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  • File : 1308208619.jpg-(28 KB, 331x312, 1254215405487.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:16 No.50710885  
    2ch: Do you realize you're a Nikawa Otaku (the worst type otaku)?

    thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime

    Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!

    try to hind your powerlevel

    SHAFT fanboy

    take anime seriously

    Love Madoka and K-on!

    Care about BD sales

    >エヴァの新劇場版だけ見て TVアニメ版は見てない
    Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series

    >1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
    The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka

    KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%

    fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:18 No.50710921
    Well 90% of /a/ just got told, I guess.
    But I'll give a shit when their women stop squealing like they're being murdered in pornos.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:18 No.50710928
    I giggled
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:19 No.50710956
    >greentext moonrunes
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:19 No.50710965
    I guess is time to stop enjoying things, then
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:20 No.50710974
    >Caring about a blog, which is essentially someones opinions on another group of people.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:20 No.50710978
    I'm not really sure what you're trying to tell me, /a/non
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:20 No.50710989
    I'm have yet to see people who like K-ON and Bakemonogatari or K-ON and Angel Beats. Actually, I've yet to see people that actually like K-ON and don't just watch it to turn off their minds.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:20 No.50710999
    Are they talking to us?

    Tell them that only summerfags think that way
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:21 No.50711018
    so, guarenteed replies thread??
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:21 No.50711035 ok with this
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:23 No.50711073
         File1308208988.png-(14 KB, 142x66, whatever.png)
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    >Care about BD sales

    Troll harder
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:23 No.50711079
    >hating madoka even though madoka has the most number of thread in 2ch
    >> ♥Kyouko♥ !eeGgVmXKGk 06/16/11(Thu)03:23 No.50711088
    >thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime
    "Fun anime?"
    Define "fun."
    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!
    >try to hind your powerlevel
    I do not normally chopper my powerlevel.
    >SHAFT fanboy
    >take anime seriously
    I take books seriously. Why can't I take cartoons seriously?
    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    Love Madoka, can do without K-On!
    >Care about BD sales
    >Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
    Seen both. Deal with it, nip.
    >The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
    I like Madoka. K-On
    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    That's not Type-Moon.

    0/10 2ch, try again.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:24 No.50711102
    Is this supposed to be a checklist?

    If so, 10/10 spot on. Especially #1.
    >> NotAnonymous !lPNGFk.N7k 06/16/11(Thu)03:24 No.50711109
    thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime

    Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!

    try to hind your powerlevel

    SHAFT fanboy
    >Not really, Im' more into KyoAni

    take anime seriously

    Love Madoka and K-on!

    Care about BD sales

    >エヴァの新劇場版だけ見て TVアニメ版は見てない
    Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series

    >1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
    The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
    >I still prefer K-ON!

    KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%

    fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    >Haven't read enough VN to choose a favorite.

    Am I a cancer?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:25 No.50711128
    Lol, what?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:25 No.50711153
    I put nikawa into a japanese dictionary and got glue, but the OP is clearly using it to mean "good taste."
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:25 No.50711158
    Otaku level in Gainax anime

    >にわか  エヴァ
    Niwaka  NGE

    >一般   ナディア
    normalfag   Nadia

    >オタ   トップをねらえ
    otaku  Gunbuster

    >ガイナ厨 王立宇宙軍 フリクリ
    Gainaxfag he Wings of Honnêamise, FLCL
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:28 No.50711242
    Why do people keep comparing madoka to k-on?

    Oh right, trolls.

    Also I don't even like bakemonogatari, but after the BD sales japan doesn't get to imply that they don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:28 No.50711243
    OP meant Niwaka.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:28 No.50711244
    I thought 2ch ate K-SHIT and Angel Shits up. Guess they aren't all tasteless faggots.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:28 No.50711246
    Since when did /a/ give a shit about Japan's opinion?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:28 No.50711265
         File1308209334.jpg-(51 KB, 640x360, laughing milkyholems3d.jpg)
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    that's gotta hurt anons
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:28 No.50711268
         File1308209337.jpg-(645 KB, 3020x2000, b0a2a1f4a379604f4b96feee8d05eb(...).jpg)
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    Why yes. The Mil Mi-24 Hind is an accurate representation of my power level.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:29 No.50711289
    But it was agreed that Japan has shit taste.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:31 No.50711359
    "niwaka-otaku" = someone, who wants to be an Otaku, but fails.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:32 No.50711365
    But only newfags like madoshit and bakeshit
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:32 No.50711381
    The top selling thing in Japan was Gundam Seed Destiny for a long time. They shouldn't even attempt to talk shit when they bought that trash so much. But then again, youre most likely trolling.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:34 No.50711436
    >The top selling thing in Japan was Gundam Seed Destiny for a long time.

