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  • File : 1311768659.png-(201 KB, 502x372, they love it.png)
    201 KB Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:10 No.52516276  
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:13 No.52516331
    /a/ - Infinite moot
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:14 No.52516370
    Never watched it, I only know from pictures that it's some harem with girls in the future or something...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:15 No.52516391
    Coward reverted the title so the Elevens wouldn't laugh at him any more than they already are.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:15 No.52516402
    Liar, you love it. it's one of your favorite animes.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:15 No.52516404
         File1311768936.jpg-(66 KB, 700x394, 1309689632198.jpg)
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    ya when he said that i was like WAT?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:16 No.52516438
         File1311769012.jpg-(17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:19 No.52516513
    god damn it moot
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:22 No.52516613
    I sure do love /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:23 No.52516637
         File1311769393.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, but who was the phone.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:24 No.52516683
    It feels kinda plain like this. Silly or not, it's better when we have something nonstandard as the board name.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:24 No.52516692
         File1311769476.jpg-(79 KB, 1280x720, 1297058930561.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:24 No.52516703
    Why would they laugh? Infinite Stratos is the pinnacle of Japanese television animation
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:25 No.52516742
    Infinite Stratos was in fact one of the most popular anime of the season when it aired.

    That "Ichika no ecchi" by Charlotte was posted thousands of times on /a/
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:26 No.52516781
    agreed, dunno what would be appropriate now
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:27 No.52516796
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:27 No.52516801
    I kept flopping between feeling bad for moot for blundering so badly, and hating him for being such a faggot
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:27 No.52516808
    /a/ - Hipst/a/rs
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:27 No.52516810
         File1311769675.png-(202 KB, 386x454, 1275008251413.png)
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    /a/ - Long live /jp/
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:28 No.52516816
    He probably only changed it because it was going to be on stream.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:28 No.52516821
    Nice hair moot
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:28 No.52516828
    Germany is best.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:28 No.52516831
    >all my money
    >> Lone Wolf Radio 07/27/11(Wed)08:28 No.52516838
         File1311769729.png-(183 KB, 989x716, longlivejp.png)
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    had to snag it
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:28 No.52516839
    Well good job /a/, you looked good.
    Can't say the same for /jp/ and /v/.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:29 No.52516859
    I know, he's trying so hard, but then 20-50 MODS. How can he consider that a good idea for such a popular site?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:29 No.52516862
    i love moot, he's one of my favorite faggots
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:29 No.52516865
    /a/ pretty much went batshit as soon as Charlotte showed up, although I'd say madoka was more popular

    not like moot browses /a/ or anything though, so he wouldn't have known
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:29 No.52516872
    Way to embarrass us moot.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:29 No.52516880
         File1311769788.png-(286 KB, 513x534, lets see.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:29 No.52516887
    Anyone got sauce on the first song that played?

    So soothing...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:30 No.52516890
    R.I.P. moot
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:30 No.52516895
    Moot looks like such a damn girl. Is he wearing blush?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:30 No.52516903
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:30 No.52516906
    Fuck I missed it. Anything remarkable happened?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:30 No.52516918
    I wont lie. that was the highlight of that fiasco
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:30 No.52516920
    /a/ loves infinite stratos. It is out favorite anime.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:31 No.52516925
         File1311769866.png-(106 KB, 377x323, moot2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:31 No.52516937
    Google "Kokuriko."
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:31 No.52516938
    hiroyuki trolling, /a/ /v/ and /jp/ got some screentime, and that was about it. everything else was about social networking, whoring, and other bullshit.

    also Hiroyuki is a macfag.
    /v/ has no video games.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:31 No.52516939
    lol moot still doing the same spiel everywhere they will let him/whichever shitty con will host him and his shota sex harem.

    will he ever succeed at life?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:31 No.52516944
    Well, IS is popular here.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:31 No.52516946
    a winnar
    >> omG !GOD/TuCBuk 07/27/11(Wed)08:31 No.52516948
    1. we need more mods
    2. hipstar
    3. long live /jp/
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:31 No.52516952
    Did moot change the board's name because he wanted it to look presentable?

    I hope they do something like this again; it was fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:32 No.52516960
    did anybody find where is the sad song from?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:32 No.52516964
    Just moot browsing 4chan on livestream and seeing threads like "MOOT YOU FUCKING SUCK" and "LOOK AT THE MOST RETARDED FAGGOT IN HISTORY -livestream link-"

    On livestream.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:32 No.52516965
    apparently moot didn't know 'moot' was a word until after he'd taken it as his handle
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:32 No.52516980
    He already said /v/ doesn't talk about videogames. regardless, 26k viewers, they were barely even Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:33 No.52516986
         File1311769985.jpg-(316 KB, 950x1382, 1311682204820.jpg)
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    >IS is our favorite anime
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:33 No.52516995
         File1311770012.png-(15 KB, 523x497, 12.png)
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    Ah, he was trying so hard to scroll past them so quickly.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:33 No.52517002
    Moot knows just as much about online anonymity as any other opinionated cunt on the internet. Just because you rip off some Japanese coding doesn't make you an expert
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:34 No.52517009
    Looked like most of the comments were Japanese, actually.
    >> Sage from valley of sage 07/27/11(Wed)08:34 No.52517013
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:34 No.52517015
    MOOT: Master troll
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:34 No.52517020

    Hiroyuki is definitely not a MACfag.

    He was sharing an inside joke with James, an ex-Microsoft employee, that moot didn't get.

    moot was boring him and Hiroyuki started joking around with /a/ by calling moot a "Hipstar".
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:34 No.52517032
    Depends whether you were on Japanese or US stream.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517033

    Is moot trying to pass of as Spike Spiegel?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517036
         File1311770105.png-(58 KB, 553x759, 1297622450320.png)
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    What the fuck is that haircut.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517038
    I wonder how big his dick is
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517042
    Anyone got a video of talk session?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517044
    I wish Hiroyuki was our overlord. At least he has 300 fucking mods.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517045
         File1311770117.jpg-(76 KB, 953x459, mootfuckingsucks.jpg)
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    My highlight of the show
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517047
    I wouldn't be so quick to say that. It was 8pm there, compared to 7am in North America...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517051
    That really should have been obvious from the fact that Hiroyuki's laptop isn't a goddamn Mac.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517057

    No wonder the guy's a genius.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:35 No.52517061
    Where is the piano version of this

    That they played?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:36 No.52517067
    inb4 locked sticky

