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  • File : 1313066732.jpg-(56 KB, 574x528, wellshit.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:45 No.53202756  
    Guess whose VA just went unemployed.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:46 No.53202783
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:47 No.53202792
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:47 No.53202794
    Ah, wait. Forgot the link.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:48 No.53202808
    Too soon.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:48 No.53202813
    ...not cool dude
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:49 No.53202828
         File1313066982.jpg-(64 KB, 460x676, 1312420608406.jpg)
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    So the slut got fired?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:49 No.53202831
    Guess whos VA will be remployed when Haruhi S3 happens
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:50 No.53202835
    Japan's a little stupid here. They could learn from America.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:50 No.53202839
    Well, basically the rumour says that bitch left her agency for a variety of reasons, but if that's true, in the end that means she can't take jobs at the moment.
    >> walw6pK4Alo !!Dad2zlG9Cj3 08/11/11(Thu)08:50 No.53202848

    It was a hair with a bubka around it.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:51 No.53202865

    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:52 No.53202870
    Hirano had some nude shots in some magazine last week.
    Talking about stars falling.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:54 No.53202919
    Blame the boyfriend who leaked their aftersex photos. Such a jerk.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:54 No.53202922
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:54 No.53202932
    Sounds like she found her calling to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:54 No.53202936
         File1313067292.jpg-(28 KB, 640x360, haruhi_kyon2.jpg)
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    Damn it all, Hirano, we know you love cock, so could you just stop it?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:55 No.53202944
    It's the fault of the retards otakus who can't deal with a woman fucking people.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:55 No.53202947
    I don't really care, but those greasy otaku gave her a raw deal.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:55 No.53202955
         File1313067331.gif-(61 KB, 340x169, tumblr_ljp272V4ST1qhm8tso1_400.gif)
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    Haruhi will now be voiced by a VA with an incredibly annoying voice
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:56 No.53202963
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:56 No.53202970


    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:56 No.53202974
    Blame her for being stupid to take nude photos as a celebrity.

    You mean fuckbuddy.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:56 No.53202976
    I probably wouldn't even notice a difference if they suddenly switched to Taketatsu Ayana doing her tsundere voice for S3
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:57 No.53202991
    They'll replace her with that girl who did Yurippe from Angel Beats. Pretty much a Haruhi clone.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:57 No.53202998
    They do have a point, though, since VA´s are supposed to be role models to look up to. While Haruhi isn´t exactly aimed at kids many other anime are. So if people in that business are found to lead "immoral" lives they are thrown out. Understandable.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:57 No.53203004
         File1313067471.jpg-(137 KB, 450x600, aya_leakednude.jpg)
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    I don't know if the leaked photos were printed,
    but at least they are discussing them.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:57 No.53203005
    Tanaka Rie, I suppose...
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:57 No.53203007
    >Implying there's going to be a S3
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:57 No.53203009
    >Haruhi S3
    >implying it will ever happen
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:58 No.53203015
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:58 No.53203020
    No S3 mind
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 08/11/11(Thu)08:58 No.53203023
    Oh well. It's not that hard to find a similar VA.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 08/11/11(Thu)08:59 No.53203032
    > that girl who did Yurippe from Angel Beats.
    How THE FUCK can you not know Rie Tanaka by name? Do you live under a fucking rock?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:59 No.53203033
    oh boy
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)08:59 No.53203035
    If I never see a S3 because of that slut, I will personally go to Nippon and kill her myself.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:00 No.53203059
    She does this because she has a tumor and is going to die soon, she just want us to hate her so we won't miss here so much.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:00 No.53203060
    But not someone remotely as much of a whore, slut and bitch as her.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:00 No.53203062
    How THE FUCK can you not know her seiyuu is Sakurai Harumi, not Tanaka Rie? Do you live under a fucking rock?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:00 No.53203067
    >since VA´s are supposed to be role models to look up to

