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  • File : 1310941381.jpg-(350 KB, 721x721, b6251165712986b303afd6a059a92932.jpg)
    350 KB My Potions Master can't possibly be this cute! Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:23 No.52087042  
    There is now going to be a Harry Potter anime.
    How would it look like if it were up to you? Would it follow the books? Maybe a Hogwarts slice of life? Let your imagination run wild.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:24 No.52087059
    Something based on the next generations.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:25 No.52087082
    I don't like it.
    >> /a/lan !IGYTuBeSMM 07/17/11(Sun)18:25 No.52087085
    cute students doing cute things.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:26 No.52087099
    Slice of life set during the actual books with an unbelievable amount of fanservice. Cross-dressing Snape, tsundere Hermione, ahoge Luna, and a beach episode with everyone in swimsuits.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:26 No.52087108

    You mean that fanfiction-level epilogue? nah, fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:26 No.52087110
    Jun Fukuyama as Harry
    Rie Kugimiya as Hermione
    Jouji Nakata as Snape
    Norio Wakamoto as Lord Voldemort.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:27 No.52087121
    it's better than most fanfic.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:27 No.52087126

    >not the Sorting Hat

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:27 No.52087128
    >Rie Kugimiya as Hermione
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:28 No.52087157
    >not Dumbledore
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:29 No.52087185
    ::l::::::::l | |、::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::: ::::::  |、::|
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:29 No.52087193
    No Harry, YOU are the wizard
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:29 No.52087199
    The Sorting Hat as a comic relief physical abuse character that keeps jumping on people's heads and they pull him off and kick him away into the distance with a pokemon style *ping* as he says "BEE IN YA BONNETTOOOOO"
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:29 No.52087200
    I would make it a different class, in the future of Hogwarts. New cast and all.

    There won't be a big bad, like Voldemort. More like antics among the different houses.

    Pretty much, Mx0, only in Hogwarts.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:30 No.52087214
    It would be all about Luna Lovegood's adventures after the main books ended. She would find treasure, fight nasty snorkacks, and be as adorable as possible while doing it.
    >> Behead Your Friends !!uIr6U0bwUOp 07/17/11(Sun)18:30 No.52087216
    >I'm the sorting hat.
    >I can put you in any house you want.
    >All you have to do...

    I'm down.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:32 No.52087268
         File1310941970.jpg-(130 KB, 500x645, Koyasu5324.jpg)
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    Koyasu Takehito as Snape.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:33 No.52087303
    Harry Potter anime done seriously, no SoL

    I picture it as a sort of Mystery/Action/Suspense sort of anime with a few comedic moments here and there.

    The anime stays true to the book, no extra scenes and no warped plot
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:35 No.52087330
         File1310942104.jpg-(281 KB, 732x510, 0b860edc82bd49d1ea4fcb93817c63(...).jpg)
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    A slice of life featuring the Marauders, Lily and Snape.
    Snape being the bitter one they keep pulling pranks on and he goes "DAMN YOU POTTER" every time, and then they all go sneaking around Hogwarts with the map and having awesome character interaction. Hagrid is just there to be fat.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:36 No.52087356
    It would follow the time line of the books(sort of), but it would be an episodic slice of life about the side characters and all of the crazy shenanigans they got up to while Harry, Ron and Hermione were having their own adventures.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:36 No.52087359
         File1310942175.jpg-(19 KB, 240x320, Okamoto779742.jpg)
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    >KugiRie as Hermione
    Only if I want my ears to bleed. Sawashiro Miyuki as Hermione. Suzumura Kenichi as Ron.

    Okamoto as Neville.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:37 No.52087395
    voldamort or whatever makes a portal to a alternate dimension where hes the only person who can use magic. hogwarts forms a massive army and enters. theres dragons everywhere, giant lava lakes with floating islands. most of hogwarts army gets demolished, most others retreat and close of portal. small group of students are stuck in the new dimension and try to find voldamort.

    i know very little of the harry potter story line.. so this is wat must happen.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:37 No.52087409
    Wakamoto as voldermort
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:37 No.52087410

    >Let's bully Snape, the anime
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:38 No.52087422
    That is the most horrible HP thing I have ever read and I have read the fanfics.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:39 No.52087446
    >worse than My Immortal

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:39 No.52087453
    I know right, awesome!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:39 No.52087454
    You now fantasize an anime version of Luna Lovegood.

