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  • File : 1305432370.png-(46 KB, 569x571, 1304981112873.png)
    46 KB Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:06 No.49408721  
    So let me get this straight. You guys watch cartoons, see a girl in the cartoon you like and then call her your waifu? (wife)? Seriously?

    What's the deal kids.....

    Explain yourselves
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 05/15/11(Sun)00:07 No.49408758
         File1305432426.png-(60 KB, 177x177, yuisip.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:07 No.49408786
    I also masturbate.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:08 No.49408796
    Now who's this broad in your picture? What's her deal. What turns you on about her. Do you have dolls of her and shit?

    Have you ever gotten the vagin.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:08 No.49408797
    Explain what? You outlined how it works perfectly.
    >> Yomi is my waifu ;_; !!P4jDCwvW2Wc 05/15/11(Sun)00:08 No.49408800
         File1305432490.jpg-(6 KB, 158x152, 1304750976232.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:08 No.49408807
    So let me get this straight. You watch sports, see an athlete on the team you like and then call him your guy? (man)? Seriously?

    What's the deal dad.....

    Explain yourself
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:08 No.49408822
    I always found the whole waifu thing retarded.

    Its like fangirls watching twilight and then shrieking about how Edward is their husbando.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:09 No.49408834
         File1305432542.jpg-(131 KB, 360x360, 20anosdepois.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:09 No.49408835
    So let me get this straight. You guys read books, see a character you like and then call it your god? (creator)? Seriously?

    What's the deal kids.....

    Explain yourselves
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:09 No.49408846
         File1305432562.jpg-(104 KB, 467x427, 1256532749194.jpg)
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    what's their to explain?

    it seems pretty self explanatory to me
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:09 No.49408852
    I've never done this and I'm only 25 years of age.

    I don't like formal sports actually.

    >comparing watching a sport and routing for your favorite player to printing out pictures of your waifu and masturbating to them with your fleshlight trapped between matress and boxspring

    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:09 No.49408854
         File1305432573.jpg-(55 KB, 248x346, 1282311789064.jpg)
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    >Explain yourselves

    hahaha L2love OP. I aint gonna explain how it works for you
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:10 No.49408888
         File1305432652.jpg-(69 KB, 591x709, 1276890108432.jpg)
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    It's just a joke OP, no one really has a waifu.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:10 No.49408891
         File1305432658.jpg-(38 KB, 300x300, 12333.jpg)
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    Here we go again.jpg
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:11 No.49408894
         File1305432662.jpg-(54 KB, 468x702, otaku-wives-2d-vs-3d.jpg)
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    It's simple really OP, 2D >>>>>>> 3D
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:11 No.49408903
    I was being facetious (I am a sports fan, myself)

    The two are pretty similar though
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:11 No.49408904

    my deer god
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:11 No.49408913
    OP, you forgot the part where the depicted girls are underage and get fucked.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:11 No.49408922
    But when someone they find hotter than Edward comes along, they jump ship. We don't.

    Forever loyal to our waifus. Except SHiN
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:12 No.49408935
         File1305432729.jpg-(44 KB, 675x773, haruhisnotamused.jpg)
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    >implying those aren't the same fucking thing
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:12 No.49408938
    It's just a joke OP, no one here actually watches anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:12 No.49408944
    >printing out pictures of your waifu and masturbating to them with your fleshlight trapped between matress and box spring

    >Implying I waste my time printing the pictures out instead of just using my computer....
    >> Commissar Lord Girlfriend !nPurgEDOvU 05/15/11(Sun)00:12 No.49408950
         File1305432748.jpg-(181 KB, 1279x710, srs face.jpg)
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    Not much of a deal. I don't do it personally. It's like watching a TV show and saying "I'd bang that character."
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:12 No.49408958
    >implying I do either of them

    I don't. I'm a straight male who isn't closeted and wanting traps. I get vagina, real vagina. I don't have an animated character I hope to be my wife.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:13 No.49408966

    Harem master race here. Curently have about 4-5 girls, treat each like I would a waifu with the exception of monogamy.

    I don't make commitments I won't follow through on.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:13 No.49408968
    Yes because it's more logical and healthy to put a man who catches a mother fucking ball on a pedestal akin to a God.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:13 No.49408985
         File1305432813.jpg-(69 KB, 415x427, livesInmyheart.jpg)
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    Get the fucking out, waifu is /a/ pride /a/ life.. no /a/ way of life just go burn in the hell retarded
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:13 No.49408989
         File1305432826.jpg-(116 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The World God O(...).jpg)
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    OP sometimes it just better to go with it,let them be
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:13 No.49408990

    >implying anyone masturbates to their waifu
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:14 No.49408995
         File1305432840.jpg-(4 KB, 190x190, 1305424527082.jpg)
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    So let me get this straight. You go on /a/, post a thread asking husbandos expecting a straight answer? Seriously?

    What's the deal Anon....

