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!6kgj/OnyWw 08/01/11(Mon)17:15 No.52752849 File1312233319.jpg-(59 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica(...).jpg)
 >become a porn star >I wish I could ride a narwhal naked while holding a dildo >I wish to become a PRECURE! >I wish to marry Kururugi Suzaku <3 >I want a GIANT BEAN >I wish for more test subjects -GLaDoS >I want YOU to kill all witches and evil or all eternity and all parallel universes! >Haruhi season 3 >I wish to be a little girl. >I wish meguka wasn't suffering. -meguka >I wish for cheese [Charlotte drawing] >I wish Mami didn't die :( -Madoka >I wish for boobs like Seiko when I get older -Alice >I wish Otakon lines were not suffering. Meguca, HALP! >To be Pirate King!!!! -Luffy >I wish to meet my quota. -Kyubey >mfw that last one |