I lol'd.So what is this about?
tubo ni kaere
we are 2channeramy mother is penand you
>>50156632How Hetero Dog could be friends with other sick fuckers?
I laiku 4channel
>>50156738im just fine..
unko chinko manko
>>50156739Dogs are renowned for their loyalty, that's how you fucking idiot.
h e l l o p e o p l e ! !w e a r e f r o m 2 c h ! !i s p e a k o f e n g l i s h n o g o o dw e s t a y h e r e n o w o f j u s t
nihongo de ok
>>50156786of just?
go away
no nihongo
What's with all the idiots pretending to be from 2ch in this thread?
Remind me of this
hose please
>>50156807OF JUSTICE
>>50156822Shhh, just play along, it might contain them in the one thread for the time being.
>>50156822Remember when we call those people weeaboo ?Because of normalfags, weeaboo lost it's meaning
>>50156879>I don't know what weeaboo means
(^ω^) o?o?
2ch is the father of 4chwe are the mother of youwe are god and you
>>50156973I love you too mommy.
>>50156953I will stab you in the dark
Fack You!
>>50156938UK fucker
Haha! Can someone translate?
It should be water s-boar-ts.
2ch kara kimasuta ( ^ω^)
Oh Dick Dick shoot shoot shoot!!
I'm from nyu-soku.Nyu-soku is japanese most intelligent site.If there were not nyu-soku, nuclear plant would bombed more.Thank you. Good bye.
>>50156632>implying it wasn't shota cat for ages before this total crap.
I don't understand, what's going on?
>2chsageGet the fuck out, you pieces of shit.
Why is this shitty image still being posted after all this time? It's not relevant to anything and it's not funny either.
>>50156632i don't see rape ape
Korea ,,イ`" 、-' `;_' ' ,-、 _.._,,-'' ̄ (,(~ヽ'~ )'~ レ´ i`'} ~つ | i' / The Sea of Korea 。/ ! / /},-'' ,,ノ i、 _,,...,-‐-、/Korea Colony..ゝ <,,-==、 ,,-,/ ) {~''~>`v-''`ー゙`'~ { レ_ノ ノ
>>50156985Try if it is possible to do.
The image had been forgotten.
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER korea forever japan ばかやろう ok? 시발
japanese Sex SymbolDORA-MI
>>50157157GO HOME KOREAN!!!
>>50157149nor yiff fox
죽어 씨발 쪽바리, 독도는 우리는, 혼슈 다음은 있습니다!우리나라 만세!DOKDO IS OURS HONSHU IS NEXT
Hello I am Japanese No1 actor.And my masterbation technic is world 1.
>this thread
I guess someone has found some old dejima archive, or it's really some buttravaged jap posts here.
しかし日本人はおもしろいですよね。 謝ることが美しいと思っているんですから。 講座の生徒が言ってましたが日本には濡れ衣を着るという 思想の文化があるそうです。他人の罪を自分が変わって 処罰されるところに喜びを感じるようです。 だからすぐ何かあるとスミマセンと言うのかな。 この前講座が終わってトッポギとマッコルリを出してあげたら みんなスミマセンと言ってましたよ。 なんで謝るんでしょうね?アリガトウではないの? 民族的マゾヒストなんでしょうかチョッパリは(^^) そんなのだから戦争に負けるんですよね。 アベ首相が言ってる美しい国というのは、日本人全員が 全韓国人に謝る国のことですよきっとね(^^)
http://flockdraw.com/2chanCOME ON ANON
do u like pizza?
4chって専ブラとかないの?お前らいちいち画像認証して書き込んでるのか。大変だなオイIT得意なんだろ?誰か作れよ。第二のマーク・ザッカーバーグ になれるよ
2chan > 2chDeal with it, Japanese normalfags.
Oh! nice cock!!
zawa zawa
minna tomodachi
nyu-soku kara kimashita ^^
So, it's really 2ch ?or some troll ?
In virginia college Korean killed many Anerican.Because Korean are all DEVIL AND SHIT
Fucking jap
>>50157438Someone posted a link to this thread in their thread.
japanese most popular musicianotinpo tinpo
fack you
こんにちは、メリケン。今日、僕は7回のオナニーに15時間かけました。ここにいるメリケンの人たちもそんな生活を送っているの?どうでもいいや うんこ
should die all jap in nuclear accident
I wanna slap a jap
Game Hard Board Heros
Please upload youre penis or anus.
