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  • File : 1315474621.jpg-(50 KB, 607x686, 1315278599210.jpg)
    50 KB Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)05:37 No.54427655  
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:38 No.54427682
    Did he take a different trip? Or did he just gave up?
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 09/08/11(Thu)05:39 No.54427704
    He got really mad one day because his mom forgot to change his tampons and he just ragequit by posting his tripcode.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:39 No.54427722
    He'll be back one day.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:40 No.54427728

    I didn't know he was gone. This is truly the best of days.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:40 No.54427732
    He finally understood that we are beyond repair.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:40 No.54427739
    Moeshit is the cancer that is ruining anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:40 No.54427746
    I thought that was just the guy who hacked Yotsuba's trip and then posted as him to make it look like he was giving away his trip.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:41 No.54427756
         File1315474884.png-(14 KB, 142x66, Whatever.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:41 No.54427762
    He's really gone? Damn.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:41 No.54427767
    It's no use. He isn't here anymore. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:42 No.54427771
         File1315474927.jpg-(34 KB, 500x332, Yotsuba°C's keyboard whenever(...).jpg)
    34 KB
    No more delicious moefag rage?

    Oh well, at least there's still Komeiji to guffaw at.
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 09/08/11(Thu)05:42 No.54427773
    He's probably not gone to be honest. He's probably still doing the same routine but anonymously now.

    Or maybe he already has a new code lined up just for this. We may never know.

    Is it even possible to bruteforce a secure tripcode?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:42 No.54427786
    I always figured he was trolling, anyway. Things reached a point where he derailed a thread simply by posting in it. As dense as he was, I still can't see anyone being able to miss something so obvious.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:43 No.54427797
    >Is it even possible to bruteforce a secure tripcode?
    It wouldn't be the first time.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:43 No.54427813
         File1315475034.gif-(48 KB, 320x331, 1297188458586.gif)
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    >mfw I made that image, and now that he's gone, it serves an entirely different purpose than I intended.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:44 No.54427831
    It wasn't bruteforced though. He used !! instead of ##, if I remember correctly.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:45 No.54427849
    But Yotsuba's appeal was that he'd argue with trolls no matter how fallacious they were being and they could keep him on the hook long after they stopped trying, effectively killing the thread.
    I just don't see Komeji providing the same amount of entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:47 No.54427875
    I miss the guy already.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:47 No.54427877
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)05:48 No.54427887
         File1315475301.jpg-(41 KB, 400x300, maiwaifu11.jpg)
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    Worry not. I will rise as the new defender of all anime and I will not rest until K-On is as respected as Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:48 No.54427896
    I swear, if anyone gives him a legitimate reply, I will lose all hope for /a/.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:49 No.54427902
    No, you are not funny, you are just fucking retarded.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)05:49 No.54427910
    But I am right here
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:49 No.54427914
         File1315475394.jpg-(132 KB, 454x510, 1313825119682.jpg)
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    >implying Komeiji's anal frustration isn't hilarious every single time
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:49 No.54427916
         File1315475397.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 98 KB, 872x720, 1315058734027.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 98 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:50 No.54427920
    But it was hacked, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:50 No.54427929
         File1315475445.jpg-(48 KB, 300x351, 450.jpg)
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    I...I..I don't even.

    If I had even, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to hold any of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:51 No.54427946
    If he was posting anonymously, he'd be really easy to find. Face it anon, he's gone. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:51 No.54427948
         File1315475497.png-(329 KB, 392x631, AzuNyanMoney2.png)
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    It got old the first time.
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)05:52 No.54427963
         File1315475550.jpg-(41 KB, 640x480, maiwaifu18.jpg)
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    I excel in everything I do. If I wanted to I could render your lungs useless with a single joke.

    Knock knock.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:52 No.54427974
    Come in.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:53 No.54427982
    At least yotsuba believed you weren't all complete idiots and could actually grow your own brains and not believe whatever elitist shit was being filtered down from ANN and shitaku
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:54 No.54428008
    People in /a/ take Sankaku Complex seriously?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:54 No.54428016
         File1315475667.jpg-(42 KB, 170x213, 1313462052672.jpg)
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    >until K-On is as respected as Naruto

    Given that Naruto is the least respected anime in /a/, I am really looking forward to this. Best of luck, bro.
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)05:55 No.54428036
         File1315475709.jpg-(12 KB, 337x371, maiwaifu3.jpg)
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    You're supposed yo say "Who's there?" now the joke is ruined through no fault of my own.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:56 No.54428062
    Ruined...or made better?
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)05:56 No.54428068
    No faggot, he had a bitchfit and gave his tripcode himself.

