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  • File : 1312745764.jpg-(134 KB, 738x415, ___1.jpg)
    134 KB Reading;Steiner !!2JVtcu1Nyf2 08/07/11(Sun)15:36 No.53032828  
    Just posting to say that. The VN translation was a sham and not real. And I hate all of you. /a/ is full of Idiots!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:37 No.53032865
         File1312745835.jpg-(11 KB, 229x261, 1286820178656.jpg)
    11 KB
    >Wrong trip
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:37 No.53032867
    >Believing /a/
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:37 No.53032873
    Sounds legit.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:37 No.53032880
         File1312745859.png-(30 KB, 305x251, stilldontknowlol.png)
    30 KB
    Oh you got us good bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:40 No.53032965
         File1312746015.gif-(261 KB, 311x239, 1310686464351.gif)
    261 KB
    >/a/ is full of idiots
    >you fell for sham (planned by so called idiots)

    What does that make you?
    >> ronery /a/non !!FtmNPQbl37r 08/07/11(Sun)15:40 No.53032991
         File1312746051.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 29 KB, 258x273, 1309114199750.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 29 KB
    Can Steiner be any more a faggot? Teasing us like this. What a cunt.
    >> Reading;Steiner !!2JVtcu1Nyf2 08/07/11(Sun)15:42 No.53033051
         File1312746147.jpg-(63 KB, 1080x608, ____3.jpg)
    63 KB
    Do not come crying to me when your VN is not translated. It is not true and you are all faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:43 No.53033078
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:44 No.53033122
         File1312746258.jpg-(28 KB, 249x237, your lieing.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:45 No.53033149
         File1312746312.png-(32 KB, 235x214, 1290286089800.png)
    32 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:45 No.53033160
    >speedy translation by a bunch of inexperienced people
    >> The Lab Coat Superhero !!Rq8NAmUcB3d 08/07/11(Sun)15:46 No.53033188
         File1312746394.png-(151 KB, 311x308, 1300221205090.png)
    151 KB
    Steiner, what have I been fighting for all this time?

    Oh please, tell me this isn't true.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:46 No.53033204
    Is this what they call "shitting on their own fanbase?"
    >> Reading;Steiner !!2JVtcu1Nyf2 08/07/11(Sun)15:47 No.53033224
    I do not know who you are. But you are not getting a translation. So tough luck.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:48 No.53033243
    I would feel bad, but you and other shitposting tripfags ruined the Steins;Gate fanbase on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:48 No.53033265
         File1312746526.png-(167 KB, 306x273, 1309804443683.png)
    167 KB
    >> Reading;Steiner !Rz31hZyKus 08/07/11(Sun)15:49 No.53033293
    Hey, look at me guys! I'm Reading;Steiner! Believe everything I say!
    >> Reading;Steiner !!2JVtcu1Nyf2 08/07/11(Sun)15:50 No.53033306
    Nice try fag.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:50 No.53033328
    Guys, his tripcode is 'tripcode'. I just tried using it.

    Obvious fake is fake. Can we move on?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:50 No.53033333
         File1312746643.jpg-(5 KB, 240x200, Kira.jpg)
    5 KB
    /a/, there's something you need to know about Steiner. In reality... he's Kira.
    >> sage sage 08/07/11(Sun)15:52 No.53033380
    you're being trolled now because you actually believe he's asking a serious question.
    >> Blick Winkel !mweQ/M56ic 08/07/11(Sun)15:52 No.53033383

