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  • File : 1315800678.jpg-(141 KB, 640x480, 1314599704733.jpg)
    141 KB Pokémon Trainer !!5ePlBCwZJBy 09/12/11(Mon)00:11 No.54588544  
    What are some of your stories of other people revealing their power levels?

    Most recent thing that happened to me was some fat autistic looking kid in front of me during a lecture was on his laptop, which had a really bad Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei wallpaper.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:12 No.54588585
    I've only met one other person who likes anime in my entire life, and he's my friend. It's rare to meet someone who even knows what the world "anime" actually means.
    >> Yuki Nagato !YUKI4lVki2 09/12/11(Mon)00:12 No.54588591
    I don't hang out near faggots, so I don't have any stories.
    >> Pokémon Trainer !!5ePlBCwZJBy 09/12/11(Mon)00:14 No.54588621
    So how did you turn out to be such a faggot?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:14 No.54588623
    >Pokémon Trainer !!5ePlBCwZJBy

    Is that really you? The guy who needs meds?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:14 No.54588627
         File1315800861.jpg-(111 KB, 476x356, 1311704375370.jpg)
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    I don't hang out with faggots.
    >> Pokémon Trainer !!5ePlBCwZJBy 09/12/11(Mon)00:15 No.54588671

    It's not like you need to hang out with them.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:16 No.54588703
    >start dating this girl who I've known for a long time
    >a bit nerdy but fun, very intelligent
    >discover she likes animu, reads manga
    >"That's so awesome! What do you like?"
    >discover she's a rabid sailor moon fan, DBZ and Naruto too
    >i suggest other series
    >i expand the mind of another
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:17 No.54588742
    Shame. I thought it was you.
    >> Pokémon Trainer !!5ePlBCwZJBy 09/12/11(Mon)00:19 No.54588778
    You thinking of Gendou?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:20 No.54588808
    >Hiding Power-levels
    I seriously hope you guys don't do this
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:23 No.54588898
    No, no. A tripfag named Pokemon Trainer resided in /a/ before the shithole called /vp/ came to be. Me and him did a Pokemon thread here and he suddenly left because he had to go the hospital to get his medicine.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:23 No.54588912
    >Saging your own thread

    At least you know how bad this thread is
    >> Pokémon Trainer !!5ePlBCwZJBy 09/12/11(Mon)00:25 No.54588962
    Pretty sure that was me. The Pokémon image dumps? That was me.

    >doesn't know how saging works
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:26 No.54589001
    >be at college club fair
    >autism is a core value at my school
    >anime club is like 10% of my school's fucking population
    >and there's probably another 15% who just don't go outside enough to realize there's an anime club
    >walk past table
    >realize I could get free anime if I joined
    >see people I would have to interact with
    >white people dressed as Japanese characters
    >1 asian person:5 white people
    >girl with blonde hair dressed as haruhi
    >autism, autism everywhere
    back to torrenting
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:27 No.54589036
         File1315801666.jpg-(30 KB, 233x269, 1312579040267.jpg)
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    >girl in uni sleeps a lot and draw things like Mario and Kingdom Hearts, typical fujoshi
    >Talk to her about anime, she dislikes Big Three and love shoujo, but didn't know about Clannad or Toradora
    >Recommend her to watch it, and said to watch Ouran too.
    >Few weeks later she says that she loved all of them and asked me for more
    >I feel the fulfilling feeling
    Too bad she is chubby(not landwhale, she's even on a volleyball team) and i would never betray my waifu.
    >> hurrdurr !!nhsO+iI/gez 09/12/11(Mon)00:30 No.54589103
    My fiance is me with a vagina, we watch anime together. Our roommates watch the big 3, so I guess that's a bit, too.

    Other than that, I keep my hobby in the closet in public. I just recently had this embarrassing moment in a Verizon Wireless store, though.

    I was getting the Droid Bionic and the dude activating my phone decides to make me sign into my account so he can start the syncing from my old Droid. I thought this was fine until I was he had this grin on his face.

    >Android backs syncs your wallpaper.

    Naked Kurisu, naked Kurisu everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:30 No.54589124
    >Be in uni
    >Sitting through a lecture
    >Guy in front of me is streaming Naruto
    >Ahahaha what a prick
    >But wait, upon closer inspection he's actually not watching Naruto
    >He's writing some smartass notes for the upcoming test
    >Mfw he's using the power of weeaboo faggotry to repel people from leeching answers and notes from him.

    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:31 No.54589149

    >giving up real pussy for non-existant pussy

    Sure is /a/ in here!
    >> Pokémon Trainer !!5ePlBCwZJBy 09/12/11(Mon)00:37 No.54589313
    That's impressive. Are you sure he wasn't just watching and writing? For all you know he could have been writing down notes on ninjutsu.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:37 No.54589337
    This happened a few hours ago
    >university class trip to seattle for research
    >down time, nothing to anime
    >my hotel roommate walks in
    >"oh! you like anime?"
    >he likes samurai animes like musashi, ninja scroll, kenshin, and berserk
    >then we went to a strip club
    >just got back, and now typing this
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:38 No.54589367
    >My fiance is me with a vagina
    i want that so hard

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