    Good riddance, faggot must be at Gaia or Animesuki right now, still doing the same routine of writing gigantic idiotic essays in K-ON's defense and responding to every dissenter. Hopefully he found happiness among other likeminded faggots.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:57 No.54428069
    there are no heroes left in tripfags
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)05:57 No.54428092
         File1315475878.jpg-(203 KB, 1024x768, maiwaifu6.jpg)
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    >least respected anime on /a/
    You must be new here. Naruto has been /a/'s most prized jewel since its inception. Please realize this or you will be ostracized from the community.
    >> Hexer !NHpYSS45yU 09/08/11(Thu)05:58 No.54428097
    I see what you did there.
    Komeiji is to Yotsuba the way a Strike Witch is to Unit 01~
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:58 No.54428102
    So Yotsuba´s gone, eh? Well, some time ago he was so mad that he broke his keyboard. Who knows what it is this time. Maybe he threw his PC out of the window because of butthurt and instead of buying him a new one mommy called an ambulance instead.

    He might (or might not) resurface after some months of therapy.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:59 No.54428116
    >20/39 posts have been filtered
    Attention whoring general?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:59 No.54428117
         File1315475954.png-(10 KB, 426x364, cirnothelovabletripfriend.png)
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    There haven't been any for the past three years.

    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:59 No.54428125
         File1315475993.jpg-(49 KB, 300x310, 886.jpg)
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    Contemplating taking up a trip code, only using it in troll threads to take troll bait and derail threads with circular arguments.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:00 No.54428126
    Cirno ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:00 No.54428133
         File1315476023.jpg-(39 KB, 450x338, 1314350855798.jpg)
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    >implying /a/ takes shitkaku or ANNfags seriously
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:00 No.54428135
    I didn't see him bitchfit or anything.
    He only said "fuck it" and posted his trip. And I still doubt that was him.
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 09/08/11(Thu)06:00 No.54428138
    You're giving him too much credit. He seemed to be quite unwilling to admit his favorite show wasn't in fact flawless, and attributed every criticism to "sheepish hivemind behavior"

    Not a very mature attitude and certainly not one that points to respecting us enough to think we could grow out of his perceived notion of our motivations.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:01 No.54428147
    Filter had him gone long ago
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)06:01 No.54428151
    Yotsuba℃ ##gitahakatanahkonatah
    >> Hexer !NHpYSS45yU 09/08/11(Thu)06:01 No.54428152
    My mind is full of billions of fuck.
    10/10, good job.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:02 No.54428160
    I used to like Onsokumaru, before he migrated to /v/ and became black.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)06:02 No.54428163
    Why am I not surprised?
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)06:02 No.54428169
         File1315476161.jpg-(27 KB, 640x480, maiwaifuu26.jpg)
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    Yotsuba remains undefeated to this day. I can only laugh at these pitiful attempts to sully his good name. HA!
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 09/08/11(Thu)06:02 No.54428172
    Does anyone else find it kind of baffling that this is his tripcode? It seems to comprise of the buzzwords and memes he claimed to hate so much.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:02 No.54428176
    We will always have Hox.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:02 No.54428177
    bring on the bullshit - you fucking miss the drama faggot.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)06:03 No.54428194
         File1315476228.jpg-(44 KB, 500x375, 1273048021827.jpg)
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    Everybody can be Yotsuba now!
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)06:03 No.54428199
         File1315476213.png-(1.04 MB, 1023x610, darkknight-9.png)
    1.04 MB

    I may have hated his guts, but I'll always respect him for being the only tripfag that reached board-wide fame for his opinions and views on anime instead of attention whoring. He will always be one-of-a-kind between tripfiends.