Come on
Fuck off 2ch./a/ is only bros with 2chan.2ch = full of normalfags
nichijou is god
これは4chanミームです。彼はテレビゲームをしたい。 しかし、彼は階段の下に倒れます。 そして、それは起こり続けています!私は訳者を使いました。 問題、normalfag?
sorry to bother youthere's a thread about 4chan in japan famous siteand some people are coming into 4ch now
OP is a faggot
Oh god, they're posting about Sankaku Shit.
go visit Japancaesium is dying to meet you
>>50157605I too am familiar with the fallings and the warnings of stairs!
please strikewitches Thread
2ch = monkey same
2ch user are having many intelligence. They are marvelous
>this whole thread
US chewing_gum quality is so goooood!!!GA HA HA-
Fuck you 2ch for always lumping /a/ together with MAL and animesuki, especially MAL./a/ ≠ MAL & /a/ ≠ animesukiAlso, we're not associated with Sankaku Shit in anyway.If you 2ch faggots had half a brain and lurked enough on /a/, you'll find out that we don't give a fuck about Sankaku.
die in viphttp://hibari.2ch.net/news4vip/
>>50157747You should make clear that we hate MAL and Sankaku Complex.
Has anyone actually read the linked newspost?>“I’m sure that millions of the 4channers will want to use Canvas once we open it to the public. Butwe don’t want to force them to do so.” >luaghinggirls.jpg
>>501577472ch=normalfag hive2chan=brosNothing to honk about
welcome Chernobylhttp://hatsukari.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1307016484/
Hey! japwelcome to underground :)
_ / \―。 ( / \_ / / ヽ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ...―/ _) < Oh Dick Dick Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! ノ:::へ_ __ / \_____ |/==ュ r== \/_ /::::::ィ赱、 i i r赱ミ_(::::::::.ヽ |::::: `"" ,l l `"":::::: (:::::::::::::) |:::: ,_ ,ィ''。_。ヽ、_,. ヽ/ ヽ / _lj_ } / \ { ^' ='= '^' / \ `""´ / \ ____-イ At last you will never worry about your size any more. We have a solution that will make all your sexual dreams come true. Leave behind what you've known earlier. The new era for you is here! Roll-panna will go mad! Takashi will be jealous! And you will at last your new life! Like a real man with a real penis ! Say Mega-Dick-Shoo and be happy with your new size!
あいなんです か ?
konnichawa 2chan ^_^
>You all suck.>Sincerely, 4chan. Clowning around in this thread apparently wasn't enough for you.
>>50157849It's 2ch you retard. I know your is trolling.
kono sure ha gisei ni nattanoda
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER 병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
shoujiki akita
>>50157942Korean master race
Hello, Nippon.
shojiki AKITA
>>50156632I wonder how many 4channeller knows the meaning of the animals arrangement of the first pic.ne-usitorau-tatumi-umahitujisarutoriinui
see you again
>>50157942Korean people are American killerJapanese people are justice
So, why haven't we banned jp ips yet?
>>50158059Why haven't we banned all non-American IPs yet?
2ch kuso warota
>>50158073Because we have /int/. But then again, doesn't 2chan (or 2ch, I forget) have one board where people outside Japan can post?
>>50158073Because it'll be non-stop daytime-summer 24/7
GAHAHA!Do sukebe!!
>>50158059It is because the Japanese is the saviour in the United States.
YJSNPI is Paragon of human
>>50158111It's 2ch.Japanese IP's should be banned.
You guys should learn Japanese
4chan would be a much better place if it was American-only.
>>50158016Chinese Zodiac?
>>50158138I'm not learning a language just to be able to read porn.
>>50158119英語を学べStop embarrassing yourself, retard.
Hello, friend japan.
>>50158176So do I.
4chan is ended contentscome on nyuusoku!
>>50158184Fack you
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8A-wMHPpIA&hd=1japanese cooooooooool!!!
My best terrible thing is English.
>>50158113>>50158264Reported for being unpatriotic on an American website.
>>50158281good lord, whats wrong with me?
>>50158184You'll drink my sperm.
/⌒ヽ \ ⊂[(_ ^ω^) \/ (⌒マ´ (⌒ヽrヘJつ > _)、 し' \_) ヽヾ\ 丶_n.__ [I_ 三ヲ (  ̄ (⌒ ⌒Y⌒
>>50158360At least our retards claimed it was Karma for Pearl Harbor, rather than your retards claiming it was for whales.
 ̄ ̄| ┌‐┐ __|_ _l__|_ ┌‐┐ ^ω^) /⌒ヽ \ / (^ω^) _l__|_ 7 ⌒い _( ^ω^) X. /⌒ヽ / ヽ (^ω^) | l /フ ̄⌒ヽ n/ \ (^ω^ )_ l / ヽ \ \ (/l、__\__ソ (^Vヽ  ̄ 、 \ l | \ /っ / ,(_\ ー' 人 ̄ )(つ │/_/ /__ノ 〈__r‐\ \ ___)─' └--' └-┘ (フ │ | │ ┤ ト-ヘ
I find this thread utterly embarrassing. I'm off to /d/ for the time being.
