I have a fetish for big, thick glasses with swirls in them. I did not have this fetish until I came to /a/. Also, it sucks to have a fetish based off of something in animation that doesn't actually exist in real life. Fuck you, /a/. Post swirly glasses. @@
wow i only have 1 picture of here on my harddrive.that seemed highly unlikely
OP, you're a man of fine taste.I too fancy women of the cokebottle glasses, I can't explain the reasoning but there's just something exceptionally charming about them.
Everything needs more swirls
>>50696935>walk in thread expecting lots of saori, perfectly fine>suddenly tron bonneYou are an anon of exceptionally good taste.doesn't have pics on this computer
3D Saori is mai waifu
>>50697170Oh man, this show...I fapped gallons to it.
More Tron in swirly glasses, you say?3DPD okay?
Saori is a superior specimen of a woman.
>>50697780no 3DPD
>>50697118wowthis picture is proof that live action animu shows are a bad thing
>>50696720hey two two inner circles in the glasses are her eyes.
>>50697975oh shit...
>Your face when loli Carly
I wonder where this originated from
>swirly glassesThis is one that I acquired early in my journey. I blame Naru for it.
>>50698377I mean, where swirly glasses originated form
>>50698377It's an old trope. Anime has a lot of visual character shorthands like that. Probably been around a loong time.
>>50698417I've spotted one since Sengoku period.Everyone fucking knew Hanzo would be a beauty behind that glasses
>>50698530Hanzou are mai waifu
>>50698417But what do the swirly glasses represent?
>>50698825read Uzumaki
>>50696754Saori is the only good girl out of that series. I swear to fucking God I would befriend the shit out of her brains.
>>50698825The swirl is a visual cue for the glasses being really thick, idiot.
>>50698825Just that they're unusually thick glasses. While it isn't always true, characters with swirly glasses are usually clumsy, goofy, nerdy, or more intelligent than most.
>>50698825It represents the distortion of old model glasses. You looked like a freak with that kind of glasses on.
The best girl looks great with and without her glasses
Why are you such a hipster, anon ?Wrong pic the first time.