    Since when?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:00 No.53203072
    so obvious
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:01 No.53203087
    except she's not yuri's seiyuu
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 08/11/11(Thu)09:01 No.53203094
    Oh, excuse me then :V
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:01 No.53203100
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    Silly tripfags
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:01 No.53203101
    She wasn't voiced by Rie Tanaka
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:01 No.53203109
    Since most of them got some kind of idol status, use twitter and facebook etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:02 No.53203118
    Hirano Aya gets fired!? The truth behind the complication regarding the nyan nyan incident
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:02 No.53203123
    >doesn't know shit
    >quick to correct others
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:02 No.53203124
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:02 No.53203126
    .... but it's wasn't rei who did her voice.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:02 No.53203139
    I, for one, am crossing my fingers for a TMA Haruhi AV with her starring as Haruhi.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:03 No.53203151
    Don't start that ":V"-shit on /a/, please.
    Go to /v/, and do it there.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:03 No.53203154
    >Using sage as an insult.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:04 No.53203161
    Woah fuck you nigger.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:04 No.53203166
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:04 No.53203170
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    >Tanaka Rie
    >Yuri is voiced by Sakurai Harumi
    Nice try, 40
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:04 No.53203172
    >the nyan nyan incident

    the fuck japan?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:04 No.53203182
    He's not.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:05 No.53203183
    Haruka Tomatsu.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:05 No.53203186
    Because Japan think it works like that.
    Any reasonable idol would stay a voice actor simply by not givingi away her real identity.
    It would solve a lot of the pandering otaku problems. too.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 08/11/11(Thu)09:05 No.53203187
    Alright, alright, guys, sorry. It's been a while. Let me off this once? Please?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:05 No.53203195
    and at what stage did i state that i used sage as an insult?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:05 No.53203199
    Apparently in Japan you can't have sex or have a life of your own once you're popular.
    This is even truer in a sinister way when virgin complexed obsessed otakii are the demographic who support your work.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:06 No.53203210
    From what I gather, I don't think she got fired from her job as a VA, just from her job as a member of her band.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:06 No.53203211
    A woman? Having SEX?!?!? But my pure celebrity waifu!

    Haha, fuck Japan.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:06 No.53203214
    >Not using nokosage.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:06 No.53203224
    No. Screenscapped this thread for future use in all threads you post in.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:06 No.53203229
    To be fair, not having seen that show I looked up the only common clip of that Yurippe character on Youtube and some of how she talks sounds Rie-like.

    But I could still tell it wasn't actually her straight away.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:06 No.53203231
    I hated her voice, so I don't give a fuck.
    There are way more talented VAs out there.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:06 No.53203232
    I don't think it's the having sex part, more the making it public.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:07 No.53203253
    >implying these kinds of scandals don't happen everywhere
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:07 No.53203260
    It's the only one who fits Haruhi's personality.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 08/11/11(Thu)09:08 No.53203262
    You'd be surprised. 3D sluts are like sand on a beach.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:08 No.53203263

    Singers and dancers don't have to be role models. I mean, half of what any idol is bringing to the stage is sex appeal. And kids won't even see those articles, much less connect them with a cartoon character that doesn't have the idol's speaking voice.

    These justifications are made of bullshit and prudishness.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:08 No.53203267
    Sorry, shit happens. It's just the manchildren otaku's have been sheltered to the point where they expect entire sections of society to adhere to their warped world view.

    Also the fact that Japanese society is fucking BROKEN.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:08 No.53203272
    I like her but she does hentai voice acting.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:08 No.53203274
    This kind of thing would hurt her image in other countries as well. Not only Japan.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:08 No.53203280
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    Not really. Look at Hanazawa. Every one still loves the fuck out of her. Hirano just came out of nowhere with "My favorite sport is sucking old mens dicks until they have heart attacks".
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:09 No.53203281
    So Haruhi is dead?


    Good riddance.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:09 No.53203292
    No, it's not making it public, it's slapping it right into the face of Japanese VA fans,
    and going off against everything they hold dear.

    It's beyond doubt clear, that these are poor retards posting on 2ch, but that doesn't make her less of an asshole.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 08/11/11(Thu)09:09 No.53203299
         File1313068186.jpg-(15 KB, 400x267, Kobato.jpg)
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    Sorry, dude.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:10 No.53203302
    Lots of VAs do hentai voice acting.
    Hell, even Akira Ishida does hentai.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:10 No.53203306
    They have the money, they dictate the rules.

    And it's not as simple as you think.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:10 No.53203315
    If anything she's doing them a service by dragging them kicking and screaming into how actual women LIKE FUCKING.

    Anything that can be done to tear down their fucked off sense of "omg purity = virginity ALWAYS" is a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:10 No.53203318
    She cheated on her boyfriend with her band members. It's not the same as revealing that you've had sex. She revealed that long ago and it did basically fuckall to her image. It's the cheating that's done her in.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:10 No.53203320
    >"My favorite sport is sucking old mens dicks until they have heart attacks".