    Bakemonogatari ranked 2
    Madoka ranked 3
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:34 No.50711450
    >someone, who wants to be an Otaku, but fails.
    sounds like the weeaboo shaft and kyoani fans to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:35 No.50711469
    and? They suck aswell.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:36 No.50711504

    I legitimately enjoyed Bakemonogatari but I would not RECOMMEND it to anyone for obvious reasons. I watched K-ON while it was airing to have my weekly dose of light-hearted bullshit. Angel beats was alright but should've been longer.

    I don't know what the point of my post is.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:36 No.50711508
         File1308209818.jpg-(338 KB, 640x2496, 1286731261458.jpg)
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    That makes more sense. I guess they're calling me a post-evangelion biter.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:37 No.50711510

    I stand corrected. Trash still reigns supreme if SEED is still there in number 1.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:37 No.50711512
         File1308209835.png-(507 KB, 560x789, Shinji is my favourite, yo(...).png)
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    So liking popular things is bad? Fuck them Akabei games are fun.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:37 No.50711516
    otaku janai

    >thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime
    fun things are fun, but Angel Beats was a drama. Funny? I don't think so, Tim.

    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!
    People? Oh, on the net. Yeah, they are both good series (but get the BD version of Bakemonogatari).

    >try to hind your powerlevel
    I don't hide the things at home, but don't run around with Naruto gear or anime shirts either.

    >SHAFT fanboy
    they made some great shows and some bad shows.

    >take anime seriously
    It's a pasttime

    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    Fuck yeah!

    >Care about BD sales
    They keep the industry alive, so yes

    >Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
    I only saw the remastered version of the anime.
    Both rebuild BD are sitting in my shelf

    >The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
    I still like them both. Can't wait for the movie.

    >KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    >SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%
    Guess what? You listed two of my favourite studios.

    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    I don't play vidya, sorry
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:38 No.50711552
    >but Angel Beats was a drama. Funny? I don't think so, Tim.
    What? AB! had some great comedy scenes. Don't forget comedy is a form of drama.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:40 No.50711601
    >Shaft fanboy.
    Alright, that one fucking hits close to home. Shaft is my favorite studio even before Bakemonagatari and Madoka. 7/10. Frustrated.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:40 No.50711612
    Evangelion is #1
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:41 No.50711620
    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    >AKABEi and Nitro+
    What the hell, and no Type-moon? If you want to be hipster, putting typemoon there would seem fucking essential, or is it not popular in moonland?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:42 No.50711654
    I thought angel beats and bakemono were shit.
    I found K-ON! boring.
    I liked Madoka
    I don't recommend shit
    I don't hide my powerlevel
    I don't care about japanese media that's not anime/manga

    2Chan are you even trying?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:42 No.50711671
         File1308210178.jpg-(1.01 MB, 1333x1600, 1194147587772.jpg)
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    >All the obvious patterns and trollage
    >MFW no one calls this thread out on being 100% gorespammer
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:44 No.50711717
    TM is huge, but isn't really "in" right now (FSN was what, 7-8 years ago?), if I'm following this thread correctly.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:46 No.50711753
    So Steins;Gate fans are Nikawa Otaku too?
    Fucking agreed.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 06/16/11(Thu)03:47 No.50711794
         File1308210439.jpg-(68 KB, 706x648, tongm.jpg)
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    >caring what hipsters think just because they're Japanese.
    >taking cherrypicked troll posts seriously
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:47 No.50711797
    Of course they are.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:47 No.50711805
    SG is 5pb.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48 No.50711817
         File1308210484.jpg-(11 KB, 275x183, images.jpg)
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    >this thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48 No.50711824
    Looks like this thread hits too close to home for you huh.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48 No.50711828
         File1308210514.jpg-(17 KB, 248x218, 1305578518022.jpg)
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    >people wanting to be otaku
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48 No.50711837
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    I fixed the shit translation:

    Excessively praises Bakemonogatari and K-ON

    People who DO NOT try to hide their powerlevel

    Talking about anime without any inhibitions. (ie openly in public, work, school etc)

    People watching Madoka and K-ON

    Also just so we're clear, It's NIWAKA not nikawa. Niwaka basically means sudden or instant. It's someone who thinks that being an otaku is awesome, thinks of it as something to be proud of, and isn't aware of his faggotry and how other people think he's fucking disgusting and annoying. It's a perfect analog to newfag.

    tl;dr Your translation is fucking fail. It's NIWAKA not Nikawa and it means newfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48 No.50711843
    Thought that too, but it seems /a/ isn't stupid enough to fall for it... yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:49 No.50711854
    thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime
    I find K-ON the most boring thing on Earth. Didn't even watch Angel Beats.