    Honestly though she'd be fuckin adorable, with her eccentric attitude and such.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:39 No.52087457
         File1310942367.jpg-(19 KB, 556x448, 1304550268219.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:39 No.52087465

    Mx0 style Harry Potter? I could get behind that.

    The good thing about the Harry Potter universe is that, if you look at the different houses, having a variety of characters would be easy as fuck.

    You could have the brave and courageous main character in Gryfindor, with a loyal best friend, a book smart shy Ravenclaw girl, and a giggle cute ditzy chick from Hufflepuff. You could have as many villain types as you want from Slytherin, like the super talented person who's never lost to anyone at anything, the evil person who just wants to fuck with everyone, and the genius that wants to do horrible experiments on the other students.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 07/17/11(Sun)18:40 No.52087489
    >see the image
    Damn, the person who drew the pics in the Spice and Wolf LNs did that. Looks just like his/her work.

    I'd prefer a manga over an anime.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:40 No.52087503
         File1310942442.jpg-(30 KB, 672x384, FukuJun0238.jpg)
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    >FukuJun as Harry
    Suddenly Harry is FABULOUS
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:40 No.52087504
         File1310942447.jpg-(88 KB, 382x480, 1294114063069.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:41 No.52087514
    I would watch a short series about Snape getting NTR'd in his final year. That would be pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:41 No.52087522
    Please tell me you're kidding? Is there really going to be one?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:41 No.52087524
    Tomokazu Sugita as Snape
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:42 No.52087556
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:42 No.52087561
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:42 No.52087580

    Not exactly as I pictured her.

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:43 No.52087615
    Sugita as both Fred and George
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:44 No.52087661
         File1310942656.jpg-(178 KB, 650x905, 7bf7881f26adb0ae7bfa7259879855(...).jpg)
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    She's work fine as an anime character. She's eccentric, cute, and believe in weird shit flying around. The perfect secondary heroine.
    I just discovered JK got the name Hermione from the word Heroine, just putting and m there and switching the i and o.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:44 No.52087678
    Made by J.C. Staff
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:45 No.52087713
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:45 No.52087719
    instantly remembered those old Harry Puppet Pals vids.
    bother bother bother
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:46 No.52087751
    Fukuyama Jun is too fabulous for Harry, what are you talking about?

    Most of /a/'s favorites are too fabulous for Harry, because /a/ only likes fabulous VAs.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:46 No.52087760
    Nope, Hermione is a Greek name, the daughter of Helen and Menelaus - Rowling knows her classics.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:46 No.52087764
    I think Shinbo would be perfect for a Harry Potter anime adaption, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:47 No.52087772
    A look of horror spread across Snape's Face


    He tried to struggle, but the 3 oafs holding him down were just too strong

    James walked over to where Lily was tied up

    "Lily, Maybe you didn't notice this, but our lil pal snape over there has had a crush on you for a while now"

    "James...please...." Lily pleaded

    James ran his hands all over her face. She struggled to avoid him, but she could do nothing lashed up like this. He gripped her chin and forced her lips onto his own. As he rammed his tongue down her throat, a single tear slid down her cheek.


    A fist rocketed into his stomach. Snape crumpled from the pain. one of the oafs had silenced him.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:47 No.52087791

    -And so Harry grabbed his wand to cast the levitating magic trick. "Wind Gaurdian Levitatiousa!" and hogwarts levitated at maximum levitation. "Wow harry! You made hogwarts Levitate".

    "Shut up ron!" whispered Harry loudly as he casted the nipple spell. (Ron's nipples got torn off, I wanted to make this part suspensefull so Ron actually still has a second pair. Sorry guiz).

    But then all of a sudden, Allicia (that's my character!) fell from the sky!

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:47 No.52087794
    "Good, shut the little fuck up" James replied with a smirk.

    He went back to his business. Rolling up his robe sleeves, he began exploring Lily's body with his hands, much to snape's chagrin. Every time he groped lily's breast, or rubbed Lily's thigh, he'd turn around to see Snape's hateful expression. The mind games he was playing with snape turned him on more than anything.