    Explain yourself
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:14 No.49408999
    check em
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:14 No.49409010
         File1305432866.png-(450 KB, 799x630, myaharem.png)
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    harems, you say?
    >> Commissar Lord Girlfriend !nPurgEDOvU 05/15/11(Sun)00:14 No.49409018
         File1305432889.jpg-(80 KB, 414x338, are you a bubble.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:14 No.49409022
    They call themselves husbandos? Get the fuck outta here. bahahahahah

    This is too much. People told me this existed and I was like "meh it's probably real but we'll see"

    This is just should all just feel really bad about being you..
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:15 No.49409024
         File1305432906.jpg-(28 KB, 640x360, headache.jpg)
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    even normalfags have waifu's
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:15 No.49409025
    Summerfag. Waifufags are hilarious and an essential part of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:15 No.49409040
         File1305432926.jpg-(7 KB, 190x223, 1304371853014.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:15 No.49409046
    >implying my love for my waifu is not platonic
    fucking normalfags
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:15 No.49409052
         File1305432943.jpg-(196 KB, 1440x1080, [a-s]_mobile_suit_zeta_gundam_(...).jpg)
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    >Jerking off to your waifu
    That's just sick, man
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:15 No.49409054
    Please just go die no one needs you here, waifu is part of your being you cant have more than one faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:16 No.49409059
    Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:16 No.49409069
         File1305432976.png-(46 KB, 185x411, deafwaifuapron.png)
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    Everyone has a waifu.

    Their perfect woman, the one they'd spend the rest of their life with if they met.

    Some just have 2D girls that meet their idea of perfect.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:16 No.49409074
    >>implying my love for my waifu is not platonic
    fucking normalfags

    Do you realize how nerdy you sound? Do you ever get laid nerdo
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:16 No.49409092
         File1305433011.jpg-(650 KB, 1555x1200, 1276301568054.jpg)
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    Waifushit is the cancer killing 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:17 No.49409116
    >Your sage was declined due to excess rage.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:17 No.49409119
    Those trips...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:17 No.49409127
    Hide, report, move on, fellas.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:17 No.49409136
    Not anime related
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 05/15/11(Sun)00:17 No.49409139
         File1305433066.png-(223 KB, 800x800, 443f96269a9aa98059cde11a5c2d9c(...).png)
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    >I get vagina, real vagina.
    What are you doing on 4chan?
    That's only because you haven't found your waifu yet. Once you find her you won't even consider other girls.

    Pic related. It's my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:18 No.49409149
    Sure is summer.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:18 No.49409163
    >thread about anime on anime board on anime website
    >sage because I'm so sexually frustrated and forever alone

    You seem like a cool dude.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:18 No.49409165
    Summer is coming
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:19 No.49409185
    So let me get this straight. You guys browse 4chan, see an anon in the thread you made and then call them a nerdo? (nerd)? Seriously?

    What's the deal kids.....

    Explain yourselves
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:19 No.49409186

    >about anime

    Haha, no. You seem mad, OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:19 No.49409188
    Who is this stupid bitch? Looks like she is 12 years old. Playing with wet dirty ass cats? You disgust me... this is why you don't get any real badda boom
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:19 No.49409194
    It is known.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:19 No.49409200
         File1305433185.jpg-(27 KB, 319x333, tallboys1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:19 No.49409211
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:20 No.49409231
    No you are the cancer, cancer is anomaly something who spreads through a body, you are the anomaly here so just get out.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:20 No.49409235
    I don't care what the rules are. I'm no where near this pathetic to care.

    Do you guys all feel ashamed?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:20 No.49409251
         File1305433252.jpg-(37 KB, 591x575, 1266799740557-5813.jpg)
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    I wish that one day you will find a waifu or husbando of your own, just so you can feel the same things we feel. There is no better bliss than spending your days with your loving waigu or husbando.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:21 No.49409262
         File1305433265.jpg-(94 KB, 600x511, 1304834282080.jpg)
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    It's best to ignore the waifufags, as pathetic as they are and as tempting it is to bully them. Since their social skills are 100% atrophied there's no recovery for most of them anyway. Just ignore them and move on.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:21 No.49409267
    >People are different to me
    >Therefore I am superior
    You're bragging to people, anonymously, how cool you are. Clearly you have massive self esteem problems.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:21 No.49409269
         File1305433272.jpg-(63 KB, 400x379, 1276721987970.jpg)
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    >Having a waifu
    >> Commissar Lord Girlfriend !nPurgEDOvU 05/15/11(Sun)00:21 No.49409274
         File1305433278.jpg-(139 KB, 814x706, how cute.jpg)
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    It is known.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:21 No.49409281
         File1305433296.jpg-(4 KB, 121x135, new zoom.jpg)
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    >nerd as an insult
    >sex as an accomplishment
    Hi, welcome to 4chan. Enjoy your stay.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:22 No.49409299
    So let me get this straight. You guys watch wrestling, see a a half naked man in the in the show you like and then call him your man? (your man)? Seriously?

    What's the deal kids.....

    Explain yourselves
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:22 No.49409316
    Who are these homosexuals you hang out with that call their favorite atheletes "their man"

    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:22 No.49409317

    The irony.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:22 No.49409321
    >You do something I personally find weird
    >I am a naive child with zero world experience or understanding of other people
    >Therefore you should feel bad about yourself
    Sure thing, OP.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 05/15/11(Sun)00:22 No.49409328
         File1305433374.jpg-(118 KB, 850x637, 90487168be5e23af6123eb3b5b9407(...).jpg)
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    >Looks like she is 12 years old.
    16, but I wouldn't have a problem even if she was 12.