    Don't forget the triple-timing thing (which she actually admitted).
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:10 No.53203324

    on top of that, shit like this is nothing new, if they behave the way expected they shouldn't be in the fucking job.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:11 No.53203333
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    because fuck tripfags
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:11 No.53203339
    then let nayuta do this she's like the internet version of aya hirano
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:11 No.53203341
    Yes, but do you care what the fuck she does? This doesn't affect me watching haruhi in any way, why should it affect other people?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:11 No.53203343
    She is in no place to complain about the massive backlash, though.

    She brought the situation she is in now on herself.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:11 No.53203346
         File1313068305.jpg-(200 KB, 1280x720, 4119234497_b4d80ccf0b_o.jpg)
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    So, what about her current roles?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:12 No.53203356
    >She cheated on her boyfriend with her band members. It's not the same as revealing that you've had sex. She revealed that long ago and it did basically fuckall to her image. It's the cheating that's done her in.

    This kind of thing is bad even for men in western countries.
    See what happened with Tiger Woods.
    Or how Ashley Cole got a lot of hate for cheating on his wife.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:12 No.53203361
    >Caring about Fairy Tail.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:12 No.53203365
    >Cheating on her boyfriend.

    So? How the fuck is any of that any business but hers and her partners? How does any of that impact on her performance of an actress?

    Just admit that the fanbase are horrible and should be mocked at every chance.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:12 No.53203375
    >fairy tail

    who cares
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:12 No.53203379
         File1313068370.jpg-(16 KB, 296x480, 1297921015609.jpg)
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    Guys what if she got replaced..

    By Rie Kugimiya.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:12 No.53203382
         File1313068371.png-(191 KB, 419x430, 1291869847533.png)
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    But he kind of has to, doesn't he?
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 08/11/11(Thu)09:13 No.53203387

    Here's the thing

    Remember when Sayaka Ohara got married? Did people call her a slut for having a partner? Fuck no, of course not. Everyone was happy for her.

    Hirano is being called a slut by some because she basically said 'ololol I like older men OMNOMNOM'. You guys do remember this is the chick who wore a shirt at a live concert that said 'Did you cum twice too?'
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:13 No.53203397

    Western fans go batshit over this shit too so blaming it on otaku only is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:13 No.53203398
    She is a public figure. Behaving herself is a part of her job.

    This is not only with otaku.
    Any cheating celebrity gets a lot of hate. How many millions Tiger Woods lost?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:13 No.53203399
    Remember when Mamoru Miyano got married?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:13 No.53203401
         File1313068431.png-(70 KB, 360x200, yukkuri.png)
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    >So? How the fuck is any of that any business but hers and her partners?

    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:13 No.53203407
    >Wearing a shirt basically saying she is a cum dumpster
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:14 No.53203410
    Yeah, garth brooks was eating pussy in all the lower 48 and he's still regarded as the second coming of elvis.

    Folks were just looking for an excuse to tear down the too-perfect black guy doing something black guys don't usually do. The moral outrage was just window dressing.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:14 No.53203413
    I usually can't stand Hirano's voice. That awkward gasping she does between words always irked me. I'll, however, be more bothered by differences in voices if/when Haruhi S3 comes out. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:14 No.53203414
    Personally I don´t give a fuck about the "private" live of VAs. But I can understand why other people do. Especially delusional virgin otaku who need everything about their waifus pure and clean. They pay money for anime, after all.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 08/11/11(Thu)09:14 No.53203416
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    I don't, no.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:14 No.53203418
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:14 No.53203424
    It's hard to have respect for someone who cheats on others.

    You're acting like her fanbase in retarded, but people who cheat in relationships get shit about it all over the world. It's not some otaku-exclusive thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:14 No.53203431
    >>Remember when Sayaka Ohara got married? Did people call her a slut for having a partner? Fuck no, of course not. Everyone was happy for her.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:15 No.53203442
    Eh. I can think of worse choices.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:15 No.53203444
    theme how?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:16 No.53203452
    I hope for Kanae Itou.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:16 No.53203462
    Chiaki Omigawa, motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:17 No.53203473
    Kugimiya has damn good range, so that's actually a really good choice. She could probably pull it off.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:17 No.53203474
    would you like to know that the person voicing your favorite character is that kind of person? its the same as watching a movie you really like with, say, justin bieber (or someone you hate) as the main character.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:17 No.53203479
    Hook me up with this theme bro
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:18 No.53203486
    >Have a brain tumor
    >Doctor tells her not to use her voice anymore
    >Has to stop VA'ing and singing
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:18 No.53203491
    I don't see the problem.
    But on the other hand: Japan is weird when it comes to moral.
    They actually have a purity moral, but that moral ignores reality, and hence you get stuff like this happening once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:18 No.53203492
    Sorry, we don't know the circumstances. Shit, we're talking about a chick on the other side of the world. We don't know if there were extenuating circumstances or anything else.