    You lie.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:52 No.53033389
         File1312746741.gif-(102 KB, 320x240, 1297548879974.gif)
    102 KB
    Oh no! You got me.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:52 No.53033396
         File1312746750.jpg-(74 KB, 626x461, 1271427024260.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:53 No.53033430
         File1312746794.jpg-(52 KB, 1280x720, Okarin gets cast in Kaiji.jpg)
    52 KB
    Oh no. I guess those translated scripts and trial patch were just a big hoax re-written from scratch telling a completely different story as some sort of ridiculously elaborate troll. Oh boy, you sure showed me up as the gullible fool that I am.
    >> SAGE SAGE !IF.eWYXJT. 08/07/11(Sun)15:53 No.53033453
         File1312746819.png-(753 KB, 640x480, SAGE.png)
    753 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:54 No.53033476
    well it's absolutely possible to do, so why not troll people's hopes and dreams?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:54 No.53033495
         File1312746879.jpg-(913 KB, 1718x2382, 1224921558167.jpg)
    913 KB
    And there is no SG anime happens when the translation is complete.
    >> Reading;Steiner !ErY2TknG0w 08/07/11(Sun)15:54 No.53033496
    Hey, look guys! I'm reading steiner too.
    >> Reading;Steiner !!2JVtcu1Nyf2 08/07/11(Sun)15:55 No.53033542
    They were not even really trasnlated.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:55 No.53033568
    Keikaku doori.

    TL Note: This line isn't being translated. And I hate all of you. /a/ is full of idiots!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:56 No.53033658
         File1312747005.jpg-(17 KB, 640x360, Just as Planned.jpg)
    17 KB
    Oh curses I forgot my image. Well now I just look silly.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:58 No.53033718
    >> Reading;Steiner !!2JVtcu1Nyf2 08/07/11(Sun)15:59 No.53033823
    It's true. As naruto always said! BELIEVE IT.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:00 No.53033843
    >And I hate all of you. /a/ is full of Idiots!

    Well, I can certainly agree with that.
    >> I'll try that !!jIcPNMSVBL3 08/07/11(Sun)16:00 No.53033899
    >> Czytający;Steiner !XLOLg.SxY2 08/07/11(Sun)16:02 No.53033949
    Piszę tylko by to powiedzieć. Tłumaczenie VN to jedna wielka ściema. I nienawidzę was wszystkich. /a/ jest pełne idiotów!

    TL note: I'm not translating my native language, faggots. /a/ is full of idiots!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:04 No.53034014
         File1312747440.jpg-(93 KB, 834x600, 1292793121017.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)16:10 No.53034271
         File1312747855.jpg-(337 KB, 1056x1500, Kiryuu Moeka.jpg)
    337 KB
    Well you sure got us, OP.
    Darn, I really wanted a translation too.

    Nah, rest assured folks, that this is indeed some kind of elaborate troll, no sham.
    Remember, you can keep track of our progress at, I usually update unofficially on 4chan first, and then I'll make a post over there.
    The team is working hard and still going strong!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:38 No.53035181
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:40 No.53035218
         File1312749613.png-(230 KB, 600x349, Minori Cup.png)
    230 KB
    Have fun communicating, then.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:42 No.53035264
    Question guys... Is it ok to watch Steins;Gate with a Dr. Pepper Cherry? Or should I stick with the original?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:43 No.53035291
         File1312749801.jpg-(43 KB, 300x298, 1312219841534.jpg)
    43 KB
    >My face when I don't know his real tripcode so I can't tell if it's legit
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:43 No.53035297
    Any variety of Dr Pepper is fine, Dublin is a plus. So long as you don't drink Coke or Pepsi, it's fine
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:43 No.53035303
    Dr Pepper is Dr Pepper.
    >> Hakumen !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)16:43 No.53035305
    To jest fascynujące
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)16:44 No.53035329
         File1312749878.jpg-(443 KB, 800x800, Labbo Member 008.jpg)
    443 KB
    Search me in greenoval or something.
    It's me, no worries.
    >> The Lab Coat Superhero !!Rq8NAmUcB3d 08/07/11(Sun)16:45 No.53035357
    /a/ has been moved to easymodo, bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:45 No.53035365
    Then I will enjoy my Dr. Pepper Cherry when it airs.
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)16:46 No.53035378
    I know, too used to saying Greenoval. My bad.
    >> X^33333333333333333 !!WPVKdyLkVWl 08/07/11(Sun)16:47 No.53035403
         File1312750020.jpg-(104 KB, 576x882, Fran124.jpg)
    104 KB
    Reading Steiner is a baaaaaaaaka.
    >> Steins;Pepper !.8jusUj5qA 08/07/11(Sun)16:47 No.53035406
         File1312750021.jpg-(728 KB, 2048x1536, As I Science, Unlimited Ku(...).jpg)
    728 KB