    Is the recording up anywhere?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:36 No.52517075
    Fun fact: There is a site called animes
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:36 No.52517079

    That and Sakurafish.jpg where truly the best ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:36 No.52517092
    >implying moot would want to display his faggotry even more
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:36 No.52517093
         File1311770203.png-(92 KB, 230x319, faggot.png)
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    They should have spent that hour giving him a haircut. What a waste of fucking time.
    >> Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 07/27/11(Wed)08:37 No.52517104
    Yeah. But anyone captured my post? Because I dont...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:37 No.52517119
    You didn't have anything else to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:37 No.52517123
         File1311770265.jpg-(474 KB, 1024x683, linus.jpg)
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    Talking about insider jokes on OSes.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:37 No.52517124
    They have like a million boards, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:37 No.52517126
    his fucking face!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:38 No.52517132
    >clean up board names to look presentable
    >get a bucketful of hate threads broadcasted on livestream
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:38 No.52517139
    Whatever. I bet he hires mods that actually DO something.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:38 No.52517141
    They had a comment monitor the entire time but moot never once looked and said "oh they want me to say onii-chan"
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:38 No.52517150

    >wanting strict moderation

    It's fine the way it is now.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:38 No.52517155
         File1311770335.png-(393 KB, 749x473, 1311675311995.png)
    393 KB
    >mfw I planned story thread for today, but without Infinite Str/a/tos it no longer has meaning
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517157
    I actually have a picture of him sitting down, naked, erect, and freshly orgasmed. Somewhere anyways, ain't gonna go fishing
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517163
    Then go to a normal retarded anime fan forums
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517164
    Hiroyuki was the one paying attention to us. He didnt give a fuck about the interview.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517169
    I could've been sleeping.

    I regret my choice completely.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517170
    moot said 20-50 Mods

    That just means he's either not sure or he's bluffing, whereas Hiroyuki actually said 300 Mods without a pause.

    It's obvious who's lying. Doesn't change the fact moot and co. is going to Roppongi Hills though, lucky bastards.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517171
         File1311770360.jpg-(50 KB, 461x523, cry.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517175

    The stream is archived on niconico.
    If no one caught it, you can log on, view it and capture it yourself man.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517179
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:39 No.52517184
    Been to /y/ lately?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:40 No.52517202
    Don't forget that 2ch is a lot bigger, so they're obviously in need of more mods.
    Not that i don't think we need more mods though. Or at least active ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:40 No.52517203
    >lucky bastards

    They're all going to get every STD in existence, but besides that.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:40 No.52517206
    Dude I saw that picture somewhere in a thread yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:40 No.52517208
    I'm surprised that there was enough knowledge of western humor and stereo types to make the hipstar call
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:40 No.52517213
    >moot said we were the best board, browsed /a/ live, and there were like 3 threads calling him a faggot. The translator pointed them all out.
    >moot browsed /v/ live and said they don't talk about games
    >We spammed chat telling moot to go to /jp/, he didn't want to, then translator-kun forced him to do it.
    >Hiroyuki saying funny shit in chat while moot was being boring, like
    >second life? :p
    >nobody knows he is anonymous or not
    >Then moot saying long live /jp/ at the end
    >dat music

    It was fun.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:41 No.52517223
    That was honestly a bit enlightening, I only slept for 2 hrs just for this.

    moot still didn't say onii-chan though, It seems like moot was insecure throughout the whole interview.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:41 No.52517224
    I'm guessing, based off the fact it was dependant on Infinite Str/a/tos, it wouldn't have been worth posting here.

    Anyways, unless we get a sudden influx of high-grade newfriends, everyone would understand it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:41 No.52517227
    Hiroyuki is awesome!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:41 No.52517235
    >/a/ - Anime & Manga
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:41 No.52517246
    >and there were like 3 threads calling him a faggot. The translator pointed them all out.
    Lol seriously?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:42 No.52517248
    not in the last 3 years. found it on /v/ a few years ago actually, which is why I ain't gonna fish for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:42 No.52517249
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos
    /a/ - Infinite Stratos

    make it happen mods
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:42 No.52517251
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:42 No.52517260
    Yeah. He tried to scroll past them and the translator was like WHAT'S THAT?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:42 No.52517269
    Spice /a/nd Wolf
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:43 No.52517271
         File1311770584.png-(60 KB, 400x486, 1302759904673.png)
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    wait a second.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:43 No.52517278
    moot had the why.jpg face the entire time, though i'd like to think it's because he's shy.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:43 No.52517282
         File1311770608.png-(4 KB, 464x103, 1295043221561.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:43 No.52517283
    I don't understand why he agreed to interview if he had nothing to say.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:43 No.52517292
    Translator was like "Oh wow! They're already talking about us, look! Scroll back to that!"
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517295
    They reverted it back to Anime & Manga and /v/ - Video Games.

    It's obvious they want to look good.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517297
         File1311770645.png-(593 KB, 464x647, '.png)
    593 KB
    >Not that i don't think we need more mods though.


    >loliloli everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517299
    what we need are mods that aren't manchildren posting stupid stickies, and who are actually set to moderate specific boards where they understand the "culture"
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517304
    >>52517283 plug.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517308
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517309
    >/a/ - M/a/dok/a/
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517311
    so he could advertise on niconico. you saw the link at the end right? fucking whore.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517313
    Mix of Steins;Gate, TTGL and Antispiral moot. I already raged and deleted folder with it anyway. Bad luck, I will be faster with next story.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:44 No.52517320
    I don't really get why moot is so insecure.
    There are literally thousands of ways to make a good joke out of that.

