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06/10/11(Fri)01:03 No.50464216 File1307682213.jpg-(45 KB, 246x453, katia3.jpg)
lot of things. Currently working on an MA in linguistics, but I'm
moving more and more into the culture aspect of the group I work on, the
Hmong. Hoping to go into a SE Asian Studies MA once I'm finished with
this one, but frankly I've got so much funding from my current
department I'll study whatever they want me to. Current thesis is a
phonological reconstruction of Proto-Qiandong/Black-Hmong.
from the whole SE Asian cultures and languages interest, which ends up
being a lot of for-kicks reading out in the hammock, I play Ultimate
Frisbee once or twice a week in the summer for exercise. I'm a fa/tg/uy
and usually am running in or playing at least one tabletop RPG game;
this summer it's the 3e Faerun setting (nation of Damara, vaguely
Russian flavored and recovering from a lich's occupation and the
insurgency that tossed him out) and Pathfinder system. Other plans for
the summer include volunteering at the Karen Organization of Minnesota
helping out refugees from Burma, cuddling my kitties whom I missed
terribly this year, and chatting on the phone with a gorgeous young
woman from Vancouver (pic related) that I got pretty close with over the
last academic term; when I'm back at school in Calgary I'll probably at
least ask her on a date, but honestly she's pretty cool and just being
friends wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I also like to cook;
just made cottage-cheese stuffed pasta shells with mozzarelli and
spinach added to the mix, and a touch of oregano and salt. Shit was
remarkably cash.
So things are pretty good right now all told. |