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  • File : 1307394178.jpg-(2.77 MB, 4000x3000, COL COOBIE 001.jpg)
    2.77 MB What does /a/ do to survive in the meatspace world? Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:02 No.50337873  
    I know all of /a/ can't be unemployed, what do we do to keep fridge full and our bills paid?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:04 No.50337894
    Mod cars for a living.

    At least it pays the bills.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:04 No.50337899
    I leech of my parents and get financial aid.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:05 No.50337913
    Gonna graduate in a few years and go into finance.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:06 No.50337931
    Fix computers for retards
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:06 No.50337933
    Currently in college. I work at a daycare during the summer.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:06 No.50337940
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    Canadian socialism welfare cheques.

    Off the books computer repair, and occassionally construction work for my old man's company. Sometimes I do cashier work for my roommate who is a traveling salesman.

    Mostly I collect welfare cheques and hide in my apartment though.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:06 No.50337944
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    >Post 2008 crash
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:07 No.50337954
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    I don't
    >> Ghetto Defender !!pzfOyg3RSJX 06/06/11(Mon)17:07 No.50337969
    After school i go and work at the mcdonalds with my hockey teammates.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:08 No.50337971
    Mooch off hard working tax payers.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:08 No.50337973
    Texas Ranger
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:08 No.50337974
    I hold a global senior software engineering position with a Fortune 100 company.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:08 No.50337993
    Assistant Manager at a local hotel

    Its dull but comes with a wage
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:08 No.50337996
    $500 a fortnight from the government
    Feels awesome man
    >Steal my internet
    >Get free food from various sources
    >Have more then enough to pay rent/bills and buy shitty anime figs
    I have lived this way for 3 years and I never want to change
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:09 No.50338008
    Live off my generous parents while continuing to look for a job.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:10 No.50338017
    How does one go about applying for government aid? What are the requirements?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:10 No.50338023
    Math grad
    300k starting, anywhere I want etc
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:10 No.50338027
    Somehow >>50337996 impresses me more than >>50337974.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:10 No.50338028
    I do filing for an electrician. He has a room strictly for boxes of files.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:11 No.50338037
    NEET/hikki having his mother pay for everything
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:11 No.50338039
    Currently in college. Working part-time in a convenience store for shit and giggles.
    Doesn't pay much but it's a typical VN setting. I'm still waiting for a weirdo to pop out of nowhere or a high school girl to run into me while she's late for school though.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:11 No.50338054
    Teacher and fixing computer.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:12 No.50338058
    I've been wondering this too, whenever one of these threads pops up it seems like a lot of people are getting money from their government.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:12 No.50338068
    How do you dispose of all the filing dust?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:12 No.50338069

    Goddamn. Is that a disability cheque, or just generic aid? Up here in Canada I only get $610 a month on basic aid. And I live in Vancouver, one of the most expensive cities in the world.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:13 No.50338084
    Student loans.

    I'm financially better off than my parents.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:13 No.50338085
    Depends what country you are in/What race you are/What type you want/Lots of other shit
    It is honestly super fucking complicated and knowing nothing about you I couldn't say.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:13 No.50338086
    Me too, and I'm >>50337974
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:13 No.50338099
    Leech student who works in a factory on holidays.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:14 No.50338109
    Student loan pays my rent, parents pay for my food.

    Being funded through uni is great.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:14 No.50338112
    Well it's a good job one of us is paying some taxes then.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:14 No.50338115
    "There are five applicants for every available position, blah blah blah." Just go to random people and offer to paint their houses or mow their laws. Fucking dumbass liberals. Libertarianism for the win.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:14 No.50338125
    pushing crack
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:15 No.50338132
    Alright, fuck, I'm probably going to be flamed but...

    Want "disability" or aid. Whichever pays more
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:15 No.50338133
    USA, Black, Aspergers.

    Gimme moni.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:15 No.50338141
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    I'm in Afghanistan too...doin stuff...
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:15 No.50338142
    Project management

    i shout at lazy autistic programmers.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:16 No.50338159
    steal stuff, rob people
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:16 No.50338173
    I work overnight at fucking Target. 9.50 an hour 40 hours a week.

    It does get shit paid.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:16 No.50338178
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    In during the endless hate, I love you nigaboy.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:16 No.50338180
    People scare me.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:17 No.50338183
    I live with my mom and she pays for the food and the bills, at one point I had some welfare money but she said it was ok if I spent it on things I wanted, she's way too nice.