    Also, I'm deeply disappointed that he apparently can't speak a word Japanese.
    What the fuck have you been doing over the least 8 years?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:45 No.52517323
    Did moot really say we were the best board...? I must've missed it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:45 No.52517324
    oh yeah, what was with all the people telling moot to say onii-chan?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:45 No.52517327
    And he did it pretty badly. was horrifying from what I saw.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:45 No.52517329
    Fuck you normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:45 No.52517338
    stream replay link at all? missed first part
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:45 No.52517342
         File1311770730.gif-(1.34 MB, 250x198, 1308792957044.gif)
    1.34 MB
    >/a/ - Anime & Manga



    Oh, fuck off.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:45 No.52517344
    It hit its mark. It's obvious Hiroyuki liked the idea. Really.Liked.The.Idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:46 No.52517346
    Meme-spouting faggots.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:46 No.52517351
         File1311770769.gif-(780 KB, 540x360, puddipuddipuddipuddipuddipuddi(...).gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:46 No.52517360
    Yes. And after that he said we love IS.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:46 No.52517365
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:46 No.52517370
    what good is spamming it's still in beta and invite only. it also sucks.

    lol'd at moot defending facebook connect by saying you can post anonymously. sure is anon.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:47 No.52517376
    You forgot
    >why not leave your thoughts in /b/?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:47 No.52517384
    >I'm deeply disappointed that he apparently can't speak a word Japanese.
    Yea, me too. I expected him to at least know half of what the other guy knew in english.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:47 No.52517385
    I had a feeling he didn't really like Infinite Stratos.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:47 No.52517390
    The best thing was "you can create an anonymous account"
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:47 No.52517392
    If Hiroyuki was actually a legit MACfag, he wouldn't be using his SAMSUNG NOTEBOOK during the stream, now, would we?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:48 No.52517405
    dat trollin
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:48 No.52517406
    He could have also done his research. They actually had to explain the www shit to him.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:48 No.52517408
    The Japanese are used to having to painstakingly upload content they've slaved over, so the idea of something like that's like a goddamn drivethrough oekaki orgy is pretty interesting to them.
    Memes are EARNED in Japan, see.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:48 No.52517412
    I only took a quick look at Canvas but it seems to consist of everything I hate, and why most boards are now unbrowsable
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:48 No.52517417
    Read the thread. It was an inside joke.

    regardless, Hiroyuki and James are actually quite a duo. It's almost like they're the type of persons who team up to fight crime.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:48 No.52517422
    You forget that moot is one of us, if it wasn't for 4chan he would be just another basement dweller. I mean did you see his freinds?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:48 No.52517427
         File1311770938.jpg-(36 KB, 205x205, hurr.jpg)
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    delivering reaction image
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:49 No.52517446
    Oh god, that mod. He looks like you could just about strangle him with scotch tape.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:49 No.52517452
         File1311770998.png-(113 KB, 226x350, ai esu.png)
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    yep IS is a good mango about transsexuals
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:50 No.52517458
         File1311771010.jpg-(117 KB, 492x492, 1311112563869.jpg)
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    Oh moto
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:50 No.52517467
    Moot was just trolling.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:50 No.52517471
    Both of his friends have been to Niconicodouga since 2007, James even remarked that John could actually speak Japanese.

    moot couldn't even get past registration, hell, I got through registration when all the fonts were bricks. moot really looked like a hipster compared to his 2 bros.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:51 No.52517484
         File1311771074.jpg-(148 KB, 1296x1308, 1297614314437.jpg)
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    >You forget that moot is one of us
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:51 No.52517486
    No fucking clue, he could just sit there like a boss, not giving a fuck and explain his shit. I mean if you know the basics of the pre 2008 /b/ you basically know how the reaction is on /a/ if shit like this broadcast happen.

    It was rather obvious, and Steve wasnt tolling or joking, I wouldnt call it like that. It was rather geniue interest in the subject, but because of its nature, it was rather embarrasing and awkward.

    And Moot had a hard time not to fucking laugh at some parts. Hiroyuki was very bro and calm. He tried to make the whole situation more entertaining without "Moot is an fag." like it was posted here.

    In fact, I call it great success for all parties, no matter if moot really is a fag or not.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:51 No.52517487
    oh it is back to normal already.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:51 No.52517490
    I think moot can speak a bit of moon, but because he is such a fucking beta, insecure faggot he didn't want try and fail, so he stuck to english
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:51 No.52517506
    where to watch the video?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:51 No.52517507
         File1311771112.jpg-(118 KB, 512x379, mods_1.jpg)
    118 KB
    cunt destroyers
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:51 No.52517508

    Hey cumguzzler.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:52 No.52517524

    Those where the bastards that killed the Madoka Threads on Good Friday.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:53 No.52517534

    he was nodding his head as if he understood whenever an engrish noun was used.

    I am quite disappoint too.
    >> ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 07/27/11(Wed)08:53 No.52517543
    There's our mods!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:53 No.52517544
         File1311771199.jpg-(51 KB, 336x497, jag fan.jpg)
    51 KB
    He didn't even know what the wwwww and 88888 spam meant
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:53 No.52517545
    >still no link to the piano version
    I can't believe nobody can't find it
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:53 No.52517548
    Maybe, it seemed like he understood James a bit when he was asking the last question in Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:54 No.52517562
    Is there a link to this that someone recorded? I missed it
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:54 No.52517563
         File1311771245.jpg-(122 KB, 1440x810, edenoftheeast_01-01.jpg)
    122 KB
    Will now refer to every mod as John
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:54 No.52517577
    who was the interviewer guy? I recognised him from somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:54 No.52517581

    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:54 No.52517585
    Seriously guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:54 No.52517586
    That made me chuckle. Someone open up PS and caption it for future generations
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:55 No.52517590
    who are those?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:55 No.52517593
    meant James.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:55 No.52517597
         File1311771323.jpg-(27 KB, 1024x576, imreadingsomethinghorrible.jpg)
    27 KB
    >/a/ - Anime & Manga
    >not /ɐ/ - Animu & Mango
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:55 No.52517598
    He's in the con streams sometimes.
    >> Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 07/27/11(Wed)08:55 No.52517599
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:55 No.52517601
    Oh fuck, someone should've brought up
    I wonder if moot even remembers that.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:56 No.52517618
    but still better than nothing
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:56 No.52517619
    Those are our mods?
    what a bunch of faggots.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:56 No.52517630
         File1311771392.jpg-(120 KB, 512x379, mods_2.jpg)
    120 KB
    did somebody screencap black-shirt-kun when he was doing the peace sign for the camera?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:56 No.52517634
    I would almost feel sad for him at that point.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:56 No.52517638
    James Spahn aka the guy behind JamesCam
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:57 No.52517649
    Shit, I was in a hurry and had to leave half way through so I didn't have any time to take any screencaps.