    I'm just gonna leave this link right here.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:48 No.53035431
    >Wrong tripcode

    Haha, nice try

    But /a/ really is stupid to believe this
    >> K !!T7fXKo5xCCt 08/07/11(Sun)16:48 No.53035448

    I don't think anyone believed OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:48 No.53035450
    >folder of reaction images of a specific character at the ready while viewing a thread

    You are a massive faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:48 No.53035452
         File1312750129.gif-(913 KB, 312x176, 509260e5a5a346507865a3c48f25ja(...).gif)
    913 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:48 No.53035453
    RealSteiner doesn't use the semicolon.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:49 No.53035456
    >and (tea?)
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)16:49 No.53035463
    I'm surprised nobody commented on the semi-colon. I don't actually have one of those in my name.
    >> Hakumen !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)16:49 No.53035491
         File1312750192.jpg-(136 KB, 512x512, kiryuu moeka.jpg)
    136 KB
    that image is like from last week
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:50 No.53035492
    Oh god, are you the anon who made those songs?
    >> Steins;Pepper !.8jusUj5qA 08/07/11(Sun)16:50 No.53035498
         File1312750206.png-(86 KB, 500x500, 1310153682887.png)
    86 KB
    U jelly of my waifu?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:50 No.53035512
    Someone just did:
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:50 No.53035513
    This is the real one. Anyone who responded to OP needs to promptly leave the computer.
    >> X^33333333333333333 !!WPVKdyLkVWl 08/07/11(Sun)16:52 No.53035571
         File1312750334.jpg-(39 KB, 455x455, 1312444217670.jpg)
    39 KB
    Why is the Steins;Gate fanbase so awful...
    >> Reading;Steiner !!jIcPNMSVBL3 08/07/11(Sun)16:52 No.53035577
    Feels good being Steiner, man.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:53 No.53035606
    trip is still wrong
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)16:53 No.53035629
    Plus the semi-colon is still there.
    >> Reading Steiner !!WPVKdyLkVWl 08/07/11(Sun)16:54 No.53035637
         File1312750448.jpg-(36 KB, 492x399, 1312510502129.jpg)
    36 KB
    Why don't we all be Steiner.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:54 No.53035640
    >> Dusty !RANGRluwyw 08/07/11(Sun)16:54 No.53035658
         File1312750491.jpg-(31 KB, 238x247, 1312069834826.jpg)
    31 KB
    Man OP, you really had me going there for a moment.
    You copied all of his mannerisms so well.
    >> Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma !VFku6Ixxx. 08/07/11(Sun)16:55 No.53035669

    Just make sure it isn't Dr Pepper Zero.
    >> Hakumen;Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)16:55 No.53035685
    Am I doing it right
    >> Raednig Stienre !!T7fXKo5xCCt 08/07/11(Sun)16:55 No.53035686

    >> Reading Steiner 08/07/11(Sun)16:55 No.53035694
         File1312750554.png-(168 KB, 381x336, 1312302352020.png)
    168 KB
    Being Reading Steiner is suffering.
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)16:56 No.53035730
         File1312750613.jpg-(153 KB, 512x512, 3cde5f88434c333e4178be54c644e8(...).jpg)
    153 KB
    Not too bad, pretty chill.
    >> Rodong Stonor !!oK5BjV/2u1E 08/07/11(Sun)16:57 No.53035735
    >> Hakumen;Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)16:57 No.53035755
         File1312750663.jpg-(75 KB, 500x500, 1311596062493.jpg)
    75 KB
    You wanna talk about it?
    >> Reading; Steiner !!xS18D6+/1NL 08/07/11(Sun)16:58 No.53035766
    There's nothing to do today.
    >> Raednig Stienre !!T7fXKo5xCCt 08/07/11(Sun)16:58 No.53035775