    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!
    Bakemonogatari seemed like a good story with interesting characters, but the animation was unbereable and everything dragged forever. Of course I will never ever recommed K-ON

    >try to hind your powerlevel
    Of course. No need to be an annoying weaboo.

    >SHAFT fanboy
    I don't like SHAFT and hate all the fanboyism around it.

    >take anime seriously
    Never. And even less seriously than a real book.

    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    I could say I loved Madoka, but when comparing to madofags I think I just liked it. K-ON nope.jpg

    >Care about BD sales
    As if what neckbeards buy would prove anything.

    >Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
    Never finished the TV series. Never watched the movies.

    >The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
    Again. No.

    >KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%
    I'm not fan of any studio, if I like an anime I watch it but it doesn't mean I will look forward to more from that studio. I prefer manga anyways.

    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    My only VN is Umineko, and I don't give a shit about the genre.

    So am I already better than most of you?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:50 No.50711890
    >People who DO NOT try to hide their powerlevel

    They just jelly, because nobody comes to visit their homes, let alone females.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:50 No.50711899
    That's like wanting to become a sociopathic ugly pedophile. Not metaphorically, literally.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:51 No.50711935
    > but isn't really "in" right now
    > Fate/Zero anime this fall
    > Girls' Work anime sometime later
    > Carnival Phantasm OVA at some point this year
    Seems pretty "in" to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:53 No.50711972
    That's just ufotable being tasteless nerds about what they adapt.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:53 No.50711975

    Don't forget Mahou Tsukai no Yoru is coming out soon.

    Tsukihime remake too, eventually.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:53 No.50711977
    It's ok, Japan has shit taste in everything. What would they know?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:55 No.50712031
    > tasteless nerds
    > Bringing back the Urobuchi+Kajiura pairup almost immediateyl
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 06/16/11(Thu)03:56 No.50712068
    >Angel beats is sad, not fun. K-ON was okay, but I haven't bothered with the second season yet.

    >I don't recommend either to people. I haven't even watched Bakemonogatari.

    >I don't have to hide my power level. It's not that high, though I do collect figures. But I don't hide it. That said, I don't advertise it either, unless someone asks.

    >I really hate Madoka's fanbase. K-ON is okay, but I don't love it. Madoka as a show was pretty good, but I don't love it.

    >I don't care about sales. Good shows are good.

    >Rebuild is shit. The graphics are nice, and some things which cater to older EVA fans are nice, but the T.V. series is the best. I got all the platinum edition DVD's as they were coming out.

    >Didn't love K-ON, don't love Madoka.

    >Dislike KyoAni, SHAFT is just okay sometimes.

    >I hardly play VNs, I just like Umineko. Nitro+ is alright though, I guess. Haven't heard of that other one.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:56 No.50712070
    Take the example nitro, they just got a recent surge because one of their writers did madoka. TM hasn't really had anything like that for a while, plus they haven't released a new VN in ages.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 06/16/11(Thu)03:58 No.50712109

    Oh, I forgot two:

    >I am not a SHAFT fanboy. I only like them sometimes. I am not a fanboy for anything.

    >I also do not take anime seriously. I liked analyzing Evangelion, but there are few anime like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:59 No.50712132
    HA! I don't recommend K-ON, I don't really bother if people know about my powerlevel, I like some SHAFT, and I don't, who takes annimu seriously I 've seen eva, I liked 2 animes, and I still liek K-ON, not just only last year, I've liked KyoAni and Shaft stuff, favorite VN studio is Overdrive and KID, I know it's not as good storywise, but it usually has great laughs and I got into them before I learned jap
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:59 No.50712142
    >implying Japan doesn't like K-ON!, Madoka or Bakemonogatari
    Oh 2ch, you so crazy. You guys wer all over that shit. Plus:

    >getting angry at gaijin's for not buying BD's
    >implying they don't care about BD sales

    >think SHAFT and KyoAni are shit
    >only buy there products.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:00 No.50712171
    Fuck off OP, I refuse to be put together with the mainstream rubble of /a/.
    I only watch cool and edgy anime for cool and edgy guys such as myself.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:01 No.50712193
         File1308211316.jpg-(69 KB, 469x428, 1292516641398.jpg)
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    >Dat selective nitpicking
    >Dem intentional mistranslations
    >Dat misrepresentation