    Is it on youtube yet, or does anyone have any good screencaps?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:57 No.52517658
    why moot have nice friends and I dont?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:57 No.52517665
    This name change is killing me. It's been a long time since I saw standard name for this board.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:57 No.52517667
    another one
    >> Butta !!QV74WmZuY1j 07/27/11(Wed)08:58 No.52517689
    moot doesn't have friends; they're anons who sucked his dick to get mod positions.
    >> /a/ - Animoe & Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 07/27/11(Wed)08:58 No.52517691
    >/a/ - Anime & Manga
    Awww come on, guise. It's not as bad as you think
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:58 No.52517695
    It's been a long time since we had /a/ - Anime & Manga

    Deal with it
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:58 No.52517697
    Who the fuck is that white boy form the first posting anyway?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:58 No.52517700
    I believe niconico has the whole thing still up on their site.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:59 No.52517711
    moot I want to do your hair
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:59 No.52517715
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)08:59 No.52517718
    The timeshift refers you to their website.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:59 No.52517726
         File1311771576.jpg-(134 KB, 512x379, mods_3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:59 No.52517730
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)08:59 No.52517734
    is this the one they played ?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:00 No.52517742
         File1311771614.jpg-(9 KB, 435x259, oh my gooooooooooooooooooooooo(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:00 No.52517749
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:00 No.52517751
         File1311771640.png-(146 KB, 199x200, sip6.png)
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    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:00 No.52517752
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:01 No.52517760
         File1311771671.gif-(27 KB, 192x421, anon clap.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:01 No.52517765
         File1311771676.jpg-(204 KB, 500x500, shooped_2011.jpg)
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    also made this one, might get useful sometime
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:01 No.52517770
    They love big cocks in their asses. Hhmmmmhhhmmm
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:01 No.52517777
         File1311771700.jpg-(25 KB, 399x395, 1308336946447.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:01 No.52517778



    I have to know this, now.

    And is modcat the one of the left?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:02 No.52517786
    I don't think you can watch the interview again, except if you have a premium account. You just have to click that yellow bar.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:02 No.52517799

    Modcat is just a regular cat now after he tried to pick up bitches on /adv/
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:02 No.52517801
    using a proxy just to samefag your shitty forced meme?
    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:02 No.52517803
    I still can't get over his fucking hair. It looks like mine in high school and it just screams awkward.

    He look better as a hipster.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:03 No.52517811
    Timeshift just went viewable.
    Will try to DL that.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:03 No.52517818

    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:03 No.52517819
    >after he tried to pick up bitches on /adv/
    You know very well that's not what happened
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:03 No.52517821
    Neither, MD Geist is a colossal newfag. Both of them have been around since the beginning, apparently. Plus, Geist is a girl.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:03 No.52517828
    Modcat is no longer a mod, as of April. He was pressured into resigning and regrets doing so.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:03 No.52517836

    Geist was moot son.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:04 No.52517843
    >after he tried to pick up bitches on /adv/
    Fuck you. You are the worst kind of person.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:04 No.52517849
    I fucking missed it. Was there JamesCam on moot? Did you get him to say onii-chan?
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:04 No.52517856
    None of them is Modcat because both of them have eyes.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:04 No.52517866

    >regrets it

    You've been in contact with him?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:04 No.52517869
    Hey, I would have thought you'd hang out with Hiroyuki and moot a bit before coming back here to post
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:05 No.52517879
    MD geist is female
    Modcat quit from fear of being fired
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:05 No.52517885
         File1311771923.jpg-(9 KB, 297x247, 1243789655314.jpg)
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    Keep telling yourself that, ass kisser.
    Moot picks the shittiest moderators.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:05 No.52517890
    *2 eyes

    Fuck I only slept for 2 hrs just to see the stream
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:05 No.52517898
    Hey fuck u you cunt. I'm comming to fuck in your house, motherfucker!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:06 No.52517904
    >Deadline for reservation has passed.

    >Premium members can reserve for timeshift view after the show. (7days from today)

    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:06 No.52517910
    His final posts had a tinge of regret.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:06 No.52517911
    But thats exactly what modcat himself said.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:06 No.52517924
    so moot is off to get drugged and raped by nigerians in roppongi? I am in tokyo next week. hope he is still there.
    >> Anonymons 07/27/11(Wed)09:07 No.52517968
    ill be in tokyo from aug. 10th - 17th. wanna meet up and fuck?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:07 No.52517976
    this please, somebody did capture the whole thing right?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:08 No.52517979
    Nope. Did you even read it?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:08 No.52517984
    Go premium on the 1st, cancel your subscription on the 31st.
    => You can watch it for 525 yen.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:08 No.52517986
    You can use timeshift before the stream aired, in which case you can watch it once an hour (or so) after the broadcast aired. Timeshift will only work again if you have a premium account.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:08 No.52517995
    I bet they felt good after raping.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:08 No.52518012
    He posted here the day before yesterday. It would seem that he really quite sincerely loves this place and worked quite hard to do his best to keep it as decent as he could.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:09 No.52518022
    No dude, He went to /adv/ to ask advice from women and they bitched at him for using error 405 on them as a way to contact them, they thought they were being banned and they threatened to e-mail moot. This in a way is still abuse of power.

    Regardless, if Kyle was scared of what they said, it just means that moot really does read all his e-mails.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:09 No.52518023
         File1311772150.png-(241 KB, 1328x1262, Catmod.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:10 No.52518051
    >I was modcat
    Pick one and stick with it, fuck
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:10 No.52518058
    I recorded the stream with camtasia. I'll upload it to mediafire in .avi as soon as possible. It's still rendering at 11% on my crappy i3 laptop.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:10 No.52518059
    Either he was doing a terrible job at the end or /a/ was just that shitty.

    Probably both.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:10 No.52518061
    lol newfaggots
    >> Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 07/27/11(Wed)09:10 No.52518065
         File1311772243.jpg-(114 KB, 600x600, MODCATSAMAAAAA.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:10 No.52518069
         File1311772251.png-(260 KB, 425x421, 1307748656529.png)
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    4chan: 20 mods
    2ch: over fucking 300!
    >moot's face
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:11 No.52518082
    Oh, I found the thread in which Anonymous-san posted at length a couple days ago.
    You lot should read it, it's kind of enlightening.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:11 No.52518093
    Send the original file to gg and ask them to sub it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:11 No.52518094
    >4chan: 2 active mods
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:12 No.52518101
    They have a shit ton of boards and a lot more traffic though.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:12 No.52518110
    I know where he does live.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:12 No.52518115
    gg said they were in the stream so I wouldn't be surprised if they actually recorded it and are subbing it right now.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:12 No.52518116
    >more boards
    >more traffic
    I doubt it
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:12 No.52518117
         File1311772371.jpg-(135 KB, 650x850, 1310203999028.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:12 No.52518119
    >he was doing a terrible job at the end
    He says this himself, actually:
    >A few months ago I decided to focus more on my job, pulling in 18-hour days and scrambling to develop software with the hope that our company would be awarded a contract and I'd make a lot more money than I do now. I became unable to spend more than a few hours on the site in a day, usually in 30-minute blocks spaced hours apart, so as time went on shitty posters started falling through the cracks and poisoned /a/ with greentext and reaction images and imagespamming and shit that I was unable to combat as fully as I'd have liked.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:13 No.52518122
         File1311772380.gif-(42 KB, 400x458, 1296417422566.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:13 No.52518136

    >Either he was doing a terrible job at the end or /a/ was just that shitty.