    You sound a little mad, though. Care to share what's troubling you?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:23 No.49409338
         File1305433386.jpg-(172 KB, 629x470, 1302817515972.jpg)
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    Why do you keep replying, OP? Just let it go and accept you are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:23 No.49409346
         File1305433399.jpg-(65 KB, 856x719, fucking nope.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:23 No.49409356
    >>I am a naive child with zero world experience or understanding of other people
    Equating having a digital girlfriend to world experience

    >implying you shouldn't feel bad about equating world experience to a digital girlfriend you dub your "waifu"

    Stay classy, foreveralone
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:24 No.49409383
         File1305433464.jpg-(94 KB, 472x469, 1305038986080.jpg)
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    so many dubs
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:24 No.49409393
         File1305433474.jpg-(26 KB, 242x269, 1302200149943.jpg)
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    Why can't OP read?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:24 No.49409396
         File1305433477.jpg-(32 KB, 591x575, 1254575678515.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:24 No.49409405
    >We do not like 3d women

    We do not like REAL women* ftfy
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:24 No.49409406
    Hey, OP. Look at how stupid you are.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:24 No.49409411
    >Equating having a digital girlfriend to world experience
    >What is reading comprehension?
    >> Commissar Lord Girlfriend !nPurgEDOvU 05/15/11(Sun)00:24 No.49409414
         File1305433496.jpg-(40 KB, 700x660, crazymouth.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:24 No.49409416
         File1305433498.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 63 KB, 800x600, 82d45e7dfff846584b10247eebc480(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 63 KB
    Not for OP's eyes.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:25 No.49409419
    Stop feeding the troll

    Just report this shit and move on
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:25 No.49409424
         File1305433509.jpg-(35 KB, 437x377, ritsu.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:25 No.49409444
    Who is this? Rug-burn face Girl?

    Cool girlfriendo, Lee- Shin Shin
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:25 No.49409451
         File1305433550.png-(42 KB, 220x317, anonyorwadumass.png)
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    >OP still can't let it go

    Oh well, I'm going to watch Steins;Gate, enjoy yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:26 No.49409457

    I love watching anime, but even I'm confused at this silly agreed

    = win
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:26 No.49409475
    Is that some super cool cartoon where your weiner gets all hard and you pretend you're having sex with a cartoon? Enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:27 No.49409511
    Back in my day trolling meant something, etc etc
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:27 No.49409516
         File1305433639.jpg-(9 KB, 250x250, 1287444881989.jpg)
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    >OP's face when he's the only one replying to his thread
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:27 No.49409533
         File1305433660.jpg-(131 KB, 500x333, 3368425688_49d0b8cf0c.jpg)
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    >Nerd with imaginary cartoon girlfriend accuses anon of having self esteem problems

    Ha ha, oh man that's fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:27 No.49409540
         File1305433671.gif-(471 KB, 257x137, 1305171675773.gif)
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    /a/ has never been easier to troll.

    If I have a waifu and you find that wrong or stupid, heres a little hint, you ready?


    That being said, I don't have a waifu, not yet at least.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:28 No.49409548
    Here's the thing, OP. Different people do different stuff. You probably do plenty of stuff that others will think is fucked up. You're clearly keen on deciding you're better than other people due to certain things they do.

    The thing is though, nobody really gives a shit about your opinion. People often mature and realize things they used to spurn are perfectly fine, just not to their tastes. I'd say you'll grow out of it someday, but that seems unlikely.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:29 No.49409587
         File1305433746.jpg-(3 KB, 107x126, 1300910091244s.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:29 No.49409594
    Summer is in full force
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:29 No.49409625
    ITT: Severly mad trolledfags
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:29 No.49409630
         File1305433794.jpg-(22 KB, 848x480, 12513.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:30 No.49409644
         File1305433812.png-(217 KB, 549x370, 1276889674118.png)
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    My waifu is dead...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:30 No.49409646
         File1305433819.jpg-(45 KB, 288x233, 564575675659.jpg)
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    i´ve seen this kind of threads many times, and they are always a failure.

    long live waifus
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:30 No.49409668
    >implying OP didn't troll 90% of you idiots
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:30 No.49409676
    >mfw being a nerd or having a cartoon girlfriend has nothing about your self esteem
    >mfw needing to brag to other people about yourself is a huge sign of insecurity
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:31 No.49409706
    Shall we homolust this thread?
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 05/15/11(Sun)00:31 No.49409712
    I don't think anybody got trolled here, but okay!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:32 No.49409746
    I think /a/ would be a much better place if I filtered waifu...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:32 No.49409748
    You realize that you're responding, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:33 No.49409774


    You'd be more at home over there with the other cum/soc/ks than you would here.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:34 No.49409827
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:35 No.49409852
    Someone post the waifu explanation pics for OP
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:35 No.49409869
         File1305434125.jpg-(68 KB, 337x507, laughing girls.jpg)
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    >having a cartoon girlfriend has nothing about your self esteem


    Oh man the lengths you foreveralones will go to justify your pitiful lives, it never ceases to bring a ray of sunshine to my day to watch you rancid fat little fuckers squirm.


    oh, wait! LOL
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:36 No.49409921
         File1305434198.jpg-(119 KB, 1000x750, 1301498329837.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:37 No.49409949

    >mfw op is getting trolled by everyone in this thread and he thinks he is still 1337 UBER TROLLZ and will tell his friends about this when he goes back to school
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:37 No.49409953
    >once you find her

    Not gonna happen rick, I thought I found her before but everytime I watch a new series I end up losing any sort of emotional commitment.

