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08/05/11(Fri)10:57 No.52927522Madoka is the worst anime to ever grace the anime industry with its' presence. babies first grim dark series. there is nothing original about this series, its the the bottom tier of anime. I'm
going to be honest and tell you what I would rate this piece of shit on
a scale of 1-10, it gets 4, shitty costumes shitty characters cliche
plot, predictable ending. the worst part about this series is the fan base, comprised of shaftfags and low powerlevels. Do
you like eating shit? did you answer no? then why do you watch Madoka?
it shits in your mouth and expects you to like it, how can you sit there
and take that? are you some kid of masochist? I feel sorry for anyone
who thinks madoka is the top tier end of anime, you clearly haven't seen
good anime. it's shit, and it takes shits, in and around your mouth, and you faggots like it. disgusting. |