    Nah, everyone is ready to bust out the scarlet letter because she's a chick and she's having sex and ostensibly enjoying it. That's the biggest goddamn sin of them all.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:18 No.53203501
    but aya didn't got married. also it should be okay to sleep with three men but in this case she shouldn't have hidden it and pretend to be an innocent virgin
    if she don't even promote anything about herself then it's a-ok
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:19 No.53203506
    Most of the time it's under an alias, a lot of their ero roles go unlisted on their profiles.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:19 No.53203516
    >That awkward gasping she does between words always irked me.
    Never noticed/heard anything of the like. Provide example.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:19 No.53203529
    See the case of Tiger Woods. This kind of thing is not seem badly only in Japan.

    I think the only place where people think cheating is natural is France.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:19 No.53203533
    google userstyles
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203535
         File1313068803.jpg-(117 KB, 1280x720, 860997.jpg)
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    It's okay. If they ever make a S3, Haruhi will just be voiced by Hanazawa Kana just like every anime heroine in the future.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203539
    >Nah, everyone is ready to bust out the scarlet letter because she's a chick and she's having sex and ostensibly enjoying it.
    No, she cheated on her boyfriend. Stop trying to defend and justify that. You sound like a seventeen year old girl.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203541
    Is that what the moonrunes say, or are you putting false guilt on us, because if you're not....;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203542
    >He thinks a girl who cheats on her boyfriend can be excused
    You're a retard, /a/ is not a place for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203546
         File1313068836.jpg-(33 KB, 376x299, 1292067018954.jpg)
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    >mfw I can't watch Haruhi anymore without thinking of that slut
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203548
    Is HanaKana a slut too? She's just not telling the world about the dicks she's taking.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203551
    There was a character in Disgaea 3 (Not Maincharacter but Characters you could recruit) that sounded exactly like Aya Hirano.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203556

    I don't remember Sayaka Ohara, but I remember Megumi Hayashibara talking about how she wanted to get married.

    The manga about her life was genuinely adorable.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:20 No.53203558
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:21 No.53203568
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:21 No.53203570
    Dude, this information has been confirmed years ago when she stepped down from her band and stopped taking new roles. Google is your friend.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:21 No.53203571
    I don't care what she did in her personal life, I still don't want anyone else to be Haruhi.

    Think of it this way -- if you don't like Aya Hirano, well you don't much like Haruhi either. So it's a perfect fit.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:21 No.53203572
    She's with her childhood friend, she's excused.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:21 No.53203578
    She keeps her private life private, like a sensible, normal person.

    Good for her.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:21 No.53203579
    It's true she has a tumor. If she wants to remove it she won't be able to do VA works anymore. Apparently her being a slut is more import for people here and in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:21 No.53203580
    No, it doesn't even mention it once.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:22 No.53203584
    Ok, since you know everything about this chick, what was her boyfriend like? Was she happy in the relationship? Was this new guy better?

    Fill us in since you've got the info.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:22 No.53203591

    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:22 No.53203596
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    We /a/lpha men have fucked up your moe blobs good job /a/lpha men in Japan
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:22 No.53203598
    Well, now she CAN get it removed. Good for her.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:23 No.53203601
    >remove it
    >won't be able to do VA works anymore

    Sounds like win-win to me.
    Also she said herself, that she wanted to graduate from being a "mere" VA.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:23 No.53203603
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    I'm so confused! ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:23 No.53203616
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:23 No.53203617
    >I'll never watch anime again beacuse their RL PEOPLE voicing my waifus
    How retarded can you be
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:24 No.53203619
    Sorta right. If she removes it, he voice will change, which she doesn't want. So the doctor told her to use her voice less, this includes stepping down from voice acting and her singing career.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:24 No.53203623
    I'm sorry, are you saying that "I dislike my current boyfriend, this other guy is much better" is justification for cheating?