    OP is definitely not gorespammer. Nope.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:04 No.50712249
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:05 No.50712289
         File1308211536.png-(224 KB, 479x359, 1307677541601.png)
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    >mfw I liked Tatami Galaxy, K-ON, AnoHana, Hourou Musuko, Clannad, Haruhi, etc.
    >mfw I enjoyed Madoka and BMG but never liked it THAT much.
    >mfw I'm a KyoAi fag

    So what is 2ch doing really? I'm confused. I don't fit in like a peg with their description.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:06 No.50712330
    OP is from sankakucomplex.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:07 No.50712335
    >1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
    OP, this says:
    "I loved K-ON!! last year, but now I'm addicted to Madoka Magica."
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:07 No.50712355

    It doesn't says Angel Beats is "fun" anime, it says "Omoshiroi", it can be indeed fun, but is also used to say "interesting"
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:09 No.50712431
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    >ITT no read no write people falling for mistranslations of OP's faggotry.

    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:10 No.50712434
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:12 No.50712502

    Google translation is hilarious.
    >> /a/ !!jhgVZ1bcEDg 06/16/11(Thu)04:12 No.50712514
    >all of those things
    Yep, sure is the worst type of fa-
    >SHAFT fanboy
    This better only apply to recent work, their older stuff was great.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:13 No.50712540






    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:16 No.50712602
    First off
    >obvious troll thread
    >I don't give a shit about studios, just the anime they make. I'm not anyone's "fanboy".
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:48 No.50713390
    What is niwaka-otaku?

    Basically means, who pretends as hardcore otaku by just watches only anime(s) on boom.

    Who believes in, being otaku is status symbol.
    Who,,, asserts for his/her/some's friend, prouds of, appeals,,, that he/she/some is otaku.

    Most of them are students or nikofags or so on.
    Who hasn't been noticed that he/she/some is treated,,, as creepy thing by non-otaku, as uzai desu by real-otaku.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:53 No.50713499

    This is certainly strange because from what I've read.. the person who made this list is actually the one that is taking being otaku seriously and a status symbol

    He's basically saying that everyone else is a casual and inferior to his hipster otaku refined tastes
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:55 No.50713559

    fags and their g-senjou no maou. i do like AKB2 but for konboku and WLO
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:59 No.50713629
    Wow, a thread based on a blog post from some random japanese faggot.
    Sure is Sankaku in here.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)04:59 No.50713631
    If you are a 2ch who calls other people newfags and casuals isn't that a sign that you are the one who is taking anime as SRS BUSINESS GAIS?

    Cognitive dissonance, cognitive dissonance everywhere!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:02 No.50713706
    >Hating KyoAni because of K-ON!
    I seriously hope people don't do this.

    Especially because these same people probably love Haruhi and Lucky Star.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:04 No.50713749
    Except not that. And stop using that cancerous word here of all places. Niwaka are essentially followers/hoppers when it comes to popular things, any current things that are popular. Supposedly acts like they're major otaku, typically don't hide their status as one, especially when asked, and thinks being one is a status symbol, something to be proud. They're oblivious to how non-otaku thinks/perceives them.

    Also, this is a god damn troll thread. OP's translations are full of fail, and is trolling enough.
    >> Thelostcup !!qaqXYBhmuQ/ 06/16/11(Thu)05:05 No.50713763
    2ch is gay anyway
    Futaba has all the bros
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:06 No.50713771
    Anime, anime, anime and anime.
    Why would VN fags care about this?
    TM main occupation is making VNs and they didn't do shit in 6 years
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:08 No.50713800
    Weird, I thought they had higher power levels than us (summer not factoring).
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:09 No.50713804

    I dunno.. it does seem hipster-ish to me. What else do you call an otaku who looks down on other otaku for enjoying things that are faddish and mainstream popular?

