
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    What show?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:35 No.54599051
    Given how many neckbeard weeaboo faggots hated the Tsukihime anime, I'd assume the game is worse than it, since the anime was actually pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:35 No.54599058
    No, it's worse.

    Arcueid goes from an interesting mature vampire girl into moeshit kawaii uguuu typical of japanese shit.

    VN should have been more faithful to the animu.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:36 No.54599075
    Why are people trolling about non-existant shows like this and dtb season 2, they don't exist damn it.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:36 No.54599077
    Show? You must mean Carnival Phantasm?

    What are you doing watching a fan spoof before reading the VN.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:36 No.54599085
    How can someone hate something that doesn't exist?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:36 No.54599093
         File1315827399.jpg-(317 KB, 1024x768, tsukihime anime.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:37 No.54599102
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    theres a show?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:37 No.54599122
    >faithful to animu

    VN is the source material.

    Hey, wait a minute?
    What are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:39 No.54599144
    What? All i know of is kara no kyoukai
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:39 No.54599155
    >ahurhurhruhr i'm mentally deficient and i think the 'tsukihime anime doesn't exist' meme is funny

    Bonus unfunny meme: Candlejack Candlejack Candlejack.

    captcha: Sjögren's berrun
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:41 No.54599178
    What meme?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:41 No.54599181


    Huh? What meme?

    You are trying too hard newfag, we all know there isnt a Tsukihime anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:41 No.54599182
    i don't think the anime even covered far side of the moon.
    when i finished the vn and looked at the anime i knew right away it was shit.
    it should have stayed faithful to the vn.
    oh yeah, there is no tsukihime anime
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:41 No.54599197
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:42 No.54599202
    Gilgamesh can kill Arcueid, discuss.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:42 No.54599210
    You are a faggot, discuss.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:42 No.54599211
    meme? why would a fact become a meme

    also who is this candleja-
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:42 No.54599217
    this is no joke faggot, there's no tsukihime anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:43 No.54599224

    I think you should gb2/b/. You are far to obsessed with memes.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:43 No.54599243
    Sure has been an influx of edgy teenagers hating on old memes recently. Atari Dumbledore would not be pleased.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:44 No.54599252
    The VN is shit.

    Every Typemoon VN is shit.

    Nasu cannot into writing.

    /a/ cannot into VNs.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:44 No.54599259
    Yo, is dat Atari Dumbledore from Porkslope Turkeyhandle?

    I'd hit it.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:45 No.54599263
    Sure are a lot of buttmad virgin weeaboos getting upset that the Tsukihime anime is better than their shutin beatoff game.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:45 No.54599264
    did somebody say old memes?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:45 No.54599268
    It's really like I'm in 2005.
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 09/12/11(Mon)07:45 No.54599274
         File1315827956.jpg-(32 KB, 853x480, tsukihime anime.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:46 No.54599281
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    >tsukihime anime

    Hate to break it to yor bro but...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:47 No.54599309
         File1315828036.png-(46 KB, 639x435, whatanime.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:48 No.54599331
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    Pretty nice try, OP, I raged by reflex. Too bad this technique is already pretty old.

    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:48 No.54599342
    Why is he so perfect?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:49 No.54599345
    The Tsukihime anime is superior to the "visual novels". However, because some fans of the original games did not like it, they created a meme whereby they pretend it never existed.

    The "Candlejack" meme is supposed to involve the poster's text cutting off in midsentence, implying he was kidnapped by Candlejack.

    Ghost Slide is not a real anime, the title was created to fool people into thinking something existed and that they hadn't heard of it.

    Boku no Pico is a hentai anime series about males (mostly underage boys) having gay sex.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:49 No.54599346
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:49 No.54599350
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    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 09/12/11(Mon)07:50 No.54599368
         File1315828214.jpg-(29 KB, 635x462, lion car.jpg)
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    >ITT /b/ in 2005

    but, anon, the lion IS my car...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:50 No.54599375
    >implying people can't use google
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:51 No.54599389
         File1315828277.jpg-(32 KB, 500x432, using that word.jpg)
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    You sure are going desperate lengths trying to force this.
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 09/12/11(Mon)07:51 No.54599391
    You forgot to mention that Capcom wished Devil May Cry 2 never happened
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:51 No.54599394
         File1315828290.png-(960 KB, 1151x752, Okabe enjoying dr pepper.png)
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    Did I succeed ?

    Am I really in 2005 ?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:53 No.54599423
    >Tsukihime anime

    ust what the FUCK are you talking about?
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 09/12/11(Mon)07:54 No.54599454
    I dunno... I'm just waiting for the next Rozen Maiden episode...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:56 No.54599489

    I hate to break it to you...

    But in even in 2011 we are still waiting for season 3...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:57 No.54599502
    >Hacking to the gate starts
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:57 No.54599508
    Speaking of nonexistant anime, where is my Darker than black season 2
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:59 No.54599536
    the anime changed too many things from the 30-50 hr long original so it can fit into 13 episodes (4hrs20mins excluding OP&ED)
    it combined all the routes into a mutated arcueid end.
    it skipped too many details.
    the anime does not exist
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:59 No.54599545
    did you watched the fake one? They expect me to believe that shallow plot to be the second season.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:00 No.54599568
    i thought that was an OVA
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:02 No.54599597
    no no, there was a few ova and a season of non-existant episodes.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:02 No.54599600
    they made an 8 hour route into half of that.

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