    "Oi get a load of this!" Sirius hollered, "The bitch is fucking wet!"

    Sirius pointed down to the girl's crotch. Sure enough, when James lifted up her skirt, he could see a damp spot on her panties.


    James skipped over to snape and shoved him to the ground. When the lanky boy hit the dirt, James put a boot onto his face.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:47 No.52087806
    FukuJun isn't too fab for Harry, he does plenty of more understated characters in addition to his fabulous ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:48 No.52087816
    The other joined in on the beating as well.

    Snape recoiled from the pain, vomiting blood. With each blow he felt his consciousness slipping.

    "Wait," James commanded, "Leave him alive, I want him to see what happens next"

    A pummeled snape groaned in horror as James walked over to Lily and began to unbuckle his pants.

    "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Sirius cackled, and pushed the bound Lily onto the ground for James.

    Lily tried to crawl away and scream for help, but the binding and the gag prevented her from doing so

    "Where do you think you're going?" James smirked.

    He pinned the girl down as she was tried helplessly to crawl away. With her legs pinned under his, he yanked down her panties just low enough so they were wrapped around her ankles.

    James was rock hard. He had had a thing for Lily ever since they met, but when she started to hang out with Snape more, he got pissed. Everyone knew him as the jealous type, and he was not one to argue. Fucking Lily was one thing. Having snape watch while he did it was just the sweet, sweet icing on the cake.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:48 No.52087841
    "All right Lily...I hope you're ready" James chuckled.

    Lily was pinned with her stomach to the ground. With one hand, James pushed her face into the dirt. With his other hand, He guided his cock to the mouth of her pussy.

    He teased the tip of his cock in, rubbing it sadistically on her labia and clit.

    "You watching Snape? I'm going to pop her cherry! So glad you could come to the show!"

    "Youph..youfucking...cuntph" Snape uttered, but his lips were too swollen from the beating

    James turned back to Lily. Hot tears were now streaming down her face. She was bawling, but the gag was doing a good job of silencing her whimpers and chokes.

    With his free hand, he brushed some of her tears onto his palm and began lubing his cock with them.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:49 No.52087863
    James positioned his cock again at the lips of her crotch.

    He looked back to his friends and Sirius, all of whom were cheering him on at this point, and rammed his cock into her.

    A loud tearing of skin filled the night air. James had pierced Lily so violently that he had torn off more than he'd intended to. A torrent of blood gushed onto her thigh.

    Lily shrieked and buckled from the pain. Her body was in seizure from the impact, but James kept her pinned. He began pumping into her, using his body weight to force himself as deep as he could. She struggled at first, but as the fucking continued, her resolve disappated.

    Snape could only watch in sheer terror and disgust as James violated her like a rabid dog. The was huffing and howling, the saliva from his carnal pleasure running down his chin. Snape felt nauseous.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:49 No.52087879
    "Uggh FUCK!" James howled.

    In his fervor he had neglected to control his pace. As he was midway through his thrust, the cum rocketed from his cock and coated Lily's walls.

    Lily's felt the warm seed within her and took resolve in the fact that it was finally over.

    "Damn Lily....I've never had a girl who was so fucking tight," James panted as he pulled out of her. "You're really....something special...." he said, slapping her bruised ass as he did.

    "Oi boss! Don't we get a turn too?" Sirius exclaimed.

    "Why not? She's our little whore now bows."

    A bloodied snape looked on as one by one, the boys in the group took turns ravaging her. The gag in her mouth was replaced by a meaty cock. Any boy who hadn't found a warm hole to stick in it simply masturbated to her body and filthied her with his seed.

    James walked over to where snape lay. He lifted up the boy's head and saw the anger of a thousand suns focused at him.

    As the two rivals stared at each other, Snape could feel his consciousness slipping. The blood loss was too much. His mind wandered and his eyes closed. The last thing he saw was James getting ready to penetrate Lily again.

    One day he would kill that man.

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:50 No.52087886
    i put a whole 20 seconds of thought into this and you bash all my hard work. how could you...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:50 No.52087891
    What the fuck is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:50 No.52087912
         File1310943040.jpg-(100 KB, 772x578, reaction sad.jpg)
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    Why did this give me a boner?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:50 No.52087914
         File1310943042.jpg-(49 KB, 400x400, 332635819.561041.jpg)
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    Still not as bad as My Immortal.