    Exactly.... a hipster
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:11 No.50713839
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    >Comparing K-On to Madoka
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:16 No.50713949
    Actually a niwaka otaku would be closer to a hipster.
    It's basically elitists looking down on hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:19 No.50713995
    /a/ - 4chan's shame
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:20 No.50714023

    >Implying the story is not the only difference between K-ON and Madoka.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:22 No.50714054
    How often do you guys think this will reposted in the near future?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:22 No.50714056
    >thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime
    Nope. 面白い can mean either interesting or fun/amusing. I didn't find either interesting, but AB was kind of entertaining. The drama was bad, though.
    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!
    >try to hind your powerlevel
    The runes say "隠そうとしない", "しない" is negative, which means that it says "doesn't hide powerlevel". Nope in either case, I neither hide nor expose.
    >SHAFT fanboy
    >take anime seriously
    The runes can also say "Talks about anime a lot.". Nope in either case.
    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    Runes say "Watches Madoka and K-ON.". Nope in either case.
    >Care about BD sales
    >>エヴァの新劇場版だけ見て TVアニメ版は見てない
    >Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
    Nope. I didn't watch Rebuild, but watched the TV series. Found it mediocre.
    >>1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
    >The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
    >KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    >SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%
    Well, I'm neither of those, then, am I?
    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    >AKABEi and Nitro+
    Got me there. Key can go die in a ditch.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:23 No.50714073
    and the animation gap between bottom and god tier studios
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:24 No.50714091
    whatever. It's not like I'm here or enjoy those things because I want rep. I just like what I like.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:26 No.50714142
    erry day
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:26 No.50714146
    So does 2ch actually have shit taste?
    This is news to me!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:26 No.50714153
    >Follows/hops onto popular things that are current
    >Somehow hipster
    >Nothing said about hating mainstream
    I don't think you can read at all. And looking down on others is typical of almost all otakus. Otakus even look down on other otakus who are like them if they aren't in full agreement with each other.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:27 No.50714158
    They're talking about us.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:27 No.50714160
         File1308216430.jpg-(124 KB, 1280x1024, Mi24_Hind_Military_Aviation_He(...).jpg)
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    >try to hind your powerlevel
    >worst type
    You best be shitting me nigger.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:28 No.50714172
    I wish I could say they're wrong. You let me down /a/.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:28 No.50714190
    Liking Akabei prove you don't know shit about eroge.
    They basically make shits after shits these days and their fans are basically the most annoying people around, look at how they downvotes everything except their precious akabei titles in egs
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:30 No.50714208
         File1308216607.jpg-(84 KB, 600x600, 1307849937328.jpg)
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    >He doesn't like Key
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:30 No.50714216
    >implying there are "better" and "worse" otaku

    Fucking nips just have to feel superior somehow. I am more inclined to believe this when i see

    try to hind your powerlevel

    Obviously they couldn't do this and now cry secretly because people shun them
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:33 No.50714258
    >2ch: Do you realize you're a Nikawa Otaku (the worst type otaku)?
    >try to hind your powerlevel

    This is why nips are nips.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:35 No.50714284
    OP's moon is shit tier.
    What is written there is that these people DON'T try to hide the fact that they are otaku.
    >> Yuuki !!rCtSYYXG6Wv 06/16/11(Thu)05:36 No.50714304
    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari
    >try to hind your powerlevel
    >Love Madoka

    id say thats pretty good
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:37 No.50714317
    >> Hexer !NHpYSS45yU 06/16/11(Thu)05:37 No.50714320
    Le sigh, when will this shit end?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:38 No.50714324
    I like Akabei for Looseboy's stuff, aka Sharin no Kuni and G-Senjou.
    Everything else they made is pretty fucking mediocre.
    All of their VNs are high school romance/drama with some magic involved.
    Planetarian is the only exception to this, and it was very good.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:38 No.50714344
    Anime is like fashion to the internet nowadays

    Stop hatin'
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:39 No.50714349
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    no sources, trollface in op etc

    Don't be such easily-led retards. I guess that can't be helped during summertime though.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:39 No.50714350
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:39 No.50714358
    From long time empirical observation, gorespammer actually has mediocre moon ability. But when it comes to trolling things he doesn't like, he goes full retard, and makes it misleading or plain slandering for his troll campaign.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:40 No.50714372
    >Do you realize you're a Nikawa Otaku
    >KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    Nikawa or niwaka? Make up your mind already!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:41 No.50714379
    great thing that nothing of this applies to me.
    angel beat sucks.
    K-on sucks.
    recommending bakemonogatari?hah!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:41 No.50714381
    持ち上げてる doesn't mean recommend.
    It's a bit difficult to translate but basically it's something like viral marketing by fans.

    Don't miss the negative, that mean that they don't try to hide their powerlevel.

