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  • File : 1315457026.jpg-(71 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-4080.jpg)
    71 KB Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:43 No.54420333  
    Dear /a/nus,

    Have you ordered your Mammies yet?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:45 No.54420386
    In a heartbeat
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:48 No.54420500
    Wannabe buyfag here

    What do figmas have under the skirt?
    >> Jake the Swedish Fish !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)00:48 No.54420525
    >-She also comes with six muskets, along with a little musket stand for each one of them.
    Okay, that's pretty sweet. And DAT CHARLOTTE.

    Hmmm. To buy or not to buy...

    Who needs to eat? I DON'T.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:48 No.54420539
    a penis
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:48 No.54420540
    Panties, muskets, anything a girl would put under her skirt
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)00:48 No.54420541
    Panties and joints
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:49 No.54420548
    A penis
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:49 No.54420579
    Tales of Xillia is worth more than a hot glue figure.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:50 No.54420586
    >Mami actually being a trap
    I feel like I should be okay with that by now, but somehow I'm not.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:50 No.54420603
    >Implying Mami figma is for hot-glueing purposes
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:50 No.54420607
         File1315457441.jpg-(186 KB, 421x600, Mami_figma_06.jpg)
    186 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:51 No.54420627
    I'm too poor to afford any of the megukas.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:52 No.54420667
         File1315457539.png-(129 KB, 257x390, jun wonders.png)
    129 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:52 No.54420677
         File1315457554.gif-(533 KB, 400x228, 1313718384656.gif)
    533 KB
    Gotta love that expression.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:52 No.54420678
    I'm not normally a buyfag, but I'm considering it. It's only $29 in my currency though I don't know how much the shipping would be.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:53 No.54420706
    I've never wanted one of these so badly
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:53 No.54420708
    > 1,449 left
    500+ in about one hour. Brace yourselves
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)00:54 No.54420746
         File1315457663.jpg-(128 KB, 600x800, 27602.jpg)
    128 KB
    And sorry moomy, but january is already packed
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)00:55 No.54420779
         File1315457712.jpg-(86 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-3992.jpg)
    86 KB
    And DAT COTTAGE gets priority
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:55 No.54420783
    SAL = $12~ for South America. $10 for NA
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:56 No.54420840
         File1315457811.jpg-(223 KB, 397x600, Mami_Figma_03.jpg)
    223 KB
    I-It's going to be alright.. isn't it....

    ISN'T IT...
    >> Jake the Sorghum !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)00:58 No.54420925
         File1315457927.jpg-(43 KB, 600x450, FIG-MOE-4080_07(1).jpg)
    43 KB
    Well, pre-ordered. I'm sure I can scrounge up $40 between now and January.

    ...This photo makes me sad.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:00 No.54420991
         File1315458053.jpg-(63 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-4082.jpg)
    63 KB
    I'm unemployed. So many figures I want coming out in December and January, I'm not even sure I'll be able to pre-order them all if I do land a job.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:03 No.54421072
    Hm, this has the same date as the Kotobukiya re-release of Kurisu.

    I used SAL registered. Would I save much if I preordered this now and combined it?

    I'm not really in a rush to get madoka figmas, but if it'll save me money, I might as well get it now.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:06 No.54421190
    Any idea about shipping to Australia?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:07 No.54421205
    Well, you save at least $10 for combining them. But make sure they'll fit the SAL box.
    On a shipping-related note, what the fuck is wrong with some pricing?
    >Order is about 1kg
    >EMS: 4k yen
    >Registered shit: 3500 yen
    >FEDEX: 3600
    Fedex actually cheaper?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:08 No.54421251
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:08 No.54421261
    Same as NA
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:09 No.54421286
    You have until January to save up some money.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:09 No.54421290
    >Save $1 every two days
    There, now you have money to order her
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:11 No.54421355