    But I still raged
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:51 No.52087951
    >Norio Wakamoto as Sorting Hat
    >Norio Wakamoto as everyone
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:51 No.52087957
         File1310943102.png-(37 KB, 400x541, 1282599930210 (1).png)
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    Draco/Hermione as endgame pairing.

    Awesome heroine plus bad boy turned good by her, through series of wacky adventures and her discovering his 'other side' - you know they'd eat that stuff up. Childhood friends Ron/Hermione would be fucking boring in animu.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:52 No.52087973
    >he had torn off more than he'd intended to. A torrent of blood gushed onto her thigh.
    Confirmed for written by a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:52 No.52088002
    It's her period
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:53 No.52088011
         File1310943183.jpg-(51 KB, 640x480, 1310617548035.jpg)
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    Never heard of My Immortal. Started reading it because of you.
    Two chapters in.
    My. Face.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:53 No.52088039
         File1310943231.jpg-(199 KB, 1920x1080, 5448.jpg)
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    WB needs to make HP anime.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:54 No.52088052
    I'm too used to the actors' voices to come up with seiyuus for them. Fuck.

    Fukuyama Jun for Draco?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:56 No.52088102
    HP anime by JC staff
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:56 No.52088131
    >>With his free hand, he brushed some of her tears onto his palm and began lubing his cock with them.

    Okay, that was pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:57 No.52088148
         File1310943450.jpg-(24 KB, 480x270, 1236017959183.jpg)
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    In that case... Megumi Hayashibara as Hermione...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:57 No.52088157
         File1310943461.png-(52 KB, 330x270, 1283725024291.png)
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    >my face when if an HP anime was ever made, the dub wouldn't use the movie actors

    Yuri Lowenthal, JYB, and Michelle Ruff as the main three.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:57 No.52088161




    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:58 No.52088179
    This should've been in the books. I am sympathising with Snape so much right now. He was such a tragic but awesome character. If this had actually happened, it would've been even more tragic. How could you look the son of the man who did this to your beloved in the eye and not dispise the fuck out of him? Fuck yeah Marauders though, gangraping Lily. brb fappin
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:59 No.52088214
    As always.

    Seriously though, I wouldn't even want the original actors. Yuri Lowenthal is a god, and Michelle Ruff is the American Tsundere.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:00 No.52088232
    HP anime by Studio DEEN

    Also, yes. That was pretty fucking good.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:01 No.52088288
         File1310943690.jpg-(53 KB, 300x562, uh I guess I'll leave now.jpg)
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    >mfw Snape turned out to be the only decent character in the fucking books.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:01 No.52088292

    Someone tell Da Hootch this idea, I need to see it drawn.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:02 No.52088312
    HP anime by Sunrise

    Homolust... Homolust everywhere!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:03 No.52088338
    >Yuri Lowenthal is a god,

    At doing the single voice hes capable of.


    And Luna.
    And the twins.
    And Dobby.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:04 No.52088370
         File1310943851.gif-(113 KB, 280x210, 1308960398668.gif)
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    >On the night of the concert I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists. I read a depressing book while I waited for it to stop bleeding and I listened to some GC. I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick. I didn’t put on foundation because I was pale anyway. I drank some human blood so I was ready to go to the concert.

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:05 No.52088407
    >And the twins.
    You're right. I kinda forgot about them because you know... THAT FUCKING MOVIE.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:05 No.52088417
    Jesus Christ how would you cover the entirety of the HP timeline? I think 12 episodes for each year would be good.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:06 No.52088436
         File1310943976.jpg-(170 KB, 595x769, 14861682_p1.jpg)
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    If it were up to me the Harry Potter anime would be a maurader-era prequel 6 ep OVA written by Key and animated by kyoani. And Snape would be an ugly greasy conniving sorry excuse for a human being, just like he is in the books. Remus is moe.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:06 No.52088444

    First two/three books perhaps, but squeezing any other book into that would be hell.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:07 No.52088456
    twelve episodes would give them a few more hours than the movies.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:08 No.52088508
    How about getting a different studio to work on each book?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:08 No.52088516
    Whoops, I always mix up Lowenthal with Troy Baker.
    Troy Baker IS a god.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:09 No.52088529
    You guys are all thinking of the anime.