    Unlike this other avatarfag here who will quickly be forgotten in his shitty attempt to become the new Taiga/Lanced Jack.
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 09/08/11(Thu)06:45 No.54428211
    No matter how noble, logical, or entertaining someone is, there will never be anything "heroic" about posting on the internet. Unless you're Peter Wiggin.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:52 No.54428350
    He said he didn't mind if they hated or criticized his show. He minded the way they did it, using buzzwords and whatever.
    >> Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g 09/08/11(Thu)06:58 No.54428449
    Yotsuba was cool i guess, it was just that you could taste his aspergers through the screen.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)06:58 No.54428451
    Never said I wouldn't.

    If he didn't have shitty taste in anime he would be one of the best tripfags on /a/. There is something to be admired in his crusader-like fervor in defending shitty otaku pandering anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:58 No.54428465
    Hey yotsuba. Why not change trips altogether. Just like SHiN
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:59 No.54428479
         File1315479589.jpg-(15 KB, 291x296, 123243543634.jpg)
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    Yotsuba was a delusional manchild.

    How can you treat him seriously when he perceived K-ON as pinnacle of the universe?
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:00 No.54428490
    i kinda feel sorry for him
    >> Steins;Pepper !.8jusUj5qA 09/08/11(Thu)07:00 No.54428507
    One less shit-spouting Keion fag in /a/
    >> Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g 09/08/11(Thu)07:00 No.54428516
    Just out of curiosity, what was it?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:02 No.54428551
    Nah, I used to think something like this too but in the last few weeks everyone that had the slightest complain about K-On! got his. I remember many decent threads about "I kind of like K-on but this and that annoyed me, still good though" that were completely gone to hell when he went ballistic. He was not on his best moment.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:02 No.54428553
    The funny thing is he never claimed that K-ON is his favorite show.
    In one of the threads, he said that he thinks that TTGL and Diebuster are the best anime ever made.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:02 No.54428554
    Yotsuba℃ ##gitahakatanahkonatah

    Oh god, I'm actually quite saddened by this. I didn't really care for his opinions, not that they were wrong just that he was defined as 'lol that guy'.

    >> Issy !!VALPT3qFR1N 09/08/11(Thu)07:02 No.54428561
         File1315479765.png-(614 KB, 889x715, 1315372011976.png)
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    These threads always fascinate me.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:03 No.54428588
    So let me get this right, Yotsuba was Moe's whitenight?
    And Lain is /a/'s whore?
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:04 No.54428594
    He didn't really perceive it that way, he just defended it a bit more than he needed to because so many people shit talk on it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:04 No.54428603
         File1315479860.jpg-(54 KB, 642x481, 125435634634.jpg)
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    Let's just pretend that faggot was a bad dream.
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)07:04 No.54428604
         File1315479863.jpg-(20 KB, 500x281, waifu4.jpg)
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    Why is he so perfect?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:04 No.54428619
    Yotsuba is necessary.
    If not him, who will occupy the fucking retarded moehaters so that they don't shit up the rest of the board?
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:04 No.54428620
    >> Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g 09/08/11(Thu)07:04 No.54428621
    Oh wow.... its original alright.
    To his credit though, I would have never guessed it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:05 No.54428623
    I actually liked Yotsuba.

    He never posted offtopic
    Always stated his opinion
    Argued his opinion even when backed into a corner

    Yes, it seems we finally out autismed him... Pity, if didnt defend such a shitty show he may well have been /a/s best poster
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:05 No.54428634
    Actually the problem was with giving K-ON too much credit.

    He seriously thought it was groundbreaking show, while it was generic moeshit with bigger budget.
    >> Red/Blu Heavy Weapons Guy !Wb7rTlcLCc 09/08/11(Thu)07:05 No.54428638
    We can now say moeshit in peace.

    Also that "a Better would without mr.C" came true!
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:06 No.54428660
         File1315479986.jpg-(110 KB, 362x395, 43046393.jpg)
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    >Argued his opinion even when backed into a corner

    Maybe I'm reading that wrong, but that's not good.
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)07:06 No.54428666
         File1315480001.jpg-(23 KB, 250x250, ohana4.jpg)
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    >> Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g 09/08/11(Thu)07:06 No.54428670
    Its just not the same.
    Is a world without Yotsuba, a world we want to live in?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:06 No.54428672
    >He never posted offtopic
    Spamming charts in unrelated threads=posting off topic
    >Always stated his opinion
    As a fact
    >Argued his opinion even when backed into a corner
    derailing threads
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:07 No.54428677
         File1315480023.jpg-(114 KB, 464x476, rancedcake.jpg)
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    If he only was a troll, then he would go straight to the 4chan's greatest trolls gallery next to Lanced Jack,Toxic Jester and DK.