>>50158360not this shit again
>>50158394You just mad 99% of the Americunt population are Whales.. Land Whales
>>50158394>thinks that Europe is countryTypical american
>>50158439Which is why I'm confused at why you eurofags are so mad Japan is killing them. They deserve to die.
>>50158439aaaw i didn't know you cared so much
>>50158439>mfw Australia and the UK are fatter than America
( ^ν^)hey!
>>50158325>American websitelol, k.
Why do Americans love whales?
I like how the Japanese, much like the Merikens, are incapable of grasping the concept of other countries, and interpret 'non-Japanese' as 'American'. I guess the concept of an international site is too advanced for them.
>>50158495>japanese>grasping anythingMost of them,(read as "almost everyone") cannot even learn enough english to make other people understand them.
>>50158482>mfw there are less people in the UK and AustraliaTherefore, there are more fat people.Therefore, America is still 'fatter'.What is fat by western standards can be kind of stupid though, Australia has a silly way of determining it that was from the 80s and no longer fits in with the lifestyle of most people.Overall, not everyone is really fat. Just unfit.
>>50158533Europe is irrelevant and has been for at least a century.Why are you surprised?
/ ̄ ̄ ̄\ / ⌒ ⌒ ヽ / ( ●)(●) | | (__人__) } hello /、. ` ⌒´ ヽ / | | | / ヽ_| ┌──┐ |丿 | ├──┤ | | ├──┤ |
How popular is anime on 2ch? I figure it's strictly confined to anime boards, and everyone on the other board hates otaku?
>>50158526whales are better than landwhales.
>>50158568This is what Amerikkkans actually believe.
/ ̄ ̄ ̄\ / ⌒ ⌒ ヽ / ( ●)(●) | >>50158575 | (__人__) } Hey men /、. ` ⌒´ ヽ / | | | / ヽ_| ┌──┐ |丿 | ├──┤ | | ├──┤ |
>>50158567But you have a higher percentage of fat people. More Americans on average are fit and in shape.
azunyan peropero(^ω^)
>>50158568 At least a century? so..irrelevant in 1911, then? I dunno anon, I just DON'T KNOW
>>50158578since most of them are normalfags... probably yes.
>>50158439The Mexican immigrants make up 70% of the obesity in America. So basically its the Mexicans that are fat whales.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ3Mjg8nuPs
2ch Ninpocho aru omaera kakikomenai m9(^Д^)
>>50158604But you have MORE fat people, and they aren't really fat.Are you getting the point here?I don't really see anyone having weight issues if they are obese like most of my family, in Australia everyone in the 'average' and 'stocky' categories counts as fat because the government wants to go back to the 60s - 70s where everyone was a productive member of society. It's not going to happen.
>>50158670Which means that 70% of the entire USA population are mexicans.
>>50158670Whatever makes you sleep at night, lardass.
>>50158702no point arguing with an american, their brain is full of cholesterol they couldn't think properly
>>50158702We also have MORE fit peopleAccording to your logic America is more physically fit than AustraliaProblem fat ass?
ITT:>you're fat!>no u!repeat to infinity
>>50158462Very cuteWho is who in this picture?
>>50158771No, that's the point I'm trying to make.God damn, you might not be fat but you are stupid. I'm arguing standards against statistics, and that the statistics are biased NOT TO NATIONALITY, but to get everyone off their asses.
>>50158788You don't want to know, trust me.
>>50158827Maybe in your country, but in the LAND OF THE FREE, we have statistics that are actually accurate.
Who is "Anonymous" ?
>>50158829hello Prime Minister Hatoyama
>mud yorops are jelly of american race
>>50158853>America >Land of the FreeHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
>>50158722I'm actually 113 pounds, 5'4. I'm just pointing out that Mexicans are the fat ones here. Shit, beaners are known to be fat as hell. Look at Manuel Oribe, the fattest wetback on Earth.
>>50158853>LAND OF THE FREE
Holy fuck, the russians are quite the weeaboos!
I have no clue what is going on in this threadwhy is it even here
>>50158779More like>you're fat!>no i'm not, and it's someone else's fault that i am!
>mfw eurofats think glorious America is fat
>>50158886Well I'm a Mexican-American and in 9th grade at 5'6 i only weighed 100lbs. I'm not proud of it but i do think you haven't actually met any Hispanics in real life
Guys stop the gross over Japan.Seriously.