    But have you considered the hilarity of british wizards voice by japanese people who clearly cannot speak british dialect?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:09 No.52088547

    >Deathly Hallows animated by Gainax.

    My god...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:10 No.52088575
    It would cost tens of millions of dollars to hire the original actors to do a Harry Potter anime dub.

    That's more than the budgets of most Japanese animation studios.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:11 No.52088588
         File1310944282.png-(283 KB, 600x558, things like that make me sick.png)
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    >You could have as many villain types as you want from Slytherin
    >Slytherin is full of villains
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:11 No.52088593
    That's what I was thinking too.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:11 No.52088602
         File1310944305.jpg-(1.05 MB, 2304x3408, 1162035956538.jpg)
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    They were supposed to speak French or something.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:12 No.52088611
    Harry Potter prequel anime by Gainax.

    Pun's on Lovegood's name. Freud out the ass. And Harry's death/rez being trippier than the last two episodes of Evangelion.

    Oh, and Giant robots everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:12 No.52088622
    I think the best part of this anime would be the seiyuu's saying stuff like "ALBUSU DAMBULADOORRUU" and "ABADA KADABULA" and "ZA MINISTULLY OFU MAGIKKU".
    Seriously, the lulz lay there.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:13 No.52088645
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:13 No.52088647
    At first I got a terrible headache and wanted to stop right after the first "VAMPIRE", but in an attempt to prevent brain damage I turned everything off and am reading it now in a nigh-drunken state. Shits hilarious

    >AN: wel ok u guyz im only writting dis cuz I got 5 god reviuws. n BTW I wont rite da nxt chapter til I git TIN god vons! STO FLAMING OR ILL REPORT U! Evony isn’t a Marie Sue ok she isn’t perfect SHES A SATANITS! n she has problemz shes depressed 4 godz sake!

    Fucking comedy gold right here.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:13 No.52088655
    Bones for Half-Blood Prince
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:13 No.52088676
    as long as it avoids the Potter saga as much as fucking possible I'm happy.

    DumbledorexGrindelwald animated would be cool, culminating in their fight for Europe.

    Treasure hunting and dragon taming with the Weasleys.

    The founding of Hogwarts and the break up of the 4 founders.

    SoL set in hogwarts, either before or after HP.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:14 No.52088694

    My immortal is a goldmine. Check the dramatic readings on youtube.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:15 No.52088712

    Imagine the final battles of said book. Gainax turns them up to eleven with giant robots and prohibited magic everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:15 No.52088744
    KanaHana for Luna. Fuck the story and plot. Just her doing silly quibler things.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:16 No.52088758

    Someone call them.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:16 No.52088759
    >>her resolve disappated.

    Is it bad that I read this as 'her resolve disapperated'?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:16 No.52088772
    Peppered with random British slang.
    Buroodi heru
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:17 No.52088801

    The seriousness will be perfect. And dramatic.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:18 No.52088811
    Harry Potter localized in Japan: All the girls transform into Magical Girls and all the guys preform all their magic through magic circles and spell books.

    Voldemort is actually a tall man surrounded by hundreds of naked women held captive. You don't see Voldemort's face because it's being covered by a cool mask with horns on it. Voldemort is not a wizard but a Demon King.

    Harry Potter discovers his powers when he is, gasp, almost killed by a death eater. Just like all the other spineless MC who discovers their powers through near death experiences.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:19 No.52088839
    It doesn't matter, in the end the Mary Sue will end up with the mc and the best twin dies.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:20 No.52088865
    za filosofaastonu
    za chambaru of sekulatuu
    za pulisona of azukabana
    za gobuletto obu fiyaa
    za ahdah of za fenikuso
    za habbu bulattu pulinnsu
    za desuly harrowsu parto wan e parto tuú
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:20 No.52088874
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    No no, stop it. You're making me hate everything.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:21 No.52088893
    but that IS how harry gets his powers

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:22 No.52088920
    DEEN can have the Chamber of Secrets. We would actually need a good studio for the first book, to introduce all the concepts and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:25 No.52089016

    You forgot to mention that Ron and Neville are the most badass among the students, being able of blasting high level magic and martial arts.