    I don't think now's the time...
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:59 No.53035803
         File1312750759.jpg-(7 KB, 269x215, varg-kun.jpg)
    7 KB
    >this entire thread
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:59 No.53035821
         File1312750782.png-(16 KB, 550x375, 1312335435789.png)
    16 KB
    >This thread
    >> Hakumen;Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)16:59 No.53035822
         File1312750783.jpg-(110 KB, 499x501, 1311596773011.jpg)
    110 KB
    Probably not
    >> Reading Steiner !!Legm0i25vIr 08/07/11(Sun)16:59 No.53035830
    This further confirms my suspicions that /a/, is, in fact, just me samefagging every post.

    I'll contact the organization.
    >> Steins;Pepper !.8jusUj5qA 08/07/11(Sun)17:00 No.53035833
         File1312750801.jpg-(56 KB, 211x211, 1310551336115.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Lesende Steine #trip Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:00 No.53035839
    I'm part of something big!
    >> Rawrding Stawner !!T7fXKo5xCCt 08/07/11(Sun)17:01 No.53035869
         File1312750895.png-(271 KB, 544x596, 1311626092463.png)
    271 KB

    >> Lesen Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)17:01 No.53035883
         File1312750913.jpg-(51 KB, 529x455, 1296618198731.jpg)
    51 KB
    Since we're all Reading Steiner now, what are we supposed to do?
    >> Reading Steiner !!IJspoSKXIIp 08/07/11(Sun)17:02 No.53035898
         File1312750937.jpg-(231 KB, 702x720, 1312607716285.jpg)
    231 KB
    I don't want Steins;Gate to end so I can always stay relevant. SNIFF SNIFF

    I'll just make shitty audio dramas and fap to your comments on irc.
    >> Rodong Stonor !!oK5BjV/2u1E 08/07/11(Sun)17:02 No.53035905
    We need more Steiner.

    There is no such thing as enough Steiner.
    >> Daifuku Steiner !!T7fXKo5xCCt 08/07/11(Sun)17:02 No.53035912
         File1312750963.gif-(190 KB, 201x168, Daifuku-Doesnt-Understand.gif)
    190 KB
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)17:02 No.53035914
         File1312750966.jpg-(123 KB, 450x450, Tuturu~.jpg)
    123 KB
    This thread, man. This thread.
    I'm laughing harder than I should be.

    I dunno, I don't really do much.
    >> Reading !RANGRluwyw 08/07/11(Sun)17:03 No.53035922
    Drink tea?
    >> Steins;Pepper !.8jusUj5qA 08/07/11(Sun)17:03 No.53035944
         File1312751029.png-(245 KB, 600x800, 1310153682970.png)
    245 KB
    As long as I'm here. My waifu will not disappear.
    >> A Certain Reading Steiner 08/07/11(Sun)17:04 No.53035960
    Play video games?
    >> Чтение Штайнера !5qizg3dnzc 08/07/11(Sun)17:04 No.53035979
    >> THE TRUE ACTUAL READER STEINMAN !ZzJAG37S/Y 08/07/11(Sun)17:04 No.53035983
    But seriously guys, translation is cancelled.
    >> Lesen Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)17:05 No.53035995
         File1312751119.jpg-(104 KB, 477x610, 8406890_edited.jpg)
    104 KB
    How about foreign steiners?
    Mines already in german
    We should do this during the next episode of Steins Gate if anything
    >Playing video games
    >> Reading Steiner !/aPzExRzGw 08/07/11(Sun)17:05 No.53036013
         File1312751147.jpg-(147 KB, 512x512, 1311914794462.jpg)
    147 KB

    We could get off of /a/ and do something productive.