    I really want the nendo for her too.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:12 No.54421370
    Even if Fedex was actually cheaper I wouldn't use it. Not sure about other countries but quite a few have the policy of charging VAT and custom taxes for private companies on a way higher probability than using the federal postal service.
    >> Jake the Musket !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)01:14 No.54421417
    By the way, anyone know the release schedule for the Madoka figmas? I know that my self-restraint will continue to lose, and I want to know when I should be expecting these chunks of cash to disappear from my checking account.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:14 No.54421433
    Yeah, I know that. But the stuff I bought is actually free from getting taxed due to my country's constitution
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:15 No.54421447
         File1315458917.jpg-(80 KB, 515x468, richirocko1313653368..jpg)
    80 KB
    More January
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:15 No.54421455
    September -> November -> January -> March (tentative) -> May (tentative)
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:15 No.54421466
    This is true but you could also be really lucky and not get charged.
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:17 No.54421521
         File1315459062.jpg-(185 KB, 600x850, 57994.jpg)
    185 KB
    >> Jake the Claymore !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)01:17 No.54421527
    I'm guessing March and May are Sayaka and Kyouko, respectively? Sweet. They're all nice and spaced out.
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:18 No.54421544
         File1315459104.jpg-(133 KB, 800x600, OhnoRaptors1314932047..jpg)
    133 KB
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:19 No.54421574
         File1315459169.jpg-(92 KB, 500x750, 78404.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:19 No.54421586
         File1315459194.jpg-(79 KB, 665x1000, Sayaka_Figma_01.jpg)
    79 KB


    They're really leaving the best for last aren't they...

    The bastards..
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:20 No.54421591
    I love how detailed her costume is
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:20 No.54421595
         File1315459213.jpg-(64 KB, 492x491, 1313332215377.jpg)
    64 KB
    Just ordered her. Now I'm waiting for Kyouko.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:21 No.54421628
    I hope Sayaka comes with her crazy-shit face and Kyouko with a detachable lance
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:21 No.54421629
         File1315459269.jpg-(196 KB, 985x1000, Mia-chan1314248533..jpg)
    196 KB
    >> Jake the Cedar !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)01:21 No.54421643
    Patience, friend.

    I hope they incorporate her extend-o-lance. And condom.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 09/08/11(Thu)01:21 No.54421645
    I ordered this too. I can't fucking wait
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:21 No.54421651
         File1315459312.jpg-(66 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-4062.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:22 No.54421668
         File1315459349.png-(1.16 MB, 1451x1363, 19917376.png)
    1.16 MB
    Patiently waiting for a Madokami figma.
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:22 No.54421670
         File1315459356.jpg-(44 KB, 565x800, OhnoRaptors1315367541..jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:23 No.54421685
    Already pre-ordered.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:23 No.54421704
    It will be a 1/6 statue, exclusive from GSC online store.

    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:23 No.54421705
    I wish I had money for figures.

    Being poorfag is suffering.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:23 No.54421711
         File1315459426.jpg-(216 KB, 530x458, Mami_Figma_04.jpg)
    216 KB

    I think Sayaka will come with multiple swords, just as Mami comes with multi-muskets.

    I believe I saw a picture of that somewhere but didn't saved it...

    They also have their individual stands as well.

    >This is the Mami one.

    Kyouko will come with a HUGE spear..., I just know it man.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:24 No.54421718
    Cute guy figs are becoming more common, but I don't really like this Izaya's face...
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:24 No.54421738
         File1315459478.jpg-(188 KB, 1000x1503, DSC00660.jpg)
    188 KB
    And of course, za zombie re-release
    >> Jake the Metaphysical Being !6kgj/OnyWw 09/08/11(Thu)01:26 No.54421783
    I hope that inevitable fig will be released post-July 2012 so that I'd be able to buy it with a paycheck instead of on loan from the U.S. government.

    And then, it will be a race to click "Pre-order", and it will be fucking on, gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:29 No.54421867
         File1315459774.jpg-(44 KB, 550x800, FIG-MOE-4079_01.jpg)
    44 KB
    >Oh cool, a non game/anime original character-

    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:30 No.54421879
    I want the Mami nendo so bad. Don't know how I'll get it though.
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:33 No.54421961
         File1315460003.png-(13 KB, 200x219, CoolDiscountBro.png)
    13 KB
    Must be an error
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:33 No.54421971

    I don't even like Izaya that much, but that figure is really, really nice. There's just something about the way the jacket was done that I love.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:35 No.54421998
         File1315460103.jpg-(138 KB, 1280x720, mami head tilt.jpg)
    138 KB
    Just ordered her, this will be my first ever fig I will buy.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:35 No.54422012