    Yep, you're a seventeen year old girl. Congratulations. You're supposed to end a relationship before starting a new one.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 08/11/11(Thu)09:24 No.53203627
    I also agree with this somewhat. I'm no fan of Hirano personally, but her voice fits Haruhi very well, so I'd prefer if she continued to voice her in future works.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 08/11/11(Thu)09:24 No.53203630
         File1313069068.png-(10 KB, 298x298, 1309913036683.png)
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    I never understood why she failed.
    She was a decent enough vioce actress and singer but then she just kinda decided to cancel that and do variety TV.
    Now she can't do anything anymore? Because she had a shitty contract with her terrible, terrible agency?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:24 No.53203635
    But here is the thing: Tiger never got fired, he only got badmouthed.
    We didn't ban him.
    On the other hand:............ I guess he will either get a real job(most likely not) or ask around a bit and get a few H voice jobs.
    This is actually good, if she picks decent H roles
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:24 No.53203636
    i never liked haruhi anyway
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:24 No.53203638
    It isn't mentioned in THIS article but it was published before.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:25 No.53203640
    Good try troll
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:25 No.53203641
         File1313069105.jpg-(30 KB, 400x456, 1297544887085.jpg)
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    >this thread

    its like my tabloid
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:25 No.53203649
    I'm not him, but...
    If she wasn't happy, she should just end the relationship. That's better than cheating her boyfriend with multiple partners.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:25 No.53203653
    because she was an astoundingly massive slut

    and maintaining the image of a cute pure idol doesnt work out when you admit you love blowing old men and wear a t-shirt that says 'fill me up with your cum' or shit
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:25 No.53203654
    I remember that monkey man. From where was he again?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:25 No.53203657
    See >>53203619
    The mainreason she stopped VA'ing is because the doctors told her. She can VA after the surgery, but her voice will change.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:25 No.53203659
    Aya is D-grade tabloid material.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:26 No.53203667






    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:26 No.53203668
    >Tiger never got fired
    He got.
    He lost many sponsors.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:26 No.53203674
         File1313069176.jpg-(83 KB, 734x574, 1310371057114.jpg)
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    >that sounded exactly like Aya Hirano.
    Do you think it matters?
    It's not about the voice, you simpleton. It's the personality, the attitude which comes with the voice. There's no Haruhi without Aya because Haruhi IS Aya.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:26 No.53203676
    See >>53203619
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:26 No.53203677
    Well... that sucks, I guess.

    I prefer the dub VA anyway
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:26 No.53203684
    Haruhi should be voiced by Wakamoto Norio.

    It would change up the show, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:26 No.53203685
    Call me when there are actual photos or video of sex rather than just two heads in a picture.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:27 No.53203686
    Where is this bit about Hirano cheating on his boyfriend with his band members coming from? This is first time I heard that she had boyfriend at the same time

    not that I don't believe this or am defending Hirano, would just like to have source
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:27 No.53203698
    >There's no Haruhi without Aya because Haruhi IS Aya.
    Tell that to yourself. Yukiho ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:27 No.53203703
    >wanted to graduate from being a "mere" VA.

    Well, she can graduate from VA to AV.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 08/11/11(Thu)09:27 No.53203707
         File1313069267.jpg-(59 KB, 609x525, 1288650095956.jpg)
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    Did that affect sales?
    Did they even bother to check the raw facts or just say "the fat perma virgins will hate her, let's ruin her career"?
    Because it sure sounds as if they tried their best to fuck it up themselves with the neckbeards having fuckall influence on anything at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:28 No.53203712


    though Hirano would be more likeable to /a/ if she was a trap, I guess
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:28 No.53203721
    Oh we will.

    We'll bring you the videos and the innner vagina cum shots.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:29 No.53203730
    yes, it did

    and the fat perma virgins are the only people who actually buy idol cds. they are the reason there are any idols

    get a fucking sense of what the threads talking about before you come in and demand an explaination
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 08/11/11(Thu)09:29 No.53203734
         File1313069355.jpg-(42 KB, 451x450, 1306861534170.jpg)
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    Wow, that tumor thing sucks. I knew she had one, but I didn't realize that it affects her voice.
    Maybe she should just get rid of it now, it's not like she has anything to lose.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:29 No.53203736
    Sounds good to me.

    Meh, the photos are nothing.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:29 No.53203737
    Despite Aya’s medical condition, speculations about a third season have resurfaced recently with the success of the 10th volume of the light novel and the appearance of a special Haruhi website. With the anime adaptations covering only a portion of the Haruhi light novels, there is still plenty of material to cover, and the interest they generate might be enough to warrant a new season. The new Haruhi website, which appeared recently, might also point towards a third season. The site initially asked everyone to write a wish, and if 15,498 wishes were made, there would be a surprise. That number was reached not long afterwards, and the site now indicates that there will be an announcement regarding the series during Tanabata (July 7).