    >he wasn't around during /a/'s Golden Age during 2009

    Honestly, when Modcat arrived and was here on /a/, there was hardly an off topic thread on the front page for more than five minutes. And he did the impossible and got gorespammer to stop his shit. It was glorious.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:14 No.52518149
    Thanks anon, that would be much appreciated.

    I didn't dare to watch it at work, because of possible powerlevel leakage.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:15 No.52518178
         File1311772509.jpg-(45 KB, 441x408, han solo looking bemused.jpg)
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    >Golden Age
    >Not 2006-2008
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:15 No.52518179
    >afraid of powerlevel leakage
    >on /a/ while in work
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:15 No.52518181

    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:15 No.52518193
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:15 No.52518197
    Actually from a boards:mod ratio viewpoint, 4chan has more mods. 2ch has boards for everything, but they don't need as many mods since they don't have as many trolls and shitposters. They also don't have images which is what most people get banned for.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:15 No.52518199
    >Golden Age

    Really? I stopped coming to /a/ in 08 and most of 09 because it was just that bad. Didn't know I have him to thank for at least getting /a/ back on its feet
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 07/27/11(Wed)09:15 No.52518205
         File1311772550.jpg-(34 KB, 1000x1000, 1305825270896.jpg)
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    >Golden Age
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:16 No.52518209
         File1311772569.png-(454 KB, 700x900, chencry.png)
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    Come back ;__;
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:16 No.52518225
    Sounds like a yaoi title about a Japanese guy and an American guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:17 No.52518249
    You're probably thinking of 2chan, which is smaller than 4chan now actually.

    2ch, the text board, is way the fuck bigger than 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:17 No.52518255

    Oh, /a/non, stop being faggots.

    By 'golden age' I was referring to the few weeks modcat was here, not all of 2009.

    Face it, Modcat's time here at /a/ was the best time I've ever been on /a/. Did you honestly think 2006 was a good year with LOLCODEGEASS and LOLHARUHI?
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:17 No.52518260
    But that's what it is.
    >> Drill !RemoveRMdI 07/27/11(Wed)09:18 No.52518273
         File1311772716.jpg-(14 KB, 221x232, 1297645642917.jpg)
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    >Golden Age

    I was without internet during that year, and even I knew it was a shitty year.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:18 No.52518276
    In terms of ratio, it seems we do have more mods, but 20-50 Mods just means that it's either moot is lying or he's not even sure of his own workforce. At least Hiroyuki actually said 300 flat.

    Another thing with 2ch is that some boards barely have any posts at all.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:19 No.52518290
    But Geass was in 2008
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:19 No.52518303
         File1311772778.jpg-(6 KB, 176x120, guy10 - Kopie.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:19 No.52518306
    4chan's Alexa rank is ~700
    2ch's is ~200

    I know Alexa isn't perfect, but it's a good rough indicator
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:19 No.52518307
    Yet you will continue to come here because this is the best place youve ever been on on the internet. stay hypocrite /a/
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:20 No.52518324
         File1311772819.png-(1.08 MB, 995x2205, 1298893154704.png)
    1.08 MB

    /a/ was never good. It existed for the sole purpose of trolling and the idea of having 'serious discussions' was doomed from the beginning.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:20 No.52518335
    >implying anybody was implying that
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:21 No.52518351
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:21 No.52518355
    I interpreted it as 20-50 being around 24/7, number depending on time of day and day of week. Or something like that. But I don´t have the impression that at least 20 mods are here all the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:21 No.52518363
    /a/ exist before 2008 you know
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:21 No.52518365

    Next time that faggot moot comes through here we need to tell him to reinstate A-san.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:21 No.52518367

    Geass had two seasons.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:21 No.52518372
         File1311772903.jpg-(335 KB, 1312x657, 1303729642813.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:21 No.52518373
    But I've had nice discussion in Berserk, Jojo and Dantalian threads...
    Also I love this place because it teaches people not to take themselves seriously.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:22 No.52518385

    Who's Anonymous-san?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:22 No.52518386
    Infinite Stratos is the cawwadooty of haremshit
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:22 No.52518387
    moot has outright said to users that 4chan doesn't have more than 2 active mods
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 07/27/11(Wed)09:22 No.52518398
    Every year was better than 2009. Even 2010. Even this year. /a/ was probably in its worst state during that year. Spam up the ass and trolls everywhere. A couple weeks of moderation doesn't make up for all that shit.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:23 No.52518419
    Error 405. That's modcat contacted people. Problem was those girls were probably idiots for being scared over nothing.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:23 No.52518427
    Anonymous-san is modcat
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:23 No.52518432
    IIRC that's Smochi
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:24 No.52518439
    He was one of the worst, if not the worst, mod ever. So why talking about him anyway?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:24 No.52518447
    But force taiga/lanced jack was so much fuuuuun
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:24 No.52518453
    2005-2006 will always be my favorite era, personally. I'll miss those days.
    We really used to celebrate this site, just reveling in the fact that we were still alive—because you never really knew when the site might shit itself for whatever reason and just kick the bucket once and for all.
    Re/b/oot was probably the beginning of the end, when we really started actively fighting one another instead of having mindless fun.

    Maybe that's when the hivemind died.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:24 No.52518456
    I knew moot was lying. He probably did it to at least look good.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:24 No.52518463
    It's not, it's some girl from /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:25 No.52518470
         File1311773114.png-(341 KB, 500x375, 123125455.png)
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    >tripped as a femanon
    >your post was interesting
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:25 No.52518474
    Smochi's the retarded bitch, not that random girl.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:25 No.52518481

    Hence why I wasn't saying 2009 was a good year. I said that the time when Modcat was on /a/ during 2009 was good. Reading comprehension, Komeiji, use it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:25 No.52518486
         File1311773158.jpg-(121 KB, 936x846, 2chan.jpg)
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    >They also don't have images which is what most people get banned for.

    wut, have you ever been on 2chan???
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:25 No.52518487
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:26 No.52518491
    I will never know how I missed the modcat shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:26 No.52518501
    Though really, the site seemed like it could die at any time earlier this year, and things didn't get any better
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:26 No.52518511



    >Good discussions do happen.