    Ufortunately he was serious.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:08 No.54428698
    >>Always stated his opinion
    >As a fact

    No, he just didn't preface every sentence with 'in my opinion'
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:08 No.54428721

    >He never posted offtopic
    Not like that matters here, but he did. If anyone mentioned "moe" in any thread that wasn't about that particular subject at all, he'd come swooping down like a shark smelling blood, derailing the thread.

    >Always stated his opinion
    Big fucking deal, everyone does that, but when you do it as often as Yotsuba, it's just plain wrong.

    >Argued his opinion even when backed into a corner
    The core of his autism. He'd still argue, even when you have five different credible sources stating that he was factually wrong. He'd still argue. He'd pull as many red herrings as possible to try to continue the discussion, never once admitting his defeat.

    He's a terrible poster.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:09 No.54428732
         File1315480142.gif-(3 KB, 183x297, 1265434749614.gif)
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    I partially agreed with his views on K-ON, I don't like the show but sometimes it does get more shit than it deserves.

    The only times I actually hated Yotsuba C and thought he was the biggest cunt in the universe was when he would enter a 80/90's anime thread and spout shit like "nostalgiafaggotry" and misuse Chartfags's charts.

    In those threads he would argue using the same kind of arguments he despised when used against K-ON, which made him a huge hypocrite.
    >> Jake the Moefag !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)07:09 No.54428740
    I agreed with his opinions generally but he suffered from a crippling inability to frame the argument, ignore blatant trolls, and deal with the fact that people will hate on K-ON! for stupid reasons and that he should just deal with it.

    Seriously, how does one not know how to ignore trolls?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:09 No.54428742

    Jesus when did this happen? Within the last 24 hours?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:09 No.54428744
    Well, at least he was better than the people he argued against.
    The "moeshit is killing anime" crowd really is the worst part of /a/. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the ANN boards. I wonder how /a/ will be a few years from now. Just another normalfag board?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:10 No.54428759
    But he didn't. He was just disagreeing with some opinions. And corrected some mistakes here and there. He never called anyone an idiot or said that their opinion is bad in those threads; and he said he never disrespected anyone. He was just discussing, and people interpreted his very long posts as an attack and rage.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:10 No.54428766
         File1315480231.jpg-(148 KB, 766x762, 1288612395210.jpg)
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    Thank fucking god.

    No more "derp" "0/10" "you're an idiot" responses.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:10 No.54428772
    K-ON is well done. Last time I checked cute anime isn't hard to find. It isn't simply being cute that allows K-ON to sell well. Shut up.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:11 No.54428790
    Yeah, a victory for the manime movement guys from /v/ and /co/
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:11 No.54428793

    Was it this thread?

    He didn't really seem to have a reason to post it. This is the oldest thread I found with the trip posted.
    >> Jake the Meat Bun !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)07:12 No.54428803
    >he would enter a 80/90's anime thread and spout shit like "nostalgiafaggotry" and misuse Chartfags's charts.
    That's part of his inability to frame arguments correctly. His "enemy" was inevitably the "moeshit is killing anime" crowd, which suffered from far more fallacies than Yotsuba ever did. However, instead of simply calling them out for their bullshit and selection bias, he went the extra retarded step and claimed that anime is has always been the same. Calling people "nostalgiafags" only throws fuel onto the flames, even when it may be warranted.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:12 No.54428811
    Being a show with autistic girls is the biggest sell point.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:13 No.54428821
    >He didn't really seem to have a reason to post it
    Which is why I think it was hacked.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:13 No.54428823
    >K-ON has good direction, this is a fact
    >K-ON has a well done plot, this is a fact
    >K-ON has good characters, this is a fact
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:13 No.54428827
         File1315480404.jpg-(10 KB, 222x196, 1283900356588.jpg)
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    It still saddens me how you cannot see how shallow and stupid those "moeshit" shows are.

    Do you really think people bash them "lolbecause"?

    They are really just bad anime without any real content.

