Powerlevel tiers:Exceeds Omnipotence Tier:Yamibou > DemonbaneGod-killing tier:Tenchi > Megaten > TouhouHigh tier hax:Haruhi > Jojo > EvaLow tier hax:Raildex => NasuverseRaw power tier:Dragonball > Bastard! = Negima > Nanoha > Bleach = One Piece > NarutoFeel free to debate the ranking and to add more series where you think they're needed.
Let's talk about Saber instead.
Both Accelerator and Ryougi are shit tier.
Suit > Lily > Nero > Alter > Regular.
>>52468664Fancy a ride, love?
Sad Saber.
>>52468717Jesus, it looks like she's about to snap his middle finger off. Which is a hell of a lot more painful-looking than anything else in that picture.
Happy Saber.
>XXXX > Demonbanehahaha cool story, bro
>>52468664Saber's the best girl ever./thread
Saber and her superior knight.