    Few and far between, compared to the amount of tripfag circlejerks, dubs faggotry, avatar fagging etc that's really shitting up this board with every passing day. Yes, occasionally you are going to find a good thread. But the vast majority of the time /a/ is pretty much just a shithole which makes it interesting.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:27 No.52518520
    2ch, retard.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:27 No.52518523
    Thanks comrade.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:27 No.52518525
    God that thread sums everything I hate about tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:27 No.52518530
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 07/27/11(Wed)09:28 No.52518543
    Nope. You said the "golden age of 2009", referring to the entire year. You should explicitly referred to those two weeks instead if you didn't want people mistaking you.
    >> Sakura !Fish2Mlhz2 07/27/11(Wed)09:29 No.52518573
         File1311773355.jpg-(69 KB, 656x483, Sup_moot.jpg)
    69 KB
    Thank You !
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:29 No.52518585
    What moot needs to do;
    1. Hire a lot of new mods (say 50 or so)
    2. Perma-ban and demod all the ones that are really shitty

    There, 4chan now has 2 new mods.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:29 No.52518586
    Smoked cheese is a cunt, agreed?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:29 No.52518588
    your post reeks of underageb&
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:30 No.52518602

    I'll quote my entire post back to you.

    ">Either he was doing a terrible job at the end or /a/ was just that shitty.

    >he wasn't around during /a/'s Golden Age during 2009

    Honestly, when Modcat arrived and was here on /a/, there was hardly an off topic thread on the front page for more than five minutes. And he did the impossible and got gorespammer to stop his shit. It was glorious."

    Now let me quote the relevant part.

    ">he wasn't around during /a/'s Golden Age during 2009"
    "during 2009"
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:30 No.52518623
    Why is it so hard? There are thousands of internet warriors who post ALL day who would love to delete shit threads for free.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:31 No.52518638
    How can he get 50 trustworthy NEETs willing to work as a mod without getting paid?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:31 No.52518651
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:32 No.52518653
    I'd do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:32 No.52518655
    Because it's hard to verify who wouldn't go crazy with power like that. Some people just have a dick streak to them and would delete everything they can, and put a sticky right up top to get hoards of attention
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:32 No.52518660
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    then why don't we find some titles that may fit /a/ board?

    to /a/r/u/ /m/ajutsu no Inde/x/
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:32 No.52518666
    Because he's worried that they'll fuck everything up and go power mad before he has a chance to demod them.

    Can you blame him?
    Personally, I say give /b/ mods. And don't let them moderate ANY other boards. And don't let anyone be a global moderator if they also browse /b/.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:32 No.52518667
    On another note, how did modcat actually stop Gorespammer from doing his work?

    I guess b&hammer wouldnt work on that one.

    I was away for a long time here, I was here when russians spammed /m/ and /a/ with gore when GL aired and of course the Bakemonogatari gorespammer threads. But how did it actually stop? Was there a thread about that infinity Gorespammer ban?

    Couldnt he just hide behind 7 proxies?

    Any information?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:33 No.52518678
    You must be new here. A couple months ago he made resume forms for people wanting to be janitors.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:33 No.52518690

    Still a mystery to this day.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:33 No.52518693
    What abotu A Channel
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:33 No.52518696
    It wouldn't be complicated to keep track of everything they delete or do. Then a single trusted moderator could moderate the NEET moderators.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:33 No.52518704
    If he wanted to, he could get hundreds of us (well, let´s say dozens from /a/) working for free for him. Thing is, we would end up deleting everything we don´t like and the board content would be reduced to 10%.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:33 No.52518705
    Is the video stream archived somewhere?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:33 No.52518709
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:33 No.52518710
    Hell, I'd do it. I applied for a janitor application too, though unfortunately I didn't get accepted.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:34 No.52518724
    Janitors do nothing more than enforce board rules, and don't even ban people. Unfortunately, janitor applications still haven't been put into use.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:34 No.52518726
    waiting for fanarts of this historic meetup.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:34 No.52518737
    He was gorespammer, and he "banned" himself for his debut.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:35 No.52518746
    Yeah, no. Trolling for days on a show /a/ didn't give a shit about.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 07/27/11(Wed)09:35 No.52518748
    >Hire 251 mods
    >moot now has 1 Mod more than Hiroyuki
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:35 No.52518751
    Were you rejected for some reason or just ignored?
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:35 No.52518754
    Janitors have been contacted and are currently janitoring.

    Though god only knows how many gave up.
    >> Drill !RemoveRMdI 07/27/11(Wed)09:35 No.52518764
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:36 No.52518768

    It might have been an urban legend but I heard something about /a/ getting the kid in trouble at his school or some similar shit
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:36 No.52518777
    I think I'd do it for free too. After all we'd just have to warn and ban doubles faggotry and /soc/ threads.

    Being mod for turns of few hours would also be beneficial. Also, there are some trip users (not tripfags) who I think deserve the title for their activities.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:36 No.52518781
    >First post on /a/, Moot is a faggot.

    Fucking lol'd.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:36 No.52518788
    I just never got a response, so I was turned away in favour of other people who applied, it's not like I was told "You'd be a shitty janitor, don't bother applying" or anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:37 No.52518811
    Isnt there any thread archived to confirm anything?

    Anyway, that would make a great blackmail hentai.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:37 No.52518816
    Why would you disagree that I would make at least a decent janitor?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:37 No.52518817
    >Janitors have been contacted and are currently janitoring.
    From what I understood last week they still had yet to go through the pre-janitor orientation shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:38 No.52518844
    I dunno, Aniki-tan's been pretty consistently decent for years.
    That's better than you can say, dude. You've been involved in some fucking SHITSTORMS.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:38 No.52518846
    I'm 25.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:39 No.52518868
    >pre janitor orientation

    Wat? So they are trained to be janitors? What´s there to know besides board rules which should be clear to everybody who has spent some months here.
    >> Drill !RemoveRMdI 07/27/11(Wed)09:40 No.52518885
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:40 No.52518886
    In that case you´re just retarded. You confused 2ch with 2chan, for example.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:40 No.52518893
    Where's the hipSTAR part? I had to leave the computer for like 5 minutes and missed it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:41 No.52518902
    >board rules which should be clear to everybody who has spent some months here.