    >> Reading !RANGRluwyw 08/07/11(Sun)17:06 No.53036052
         File1312751216.jpg-(19 KB, 700x394, 1311421842694.jpg)
    19 KB
    Careful, that's mighty dangerous thinking.
    >> Lesende Steine !hEpdoZ.tHU 08/07/11(Sun)17:06 No.53036055
    I'M the real german Steinchen!
    >> Steins;33333333333333333 !!WPVKdyLkVWl 08/07/11(Sun)17:07 No.53036058
         File1312751224.png-(289 KB, 520x477, 1308714499324.png)
    289 KB
    >> Reading No Steiner 08/07/11(Sun)17:07 No.53036060
    Nothing to see here folks, thread's cancelled as well.
    >> White Steiner !YLuFFdRcFQ 08/07/11(Sun)17:07 No.53036080
    >> Lesen Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)17:08 No.53036090
         File1312751299.jpg-(39 KB, 477x396, Edit-5.jpg)
    39 KB
    Yah, I don't think so
    Sie sprechen lügen und verleumdungen
    >> Reading)(Stones !mweQ/M56ic 08/07/11(Sun)17:08 No.53036105
    Christina is the red man.
    >> Steinonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:09 No.53036144
    Okarin dies.

    There I saved you the entire the time of reading the VN.
    >> Steading Reiner !!cjXoV27MG+a 08/07/11(Sun)17:10 No.53036150
         File1312751414.jpg-(403 KB, 1024x576, 437122.jpg)
    403 KB
    There can only be one Reading Steiner.
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & Steingar !kJYRsrXbko 08/07/11(Sun)17:10 No.53036153
    Reported for spoilers.
    >> Reading Steiner !/aPzExRzGw 08/07/11(Sun)17:11 No.53036189

    Reported! This window will close in 5...
    >> Lesen Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)17:11 No.53036194
         File1312751503.jpg-(43 KB, 480x640, kilani1294988043.jpg)
    43 KB
    I don't even know which steiner is the real steiner anymore
    >> Rodong Stonor !!oK5BjV/2u1E 08/07/11(Sun)17:11 No.53036199
         File1312751512.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 736 KB, 1024x576, jelly.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 736 KB
    Are we getting jelly of each other now?

    For shame.
    >> Makise Kurisu was mai waifu since the VN !!nRIwapB0X/4 08/07/11(Sun)17:12 No.53036207
         File1312751528.jpg-(315 KB, 700x990, 484545.jpg)
    315 KB
    As long as WE'RE here, my brother!
    >> Rawrding Stawrner !!T7fXKo5xCCt 08/07/11(Sun)17:12 No.53036209
         File1312751534.jpg-(29 KB, 340x191, 130.jpg)
    29 KB

    Oh no.
    >> THE TRUE ACTUAL READER STEINMAN !ZzJAG37S/Y 08/07/11(Sun)17:12 No.53036223
    We all are. We're just from different world lines. But this thread binds us together.
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)17:12 No.53036231
         File1312751577.jpg-(305 KB, 600x840, 0c51aba8eea6dba0a3a9572385ff70(...).jpg)
    305 KB
    It's me!
    >> Reading Steiner !!Lac+lpSerIj 08/07/11(Sun)17:13 No.53036234
         File1312751582.jpg-(51 KB, 351x387, erika29.jpg)
    51 KB
    Reading Steiner is a huge faggot. I just saved you from reading the rest of his posts.
    >> Lesen Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)17:14 No.53036273
         File1312751664.png-(66 KB, 282x159, suzuha, a little to close (...).png)
    66 KB
    I don't know, I'll just look at the first post the real Steiner posted
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:14 No.53036282
    fag;gayte параша.

