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  • File : 1307676015.jpg-(38 KB, 500x500, ujell6.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:20 No.50460436  
    How has your daily routine been /a/?

    Describe your daily routine for in greentext.

    >Be 19
    >Wake up
    >Struggle to get out of bed
    >Don't have school, job, or friends
    >Do nothing for the majority of the day
    >Spend the rest of my day browsing 4chan or playing video games
    >Sleep, rinse, repeat

    This has been for the last 3 years, fuck it.
    >> trolllllllllllll !!L1Xkb+z2Yls 06/09/11(Thu)23:21 No.50460483
    >be 19
    >for three years
    sad life, OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:24 No.50460590
    >Be 18
    >Wake up at 9 or 11 every day
    >Browse /a/ for 3-5 hours and watch anime for maybe 1 hour
    >Drive around looking for jobs for thirty minutes
    >See my grandpa in the nursing home for 1-2 hours
    >Spend 2 hours on /a/
    >Spend 1-2 hours on BF:BC2
    >Spend 30 minutes fapping
    >Go to bed at 12 or 2 every night
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:26 No.50460646
    >wake up
    >lurk /a/
    >don't sleep
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:27 No.50460690
    Not your blog
    >> trolllllllllllll !!L1Xkb+z2Yls 06/09/11(Thu)23:27 No.50460695
    okay, here we go...
    >stay up all night
    >don't get any sleep, you can sleep at work faggot
    >oh shit, you're late for work
    >get home from work
    >watch anime or listen to music, whichever seems more bitching
    >reserve ten minutes a day to sing along to something in falsetto, make sure it's happy
    >stay up and browse all night
    >and don't forget to fap
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:28 No.50460723
    >Be 25
    >be a fat fuck
    >live with parents
    >Wake up at 3pm
    >Shower, brush teeth, look presentable for now
    >watch anime, play vidya, download porn etc,
    >waiting for Artificial Academy
    >Need to go to work around 11pm.
    >> Natsume 06/09/11(Thu)23:28 No.50460726
    wake up
    shit somewhere
    write on my blog
    about the shit
    something else
    end of story
    >> Smoked Cheese~ !Nyoron4t6M 06/09/11(Thu)23:29 No.50460747

    >Blog about my toe hurting.
    >Get banned for three days.
    >Regret nothing.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:29 No.50460750
    Not anime
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:36 No.50461017
    same as OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:38 No.50461084
    >Be 20
    >Wake Up
    >Shower and get ready
    >Take train to work
    >Do work
    >Take train home from work
    >Watch anime and browse /a/
    Feels alright man
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:40 No.50461168
    Wake up at 6:00
    Run until 7:00
    Eat breakfast
    Miscellaneous activities on the Internet from 8:00 to 12:00
    Eat lunch
    Miscellaneous activities on the Internet from 1:00 to 8:00
    Take a shower
    Go to bed at 9:00

    I have a decent sleeping schedule, but other than that, there isn't much to boast.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:40 No.50461171
    Have the spiders returned yet, brave windex warrior?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:40 No.50461190
    >Be 20
    >Wake up
    >Get dressed
    >Drive to Starbucks and get an iced coffee
    >Shit around all day waiting for job applications to go through
    >Go to sleep

    Feels boring man.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:44 No.50461340
    Be 19
    Wake up, realize I'm not wareing any underwear because it was hot as hell last night
    Go to work, realize today is my payday
    Get my check, go to the mall buy some manga
    Head back to home, get a ticket for skiping a stop sign
    Make dinner and check my bitcoin mining
    realize I havent payed the rent and today was the deadline
    Go to the bank, pay my rent
    head back home, realize I left the stove at maximum heat and my teriyaki steak is messed up
    Order pizza, sit down and play some VN, check /a/
    realize tomorrow my new gpu is supposed to arrive, call the mailing service to check
    finish my pizza
    Leave my torrents on and head to bed, play some psp
    Fall sleep, wake up at 2 am with my psp still on, check my computer and write this shit cause I have insomnia now and cant sleep
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:44 No.50461343
    >Be 24
    >Wake Up
    >Go to the office
    >Work all Day
    >Come home
    >drink beer and yell at screen
    >browse /a/
    >read manga