    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:41 No.52518908
    You're still not saying anything otherwise, all you're doing is quoting parts of what I'm saying and uploading reaction images.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:41 No.52518913
    Well, I added "should" for a purpose.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:42 No.52518940
    Got the rest of the video?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:43 No.52518949
    rofl at the refresh
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:43 No.52518966
    don't you mean it is your favorite anime
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:43 No.52518972
    it's true, if it doesn't have pictures it's irrelevant to me and my brain exchanges words with more relevant things.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:44 No.52519003
    I do but it's still rendering the .avi on my shitty computer. Also it's probably going to be huge and will take forever to upload. Hopefully some Japanese guy from 2ch or futaba will upload it to nyaa.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:45 No.52519019
    You really want to listen to them drone about facebook and for 40 minutes?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:47 No.52519050

    Can you upload it to the same youtube account and post it in the description of the current video when it is avaliable?
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:47 No.52519056
    Shall I assume that because you're not replying that you don't even have a semi-competent answer as to why I'd be a bad janitor?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:49 No.52519095
    I didn't upload the other video. I'll be uploading to mediafire if I can. Probably not seeing the raw camtasia file was 14 GB.
    >> Drill !RemoveRMdI 07/27/11(Wed)09:50 No.52519103
    No, because I'm getting ready to leave, so I don't have the time to bother engaging with a shitposter who associates with people like Taiga.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:50 No.52519120
    Not the dude you're replying to. But if you can't let this go, I think that's a good indicator already
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:51 No.52519142
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    Look, I can do it too, see how well me quoting one word and posting a picture illustrates my entire point.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:52 No.52519146
    I'm with this man.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:53 No.52519168
    I'm not holding a grudge or anything, I was legitimately wondering why he thought I'd make a bad janitor, turns out he thinks it's because I talk to Taiga that I'd make a bad janitor.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:53 No.52519170
    refer to >>52519120

    janitors should be impartial, you're getting too irritated over some stupid shit

    just ignore him if it pisses you off so much
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:55 No.52519202
    Please, wanting to hold a discussion doesn't make mean I'm irritated that he said I wouldn't be a bad janitor. I was just enquiring as to why. He said why, and that's good enough for me, I got my answer.
    >> Drill !RemoveRMdI 07/27/11(Wed)09:55 No.52519217
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    Cool ad hominem, the difference is that usually allegations have something substantial behind them. You only participate in meta threads and circlejerk. You can't let go of something as unimportant as my posting.

    You're terrible janitor material.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:55 No.52519219
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:56 No.52519245
    Let's move the discussion.

    IF you were a janitor what would you do?
    Or for everybody. What are the top priority things to delete/ban/punish in /a/?
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 07/27/11(Wed)09:57 No.52519264
    Well that's your opinion, I just hope I get the chance to become a janitor and prove you wrong for my own satisfaction because of never being able to tell anyone that I'm a janitor.

    Have fun with wherever you're going.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:59 No.52519322
    Not him, but I´d delete every single thread which has a 3dpd OP picture, recommendation threads, obvious troll threads. And ban shitheads like Park Ranger as soon as they show up.

    Although troll threads sometimes turn into gold once they are properly derailed.

    Oh, well, and GET faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:59 No.52519334
    >well that's your opinion
    Just let it go man. Try to give something to discuss instead of clinging to stuff like this.
    Have you seen a teacher? Teachers try to give their students something worthy, and good teachers laugh when a student calls them a fag, or says they aren't good teachers.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:59 No.52519339
    Oh the irony
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:01 No.52519394
    Where´s the irony? What else would you consider the priorities of a janitor to be?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:01 No.52519397
    >every single thread
    If they're anime related, they would stay
    >recommendation threads
    allowed by the rules
    >obvious troll threads
    allowed by the rules

    janitors don't get to pick and choose. You follow the rules when deleting threads, and you don't get to give out bans.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:02 No.52519406
    >responding to a tripfag that does only trolling
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:03 No.52519430
    >And ban shitheads like Park Ranger as soon as they show up.
    You're an idiot.
    You know that, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:03 No.52519433
    >Oh, well, and GET faggotry.
    >he got a GET
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:03 No.52519437
    Maybe not every 3DPD image, but certainly those about cosplayers or trolls stating 3D>2D. Not for philosophy, but for unrelated content.

    I think recommendation threads could be avoided with a sticky, but people here hate to be nice to new people.

    And, well, Park Ranger deserves it. So I agree with that.

    Another thing. What do you people think about r/a/dio?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:03 No.52519438
    >obvious troll threads
    >allowed by the rules
    Global rules faggot. Heard of them?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:04 No.52519458
    I don't understand why everyone hates on r/a/dio so much. Sometimes it's nice to just listen to it while browsing.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:04 No.52519465
    Well it should be clear what I mean with 3dpd. Threads about VAs etc are not included.

    >troll threads allowed by the rules
    Nope. According to the rules trolling is only allowed on /b/.

    I know janitors don´t ban. But the subject was brought up.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:05 No.52519474
    For me, top priority would be to delete spam as soon as possible. This would go for incredibly off-topic threads (/soc/ threads, for instance) to intentionally inflammatory posts that disrupt discussion.

    The thing about off-topic threads is how fickle they can be when it comes to actual discussion. I'd say "if it's worthwhile and not intrusive, let it go." Actual discussion and not just some image dump, I mean.

    As far as inflammatory posts go, I mean shit like Alice threads, that one ranger Pokey Minch tripfag who constantly ban-evades, and the usual shit like gore, CP, etc.

    I don't have a lot of issues with /a/ as it is now, but as long as someone is there to moderate and clean up, it's fine with me.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:05 No.52519479
    People pick out "obvious" troll threads subjectively. You don't know what is trolling and what is someone just new or who doesn't know what they're talking about. You can't delete them if you can't be sure, so you have to leave that to a mod. There aren't as many clearcut troll threads as you'd think.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:06 No.52519499
    >Implying spamming the board with UNTZ UNTZ XD is good in any way whatsoever
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:06 No.52519500
    The problem is the threads. For the most part, the threads are nothing more than spam and /soc/ bullshit. There is a decent amount of image dumping and discussion about a given show, but that never lasts long.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:06 No.52519509
    It's always the same few songs that go on r/a/dio. I get that that's kinda the whole point, but it gets boring after a while. /jp/ radio is much better.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:07 No.52519528
    Some threads are obvious troll threads. For example "how do you justify watching moeshit?" Nothing good comes from these threads, and often there are 5 of them shitting up the front page.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:09 No.52519573
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    If I was a mod, /a/ would never be filled with despair ever again.