    Did anything come out of this? If so, what was the suprise>
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:29 No.53203739
    >mens cyzo article
    >the GQ of japan

    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:29 No.53203744
         File1313069392.jpg-(87 KB, 400x319, 1312981333455.jpg)
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    Oh U!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:29 No.53203746
    There was absolutely fucking nothing announced.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 08/11/11(Thu)09:30 No.53203754
    You want to tell me that only otaku buy music in Japan and you can only make money by throwing all this uguu~ virgin shit at them?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:30 No.53203760
    >calling Japanese fat

    That's rich.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:30 No.53203763
    A Haruhi image drawn by Noizi popped up iirc.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:30 No.53203766
    Aya blows random guys, and if you were lucky person 15498 you'd know this for a fact.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:30 No.53203768
    Well it was only 5 days ago, hopefully coems out soon.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:30 No.53203770
    not regular music

    idol music.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:30 No.53203772
    Suckers I'm waiting around for the dub.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:30 No.53203774
    If she was unhappy she should have left the relationship. Not fucked 3 other guys and then rubbed it in her boyfriend's face by releasing the information to the general public. You need to stop trying to defend her cheating on her boyfriend. There is never ever a justification for anyone cheating on anyone else. Ever. I don't need to know any information. Was the guy ugly? She shouldn't have dated someone she doesn't find attractive. Was he poor? Shouldn't have dated someone with no money. Was he abusive? She should have saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, gotten on the floor and done the dinosaur. Simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:31 No.53203780
    >July 7th
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:31 No.53203781
    She will lose her voice. Remember the last episode of H&C? Remember how hard you raged? It would be that all over again, but for an entire season.
    She has still characters to voice, so she can't afford that.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:31 No.53203789
    I agree there, hope she removes it.
    And I hope the world won't be too awful towards her.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 08/11/11(Thu)09:31 No.53203793
    Where's the difference?
    The quality of Aya's music is not worse than that of pop-band #2353.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:32 No.53203805
         File1313069552.png-(546 KB, 682x565, Lucy_anime.png)
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    I constantly hear Aya Hirano is gonna stop being a VA and every week I here her voice come out of this big-titted blond chick. So I'm not worried.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:32 No.53203806
         File1313069553.jpg-(43 KB, 1280x720, najimi.jpg)
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    Sure thing, but it wouldn't bother me if they reboot the franchise with Aki Toyosaki voicing Haruhi.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:33 No.53203819
    Living in Aus, it's the 11th here. Plus it's 11:30pm, so close enough to count the 5 days
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:33 No.53203832
    Same here, but no one watches Fairy Tail on /a/, so of course they wouldn't know.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:33 No.53203838
    At least she didn't voice any moeshit characters.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:34 No.53203842
    I love posts that are written in this way. Every post should be written in this way.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:34 No.53203845
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:34 No.53203847
    >7th July
    >It's August.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:34 No.53203850
         File1313069678.png-(302 KB, 1920x1200, 1252462592141.png)
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    >teehee I got kicked out of a bar for using lewd language in my anime voice
    >why is everyone calling me a slut? ;_;
    >teehee leak photos of me in bed with band member
    >but...I have brain tumor ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:34 No.53203852
    I am sort of wondering why the guy got with a relationship with her in the first place.
    One of the first things you are suppose to spot in a relationship is the amount of abuse your partner will bring, and you are not support to keep it going if it is over the threshold.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:35 No.53203867
    I read the manga never keep up with the anime anymore
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:35 No.53203869



    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:35 No.53203873
    That would cause a major revolt in Japan, ending with KyoAni studio being broken, looted and put on fire by dozens of rabid otaku.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:35 No.53203874
    >posting links in complete japanese
    how the fuck do you weeaboo cunts read this shit? How do you even HEAR about this shit?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:35 No.53203875
    I'm so glad my favorite VA's like Yui Horie and Chiwa Saito aren't sluts
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:36 No.53203891
    That was for the Japan earthquaks, back in may/

    I could link sauce, but animenewsnetwork isnt responding for some reason/

    They said that something would be announced DURING Tabanata (which is important during the Haruhi story), so we still have at least til the end of the month to hear something
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:36 No.53203896

    google translate moron.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:37 No.53203907
         File1313069828.jpg-(1.32 MB, 1448x2492, weeaboolookwhereyouare.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:37 No.53203908

    On the contrary, everyone on /a/ watches Fairy Tail. But everyone is too embarrassed to admit it.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:37 No.53203914
    No, no, no. That's a different one.