    уёбывайте нахуй отсудова.
    >> Magnificent Steiner !Y5EkBsTNeA 08/07/11(Sun)17:15 No.53036307
         File1312751729.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, [Anime-Keep]_Monster_-_50_[C65(...).jpg)
    47 KB
    Hey guys, can I read something as well?
    >> Steading Reiner !!cjXoV27MG+a 08/07/11(Sun)17:15 No.53036315
         File1312751747.jpg-(17 KB, 375x200, Spartacus.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Giglomaniac 08/07/11(Sun)17:15 No.53036319
         File1312751755.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, ch12-03.jpg)
    89 KB
    Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
    >> רידינג סטיינר 08/07/11(Sun)17:16 No.53036340
    כולכם הומואים. אמן כולכם תמותו את המוות הכי כואב שיש!
    >> Steiner;Jelly !TevsV8ui8U 08/07/11(Sun)17:16 No.53036341
    >> Lesen Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)17:16 No.53036345
         File1312751815.jpg-(53 KB, 512x512, usiruk esikam.jpg)
    53 KB
    I'm not quite sure anymore
    >> Reading Steiner !/aPzExRzGw 08/07/11(Sun)17:16 No.53036346
    >Search Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ

    I found the real one, guys!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:17 No.53036348
         File1312751823.jpg-(21 KB, 425x286, 59899..jpg)
    21 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:17 No.53036349
    nice cg
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:17 No.53036356
    >not Shogun

    Get out you scum.
    >> リーディング・シュタイナー 08/07/11(Sun)17:17 No.53036357
    There is a point where this needs 
    to stop, and we have clearly pass
    ed it.
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)17:17 No.53036360
         File1312751854.jpg-(193 KB, 849x1200, 261c7ffda173ee76fa07b7a3213ae9(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:17 No.53036363
    suzuha in a maid costume
    >> Rodong Stonor !!oK5BjV/2u1E 08/07/11(Sun)17:18 No.53036379

    But ALL of us are the real Reading Steiner!
    >> Reading Steiner !!B7iwah/+Fdr 08/07/11(Sun)17:18 No.53036382
         File1312751900.jpg-(37 KB, 500x375, gin1.jpg)
    37 KB
    Why is Reading Steiner such a piece of shit? Easily the worst tripfag on /a/.
    >> Чтение Штайнера !5qizg3dnzc 08/07/11(Sun)17:19 No.53036401
    No way, our scholars get even here.
    >> Steins Steins !FWe00mZPO6 08/07/11(Sun)17:19 No.53036403
         File1312751957.jpg-(82 KB, 420x314, johanj.jpg)
    82 KB
    Are you jelly?
    >> Lesen Steiner !EuCEn4EfSE 08/07/11(Sun)17:19 No.53036407
         File1312751967.jpg-(108 KB, 499x501, 1311565713592.jpg)
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    >p a s s
    >e d

    Can't even spell properly
    How embarrassing
    >> Shogun 08/07/11(Sun)17:19 No.53036413
         File1312751980.jpg-(34 KB, 704x396, takumigrin.jpg)
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    You called?
    >> Reading Steiner !!6jkA9erigiQ 08/07/11(Sun)17:19 No.53036424
         File1312751996.jpg-(517 KB, 900x1200, 5a1e88178031ea33f7f5149adca755(...).jpg)
    517 KB
    Don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you're alright.
    >> Reading Steiner !/aPzExRzGw 08/07/11(Sun)17:25 No.53036576

    You're right, you're a huge piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:25 No.53036582
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:25 No.53036586
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:25 No.53036592
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:27 No.53036629
         File1312752434.jpg-(5 KB, 145x145, 1302738721421.jpg)
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    Qhn i todoe s bcnood rienfdc e rled e dbd eere ert hbbed d dbee efssl.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:27 No.53036638
         File1312752449.jpg-(4 KB, 132x132, 1301060310468.jpg)
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    Rcbdnh bsh ocdse e acocfid cn fsoin tcrr.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:27 No.53036646
         File1312752467.jpg-(4 KB, 144x144, 1302616412941.jpg)
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    Laddtoo ohl tdfda sd hh dde iabdhlo e rcaich d o lfc an tnbtio brs d rnd bhdhh he ldtbnr d ae tns be adtcn ldoofe soisfi.
    >> Steading Reiner !!cjXoV27MG+a 08/07/11(Sun)17:27 No.53036654
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:34 No.53036829

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