    >All of their VNs are high school romance/drama with some magic involved.
    And do you have something against this?
    A setting doesn't make a game you know, stop being retarded please
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:41 No.50714383
    It's just his blog. Who cares?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:43 No.50714427
    >there's blog in the url it must be a blog
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:44 No.50714445
    You do realise all you people are just parasites right?
    Its funny how you hate Japan and yet cant live without their anime
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:44 No.50714452
         File1308217484.png-(198 KB, 476x357, donotwantshigeru.png)
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    Niwaka means newfag, OP.
    You suck at Nippongo. ):
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:45 No.50714456

    No way.. how many elitist do you know watch anime like K ON. They don't

    They mock K On and label it as moeshit. Then they will recommend something obscure like Tatami Galaxy even though, the genre is completely different

    an anime elitist would be someone like Zac from Anime News Nation
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:45 No.50714457
    Being such formats is a bad thing now? One should go by quality and writing, not format. And to say nothing of LB!, which is also good? There's also the upcoming Rewrite.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:47 No.50714495
    Breaking news!

    There are troll on 2ch too!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:47 No.50714504
    I'd recommend Tatami Galaxy AND K-On!!

    My top two for 2010.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:48 No.50714508
    >implying a radom blog would have thousand comments

    your niwaka face is showing
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:49 No.50714533
    The person you're replying to is wrong, but your idea of an anime elitist is narrow, and limiting.
    >> !!RpfRBYOAUaW 06/16/11(Thu)05:49 No.50714537
         File1308217794.jpg-(20 KB, 424x350, no.jpg)
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    >In the top 3 of 2010 on 2chan (or was it 2ch?).
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:50 No.50714545
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    I smell some tears in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:53 No.50714596
    >And do you have something against this?
    >A setting doesn't make a game you know, stop being retarded please
    I know that much, and I have nothing against certain settings.

    However, I do have a problem with it when the VNs with the same setting also have the very same feel about them.
    And the fact that they are all long as fuck doesn't help either.
    Reading Kanon, Air and Clannad in a row is like reading the same shit over and over again.
    LB! was kinda fun, and I didn't try rewrite yet.

    Perhaps I did go overboard by sending Key to a ditch...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:54 No.50714611
         File1308218040.jpg-(56 KB, 567x569, 1307479622065.jpg)
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    So 2ch thinks /a/ is full of fail otakus? Who cares?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:56 No.50714667
    That's really weird. I thought they're just like us, or even worse, with their love for moe. Just look at the sales.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:56 No.50714680
    >Reading Kanon, Air and Clannad
    The three of them have a pretty different feel to them though.
    Air especially is really different, it doesn't take place in a school for one and is more of an utsuge, you can't tell me you though the entire second half of the game that is the meat of the game was similar to Kanon

    And Clannad is also different and pretty amazing in its own right, there is a reason even most key haters agree that it's great.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:58 No.50714716
    2ch is also a normalfag lair who tried to raid us, what now?

    They are /b/&/v/ level retards.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:59 No.50714737

    Or like Kaioshin sama and his bushido-like ways of stealth trolling anything KyoAni related.

    Jesus Christ those guys are worse than half of /a/'s posters. At least /a/ is pretty frank when they shit post.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)05:59 No.50714740

    There are retards on 2ch too you know?

    It's just a case of my taste > your taste.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:00 No.50714764
         File1308218439.jpg-(208 KB, 1280x720, 1236084456219.jpg)
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    >Bumping troll thread
    >People actually believing OP's troll translation instead of reading the thread for the right ones
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:01 No.50714777
    Pro-tip to all the retards:

    2ch =/= 2chan
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:02 No.50714793
    Let me add to the retranslating of OPs shitty post.
    >Care about BD sales
    Nope. "Those guys that say 'Well the BD sales~'"
    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    Nope. Watching Madoka & K-On.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:03 No.50714805
    The Madoka main thread on 2ch has hit its 466th thread already today, making it the most talked about anime in the history of the 2ch anime board for a 3 month anime.

    Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 466 threads ongoing (actual number 472, but deduct 6 threads that were made before airing)

    Previous top anime – Total number of threads in a 3 month run

    1st Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu 464 threads (2006)
    2nd K-on! 354 threads (2009)
    3rd Angel Beats! 338 threads (2010)
    4th K-on!! 331 threads
    5th Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu 2nd season 283 threads (2009)
    6th Code Geass R2 277 threads (2008)
    7th Minamike ~Okawari~ 254 threads (2008)
    8th Strike Witches 253 threads (2008)
    9th Macross F 217 threads (2008)
    10th School Days 206 threads (2007)
    10th Darker Than Black 2nd season 206 threads (2009)

    Each thread is 1,000 posts
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 06/16/11(Thu)06:03 No.50714807

    Hmm... interesting? Well I guess Angel Beats wasn't a bad show; it was certainly funny at times, and the ending was sad. Guess I'm guilty of that one, then.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:03 No.50714809
         File1308218623.jpg-(430 KB, 820x1570, 2channer.jpg)
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    I know 2chan is full of retards.

    pic semi-related
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:04 No.50714824
    >Calling 2ch "2chan"
    You are the retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:05 No.50714832
    I knew there would be people like you, so I've typed this >>50714777
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:05 No.50714835
    dude, that's old story. now madoka threads already more than 1.300 threads
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:06 No.50714839
    What if I've written 300 posts about Madoka today?