    Life's pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:47 No.50461480
    >be 27
    >wake up 7-ish
    >work til 5-ish
    >refresh /a/ for god knows how many hours
    >watch some weekly anime episodes for a bit
    >more F5 F5 F5 on /a/
    >go to sleep at 2am-ish

    >and on the off-days
    >sleep til 12pm (1pm DST)
    >do whatever
    >go to sleep around 2am (work) or 5am (no work)

    And there's nothing really better to do around this shit hole of a town.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:48 No.50461499
    Do any of you guys socialize or hangout with friends or are you always alone and think you'll be friendless online and off for the rest of your life?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:48 No.50461515

    Normal day in a normalfag life
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:55 No.50461753
    Do you guys ever get even more lonely when you watch a video that a normalfag makes about his life on youtube? I don't even know why I bother watching the people I subscribe to anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)23:59 No.50461937
         File1307678390.jpg-(179 KB, 800x600, 0210.jpg)
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    I couldn't give two shits about some person's youtube-blogging.
    I only get really lonely for a week or so after reading a good VN (like I did tonight) or other story, and wishing my life could have a little flavor or companionship.
    Pic related ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:01 No.50461972
    i'm 26 and my life are too colorful and dynamic to be able to put it into a green text routine list.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:09 No.50462293
    >watching popular youtubers

    I seriously hope you don't do this.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:12 No.50462388
    What's happening forum?
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:16 No.50462500
    > be 23
    > wake up at 7am for no reason as usual
    > body clock is set like that and I can't seem to change it
    > have shower
    > have fapping session
    > take a train to city centre
    > go to university and study chinese
    > take a break
    > walk to manga store and buy a few copies of Hellsing
    > go back to uni to study chinese
    > take another break
    > browse /a/
    > see this thread and proceed to write post
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:17 No.50462536
         File1307679439.gif-(197 KB, 400x289, 1307435561201.gif)
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    >being a normalfag sure is great
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:17 No.50462568
    >High school dropout
    >posting shitty blog thread
    >browses 4chan and plays video games, but no mention of watching anime, yet posts on the anime board
    >was browsing 4chan underage
    Not your blog, trash
    >> Smoked Cheese~ !Nyoron4t6M 06/10/11(Fri)00:18 No.50462588

    They haven't.

    I think I scared them away for good.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:21 No.50462679
    >Be 22
    >Wake up
    > Eat someting
    > play a game / watch some anime
    > Order a new hard drive as"x" tb isnt enough to hold my anime
    > Go to work maybe (work 15 hrs a week)
    > Otherwise stay inside in the dark
    > Repeat
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:21 No.50462697

    >not going to school makes you a high school dropout

    HAHA OH WOW.jpg
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:28 No.50462951
    >be 20
    >wake up at 2:00/4:00pm
    >walk to work
    >come home at 10:30/11:30pm
    >dick around on /a/, play video games, and watch anime
    >go to bed around 6:00am

    >if not working
    >dick around on /a/, play video games, and watch anime all day
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:28 No.50462957
    >17 year old underaged cancer
    >post stuff on facebook to try and feel like I'm a normal fag and have a social life.
    >waiting for life to begin
    >life isn't going to begin
    >wasted at least 5 years of my life on 4chan just lurking
    Been like that since I was 13
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:30 No.50463014
    and it will be that way for the rest of your life
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:32 No.50463107
         File1307680358.gif-(663 KB, 241x182, crying indian.gif)
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    I know your feel so bad. I just graduated this year from HS and I think this will go on for a lot longer than I think...
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:36 No.50463279
    What have you achieved now you're old
    Did you fulfill ambition, do as you were told
    Or are you still doing the same this year
    Should I give sorrow, or turn 'round and sneer
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:39 No.50463377
    >wake up
    >go to work
    >complain about my job
    >go home
    >browse /a/
    >see this thread
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:41 No.50463439
    Anon our lives have just started, but it feels like I'll never experience love the way I see it in my chinese cartoons. I just want to fall in love the way my romantic comedies do
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:46 No.50463613
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:48 No.50463669
         File1307681291.jpg-(252 KB, 1000x1000, 1307343312368.jpg)
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    > waiting for life to begin
    > life isn't going to begin