    It was like that before I was foreveralone too. I broke up with my girlfriend by basically ignoring her because I was bored.

    I'm a fucking awesome horrible person.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:37 No.49409965
         File1305434260.jpg-(270 KB, 716x1011, 1302148886153.jpg)
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    >>   05/15/11(Sun)00:38 No.49409979
    Don't forget the Dr. Pepper.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:38 No.49409999
         File1305434312.jpg-(52 KB, 500x666, 1302149092617.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:39 No.49410038
         File1305434342.jpg-(237 KB, 500x600, 1302678130036.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:39 No.49410067
         File1305434376.gif-(56 KB, 600x578, 1302828824394.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:39 No.49410074

    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:40 No.49410102
         File1305434409.jpg-(145 KB, 1200x975, 1302122667685.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:41 No.49410157
         File1305434478.png-(457 KB, 730x518, 1302802966262.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:41 No.49410161
         File1305434480.jpg-(17 KB, 274x281, 1267308163334.jpg)
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    I used to be like you... Then I met my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:41 No.49410178
         File1305434512.jpg-(78 KB, 600x600, 1301916518151.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:41 No.49410186
    Brb, filtering waifu.

    Making /a/ a decent board in the process.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:42 No.49410194
    >I get vagina, real vagina
    fucking disgusting

    3d women are pig disgusting, mai waifu is pure and perfect
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:42 No.49410206
    we also masturbate to little boys pretending to be little girls
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:42 No.49410215
         File1305434554.jpg-(242 KB, 1520x1218, 1302495394269.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:43 No.49410248
    >Melfina was mai first waifu, outlaw star thread!
    Filtering is stupid nig.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:43 No.49410258
         File1305434610.jpg-(662 KB, 741x1056, 1302551320721.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:43 No.49410263
    you must be new here
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:44 No.49410283
         File1305434655.jpg-(468 KB, 858x1200, 1301931718929.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:45 No.49410323

    >implying outlaw star is good
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:46 No.49410372
         File1305434776.jpg-(377 KB, 800x559, 1302665178879.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:46 No.49410392
    Man I remember when homolust made me feel gay. And that bothered me.
    It's been a long time.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:46 No.49410404
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:46 No.49410406
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    I find this mindset that if men don't constantly badger girls for sex that there's something wrong with them to be rather annoying.

    Why is it that when I prefer company of the 2D variety society condemns it?

    WHY IS IT THAT EVERYONE IS OBSESSED WITH SEX! I DON'T UNDERSTAND! Is the fact that I don't care about sex is what makes me prefer 2D girls?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:47 No.49410455
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:48 No.49410480
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    You don't have to be obsessed with sec. I have practically no sex drive at all, no friends, only leave my house to go to work or the store and I still find waifus to be weird.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:48 No.49410490
    no, the more you think the less youre lead by your instincts. I found that people who are less intelligent place more value in having sex as often ass possible. This is true for people who have girlfriends and those who dont.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:49 No.49410538
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:50 No.49410544

    No, the reason you prefer "2D girls," which is really just a euphemism for "Imaginary girls," is because they won't reject you whereas REAL, TANGIBLE women will, and you know it because they always have.

    It's a cop-out that only losers take. Don't make excuses. You are doing it because you have no other choice. You couldn't get laid if you tried.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:50 No.49410556
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:51 No.49410585
    I dont want to get laid, I find sex disgusting
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:51 No.49410605
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:51 No.49410611
    Or then there's option C none of the above.
    I hook up with random girls , sex is nice, but never even try to develop a relationship and come to 2D for all the emotional sentimental stuff.
    No real girl will ever make me feel as loved as 2D but you can't really do anything with 2D.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:52 No.49410626
    Who the fuck are you. You're not important enough claim shits on anyone here.
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 05/15/11(Sun)00:52 No.49410638
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    Have you met mai waifu, OP?

    She ain't much of a looker, but there's something about her that got married
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:52 No.49410653
    Actually, I prefer 2d because I loathe spending time with people. I don't give a shit about the fear of rejection, I just have no desire to hang out with real people because they infuriate me.

    >inb4 that's wrong I know everybody in the world better than they know themselves
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:53 No.49410670


    the bitch doesn't even know your name..
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:53 No.49410676

    Enjoy being filtered out of the gene pool faggot. We didn't want you anyway.

