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07/23/11(Sat)06:40 No.52338600 File1311417638.gif-(56 KB, 300x300, 1303324732466.gif)
A) Textboard: 2ch = 2channel
B) Imageboard: 2chan = FUTABA-chan
C) Imageboard: 4chan = YOTSUBA-chan
>2ch is not and never will be 2chan.
2chan is the imageboard moot copy&pasted code from in order to create 4chan.
As stated by moot, 4chan is the de-facto sister site of 2chan.
2ch has always been larger than 4chan since its inception.
Japanese Highschool teenagers, Housewives, Salarymen, and even Politicians browse and post on 2ch.
2ch is a haven of normalfags and casualfags who outnumber otaku by the thousands.
2chan is a different story. It's as close a counterpart to /a/ as you can get.
2chan is nearly 90% otaku population.
On 2chan, everyone plays vidya, reads manga and novels, drawfags for Pixiv, and watches anime.
2chan also has no captcha or image flood limits.
creator is also True Anonymous since no one in Japan still hasn't
figured out the creator's identity, but people believe the creator is a
female otaku.
>Also, reminding you guys once again, 2ch is not 2chan. |