    Welcome to the addiction.
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:36 No.54422021
         File1315460168.jpg-(113 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-2365.jpg)
    113 KB
    And it's not possible for Dizzy to be even cheaper.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:36 No.54422022
         File1315460171.jpg-(104 KB, 960x1280, 9cd29857.jpg)
    104 KB
    Make sure you cum lots on it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:38 No.54422065
         File1315460295.jpg-(77 KB, 348x295, mami emblem.jpg)
    77 KB
    Speaking of Mami, does anyone have a higher res version of this design that appears on her Soul Gem? I am wanting to make a vector and it would help quite a bit.
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)01:38 No.54422084
         File1315460325.jpg-(32 KB, 800x535, ayanokouji-aya_amiami_056.jpg)
    32 KB
    Speaking of which, I was just checking and now they include your certified stains-free hotglue for photo purposes.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:40 No.54422118
    yeah. since pre-orders are stopped everywhere, does anyone know if you'll still be able to buy it once it's released? never bought japanese figures before
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:41 No.54422157
         File1315460479.jpg-(118 KB, 800x532, DSCF0604.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:43 No.54422214
         File1315460598.gif-(552 KB, 704x396, tiro finale.gif)
    552 KB
    She doesn't come with a Tiro Finale? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:47 No.54422343
         File1315460862.jpg-(55 KB, 581x470, capitalism ho.jpg)
    55 KB
    Dizzy is an exception because THOSE FUCKING DETAILS, Alter and you're practically buying two if not three figures for one. This on the other hand has a ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL price for a 1/8 figure. Anyway, getting poorer as new releases goes by. Pic related, I'm a sucker for the SDM casts.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:51 No.54422441
    Amiami usually have a limited in-stock sales once it's released, though you need to be quick to snatch one. If there's a high demand after production, GSC will just re-release more later on.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:53 No.54422526
    Even as original character, note that the price is even higher than the "Maker price" which is retarded considering it's an AmiAmi exclusive.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:58 No.54422676
    Poorfag here, what kind of a job do you have to be able to afford this kind of luxury for the rich and lonely?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:59 No.54422733
    Certainly not flipping burgers at McDonald's
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:01 No.54422777
    minimum wage, fast on bread and water, live on 2nd hand items, and use only necessary utilities
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:02 No.54422798
    Sperm donor.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:03 No.54422857
    I donate plasma for extra spending money. one to two trips should cover this
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:05 No.54422909
         File1315461949.jpg-(50 KB, 533x800, FIG-MOE-3845_15.jpg)
    50 KB
    Yes, and my mammies should be arriving later this month
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:06 No.54422935
    Where can I find a place to do this?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:07 No.54422955
    Freelance computer technician works well if there's alot of helpless old people around your area. Easy money from the clueless and uninformed who's trying to improve their business.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:10 No.54423019
    just google plasma donation and your town
    this might help if you're in the US
    it's the place I go to, but there are plenty of others
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 09/08/11(Thu)02:11 No.54423058
         File1315462274.jpg-(87 KB, 600x600, Hanekawa.jpg)
    87 KB
    And for those who preordered Hanekawa, she's getting an early release the 12th.

    GSC? Not delaying a figure and actually releasing it before the original date?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:11 No.54423063
    I still can't get over those KNEES. Hope you'll enjoy your purchase nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:12 No.54423093
    Neat-o. How much dosh do you get for doing this, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:14 No.54423143
    depends on the location and how much they need it. it's like $20-30 a time here, takes about an hour and a half for me, but most people can do it faster.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:15 No.54423186
    Thanks for the info.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:16 No.54423207
    autism bucks
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:36 No.54423712
    Professional Starcraft gamer.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:37 No.54423732
    Alright applying to target to be kart pusher wish me luck.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:38 No.54423758
    i already preordered horo and i fear that i can't justify having a figure like this standing in my room

    >> StabsofWar 09/08/11(Thu)02:38 No.54423777
    only BRS i didnt order. I cant like this design no matter how hard i try
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:50 No.54424053
    I have far more girly figs. in my room and i don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)02:53 No.54424111
    The only figures I have left are touhou figmas. I wish they'd release figures of characters I want
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)03:08 No.54424449
         File1315465704.jpg-(94 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-3888.jpg)
    94 KB

    The only BRS we all need.

    That jet butt.

    Hope XNFE get Figma in the future.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)03:15 No.54424625
         File1315466100.gif-(185 KB, 150x150, ore_no_imouto_op_kirino_by_zaf(...).gif)
    185 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)03:24 No.54424868
    As a matter of fact, I just finished preordering it.

