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  • File : 1309364619.jpg-(173 KB, 1366x768, ban&.jpg)
    173 KB Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:23 No.51275191  
    >I was posting the latest chapter of nozoki ana

    So do we have a new mod or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:24 No.51275234
         File1309364683.jpg-(473 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p058.jpg)
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    oh well m just gonna finish it here
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:24 No.51275242
    i guess
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:25 No.51275248
    Nope, we accept non /a/ related threads ONLY.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:25 No.51275275
         File1309364757.jpg-(532 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p059.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:26 No.51275283
         File1309364770.jpg-(53 KB, 694x346, how a work.jpg)
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    it's just how /a/ work.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:27 No.51275341
         File1309364855.jpg-(538 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p060.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:28 No.51275368

    Meanwhile that faggot with the script is spamming multiple threads

    Mods u so crazy
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:28 No.51275379
         File1309364918.jpg-(534 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p061.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:30 No.51275421
         File1309365000.jpg-(542 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p062.jpg)
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    Autosage spammer shit all over the place.

    I get banned for posting manga.

    Good going mod
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:30 No.51275466
         File1309365059.jpg-(534 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p063.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:31 No.51275467

    Leave spamming to the professionals
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:31 No.51275502

    maybe the mod hates Nozoki Ana?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:32 No.51275512
         File1309365145.jpg-(505 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p064.jpg)
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    And i what i wrote denied asap.

    You nozoki hater or something mod.

    I hate to ask but are you mad for something?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:33 No.51275531
         File1309365193.jpg-(552 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p065.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:34 No.51275564
         File1309365257.jpg-(543 KB, 992x1400, nzk_06_p066.jpg)
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    >Emiru end.

    Goddamit she is the fucking cocktease queen
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:35 No.51275616
         File1309365339.jpg-(226 KB, 1221x1129, 1307410525568.jpg)
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    alright then
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:36 No.51275640
    Let the mods be pathetic at last. Also we had an CP thread that went 170 replies haha.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:36 No.51275642
         File1309365387.jpg-(246 KB, 1275x994, endofdubs.jpg)
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    New mods are fags OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:36 No.51275653
         File1309365407.jpg-(54 KB, 512x597, 1299076837870.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:37 No.51275684
    this is fake, look there aren´t any drops on her right leg.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:38 No.51275697
    manga goes in /m/.
    anime goes in /jp/
    /a/ is for dubs and hook-up threads
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:38 No.51275705
         File1309365505.jpg-(28 KB, 534x401, 1302651982182.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:38 No.51275709
         File1309365509.jpg-(183 KB, 820x568, lolmod.jpg)
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    New mod is very new, we already knew that.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:39 No.51275730
         File1309365547.jpg-(90 KB, 405x412, 1299521745942.jpg)
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    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:39 No.51275731

    Ive been here for a year but I still dont know how to unban myself. Can you tell me so if the mods start being faggots again I wont be banned forever for something stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:39 No.51275745
    I reported a thread earlier and it actually got deleted. there must be a new mod.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:40 No.51275755
    Now what would be the good of making that information public?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:40 No.51275764
         File1309365634.jpg-(149 KB, 630x469, 1295988903770.jpg)
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    oh shit he doesnt like guro

    brb opening guro folder
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:41 No.51275783

    Just askin bro. You could delete it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:41 No.51275801
    It's probably one of mootles' new friends from facebo- I mean /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:41 No.51275803

    After about 5 minutes***
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:41 No.51275813
    >Spam scrpit fag with no sage gets to spam whatever thread he likes with no ban
    >Anon who actually uploads /a/ related content gets banned
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:42 No.51275826
         File1309365734.jpg-(27 KB, 500x400, 1298544788352.jpg)
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    Hah faggot.

    Kill yourself.

    But im gonna be gentle with you look at the first post.

    There is a hint in that first picture.

    Find it and you are good to go
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:43 No.51275862
    Collateral damage. It happens every summer when we need a new mod.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:44 No.51275880
         File1309365842.jpg-(84 KB, 800x750, 1297163428054.jpg)
    84 KB
    I wasn't spamming shit for a long time.

    I lost my folder too ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:44 No.51275887

    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:45 No.51275907
    wtf is that?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:45 No.51275915

    Ok downloaded that shit. Now does it work automatically?

    I apologize in advance for being such a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:46 No.51275930

    That, my friend, is a chode.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:46 No.51275932
         File1309365979.jpg-(186 KB, 640x617, 1294963223743.jpg)
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    So i heard new mod doesnt like guro.

    Well lets go
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:47 No.51275959
         File1309366070.jpg-(98 KB, 600x450, 1290962406853.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:48 No.51275974
         File1309366115.jpg-(99 KB, 907x835, 1308662161880.jpg)
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    i got banned too
    pic related,he said they're garbage
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:49 No.51275986

    Haha fuck off
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:49 No.51275992
    I'm beginning to like the new mod.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:49 No.51276005
         File1309366184.jpg-(172 KB, 1024x1368, 1288899164274.jpg)
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    I why ed so hard to this
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:50 No.51276027
         File1309366233.jpg-(43 KB, 366x380, 33xueiw.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:52 No.51276071
         File1309366357.jpg-(120 KB, 1024x763, 1285653093423.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:55 No.51276161
    I was ok until now, but that's just sick
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:00 No.51276268
         File1309366834.gif-(2.69 MB, 500x281, kill everyone in this thread.gif)
    2.69 MB
    >that feel when mods don't do their fucking job
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:01 No.51276292
         File1309366881.jpg-(42 KB, 248x252, r.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:03 No.51276362
    I <3 this thread.
    >> Amu !!R45rZYnZ+Lw 06/29/11(Wed)13:03 No.51276384
    Wow, what if the horse would eat the cock?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:04 No.51276405
    Then we had some more gore in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:05 No.51276436
         File1309367118.jpg-(73 KB, 1043x454, goddammit.jpg)
    73 KB
    I got banned for posting 1 image of KoG/Yugi.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:06 No.51276495
         File1309367202.jpg-(20 KB, 493x402, 1302434068504.jpg)
    20 KB
    is it biting his dick?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:07 No.51276510
    >Get banned for posting manga
    >Leave scriptkiddy spammers alone

    Only on /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:09 No.51276590

    And now there are guro and scat spammers and no bans are being handed to them.

    What the fuck kind of mods did you hire, Moot?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:12 No.51276667
    Pathetic mods are pathetic.

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