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06/27/11(Mon)18:39 No.51203660 File1309214381.jpg-(62 KB, 544x400, 1297723779611.jpg)
 O my dear poor denizens of /co/.
I have come from /a/ to tell you some horrible news.
Your "medium" sucks. You are brought up to be complete trash!
of the numerous cartoons and comics you like can be considered "good"
on technical levels let alone be considered "masterpieces" of even
"works of art."
And before you play the "Miyazaki" card... I have this...
A review! A review that is not from a sell out with good PR like Roger
Ebert, but an honest critic who cares about movies and dares to
challenge people with critical thinking.
Every single cartoon and
comic you have read, is terrible. Besides crummy art work, there are
never any characters, story, or important themes or messages, at least
none that are important or well defined. If there is a story in an
cartoon orcomic, than it is always buried under mounds of mounds of
obscurantist postmodern jargon and meaningless Christian symbolism that
was put in there because the author is too lazy to do research. And when
you find the story, you will have to admit that it was full of holes
and didn't make sense. To top it all off, you have probably never even
known what a "character" is or what it is supposed to be. Or even how
things like "narrative" are supposed to work. That saddens me greatly.
all have been brought up to believe that the only thing that makes a
character good is for it to either have a power level of over 9000, or
to be pretty, and with the warped aesthetics of anime dictating what is
"sexy" or "pretty" or "anatomically correct", that's debatable. Very
very debatable. |