    Natural selection at its best.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:53 No.49410680
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:53 No.49410682
    I want to believe that /a/ only responds to troll threads because everyone is bored.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:53 No.49410698
    he somehow doesnt like the fact that some people dont like women. 1. hes actually a girl who feels insulted or 2. its a guy who has nothing to him but having lots of sex and is analpained because we dont place any value in that
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:54 No.49410726
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    Don't delude yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:54 No.49410727
    Don't group yourself with anyone, you're all alone in your statements.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:55 No.49410743
    >He thinks other people actually care about him
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:55 No.49410744
    Because emotions aren't very logical.
    Oh and psychologists are for fags that fail at life.
    That go get help for every dumb shit mentality is a loser mentality.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:55 No.49410748
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:55 No.49410761

    You think calling my waifu imaginary is a revolution for me? I've always known that.

    What I don't understand however is what makes real girls better then a waifu.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:55 No.49410779
    I dont get it, why do some people feel attacked just because a few forever alone /a/nons have a waifu ?
    just let them do their thing and stop making troll threads
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:55 No.49410780
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:56 No.49410791
    >This is what societal rejects have actually deluded themselves into thinking

    Sad, denial sure is an effective defense mechanism for the mentally weak.

    >Who the fuck are you. You're not important enough claim shits on anyone here.

    Except that I'm right and you know it, unless you're in denial/lying of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:56 No.49410813
    Maybe you're the one denying yourself in thinking you're actually right.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:56 No.49410821
    >Im right, if you disagree youre wrong

    cool logic bro
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:57 No.49410828
    >Every single person in the world loves being around other people
    >I know this because I'm a psychic
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:57 No.49410830
    Not really some people here like me already had a relationship in past, some people here was maried but some time /a/nime/manga/VN 2d just wins, today 3D girls do not arouse me anymore so I cant be jelly of normalfags anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:57 No.49410851
    I'm not anyone else in this thread, but my problem is that they insist on making waifu threads and avatar-fagging with pictures of them.
    >>   05/15/11(Sun)00:57 No.49410854
    Why can't you just respect our Waifus?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:57 No.49410857
    You think someone can be fucked up enough to actually care about our hijinks ?
    It's most likely a troll. We've had them since forever. Saturday night is a preferred time for trolls.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:57 No.49410858
    >3D girls do not arouse me anymore'

    oh you
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:58 No.49410871
    seriously, I can only fap to hentai anymore. Real girls dont even give me a boner.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:58 No.49410872
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:58 No.49410890
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:59 No.49410919
    Call me a fag, but I only have one waifu: Senjougahara Hitagi. All the other girls I claim are my concubines, and they usually become my fap fuel.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:00 No.49410938
    >saturday night
    >not with friends
    >home alone
    >nothing better to do than making troll threads on 4chan

    I think youre the one who has some problems son
    Inb4 hurr u2, its already 6 am here and I was actually out on friday and saturday.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:00 No.49410960
    I can't believe you people are still here. Just look at his fucking logic. If he isn't a troll then I'm the queen of England. I don't even live in England.
    tl;dr Shut up, god damn.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:00 No.49410971
    I'm OP, I stopped posting half the thread ago. Some mad mad dude took the reigns for me it appears.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:00 No.49410973
    having more than 1 waifu makes you a slut, we dont like that here

    also, stop cheating on your waifu, youre hurting her feelings ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:01 No.49410998
    Can someone please explain to me what supposedly makes 3D girls better then 2D?

    Please? I don't understand the other side of the argument.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:01 No.49411019
    >you're all alone


    Dude it's like one of those 5 year olds that tells their parents "I'm 5 years owd, I'm all gwon up!" Sweet, wide-eyed, innocent and delicious self-pwning irony. Oh man.

    > I don't understand what makes real girls better then a waifu

    I know, I know. I know you don't understand. You're probably incapable of understanding, due to how atrophies your basic mental functions appear to be. And that's genuinely sad. You have my sincere pity, foreveralone.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:02 No.49411038
    I also feel disgusted by real people I started to perceive every human like gross/disgusting creatures of course womans too.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:02 No.49411047
    Let's see, they are real and you can put your penis inside of them, you raging nerdvirgin.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:02 No.49411057
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:02 No.49411061
    I'm 19, have had sex with 4 different girls, 2 of which were attractive (the other 2 I was hammered and they had big titties), but I recently found my waifu and we've been happy ever since.
    Haters gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:03 No.49411069
    Heheheh "concubines".
    You're a real player bro.
    You do manage to draw the line between that one special girl and the rest, that's cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:03 No.49411081
    why the fuck would I want to put my penis inside a girl ? thats fucked up bro, go away with your sick fetishes, we have a board for that, its called /soc/
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:03 No.49411085
    >baters gonna bate
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:04 No.49411108
    /a/ is getting so shitty that it's hard to tell who the trolls are nowadays.

    I have a waifu for a variety of reasons. I don't push my preferences onto others so I don't see why people should care. As for the whole "waifus are cancer on /a/", they have been around for awhile and it's part of our culture. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:04 No.49411126
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    So you can't think of a good argument to support your claim that 3D is better then 2D, so you just insult me.