    I'd just sand off some of the rough edges.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:10 No.52519580
    >Maybe not every 3DPD image
    This board is about 2D culture, the only 3D that is should be accepted are figurines, seiyuu.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:10 No.52519594
    Technically, that's a legitimate discussion. You can't say for sure someone is attempting to do anything but get real opinions out of people, just using a word they don't like, only because it's the one word /a/ can agree on to fit a group of shows.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:11 No.52519612
    Then I'd say the "troll threads" should be deleted when there's a significative amount.
    I've seen some derailed threads that become into good discussion.

    The troll threads point is certainly too delicate. I'd give top priority to off-topic threads and doubles.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:11 No.52519613
    And mangaka, staff from studios, whatever. It´s easy enough to draw a line between anime related 3dpd and stuff which doesn´t belong here.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:11 No.52519616
    As long as it pertains to anime or manga, it's allowed. If it isn't, it goes. Simple as that. The problem comes up when we have smaller boards, like /cgl/ and /toy/ where something else belongs just as much as it belongs here.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:13 No.52519647
    OK I just catched this. >>52519463
    as a mod, wat do?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:13 No.52519652
    We got /cgl/ so we don´t have to have cosplay threads here. If there is a specific quarantine board for something (with exception of maybe /m/), it doesn´t belong here anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:15 No.52519684
    Wait to see if it causes a shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:15 No.52519691
    GET thread. Delete thread after a while (let the kids have fun for some minutes).

    Almost everytime I created such a thread myself (rewatch Endless Eight, for example) I even got banned for a couple of days.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:16 No.52519709
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    That's a bit tough, but I'd definitely get rid of it if I see several "rolling" comments in a row without a picture.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:16 No.52519713
    I am tempted to feel that you should never be allowed to be a mod if you've ever created that shit yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:17 No.52519733
    spamming/flooding is clearly against the rules, and inciting it is just an extension that deserves a ban as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:18 No.52519755
    fuck yes
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:18 No.52519762
    Duh, it was when I was new and I learned the rules since then.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:19 No.52519769
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    cool ad hominem bro
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:20 No.52519807
    If anything, moot should be making more, smaller boards, and keeping a good mod/janitor to user ratio, instead of the impossible mess we have now. It's fun occasionally, but most days it's just impossible to find something good through.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:22 No.52519854
    Are you implying 4chan should become something like 2ch with hundreds of sub-boards for normalfags?

    Or that we need more genre-specific anime boards?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:22 No.52519865

    Maybe breaking down the biggest boards should be enough. /b/ is a black hole of despair and durr, so that one sould be left alone, but /v/ got rid of a lot of shit with /vp/, for example.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:23 No.52519880
    I'm up for a new loli board.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:24 No.52519900
    Can we bring back /z/, while we're at it?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:25 No.52519923
    I´d second that. Although if I want to fap to lolis, there are always the Shitkaku forums. Delicious loli dumps all the day.

    inb4 hurr Shitkaku, I only go there to fap.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:25 No.52519927
    Moot has already made a point of saying that he's not making anymore niche boards "out of every flavor of the month /a/ has." While this really was aimed at /a/'s constant whining about stupid shit every other month, it can be inferred that this means "no more /a/ spinoff boards."
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:28 No.52520007
    What would your opinion be of image dumps that aren't appropriate for either /c/ or /cm/? For example, when people dump a chapter of manga, like Yotsuba.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:31 No.52520088
    Image dumps are fine. People keep forgetting this is an imageboard first and foremost, a discussion board second. Extended discussions are for the textboard.

    People who bitch about imagedumps have no idea what the fuck they're talking about, and my little newfag couldn't possibly be this new.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:32 No.52520113

    Not that guy.
    I think manga dumps are good, they encourage people to read manga and contribute. Also, the Story Time dumps allow users to discover stuff they might like.

    Maybe the /c/ dumps shouldn't be allowed. At least to give /c/ more traffic.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:35 No.52520193
    Why the hell don't we have a sticky with /a/ recommendations wiki in it?

    If we are going to have newfags, at least educate them
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:37 No.52520243
    This. When someone complains about an imagedump being an imagedump, they're actually just complaining about the content. For example, there's that Hetalia thread everyday with manga strips or webcomic segments or whatever it is they post. People are complaining about the presence of Hetalia on the board, not the imagedump itself.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:37 No.52520259
    >implying anyone reads stickies
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:37 No.52520263
    Because a sticky would need 1 thread on the front page and /a/ is moving too fast. But I think we could use a link to the wiki on the front page. Or the first page could have 10 stickies adressing various issues and we would browse the 2nd page.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:39 No.52520305
    And what kind of people only refresh page 0? Newfags.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:39 No.52520309
    What about a link to the wiki right below the link to the text board? Maybe something like "READ THIS FOR ANIME AND MANGA RECOMENDATIONS AND OTHER FANCY STUFF YOU MAY NEED"
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 07/27/11(Wed)10:41 No.52520378
    >recommend stickies
    And here, I got a problem. Why feed newfags what they don't deserve?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:43 No.52520418
    I think recommendation threads are fine. Sometimes they're thinly-veiled attempts at trolling, but other times someone is just looking for something a little more personal than a chart. Sure, we can sort series by genre, but that doesn't really do much, does it? Look at the mahou shoujo genre-- Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, Arjuna, Madoka..

    When someone lists the series they've enjoyed so far, we can usually get an idea of what it is they probably liked about those series or whatever, and can go from there.

    Looking at one of the commonly posted charts, we've got Utena and Tokyo Godfathers in the same column. Yes, these are both definitely worth watching, but if someone came on /a/ saying, "Hey guys, I really liked Tokyo Godfathers, can you recommend me more like this?" I wouldn't say Utena.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:43 No.52520424
    Because if you don't, they'll shit up a decent thread. And someone else will feed them, they always do.

    Though I doubt a sticky would work, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:44 No.52520431
    But the newfags still help their peers, resulting in recommendation threads taking up half of the front page.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:44 No.52520453
    >And what kind of people only refresh page 0? Newfags.
    Who browses the other pages when we've got the 4chan catalog? Newfags.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:45 No.52520477
    Because they won't have an excuse to be retards (not that their excuses are good anyway) and their stupid threads could be deleted.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:45 No.52520482
    I'm sure they can put in the effort to do a little research on the things in the same category before watching.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:45 No.52520483
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    delivering more reactions
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:46 No.52520511
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