    On July 7th a picture appeared on the page as far as I remember.
    Looking, if I can find it...
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:37 No.53203916
         File1313069852.jpg-(28 KB, 223x246, mestanza.jpg)
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    >watching fairy tail
    >reading fairy tail
    >caring about fairy tail
    >acknowledging fairy tail's existence
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:37 No.53203917
    Oh yeah....
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:37 No.53203918
    People don't get mad when they marry.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 08/11/11(Thu)09:38 No.53203929
         File1313069898.jpg-(14 KB, 196x160, 1308517700868.jpg)
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    >KyoAni studio being broken
    >K-ON! movie and new anime in the future
    >implying that there won't be an even larger mob of otaku defending the studio
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:38 No.53203938
    I still think Luigi can hold his own if he didn't have a mansion in his game. He jumped farther than Mario did, so he'd be more successful.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:38 No.53203940
    Oh ok, I just googled Noizi haruhi event and all that came up were the pictures for the earthquake.

    Maybe I should have searched something else
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:38 No.53203941
         File1313069920.jpg-(9 KB, 250x370, azusa-what.jpg)
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    As I've said before, I don't care what she does in her private life, but she should've kept it private. Once you bring your sex life out in the open as a celebrity or a public figure, it's fair game for the populace. No exceptions. As an idol, she should've been more careful; image is everything.

    She's a great VA and it would be nice to see her working again, but with an matured view on what it means to live in the public eye.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:39 No.53203953
    but one person do
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:40 No.53203963
    You might get some interest about the topic of her current roles if you ask about Nichijou, since she narrates it.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:40 No.53203965
    Why is it blurred?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:40 No.53203968
    That guy was most likely trolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:40 No.53203969

    Tanabata is based on the Lunar Calender though. In many towns, its celebrated in August.
    >> Butta !!QV74WmZuY1j 08/11/11(Thu)09:41 No.53203982
    >Fairy Tail steadily gaining popularity; doesn't seem to be going anywhere
    >Haruhi novels dtill exist; just get off your ass learn moon
    >KyoAni can no longer entice otaku into buying Haruhi and using that money to make more K-ON

    Everything went better than expected.aspx
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:41 No.53203989

    It's the background picture, which showed up on 7th, if memory serves me right.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:41 No.53203990
         File1313070091.jpg-(53 KB, 367x479, 1311284486256.jpg)
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    >Chiwa Saito
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:41 No.53203993

    I happen to like big tits.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 08/11/11(Thu)09:42 No.53204002
         File1313070131.jpg-(37 KB, 670x496, 1308955597227.jpg)
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    >entice otaku into buying Haruhi and using that money to make more K-ON
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:42 No.53204007
    you disgust me
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:42 No.53204012
    maybe or maybe not
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:42 No.53204015

    Otaku bought Endless Eight. They will buy anything with Haruhi on it, even if Aya is a slut.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:42 No.53204018
    If she can't voice Haruhi (either due to sickness or bad image), they should try to get Kanae Ito. Kanae Ito is the best VA of the younger generation.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:42 No.53204020
    Ah, also found the "report":
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:43 No.53204029

    I make no apologies for my fetishes.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:43 No.53204031
    >implying Endless Eight was not the best part of the show
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:44 No.53204046
    Second Kanae Ito request in this thread.
    I think we are on to something.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:45 No.53204066
         File1313070302.jpg-(17 KB, 500x281, squid-scared-2.jpg)
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    Everybody is talking about Haruhi Lucky star S2...
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:45 No.53204076
         File1313070327.jpg-(547 KB, 1920x1200, moe 176933 cleavage fairy_tail(...).jpg)
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    the only reason I keep up with the anime is because of DAT OST
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:46 No.53204092
    >fire a voice actress for being a slut
    >replace her with a voice actress known for playing sluts
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:47 No.53204117
         File1313070439.jpg-(500 KB, 2664x1377, jgf.jpg)
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    The best VA of our time.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:47 No.53204120
    >still caring about haruhi
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:47 No.53204133
    Oh, please. Anything but that midget. I can't stand her voice.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:48 No.53204138
    >watching it only for the soundtrack
    >not watching it for the allstar cast
    >not watching it for the director fixing up Mashima's fuckups
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:50 No.53204175
         File1313070600.jpg-(122 KB, 400x400, konata-yareyare.jpg)
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    Did his fiancee (at the time) get death threats from fan girls? Like blades in the mail and shit?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:50 No.53204181
    Oh ok, thanks. Maybe that was just made for Tabanata
    festival to help promote it.

    The actual article I linked before was written on the 6th, I'm pretty sure that they could not get 16k people to make a wish in <24 hours. Not too sure on that though.