    You're sounding a lot like a creationist right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:04 No.49411130
    You just defined a pie.
    If you don't get it, I'm referencing a joke in an old movie that might be before your time.
    You can fuck a pie too, and it's real and feels kinda ok.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:05 No.49411174
    filesonic DOT com/file/390967861/MUDOU%20Eichi.rar
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:05 No.49411178
    are you some burn victim whos never felt a womans touch?

    you sound like some debilitated disfigured cripple who will never get his dick licked
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:05 No.49411191
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:06 No.49411192
    Lemme guess, you say shit like "cool story bro" in real life, you're probably like 16-17, you play lots of call of duty, browse /b/ and still use the word "gay" as an insult.
    That being said, you're obviously a grand champion with women, and I humble myself at your obvious handsomeness and girth.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:06 No.49411227

    I can also buy things that I can put my penis in, or I could just use my hand to make sperm leave my body.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:07 No.49411236
    who cares about sex, If i want to feel good I can just fap or do other things

    also you have to deal with so much shit before and after fucking a girl its not even worht it. unless you are a fucking animal that is driven by his instinct to procreate.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:07 No.49411240
    >Let's see, they are real and you can put your penis inside of them, you raging nerdvirgin.

    Good sir, there are PLENTY of things I can put my penis in. Hell, it's in a cup of pudding right now and I don't even know why.

    That is a terrible definition.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:07 No.49411245
    >I was hammered and they had big titties
    I know that feel, bro.

    Anyway, I don't know why we have to have this retarded thread like four times a day. Who cares what anonymous people on the internet do?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:07 No.49411258
    No you can actually penetrate a pie, seriously.
    I tried it just once after watching american apie and it feels ok compared to real pussy. Depends on the pussy. And the pie too, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:08 No.49411277
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:08 No.49411298
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:09 No.49411314
    So let me get this straight. You guys watch people playing with themselves, see a group of individuals you like and then call them your dreamu teamu? (Dream team)? Seriously?

    What's the deal kids...

    Explain yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:09 No.49411329
    I tried it once with a lemon meringue I picked up for $2 that ended up tasting like shit.
    Felt alright, but it wasn't tight enough so I couldn't cum.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:09 No.49411330
    And there's always the fact that you get free pie after.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:09 No.49411346


    Is there anything to 3D girls other then sex, anything at all?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:09 No.49411347
    >due to how atrophies your basic mental functions appear to be.
    That's not even how you use the word 'atrophies.' Clearly you are not an authority to determine the mental health of anyone.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:10 No.49411363
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:10 No.49411366
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    >sex is the ultimate goal of existence
    What's it like, being a beast who lives day-to-day in a society created by beings beyond your comprehension? I'm sure you don't really think about, being such a base creature, but I'm curious to see if you can manage some type of response.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:10 No.49411381

    2D girls can't do anything at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:11 No.49411402
    A lot better than jacking off to cartoon women and defending my social inequalities on the internet

    cool social/intimacy issues bro
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:11 No.49411408
    They can make me happy.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:11 No.49411421
    Sometimes they can be okay company, but mainly they just bitch at shit, take your precious time, expect you to do stuff for them, and take all your money.
    After experiencing both, 2d is definitely better. Real people are overrated.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:11 No.49411424

    So can 3d girls.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:11 No.49411435
    No the things they do happen to make you happy.

    She doesn't even know you exist little buddy :O(

    unrequited love, foreveralone nerdvirgin
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:11 No.49411436
    at least they wont hurt you
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:12 No.49411440
    fuck this is awesome. delicious Azusa.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:12 No.49411443
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    >mfw this thread
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 05/15/11(Sun)01:12 No.49411444
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    Normalfriends are so silly~
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:12 No.49411460
    you dont know true happiness
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:12 No.49411468
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:13 No.49411473
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:13 No.49411475
    >>49411402 ARE defending your social inequalities on the internet.

    You are making a concerted effort to point out what makes you different from us, and then going to great length to point why you feel entitled to a superiority complex.

    That's pretty gay, bro. You're already on 4chan, so everything you say is irrelevant anyway. You've already failed at life just being here.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:13 No.49411478
    I was right, you do say stupid shit like "cool story bro"
    Obvious high school /b/tard. At least try to make yourself seem like not such a retarded underage faggot next time you troll /a/.
    lolXD, i trulled you so hard for the lulz.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:13 No.49411481
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    You're right. They can't do anything, and yet they can do everything... If you have the imagination for it.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:13 No.49411500
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:14 No.49411510
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:14 No.49411528
    How do you guys feel about the fact that you will a virgin with nobody that ever cared for you?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:14 No.49411543
    you guys are acting all high and mighty and yet you fail to realize,
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:15 No.49411563
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    Waifu thread?

    Waifu thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:15 No.49411564
    No, they can't.

    >still using nerdvirgin as an insult
    >doesn't realize most of us are proud of being nerds and virgins
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:15 No.49411574
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:15 No.49411594
    You are acting all high and mighty and yet you fail to realize,
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:16 No.49411601
    >Not a virgin.
    >Gave up women for anime and video games.
    >Happy with my waifu hanging out on /a/.
    >Life is good.