    Dumbledore is like the cool kung-fu master that can obliterate everything, but with magic.

    The Weasleys were all heroes in wars, specially the twins.

    Bellatrix is the tipycal fanservice girl among the villains, and she has random powers and shit.

    All the girls get a nude scene every now and then, and actually Ron fucks with Hermione near the end.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:26 No.52089032
    The best thing about having a different studio work on each book would be that there would be no wait between series. They could air back to back.

    And you would get different designs for every character.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:27 No.52089075
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:30 No.52089177

    Suggestions for the first book? Maybe Shaft?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:30 No.52089185
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:31 No.52089219
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:32 No.52089247
    Best thread on /a/ in weeks.
    Also, every fucking post added to this thread only makes me want to see a goddamn HP anime more and MORE.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:33 No.52089253
    Not Shaft for fuck's sake, everyone would get the wrong idea about the concepts as Shaft would try to be "creative".
    Give Shaft another one
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:34 No.52089310

    Shaft would be good for Azkaban. The time travel thing would become crazy.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:34 No.52089316
    KyoAni would be the perfect studio
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:39 No.52089463
    No. KyoAni is perfect for Azkaban. SoL is right up their alley.

    Also, nearing chapter 21 of My Immortal. Seeing that I have to type nearly every sentence three times until I get them right, I'd say I fried a good part of my brain with that shit. On the other hand, it's fucking hilarious
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:39 No.52089479
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    Bones' take on Luna.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:42 No.52089570
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:42 No.52089596
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    I'm telling you man. Kyoani + Key would be perfect for a short marauder prequel. Just think, Angel Beats type character writing with Disappearance level animation. It would be glorious.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:45 No.52089658
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    Luna is like a mix between her and fish girl. Actually, I think she's more like Nia.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:45 No.52089670
    I'm sorry, I'm way too busy enjoying my first readthrough of My Immortal.
    >“Yeah fucking right! Fuck off, you bastard!” I screamed. I ran out of the room and into the Forbidden Forest where I had lost my virility to Draco and then I started to bust into tears.

    Tell me truthfrully, is this a troll, or just a generic american emo girl?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:45 No.52089674
    Nia is GAINAX's take on Luna.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:46 No.52089688

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:47 No.52089713
    That's studio Pierrot, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:47 No.52089734
    >let your imagination run wild
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:48 No.52089752

    I think to think of it as a troll. I don't want to think there are people out there who are really this retarded, or I might get depressed.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:49 No.52089799
    Might be real. There's plenty of depressed, self-cutting emo 13-year-olds out there. But this is just so bad that's it's good, and I can't believe this has really come from someone's truthful mind.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:51 No.52089846
    I heard J.K. Rowling actually commented about the notorious My Immortal Fanfiction.

    I read it somewhere but I forgot where.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:53 No.52089921
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    >this entire thread
    >none of this will happen

    The real killer is that Rowling is so stinking fucking rich that even if an anime turned out terrible she wouldn't lose more than some pocket change.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:54 No.52089931
    Will there be a beach episode is the main question here.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:54 No.52089945
    Harry Potter Anime with all the original actors voicing the characters.

    What's funnier than the seiyuu's trying to speak a british japanese dialect is having british people trying to speak a british japanese dialect.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:55 No.52089990

    You know the scene where Harry ane Dumbledore is out in the middle of an ocean?

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:57 No.52090050
    There will be a lake episode with giant squid-kun.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:57 No.52090066

    Oh yes, so much wrist-slitting my eyebrows started twitching.

    Also, those fucking descriptions.

    >Then all of a suddenly, an horrible man with red eyes and no nose and everything started flying towards me on a broomstick! He didn’t have a nose (basically like Voldemort in the movie) and he was wearing all black but it was obvious he wasn’t gothic. It was…… Voldemort!

    And contrary to saying he'll fucking kill everyone, he never did. Kinda sad.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:58 No.52090111
    Does anybody know some good dramatic readings for My Immortal?

    I only found one on youtube and it's of chapter seventeen. I tried to look for more and that's all there was.

