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!MOKOU.FAbw 07/24/11(Sun)18:57 No.52402365 File1311548238.png-(589 KB, 822x480, 1208061363282.png)
 The hell is up in this thread? Don't get me wrong, I love 2D, but only as an art. By that, I also include their concept, character, and personality- if we're discussing people.
no interest for me in 'real' people, though. But that doesn't make me a
basement-dwelling virgin. Actually, I like the virgin part. It proves I
have some self control, unlike those 'Alphas' who boast about how many
sluts they pounded and spitting semen in every hole they see like an
ape. They're all animals. I'd much rather devote my time in doing something productive, such as piano skills. As
a healthy, reflective-minded introvert, I'm happy being alone. It
doesn't bother me at all whether or not if the "love of my life" is
waiting for me, because I don't need it. When I grow old, I'll look back
in my life and say, "Wow, look how good I got at piano, programming,
and artistic abilities. None of my money was ever wasted. I am a
healthy, fit person who's lived for a long, stressless life. All of my
friends, co-workers, and acquaintences are happy with the things I did
for them. I spent all of my time doing all of the things I love! I can
die happy." |