    Feels ok, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:16 No.49411605
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    I know that, but troll threads are fun.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:16 No.49411607
    Depends on the girl and the guy.
    Like, how cynic are you, how dumb are you and how needy are you and if the girl's a good girl or not.
    Some guys can't objectively judge their emotions and get led by them, they're needy and very gullible.
    I'm saying this because I know a guy that's just like that. If you treat me like shit I can just ignore it but he will get seriously affected by it, when he's happy, when he's sad, his emotions are really authentic and they govern him completely but he's also super needy and always with a girl for support. And they do boost his ego, give him energy and motivation.
    I know those girls cheat on him even his current GF but I can't tell him, he wouldn't believe me and he'll find out eventually anyway.

    Anyway, my point is there's people out there who genuinely can get something from a romantic relationship but you need to be the kind of guy who can can't see or believe that no woman can really love you and the kind that needs that sort of sentimental support.

    There's also economical support but that's uncommon, it's usually the girl getting that.

    Aside from that there's no benefit from a relationship beyond sex. And even then it's a very hypothetical benefit. If you can get lots of sex with other girls then it's better than tying yourself to only one girl.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:17 No.49411626
    >>doesn't realize most of us are proud of being nerds and virgins
    I don't even have words to describe how sad you are. Your parents must be really proud of their closeted freak show child.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:17 No.49411629
    I have lots of people caring about me, I just dont have anybody who cares about my penis and my money. Im okay with that
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:17 No.49411645
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:17 No.49411649
    Humankind is overrated, universe is overrated you are overrated sex is overrated 3D is overrated but not 2D, see? the big difference?2D is a concept, concepts are and forever will be better tham its real couterpart
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:17 No.49411656
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:18 No.49411668
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:18 No.49411669
    We seriously know that man. It's not that it's the first troll thread and we fall for it, it's more like it's my thousand and one troll thread and I don't really give a fuck. And I'm bored.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:18 No.49411671
    Why do people use nerd as an insult on fucking 4chan?

    It's 4chan. Everyone here is a nerd. Every board is for nerds, everyone posting is a loser, and just knowing what this site IS makes you a failure.

    That's like going into Maryhaven and calling the patients there retarded.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:18 No.49411675
    >I don't even have words to describe how sad you are.
    You probably would if you'd read a book once in your life instead of wasting your time rolling around in the mud like the pig you are.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:18 No.49411686
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    /a/ sure is filled with shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:18 No.49411691
    Fuck /a/, I don't know if I can handle coming here over this upcoming summer if you keep jumping on these troll threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:18 No.49411699
    well if you're still posting doesn't that make you a SHITPOSTER?
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 05/15/11(Sun)01:19 No.49411715
    Feels pretty good, bro.

    How does it feel to have to troll an anime imageboard to keep your self-esteem together?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:19 No.49411716
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:19 No.49411727
    Well if you're still posting doesn't that make you a SHITPOSTER?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:19 No.49411728
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:19 No.49411732
    >Implying we care about shit other than 2d.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:19 No.49411735
    You will never be happy, with a 3D or a 2D girl.
    At least you can have sex wit ha 3D slut.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:20 No.49411762
         File1305436851.jpg-(364 KB, 611x480, 1272125221491.jpg)
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    >mfw Im already happy without any women
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:21 No.49411777
    3d women are conceited and too selfish for my tastes, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:21 No.49411793
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    >A lot better than jacking off to cartoon women and defending my social inequalities on the internet
    Cool projecting bro.

    That was my first post in this thread actually. I saw your inane comment and just had to comment. I actually have sex, and find it enjoyable. And I don't have a waifu. But the fact that you place it in such a high regard shows that you are utterly moronic, and are likely a hormone-riddled teenager. Your opinions are that of an ape, and are not worth the time of anyone in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:21 No.49411797
         File1305436904.jpg-(50 KB, 506x506, 1267307800604.jpg)
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    Pretty good actually.3D girls aren't good enough for me.

    I've never met anyone that I would trust to shine my shoes.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:22 No.49411814
    >Your parents must be really proud of their closeted freak show child.
    I have a BSc with a double major in Mathematics and Computer Science. I make 80k working at Google as a software engineer. I'm 21. I'd say they're pretty proud of me.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:22 No.49411826
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:23 No.49411861
    >this thread

    ...and I'm just here for the homolust
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:23 No.49411864
    having sex with a 3d girl is nothing compared to masturbating to a 2d girl. You're only anticipating otherwise due to lack of exp.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:24 No.49411872
    Wow, your personality is horrible.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:24 No.49411883
    I can fap to 2D 10 hours without stop, 3D cant even turn me on.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:24 No.49411897

    But I am happy with a 2D girl.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:25 No.49411915
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    >fapping to your waifu
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:25 No.49411931
    Why do I always see these shitty threads too late to start dumping?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:25 No.49411936
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:26 No.49411959
    I don't see the point in 3D porn. 2D is better in so many many ways it makes 3D pointless.
    Having sex with the 3D is nice but just masturbating to it is actually pathetic, and pointless.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:26 No.49411971
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:26 No.49411978

    You would be just as happy without her.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:26 No.49411980

    So? People have fapped to worse.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:27 No.49412016
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:27 No.49412022
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    why was this not posted
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:27 No.49412023

    >soiling your waifus purity

    There is nothing worse than that.
    >> Imrinfected !!KUFrbmxALEl 05/15/11(Sun)01:28 No.49412069
    I wish other people would hurry up and get smart already. I'm tired of not being able to talk about things because everyone is too far behind.