    I like plot and REAL characters in my anime.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:13 No.54428840
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:14 No.54428850
    Woah, it's like he's actually YotsubaC.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:14 No.54428854
    He never said any of that as facts.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:14 No.54428864
         File1315480498.jpg-(3 KB, 126x93, how_to_troll.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:15 No.54428875
         File1315480534.jpg-(76 KB, 450x500, 1286371361375.jpg)
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    Are you serious?

    He stated opinions as facts.

    When someone said "I don't like K-ON because it is shallow for me" he would go hours on how WRONG his opinion is.

    Yeah, Yotsuba thought opinions can be wrong.
    >> Red/Blu Heavy Weapons Guy !Wb7rTlcLCc 09/08/11(Thu)07:15 No.54428883
         File1315480554.jpg-(132 KB, 604x517, account395.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:15 No.54428885
    nice thumbnail, newfag
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:16 No.54428891
    Oh yes he did.
    Just check some of his threads at easymodo.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 09/08/11(Thu)07:16 No.54428901
    Who posts with a public trip how sad are you.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:16 No.54428913
    you're an idiot
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)07:16 No.54428916
         File1315480601.jpg-(17 KB, 369x351, maiwaifu21.jpg)
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    You people just don't understand the hardships and responsibilities that a tripknight has to endure.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:17 No.54428932
         File1315480625.jpg-(19 KB, 463x403, 1311330317532.jpg)
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    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:17 No.54428938
    you're an idiot

    next time,stay onside
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:17 No.54428945
    I wonder where he is now.

    It would be ironic if one of the biggest sperglords to ever grace /a/ were one of the first to completely brake the chains that binds us to this imageboard.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:17 No.54428947
    Why do you put so much effort into trolling /a/?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:17 No.54428955
    He didn't he just said:
    >K-ON has good direction
    >K-ON has a well done plot
    >K-ON has good characters
    He never said it was a fact.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:17 No.54428960
    Yotsuba C ☑
    Kaiji ☑
    Akagi ☑
    Pork Danger ☑

    I think most of the shit tripfags are gone.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:18 No.54428975

    >Pork Danger ☑

    that trip is worth millions
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:18 No.54428976
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)07:19 No.54428998
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    Why must you attempt to sully my good name as a good and charitable poster? I do nothing but contribute to this community and this is how you repay me?
    >> YotsubaCBOT 09/08/11(Thu)07:19 No.54429003
    Dont be afraind people, our TRUE master is comming back soon.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:19 No.54429008

    Still long way ahead.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 09/08/11(Thu)07:20 No.54429022
    Hi MmEw my waifu.
    >> Yoshikage Kira !dQ9fa8sxbw 09/08/11(Thu)07:20 No.54429029
    Yotsuba ºC is the perfect example of someone that has "his taste" as the main point of his life
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:20 No.54429037
    >NO PLOT

    That's pretty much what your "arguments" come down to and can be summed up as:

    >it's more popular than a show I like and I don't like that.
    >it's popular so I hate on it to fit in.
    >> ‮‪‪‪‫‮‪‪‪‫‬‬‬‬ !71//7.meow 09/08/11(Thu)07:20 No.54429043
    There are other ways to make the tripcode uncopyable, even with the pass.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)07:21 No.54429050
    If you wanna go that far, might as well mention Taiga and Lanced Jack.

    I do wonder if the one that now trips as Taiga is the original one.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:21 No.54429051
    Komeiji is cool when nt talking about K-ON and his waifu Azusa, or in those waifu threads.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:21 No.54429067
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    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)07:21 No.54429070
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    Parky is an integral part of this community to this day.
    I'm reporting you for sexual harassment.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:22 No.54429083
    Oh yes he is.
    There's no shadow of doubt.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:22 No.54429088
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    >Komeiji is cool when nt talking about K-ON and his waifu Azusa, or in those waifu threads.

    98% of the time he's in those threads.
    >> Jake the Troll !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)07:23 No.54429096
    Remember when Anonymous was randomized to Taiga and Lanced Jack? Dark times, friend.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:23 No.54429100
    Reported for abusing reporting, then.
    >> Yotsuba Ď !!iMUgwBV+U2t 09/08/11(Thu)07:23 No.54429108
    I are back
    >> MmEw !!JDGyMmEw+9E 09/08/11(Thu)07:23 No.54429109
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    I miss Jakku~

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