    Now I don't know why but they stopped paying me, so I guess I will teach about computers to some nigger kids for a basic income.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:17 No.50338189
    I work on films. It's not as exciting as it sounds, but it's not as boring as it could be either.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:17 No.50338198
    smooching off parents and neeting all day. Heck, i've been a neet since i turned 16 and am now 19.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:17 No.50338206
    they're more scared of you, this is fact
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:19 No.50338239
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    im a murderer
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:19 No.50338240
    Part disability, Part General aid
    Lol mental disorders
    Anyway gotta get food now
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:19 No.50338242
    just got a 3 day a week job as a security guard until I get my ship date to Air Force BMT. Only 1/2 a mile from home too which is nice. Before that I was leeching of grants and my mom.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:19 No.50338251
    I hope that doesn't mean the same where you come from as where I come from
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:19 No.50338255
    Smooching = kissing
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:19 No.50338256
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    I am a potter... sir.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:20 No.50338265
    Systems administrator.
    You jelly?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:20 No.50338267
    I am a contractor.

    Unfortunately my life is nothing like Darker Than Black.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:20 No.50338272
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:20 No.50338277
    Why is Madoka so popular in the military?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:20 No.50338283
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    Sculptor, sir.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:21 No.50338284
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    Wow... So many welfare warriors on /a/.

    Captcha: Life wourep?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:21 No.50338292
    Leech off the state.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:21 No.50338299
    They're more annoyed of me than anything because of my mouselike voice and inability to hold a conversation and my general NOFUN attitude.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:21 No.50338303
    I answer phones at dominoes, yeahhhhh

    speaking of which, about time to struggle to understand democrats whipsering into their phones
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:21 No.50338304
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    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:22 No.50338310
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    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:22 No.50338315
    Anyone work from home? I've been wondering what kind of work I can do without leaving the house.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:22 No.50338320
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    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:23 No.50338339
    Because soldiers really identify with magical girls
    >> Adolf_Hipster Of Neo Germany 06/06/11(Mon)17:24 No.50338355
    Parents obviously.

    i've been a NEET since 16. Now 20.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:24 No.50338356
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    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:24 No.50338358
    Senior software engineer here - I work from home.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:25 No.50338385
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    Fuck your shit, Madokafags.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:25 No.50338391
    English major here. Preparing to live in a box.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:26 No.50338406
    Playing poker is the best chocie for autistic fags, else article writing
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:26 No.50338411
    It's actually because Homuhomu has so many weapons and is super fucking moe.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:27 No.50338441
    >yourface when /a/ would probably not mind working if they could stay home
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:28 No.50338443
    How does one get free monies from the gov/taxpayers? 24/USA.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:28 No.50338444
    Automation Engineer, at least I think that what it's called in english
    get to spend my day programming machines doing awesome stuff while getting paid surprisingly well for it
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:28 No.50338464
    Wow rude. Typical Korlofurry.
    >> Adolf_Hipster Of Neo Germany 06/06/11(Mon)17:29 No.50338472
    i've contemplated applying for a debit card and to learn online poker so I can actually earn money.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:31 No.50338525
    Hopefully, working as a cashier/stock boy at Gamestop.
    Want to move on to get a degree in graphic design as well as mechanics and engeneering. Move on to work as a mechanic for the army. Once I'm done with that, probably just going to whore myself out to some game design company, maybe become a tester, relax a bit...

    But, as of right now, I'm just mooching off my room mates.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:31 No.50338529
    >Watch Saki
    >Learn Japanese Mahjong
    >Play for money on Mahjongtime
    >Get rich

    And then anon was the Koromo
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:31 No.50338538
    Just started college. But I do web design and make flash games. I love my work.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:32 No.50338557
    I'm a translator for people coming from or visiting china. Once got hired by a large business to go with them to china for a week on a meeting. 10k for the trip, expenses paid and everything. Felt great man
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:32 No.50338569
    Selling blood, plasma, semen and kidneys.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:33 No.50338578
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    CTS Decon aka crime scene cleanup.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:33 No.50338579

    He inspired me. I'm not him though. I wish I could meet him and his little one legged, one armed girl.
    >> Adolf_Hipster Of Neo Germany 06/06/11(Mon)17:34 No.50338602
    So many people want to do Art related courses. Do math or science instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:34 No.50338616
    >online mahjong gambling open to baka gaijin
    holy shit this exists ?

    bro of highest proportions
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:35 No.50338626
    Tell us more
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 06/06/11(Mon)17:35 No.50338630
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    I work for Continental AG in analysis and development of safety systems for vehicles. Mainly mechanical design and electronics.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:35 No.50338634
    >apply for online poker
    >cry when you loose
    >another anon says "quit whining and man up."
    >suddenly, anon always wins.

    And then anon was Kaiji.
    Fuck if only it wasn't online mahjong, Akagi would have fit perfectly in there.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:36 No.50338646

    Nurse student.
    Until then, leecher.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:36 No.50338648
    someone should screencap this and send it to Washington to help with America's economic crisis.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:36 No.50338652

    I could have sworn she had no legs when I read it.

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