    I thought the Homu figma was great, but god damn. Six muskets, a Charlotte, and detachable hat. Also, dat I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH face is going to be so useful when posing them together.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)03:28 No.54424948
    >go check
    >oh hey it's up, better preorder
    >notice that merry statue that was at Wonfes is also available now
    >look at pictures
    >paint made the face derpy as fuck

    God damn it, I wanted to get that one.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)03:36 No.54425154
    Sup Planelegs
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)04:08 No.54425872
         File1315469298.jpg-(288 KB, 1280x1024, cantgiveuponnendos.jpg)
    288 KB
    i'm done, finished.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)04:09 No.54425910
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)04:25 No.54426249
         File1315470311.png-(342 KB, 515x415, o0515041511468490508.png)
    342 KB
    My god!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:00 No.54426897
         File1315472440.jpg-(83 KB, 600x800, 05_6_4.jpg)
    83 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:16 No.54427195
    All the Mami figurines always look the best. Here's a question: do figurines go 'out of print' after a while? Because I don't want to buy online and the only time I plan to buy any is in two years time when I go on exchange.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:18 No.54427234
    Any other pics of the Sayaka one? She looks pretty derpy there..
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:19 No.54427261
    Looking at Madoka figmas always make me want to buy some, but I vowed to myself a few years ago that I'd never buy any figurines of girls. They'd look weird in my room too. I guess I'll just leave 'em to the fanboys..
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:19 No.54427275
         File1315473590.jpg-(28 KB, 330x333, 1313303062228.jpg)
    28 KB
    >mfw I was about to post this
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:21 No.54427318

    Oh yeah. They go out of print all the time.
    Collecting animu stuff is a fast hobby. New shit comes out, sells out, and new shit comes and replaces it. It's a neverending cycle.

    As for madoka figmas, I'm holding off. I'm not sure if companies will treat them as rare (make a set few, sell at high price) or mass produce them (madoka is popular; make a shitton of it for a long time).
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:22 No.54427342

    I'd buy it if it wouldn't be fucking extremely expensive no-estimated shipping.

    Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:22 No.54427343
    >mfw i find a Honey Blonde figure
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:23 No.54427347
    >not wanting both
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:25 No.54427400
    >he doesn't know figma shipping prices off the top of his head

    It's $10 on average.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:26 No.54427412
    Dat Sweet Mami.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:27 No.54427431
    Ahh that's such a tragedy. I'd totally buy 'em in the future when I have more independence (like moving out).. But I guess it's for the best that I don't start the figurine hobby otherwise my wallet will vapourise. I currently buy some manga and artbooks.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:28 No.54427458

    to central europe? Don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:29 No.54427493
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:37 No.54427657
    If online is your hurdle, you can always check out conventions (assuming you live in an area that has them). They have decent selections with good gems here and there.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:38 No.54427698
         File1315474736.jpg-(130 KB, 450x600, 13161741_m.jpg)
    130 KB
    I'm trying not to turn into a figfag, but I really want dat Mami and Izaya. Have a sort of rule that I don't go over two figures for any month and for January I already have the bigger Madoka and standard Love is War figure.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:39 No.54427711

    SAL shipping is the same price to both NA and Euro, and Figmas are very light. You're looking at about whatever the equivalent of $10 is to your currency.

    Customs fees are an entirely different issue.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:52 No.54427960
    People are forgetting the most important part...

    Can you squeeze her mammies?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)05:58 No.54428100
    Mmmm... mammies
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:48 No.54428302
         File1315478887.jpg-(118 KB, 1280x960, 1315386617512.jpg)
    118 KB

    Made from hollowed out soft rubber. So, they are squeezable, life-like texture.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:54 No.54428383
    Now you're thinking of the Queen's Blade Revoltechs.
    Figma hasn't done soft-boobies afaik.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)06:56 No.54428424
         File1315479395.jpg-(91 KB, 477x640, gsc kurisu.jpg)
    91 KB
    all my want
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:02 No.54428555
         File1315479752.jpg-(110 KB, 800x640, 1315012253359.jpg)
    110 KB

    My soft titties maid Tsuruya-chan said otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)07:02 No.54428559
    I'll wait for the real figure. I don't like figmas, I think they look pretty ugly. I still bought Kaiji figma since that was all I'm ever going to get.

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