    This shit is meaningless.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:06 No.50714844

    This is me not giving a fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:06 No.50714847

    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:06 No.50714850
    what's the difference? text board and normal board?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:07 No.50714853
    Translator's Note:

    Niwaka means NEWFAG
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:07 No.50714862
    Sup Artefact
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:08 No.50714870
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    >2ch's taste
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:09 No.50714884
    Dear god, OP. Did you even pass Japanese 101?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:12 No.50714937
    U upset?
    Sorry for not being a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:13 No.50714947
    Nah, just laughing at the kettle that calls the pot black.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:14 No.50714966


    can someone translate this?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:14 No.50714971
    Come on.
    There is no way you can do that without being an aspie.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:16 No.50714991
    K-On worshipers are just Moepigs.

    It's those guys that shit bricks every time something happens in Kaiji that are Niwaka.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:17 No.50715009
    2ch = /b/
    2chan = /a/&/jp/
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:19 No.50715033
    >2ch = /b/
    No. VIP & ニュー速 are /b/. The rest are more or less their own communities.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:19 No.50715045
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:20 No.50715068

    1. Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
    2. The Tatami Galaxy
    3. K-ON!!
    4. Shinryaku! Ika Musume
    5. Ore no Imouto
    6. Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
    7. Working!
    8. Angel Beats!
    9. Strike Witches 2
    10. Sora no Otoshimono II
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:21 No.50715080
    cool transaltion bro


    more like
    Madoka Magica worshipers are just Moepigs.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:22 No.50715103
    MadoMagi something

    Fuck I need to learn kanji
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:22 No.50715104
    Sorry, moeshit all looks the same to me after a while. Even text.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:25 No.50715146
    >try to hind your powerlevel

    That should be "Doesn't hide your powerlevel".
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:27 No.50715181
    OP's translations are wrong.

    >> Heterosexual Faggot Kobrakai !1UATouUUMA 06/16/11(Thu)06:28 No.50715211
         File1308220106.jpg-(42 KB, 512x512, suzuha blue bg for a's viewing(...).jpg)
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    >thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime
    No, and no.
    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!
    I've recommended Bakemonogatari to a few friends yes.
    >try to hide your powerlevel
    Haha no. I'm modest about it and enjoy civilized and casual conversation with my anime bros, and make it a fact to not be associated with the obnoxious hambeasts and weeaboos running rampant in the SoCal nowadays. I am proud to display my interests, but only if the asking party is interested.
    >SHAFT fanboy
    Yes, One of my top 3 shows is Bakemonogatari, and so is Hidamari Sketch. Third is KnK for anyone that cares. No particular order.
    >take anime seriously
    Depends on the context. Do you mean discussion of anime, or anime with more intricate and complex plots? For the former, it depends on whether or not the discussion is going anywhere, and what it is of. Usually though, no. For the latter, for more serious shows like KnK, yes. For SoL shows and such? I watch it lightheartedly, and for pure enjoyment.
    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    I enjoyed Madoka, but did not like the weak ending of it. I found K-On! not very enjoyable, likely because I was expecting an anime about music and band experiences, and got an anime about cute little girls eating cake, with occasional music. Disappointing.
    >Care about BD sales
    Not really, though it's fun to slap them at people on here since these fuckers seem to care so much.
    >Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
    Seen the TV series and EoE. Seen the movies too and am enjoying them a bit more than the original even.
    >The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
    >KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    >SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%
    I'm rather fond of SHAFT so sure.
    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    Major fan of Nitro+.

    Fuck, why did I even just do this? It feels like I just filled out some kind of shitty weeaboo networking profile.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:29 No.50715237
    >People who loves Madoka are just moefags.
    >"Niwaka" otakus are those from 2chan that dickrides Kaiji.

    Something like that?

