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  • File : 1315165513.jpg-(6 KB, 251x183, yangsip.jpg)
    6 KB Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:45 No.54271917  
    The spammer seems pretty active today. For the whole day, at least half of the threads on the front page got spammed.

    Wasn't moot going to do something about it?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:46 No.54271962
    Nice anime thread

    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:46 No.54271975
    >doing anything beneficial for 4chan

    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:47 No.54271980
    moot doesn't care about 4chan anymore. He's too busy with that shitty
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:47 No.54271981
    They seem to love deleting threads about spamming, but not the actual spam.

    >moot doing anything
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:47 No.54272004
    Add a voice recognizition only captcha
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:48 No.54272041
         File1315165723.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, ufrustrated.jpg)
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    sage doesn't do anything bro, it just keeps your post from bumping the thread.

    Which my post here does.

    Also, it doesn't really matter whether it's /a/ related or not. Spam has become a relevant problem since it doesn't only hit the odd non-/a/-related thread any more but pretty much all kinds of threads, even /a/-related ones.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:49 No.54272070
    >implying it's only one spammer

    It's fucking not why do people not understand this
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:50 No.54272099
    I think most people do, it's just more convenient to say the spammer.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:51 No.54272114
    I don't think making posting even more annoying would solve the issue.

    In my opinion, the best step would be to simply write some kind of script that grabs the proxy lists from major proxy websites on an hourly basis and pre-emptively bans them.

    That way, a lot of spam could be taken care of.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:51 No.54272121
         File1315165888.jpg-(29 KB, 640x480, LOGH Episode 08 (DVD).mkv_snap(...).jpg)
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    Fucking badass
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:51 No.54272133
    Solution: You have to create an account to post (no email shit), you will remain anonymous and all, just that you have to login to post

    That way you can't spam unless you literally spamcreate accounts which should be impossible
    >> Uidrew !!m4tW5PKB2UV 09/04/11(Sun)15:52 No.54272146
    Instead of making a shitty thread like this, why don't you do the sensible thing and moan about it to moot or in IRC?

    Don't do the wrong thing and turn this into /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:53 No.54272173
    I wrote him an e-mail about the issue. Twice.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:53 No.54272195
    No more impossible to spamcreate accounts than it is to spam currently.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:54 No.54272216
    That ruins everything appealing about this place.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:54 No.54272236
    I think the plan was to hire a (volunteer, college student) janitor and get him/her/it/them to clean the messes in here up

    I think that was the plan, anyway, I saw a bunch of the bombing get removed. Remember the whole janitor application thing awhile back? Of course you do.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:56 No.54272293
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:57 No.54272328
    Sounds like a pretty shitty plan.

    I have absolutely no idea about web design and related programming/scripting and such things, but wouldn't >>54272114 work out? If not, why not?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:57 No.54272330
    that'd only be for people who actually prefer that to the per-post captcha, and even then you'd have to restrict offering it to people who were already in good standing on the irc or whatever

    a lot of trouble to go through just for a convenience
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)16:01 No.54272457
    if they don't already do that they're nuts, for reasons quite apart from accel spamming

    or else just asking for people to flagrantly not care about bans

    anyway proxy posting is dog slow, at least if things out there in proxy land haven't improved substantially since I fuckrandomly tried browsing that way years ago
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)16:05 No.54272591
    >anyway proxy posting is dog slow
    If you're using thumbnail size pictures like the spammer and have a program/script do your spamming, then I don't think it matters.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)16:06 No.54272610
         File1315166763.jpg-(286 KB, 844x534, 1315002762652.jpg)
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    I was going to make a thread myself on this. Haven't been on here since yesterday and was in the process of making a thread on this topic until my internet died.

    So really, this faggot is spamming Tiger and Bunny threads now too? I can understand big three spam even if One Piece is arguably THE best manga. Ever. I know a lot of faggots hate it but it really is good but whatever I don't mind when it gets spammed. Whatever new faggots will be newfags.

    I can understand spamming waifu threads and moeshit threads.

    But really? Spamming motherfucking TIger and Bunny? This shit has gone too far and has to stop.

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