    On the Haruhi site, there are large haruhi/mikiru/etc lanterns (maybe) with wishes on them, and they said if they got to a certain amount of wishes, the would announce comething good. The article said that there should be some sort of announcement this month.

    that's I am speculating/hoping for anyway, no offense, but I would be pretty bummed with just a background picture
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:50 No.53204194
    I disagree for a simple reason: The japanese moral is disgusting when you look at it.
    Not the entire "shy aspect", but the entire "be chaste or be lynched" aspect, because everyone whores around.
    Still wondering why the guys are not getting lynched for not being chaste.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:51 No.53204206
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:51 No.53204216
    >blades in the mail
    >arming the one you hate
    Why would the basement-people be so stupid?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:52 No.53204222
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:52 No.53204223
    That's not Revy lol
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:52 No.53204229
    It's Alphard, dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:52 No.53204247
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:53 No.53204250
         File1313070790.jpg-(68 KB, 1366x768, keima-allow-me.jpg)
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    >I'm so glad my favorite VA's like Yui Horie and Chiwa Saito aren't sluts

    You don't know that - nor should you, if the seiyuu knows how to play the game. Hirano didn't, and she paid the price.

    It's said that the difference between a slut and any other woman is that a slut can't keep her mouth shut.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:53 No.53204256
    Well, other than Kanae Ito...
    What about Hisako Kanemoto? I don't know her range, but she did an awesome job as Ika Musume. And she isn't get that many roles
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:54 No.53204269
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:54 No.53204280
    and she can sing really well too!!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:55 No.53204294
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:56 No.53204317
    >You don't know that - nor should you, if the seiyuu knows how to play the game. Hirano didn't, and she paid the price.
    >You don't know that - nor should you, if the seiyuu knows how to play the game. Hirano didn't, and she paid the price.
    >You don't know that - nor should you, if the seiyuu knows how to play the game. Hirano didn't, and she paid the price.
    >You don't know that - nor should you, if the seiyuu knows how to play the game. Hirano didn't, and she paid the price.
    >You don't know that - nor should you, if the seiyuu knows how to play the game. Hirano didn't, and she paid the price.
    >You don't know that - nor should you, if the seiyuu knows how to play the game. Hirano didn't, and she paid the price.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:56 No.53204323
    I'm so glad my favorite seiyuu like Nana Mizuki are almost definitely sluts but keep their mouths shut about it
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:57 No.53204330
    I don't think they are
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:57 No.53204337
    >It's the fault of the retards otakus who can't deal with a woman fucking people.
    >two adults have consensual sex this is an outrage
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:57 No.53204347
    >Nana Mizuki

    Now, if she could sing. AT ALL.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)09:59 No.53204378
    At least she's not as bad as her imouto
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:04 No.53204491
         File1313071459.gif-(1.09 MB, 300x169, wahmai.gif)
    1.09 MB
    Protip: Haruhi's new voice actor.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:04 No.53204499
    Some of them are pure, because they lack a proper sexdrive.
    But the rest? All of them are whores, and the same applies to the men.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:05 No.53204525
    I'm so glad my favorite seiyuu like Shizuka Itou are well-known for having harems, but they're harems made up entirely of other female seiyuu
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:06 No.53204544
    Seconding Sakurai Harumi for Haruhi.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:06 No.53204545

    See. This man understands. It's simple really, there wouldn't be 7billion+ of us if women didn't like sex too.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:06 No.53204570
         File1313071606.jpg-(436 KB, 600x600, 1303674820592.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:07 No.53204593
         File1313071668.jpg-(97 KB, 777x659, 1299454316293.jpg)
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    >267 posts and 43 image replies omitted.

    Sure is assraged otaku in here.

    I had sex with Aya last week, it was fucking great. Probably because she had so much practice.

    Deal with it.
    >> Mister Nicetrip !!jL2WAhE5gPr 08/11/11(Thu)10:09 No.53204642
    They'll replace her with Robin Williams
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:10 No.53204658
    oh man i but u owner her so hard
    u put on ur raep faec and cummed in har ass
    lol well gud jubv u r so pro :)
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:10 No.53204660
         File1313071838.png-(95 KB, 472x369, chinGuy.png)
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    She fucked everyone in the band except the bassist.

    Forever a bassist
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:11 No.53204682
    that is just your guess
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:12 No.53204712
    does anybody have a picture of the bassist?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:13 No.53204733
    You want to put a forever alone face on him?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:13 No.53204744
         File1313072010.jpg-(59 KB, 800x600, e95d2c06ccdfa69d61f3d8d261e837(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:14 No.53204760
    Not cool
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:14 No.53204764
    >Haruhi with Kurisu's voice


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