    So how many of you guys actually go to CC?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:32 No.50715291

    2ch think SHAFT/ KyoAni fanbase are all newfag
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:33 No.50715302
    I'm yet to go to some shitty anifest, and you ask about CC.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:33 No.50715314
    >thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime
    Fun? K-On is boring and I haven'ts een Angel Beats.

    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!
    I rec a lot of stuff to my friends. Never either of those two shows.

    >try to hind your powerlevel
    Hide? I don't bother because I'm not a self conscious moron.

    >SHAFT fanboy
    I neither particularly hate nor love SHAFT

    >take anime seriously
    Why not?

    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    Madoka is okay. K-On isn't interesting.

    >Care about BD sales
    Not at all.

    >エヴァの新劇場版だけ見て TVアニメ版は見てない
    >Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
    The opposite. Seen the series. Haven't seen Rebuild. Going to check it out when it's finished.

    >1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
    >The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
    I was never into K-On. I thought Madoka was decent.

    >KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    >SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%

    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    Haven't played enough VNs to have a favorite.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:36 No.50715374
         File1308220604.jpg-(176 KB, 468x496, 1236453064087.jpg)
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    your newfage is showing.
    /a/, i am disapoint.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:40 No.50715443
         File1308220817.jpg-(16 KB, 275x183, rage.jpg)
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    Just watch the anime you like then. Madoka or K-ON isnt your thing? Well good! Im not really fond of these either but i refuse waste my time crying about how some like it and i dont. So should you! Instead go watch something you like.(or do something productive)
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:49 No.50715604
    >try to hind your powerlevel

    The best part about this thread is everyone trying to answer all the questions negatively, and failing because they can't be bothered to actually read more than two other posts before replying.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:49 No.50715622
         File1308221398.jpg-(24 KB, 500x333, funny-pictures-cat-asks-if-you(...).jpg)
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    Admit it. you have shitty taste in anime /a/.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:56 No.50715722
    >thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime

    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!

    >try to hind your powerlevel
    Yes. I'm not revealing it to narutard, but my friends know that my powerlevel is huge.

    >SHAFT fanboy
    I guess.

    >take anime seriously

    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    Meh. Madoka was pretty nice, mostly because of all the theorizing and speculah.

    >Care about BD sales
    Nah, but it's a pretty good indicater as to if a show will get another season.

    >Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
    Nope, watched both. Enjoyed Rebuild way more, though.

    >The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
    No, K-ON fans will always be K-ON fans.

    >KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%
    Err, okay.

    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    Yes, that's true. I like Key the least, though.

    How many people are like me?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:58 No.50715767
    >implying 2ch has good taste whatsoever
    >Implying we care about BD sales for anything besides the fact that most good shows don't get second seasons because 2channers only buy into the latest moe-harem shit
    >complaining that /a/ has shit taste

    stay classy, Japan
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)07:02 No.50715837
    >Never seen K-ON! or Angel Beats
    >Never seen K-ON! or Bakemonogatari so I can't recommend them
    >Don't hide powerlevel, nobody cares
    >Only seen one SHAFT series (three if you include Mahoromatic and its sequel), not enough to be considered a fanboy
    >Anime is serious business, but not as serious as real life.
    >Never seen K-ON! or Madoka
    >Don't care about BD sales, although Japan DOESN'T like Kaiji for some reason
    >Three episodes of EVA TV, haven't seen Rebuild
    >I said I wasn't into K-ON or Madoka!
    >Production I.G's my favorite, not KyoAni or SHAFT
    >Don't care about VNs, even though my favorite VN adaptation, Steins;Gate, came from Nitro+

    No, I'm not this Nikawa Otaku you speak of.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)07:06 No.50715906
    >thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime
    Didn't bother to watch K-ON S2. Thought AB was shit from 2nd episode onwards.

    >Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!
    Dropped Bakemonogatari at Ep1, didn't watch K-ON S2, thought S1 was shit.

    DON'T try to hide your powerlevel
    I do hide my power level.

    >SHAFT fanboy
    I make it a point never to watch Shaft and Kyo-Ani anime. With the exception of Hidamari Sketch.

    I seldom bring up the subject irl

    >Love Madoka and K-on!
    Dropped Madoka at Ep2.

    >Care about BD sales
    I don't buy, so I don't care. Guess this doesn't concern foreigners.

    >エヴァの新劇場版だけ見て TVアニメ版は見てない
    >Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
    Seen both, but there's no point watching the TV series, it's crap.

    >1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
    >The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka

    >KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
    >SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%
    As mentioned before.

    >fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
    I don't play VN much cos it takes too much time to read Japanese. I liked Air though.

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