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  • File : 1307016620.jpg-(317 KB, 1481x801, p.jpg)
    317 KB Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:10 No.50156358  
    Movie is out in six months.

    Are you going to watch it?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:10 No.50156371
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:11 No.50156378
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:11 No.50156385
    If I'll live - yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:11 No.50156386
    Let's enjoy our shitty camrip for a year before the BDs come out ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:11 No.50156392
    Unfortunately, because I have completionist OCD.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:11 No.50156400
    I don't even understand how K-On could have enough content to fill a movie
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:12 No.50156407
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:12 No.50156411
    No torrent for six months to a year. Probably no subs for a month after that, too.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:12 No.50156412
    Every day
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:12 No.50156416
    a YEAR?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:12 No.50156424
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    No. I don't watch moeshit. I only watch good anime like Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:13 No.50156427
    I hope this series neve ends. I couldn't watch it, but there are so many high-tier K-On corruption doujins that it can run you dry for weeks.

    Ura K-On, K-Betu, Fortissimo, etc. Fucking brilliant shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:13 No.50156435
         File1307016798.jpg-(73 KB, 1280x720, 28211200.jpg)
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    More fun things.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:13 No.50156439
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    Cute girls doing cute things = infinite content.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:13 No.50156443
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:13 No.50156446
    If i'm still alive, yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:14 No.50156447
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    You bet!
    I can't even wait for it
    and haters, this pic is for you
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:15 No.50156472
    Yes, a year. Welcome to the world of Japanese movies.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:15 No.50156482
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    What does Moogie see?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:16 No.50156497
    Big black peni
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:16 No.50156498
         File1307016990.jpg-(11 KB, 250x296, 3992-uganda_s_idi_amin_big_dad(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:16 No.50156502
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:16 No.50156505
    Yes. My body has been ready for months.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:16 No.50156511

    A man of African ancestry
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:16 No.50156513
    Fear not.
    It may come to you eventually.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:17 No.50156515
    Looks like Azusa needs to wee wee.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:17 No.50156516
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    Look at the way Yui is holding her drink, oh God.
    >> Lolita: Apple of my eyes, fire of my loins !KaWAiIl3SM 06/02/11(Thu)08:17 No.50156524
    I can't wait for the camrip ;-;
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:17 No.50156526
         File1307017047.jpg-(74 KB, 401x400, 1306985684651.jpg)
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    >Death stops him
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:18 No.50156544
    It looks like she's having trouble doing so.
    Perhaps she needs glasses.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:18 No.50156548
    Look at those sluts ogling each other on the left. Bet they're both soaking wet.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:18 No.50156553
    >Not watching K-ON! Movie.

    I hope you guys dont do this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:18 No.50156558
    >Dislike K-ON
    >Have a friend who loves it, but refuses to watch camrips

    It's gonna be a fun year.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:18 No.50156560
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 06/02/11(Thu)08:18 No.50156563
    >six months
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:19 No.50156573
    Take it easy chum, it's not like anyone didn't notice.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:20 No.50156591
    I saw only first season, didn't liked it to watch even S2 so why should I watch movie?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:20 No.50156599
    It will just limit itself to high school again so it probably won't be overwhelmingly good. Best thing would have been if KyoAni simply made the movie their own version of the girls' university life.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:20 No.50156600
    It looks like Mugi has some spicy popcorn all to herself.

    What is she, a Mexican? Fins aren't meant to be able to stand hot food!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:21 No.50156614
    Black Time got made into a movie!?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:21 No.50156615
    It doesn't matter how restricted the setting is.
    It's Kyoani.

    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:21 No.50156617
    I thought the subtitle was lost in Hollywood or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:21 No.50156621


    It's Finns, Carlito.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 06/02/11(Thu)08:21 No.50156623
    Because it's going to be the best thing you'll see all year.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:22 No.50156626
         File1307017326.png-(62 KB, 220x239, 1298959062792.png)
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    >going to the cinema in your school uniform

    Lazy fucking artists.
    >> J !!8haflFSoIRm 06/02/11(Thu)08:22 No.50156629

    I know that feel bro
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:22 No.50156641
    Don't call me Shirley, chap.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:25 No.50156698

    That reminds me of an anon that killed himself after the last episode of k-on and then fought his way out of hell when he heard the news about K-on! movie.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:26 No.50156716
    Why was he in hell?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:26 No.50156721
    Because he liked K-ON!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:27 No.50156731
    It's a sin to like anime.

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