Hello.I've come form 2ch people at the bottom of the social pyramid crowd.My hobby is to gather onanyhole by my parents money.I think I,m defeated if I work.I wonna drink urine of Mami-San.See you!
>>50158983All of the Mexicans I know over the age of 25 are overweight.
∧_ ∧ (´∀` ) Hey Come On (⊃⌒*⌒⊂) /__ノ''''ヽ__)
America would be the least fat country in the world if it counted whites only.
>>50159003Do they speak fluent english?If not then there you go
lol amerifats
>>50159034A few of them, but the majority are pretty iffy.
>>50159006 ∧ ∧ ( ゚Д゚ ) oh/// that's good γ⌒´‐ - ⌒ヽ 〉ン、_ `{ __( ) (´∧ミ キ )( ノ ∧∧ ノミ~ γ .ノ ≡pang! pang! ≡(;∀; )⌒mレ´))≡ ≡∪∪ーイ ノ≡ | ≡ \ィしし´ \ ). i_ |, ̄/ ヽ二)
F A C K Y O U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!from 2ch
>>50158983I live in Northern California.
Fuck 2ch
>>50159050yeah here in Fresno cali there's quite a few of us. In high school like 60% of the students were Mexican. Then there were the "mexican mexicans". unless you were one of them a lot of us didn't even know how to speak spanish. I don't know if it's just my region but not all that many students were fat.
I love you.Be madness.from 2ch
>>50159162fack you
>>50159254you is a big fool man
Yes.We are fackin incompetentincapableinefficient 2channners.2ch is a disturbed guy's den.
I'm okay with this as long as no indonesian troll.
>>50156786>He thinks japanese people actually use that font
849 :名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍):2011/06/02(木) 23:26:47.04 ID:S/MPg8e/P Guys stop the gross over Japan. これなんて言ってるの? Oh god, I lol'd
>mfw retards from 2ch are trying to raid us.
ファキン アノニマス
>>50159383If only they'd raid /jp/. Those fucking weaboos would love it.
>>50159415>/jp/>like japanGo take remedial courses, summerfag.
I want to eat cooking rice with azunyan's urine.
>>50159415You've never been to /jp/, have you.
>>50159433Half of them know Japanese, own ricecookers and dream of teaching English in Japan, but it's not because they like Japan or anything
Take your shitty raid to >>>/jp/
873 名前:名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍)[] 投稿日:2011/06/02(木) 23:31:51.78 ID:S/MPg8e/P [3/3]Oh god, I lol'd俺のレスコピペしてくれたみたいなんだけど、これなんて言ってるの?Oh god, I lol'd
>>50159474Cool story broAlso.Only about 30% of /jp/ actually knows some japanese. That's it.
Anyone got the link to that blog which translates 4chan threads ?>>50159320
>>50159474most people in asia owns a rice cooker.
>>50159516And only about 5% of those know enough english to be teachers. What's your point?
America is Pig
>>50159547>lf of them know Japanese, own ricecookers and dream of teaching English in JapanHere is my point.
>名無しさん@涙目です。>Translates to 'Nameless is teary-eyed'Do I even want to know why
>>50159433>defending /jp/Sure is summer here. Oh wait, you must be from that shithole.
>your face when Japan isn't even able to understand english
Dear NipsYou have shit taste in anime.
>>50159614>summer>shitholeOh, the irony.
>>50159614Suggesting /a/ is not made of fail and cancer killing otakudom
Nips, start liking good (!) anime like Sora no Woto or Soredemo no Machi. IS and Oreimo ARE SHIT.
It is my recommended figure. http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~blopa/Pages/GK/CAT/GK/J.html
>There thread is reaching 1000 replys>This thread has ~266 and will probably die soonJaps don't do things in halfs
>>50159705You forgot that half of the posts in here were made by the japanse samefags.
2cher arrested for threats against voice actress of anime
Do you like Cirno, Japan?
hage ga genin de hikikomori
>>50159869>You get angry Japanese translation Ne Cass mere words>Ne'm able to simply as alien bastards brain. Mix beef exports to the spinal column>Narrator: Get us from gettingSuch are the effects of translating English to Japanese then back again
────=== t ===───--- _,,r==lニニニl)- ,イ_lコ l ̄::::l ̄ ̄l""ロー - ..,,__'ミo;'ヾ (´、 .l_:::l_ll_l_,,,,... ------'' "  ̄ ̄ ll バババババ・・・ ll ll ∧_ll ( ・ωll∧ ∧ ( つll(ω・ ) し' しl⊂_ ) ∪ \)
>>50159838Of course, I love Cirno.I love Foolish little girls.