    The rest of the dramatic readings out on youtube were fuckin terrible.

    I want something to laugh to, not something to listen to intently
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:59 No.52090174
    Definitely a beach episode with Luna, Hermione, Cho, Parvati, Lily for some reason, Minerva and everyone you can think of in tight bikini's and then Ron does something stupid and everyone's panties fly off and everyone sees them but they're covered convenviently by the gianty squid's tentacles.

    My god. All of my life essence for this scene.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:01 No.52090244
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:03 No.52090298

    Nope. Although if you said Sprout...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:03 No.52090309
    Everyone would do the fuck out of Maggie-chan if they had the chance.

    "I've always wanted to try that spell!" was so goddamn moe, I wanted to whack my dick across her face.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:04 No.52090337
    This post makes me think Yuri Lowenthal would be perfect for Ron.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:05 No.52090353
    Depends on the studio, Anon.
    Gainax would probably find a way to add a beach episode amidst the world-travelling in Deathly Hallows.
    The trio apparate on a beach, set the tent and suddenly the whole school shows up because they're having some kind of holiday.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:05 No.52090370
    nargles, nargles everywhere
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:07 No.52090431

    God damn Mcgonagall was such a boss in the last movie.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:07 No.52090438
    Harry Potter was shit, they focused way too much on that faggot vilain, but I loved the setting and side characters.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:08 No.52090473
    Don't you know, McGonagall looks good in a swimming suit. Looks like it's time to copy-pasta from my favorite harry potter fanfic.

    >"Hello," Remus says, blinking, "is that McGonagall?"

    >"Don't toy with my heart so when I haven’t had time to become bronzed and godlike," says Sirius. "It’s not
    McGoogles. She lives at school."

    >"No," Remus assures him, blinking. "No, I’m, er, fairly certain it's McGonagall."

    >Sirius rolls up onto his elbows, squinting. "It's the sun. You've got to be -- it's the sun. Isn't it?"

    >It is not the sun, but Remus really does understand where Sirius is coming from. There is a certain haze that surrounds a teacher out of context, a kind of surreal blur, compounded in this case by a) the sun, which seems to bleach all the reality out of everything; b) her red-and-gold swimming costume, which seems to include some kind of corset and apparently dates from 1896; and c) the young, extraordinarily handsome man lounging by McGonagall's side in royal-blue swimming trunks and whispering into her ear.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:09 No.52090492
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    Definitely a Marauders spin-off. I mean, just fucking look at my pic!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:11 No.52090577
    >"Oh, my sainted aunt," James breathes

    >Sirius dives with shocking alacrity under his beach towel. “Are you -- is that a -- I can't believe it, when -- how could she?! How could he?! I--!”

    >"It's her boyfriend!" Peter yelps, too loud, and the objects of their scrutiny look up and directly at them.

    >There is a moment of horrified recognition on all sides. However, McGonagall is far better versed than they are in matters requiring composure, maturity, and being slick. She smoothes the hair at her left temple idly, giving them all a long, measured look. It says, quite clearly, Now I have seen you all in the equivalent of your underwear. You are lucky there is so little time left between us as professor and student. It's going to be hell. It doesn't seem to mention that now they've seen her in the equivalent of her underwear, probably because it's a far more pleasant sight.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:11 No.52090591
    So fucking moe. First she duelled the shit out of Snape, which she didn't dare until Harry showed up, then she did this LOCOMOTIVE spell and summoned a motherfucking army of statues, before going all SQUE and moe saying she'd always wanted to use that spell. Seriously, I could've fucking hugged her. I also had this emotion in the book.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:13 No.52090631
    Stop it now ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:13 No.52090636
    This. HP was best when story related faggotry was less prominent, or completely missing.
    I'm certain we all can agree that Azkaban is the best book, and look who was fucking unimportant in that book.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:20 No.52090897
    Its funny how Harry and Voldemort, the two most important characters in the series, were absolutely terrible characters in an otherwise great caste.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:21 No.52090983
    The setting was awesome, I loved when they showed mages from other countries, instead of more magical world and magical life hijinks, we got an albino bald faggot fagging everything up and emo potter, I would kill to read a book about the side characters.

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