    I guess it can't be helped. I'll tell you, then.

    Human affection and/or love is formed toward a concept. This is how our minds work, and the only way that love is possible. This allows us to theoretically fall in love with anyone. It additionally allows us to fall in love with anything for which we may harbor a concept. This includes fictional characters just as much as real people.

    You might consider this a flaw of the human mind, but objectively that can't be true, which makes discussing it redundant.

    I could put this into terms that you could better understand, but I instead encourage you to put more thought into it yourself. We would not do such a thing if it were illogical and wholesale counter-productive to do so. There are large benefits to loving a fictional character over a real person, and those benefits are the opposite edge of a double-bladed sword which is the lack of corporeal influence. Though a fictional character can't hold us and kiss us, you should acknowledge that not everyone wants things like that. Some people want to remain alone and not be bothered. That doesn't mean that those types don't want to love something, however, and it's not outlandish that they might deem it less inappropriate to love a fictional character rather than a person. After all, with a fictional character it's not as though they don't love you - it's that they can't, whereas with real people the reverse is true. Surely you can understand the appeal to that. You may not approve of it, but to understand is enough.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:28 No.49412076
    goddam spaces were put in the english language for a reason
    yes i mad
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:28 No.49412078
    Denise Milani is more photoshop than flesh.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:28 No.49412080

    No I wouldn't. She makes me feel things that I've never felt before.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:29 No.49412096
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:29 No.49412119
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    >Imrinfected !!KUFrbmxALEl
    >posting more pseudo psychology
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:30 No.49412141

    That's all in your head anon. Anythng could make you feel that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:30 No.49412169
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    A serious response?
    Can't you see that we're having fun seeing trollfag deluding himself?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:32 No.49412212
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:32 No.49412219
    >We would not do such a thing if it were illogical and wholesale counter-productive to do so
    Why's that?
    Humans, no, all living beings can develop unviable characteristics randomly when they're born or through their lives.

    For the most part I agree, waifus can be good for some, I don't think that's necessarily true for everyone, not as an undeniable fact as you make it seem at least.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:33 No.49412270
    I don't limit myself to 2d.

    BTW, does OP have a little sister?
    >> Imrinfected !!KUFrbmxALEl 05/15/11(Sun)01:49 No.49412833
    I want you to re-read the post you just quoted until you realize that what you're asking was already answered in that post.

    Honestly, nothing bothers me more than people that make me repeat myself. If everyone would just pay attention and comprehend what I say the first time then things would move much swifter.

    I'll help you, though. Because I hate to see others have difficulty understanding things.

    >waifus can be good for some, I don't think that's necessarily true for everyone
    See this part:
    >Some people want to remain alone and not be bothered.
    Note the key word "some". This is by no means a sweeping generalization as you inaccurately assume that it was.

    As for your first question, I'll clarify: Humans do not do things which produce absolutely no benefit without a mental defect. A defect which is unlikely to be present in the majority of a group. No one should ever think that a group is being completely ridiculous in their endeavors. Ignorant and misled perhaps, but such a mistake doesn't warrant harsh criticism or animosity. I said that to encourage the reader to be more understanding of others. As a compliment to that, I'll say now that being accepting of others isn't an altruistic quality; it's very selfish and self-serving. Because hate is a negative emotion even for one's self, or shall I say especially for one's self.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:53 No.49412978
    Bro ,I, I don't agree.
    Hate feels nice sometimes and understanding can be altruistic if the motivation behind it is altruistic, though even altruistic things are selfish because they're one's desires so yeah it's still technically selfish but I do think hate can be good and we can come up with retarded no-benefit shit.
    >> Imrinfected !!KUFrbmxALEl 05/15/11(Sun)01:54 No.49413026
    You can call it pseudo-psychology all you want, but that is no substitute for an argument against what I say, nor does it play into invalidating what I've said. It's redundant to voice your displeasure at my actions without efforts to prevent or stop them.

    I can see that, certainly. I hope you can just as well see that I'm enjoying giving a serious reply.
    >> Imrinfected !!KUFrbmxALEl 05/15/11(Sun)02:04 No.49413317
    Nothing bothers me more than willful stupidity.

    I believe you already know that I dislike repeating myself, too.

    Why must you try so hard to bother me?

    Humans of sound mind are strictly self-serving. We have empathy to promote positivity because it reflects back into us. That's the basis of social interaction. In the same way, our own negativity harms us. If you still can't agree then I encourage you to argue otherwise.

    As for entirely counter-productive activity, I do agree that it happens. What doesn't happen is willful and complete counter-productivity.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:10 No.49413474
    Oh man, humans seem like the masters of willful counter productivity to me.
    Seriously I don't know how you can reach the conclusion that they aren't.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:13 No.49413546
    >Honestly, nothing bothers me more than people that make me repeat myself.
    >Nothing bothers me more than willful stupidity.

    Make up your damn mind.

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