    I know that feel bro
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)00:55 No.50463939
    >Wake up
    >Sun is setting,
    >Stretch and sit up, turn a bit to the left, boot up computer.
    >Browse /a/
    >Either start the day or continue lurking.
    >continue lurking.
    >Day passes.
    >Finally eat.
    >Shower, brush teeth, etc.
    >Play video games.
    >More browsing /a/.
    >Sun rises.
    >Phone vibrates, telling me I have a message
    ! Doushio? It's a friend asking if I want to do something interesting!
    >it's spam
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:00 No.50464126

    I bet you have like billions upon billions of friends.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:03 No.50464207
    >be 22
    >Wake up at around 10, 11 or 12
    >turn on computer, take shower, shave, brush hair, get dressed eat food etc.
    >make bed, tidy room, check classifieds
    >browse /a/, or /vp/, look for second job, fill out applications, schedule interviews, check e-mail
    >watch anime play vidya games
    >depending on day go to work
    >come back from work, browse /a/ some more
    >may or may not go to movie with friends.
    >bed at around 1, 2, or 3.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:05 No.50464278
    Just two.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:08 No.50464392
    > writing up job applications
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:17 No.50464721
         File1307683077.png-(198 KB, 945x945, 1304982031074.png)
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    >Be 21
    >Wake up
    >Uni work
    >Gym or Hockey Training/Game depending on day
    >Have drinks on Thursdays/After Hockey games with friends/team mates
    >Read financial media, throw on some music or anime
    >Sometimes wish I had a gf, but feel happy overall with how my life is at this stage
    >Fall asleep thinking about dead lifts or get rich quick schemes
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:20 No.50464808
    >Be 20
    >Wake up
    >Struggle to get out of bed
    >Having summer holiday (I'm from uni btw)
    >Do nothing for the majority of the day
    >Spend the rest of my day browsing 4chan or translating stuff
    >Sleep + eat + shit, rinse, repeat
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:21 No.50464861
    what are your plans for the summer holidays if you're over the age of 19 and don't have any friends online and offline?
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:24 No.50464925
         File1307683472.jpg-(201 KB, 800x1800, Forever Alone.jpg)
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    >be 21
    >wake up
    >fuck around on the Internet
    >fuck around on the Internet
    >watch TV
    >play vidya
    >fuck around on the Internet
    >fuck around on the Internet
    >> Turtletron !!5gEy6RCc+sH 06/10/11(Fri)01:27 No.50465018
         File1307683637.jpg-(308 KB, 715x1167, loneliness.jpg)
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    >Be 21
    >wake up at 12-1pm
    >stumble to computer chair
    >do internet things
    >eat a bowl of cereal or something
    >back to the internet
    >go outside and poke around the engine I'm supposed to be rebuilding for 10 minutes, don't actually do anything
    >internet some more
    >3-4am; go to bed

    I don't even brush my hair anymore
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:28 No.50465051
    >wake up
    >go to college, where I have no friends and don't talk to anyone
    >come home
    >4chan, anime, piano, work out
    >almost never see my friends which I have few of anyways, never had a girlfriend
    feels drab man
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:28 No.50465068
    18 years old btw
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:30 No.50465118
    Brush your hair? You some kind of faggot?
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:32 No.50465172
         File1307683926.jpg-(67 KB, 500x345, 215473.jpg)
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    >no college classes due to summer
    >wake up
    >realize how sad my life is
    >an hero
    >post about it on /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:34 No.50465242
    >wake up at 10 pm
    >4chan, video games, and anime
    >sleep at 2 pm
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:35 No.50465266
    >Wake up
    >Because of above be 10 minutes late for whatever I have that day
    >Spend rest of day working at university
    >Hang out with the guys from anime club
    >Go home
    >Go on 4chan

    Schedule for today:
    >Walk an hour to exam
    >Fail exam
    >Walk an hour home
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:37 No.50465333
         File1307684273.jpg-(13 KB, 170x165, 6232413123.jpg)
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    >be 20
    >wake up
    >turn on the computer
    >browse and basically vidya
    >sleep, wake up, take a shower
    >sleep and wonder why i haven't done shit all day.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)01:38 No.50465338
    >An hero
    No, stop it.
    You're not even supposed to use it as a verb.

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