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  • File : 1304985096.jpg-(106 KB, 378x538, Beautiful.jpg)
    106 KB Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:51 No.49201625  
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:53 No.49201671
         File1304985209.png-(25 KB, 604x453, 8.png)
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    not sure if troll
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:54 No.49201712
    You will never be surrounded by cocks and get to suck them all ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:55 No.49201724
         File1304985327.jpg-(38 KB, 261x502, Happynegro.jpg)
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    Mugi actually looks good
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:56 No.49201753
         File1304985404.jpg-(23 KB, 640x480, ritsu.jpg)
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    I'd take Ritsu even though she is very blonde.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:58 No.49201800
         File1304985515.png-(141 KB, 500x461, 1301709966047.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:58 No.49201808
    They're all fucking ugly
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:00 No.49201858
    Only thing that bothers me is the insincerity of the poses.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:00 No.49201875
    >no thick brows
    No she doesn't
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:02 No.49201905
    Tsubomi (Mio) is not ugly.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:04 No.49201974
    >9/10 and 10/10 girls
    >/a/ says that they are ugly

    This is why you still are virgins
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:06 No.49202034
         File1304985970.gif-(69 KB, 450x404, Laughingcnts.gif)
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    >Implying Asians are attractive
    >Implying 3DPD isn't true
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:07 No.49202067
    1/10 had to respond.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:08 No.49202102
         File1304986110.jpg-(84 KB, 690x509, 1266874069270.jpg)
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    >being racist on 4chan

    So it's mister "Edgy"worth I see...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:09 No.49202136
         File1304986172.jpg-(100 KB, 1280x720, miostandingnexttoguitar.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:09 No.49202138
    post link or dvd code at least
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:10 No.49202174
         File1304986249.jpg-(13 KB, 251x193, 111.jpg)
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    >actually good quality
    >> walw6pK4Alo !!Dad2zlG9Cj3 05/09/11(Mon)20:11 No.49202181
    Remember the other K-ON porn?

    I hope this is better.
    >> RedHood 05/09/11(Mon)20:11 No.49202192
         File1304986294.jpg-(88 KB, 600x750, motivator343c6b280c9593ca4ede5(...).jpg)
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    You should have seen the original K-ON! Porn, man that was retarded. Sum up that one:
    Mio and Yui gets fucked whilst Ritsu and Mugi end up scissoring.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:13 No.49202241
    I liked the masturbation bits.

    But the sex was bland and the "parody" was just... well you've seen it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:13 No.49202252
    But it's true. Asians are ugly. At least 99% of them.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:13 No.49202264
    Is this out yet?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:14 No.49202278
         File1304986456.jpg-(83 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatte(...).jpg)
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    >mugi is not even blond
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:14 No.49202283
    torrent/DD where?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:15 No.49202323

    save you the download time, its censored shit anyway. the government hasn't evolve since WW2 censorship
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:15 No.49202326
         File1304986533.jpg-(59 KB, 550x370, 6633-kira-star-cover..jpg)
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    Cosplay JAV thread?

    DAT KONATA. I can't really see a live-action Konata being played any better.

    Watching her and Kagami's scene never gets old.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:15 No.49202328
    Even by 3D standards, they are in no way 9/10s
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:15 No.49202333

    comes out june apparently
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:15 No.49202346
    rule 34 never fails
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:16 No.49202370
    I hate live-action anime porn.
    >> DizzeeRascal !!vlV7de/JCMd 05/09/11(Mon)20:16 No.49202385
         File1304986618.jpg-(33 KB, 317x311, 1285602147564.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:17 No.49202409
    Fuck!!!!! Little girls being raped by tentacles are legal, but vaginas? NOOOOO! Fucking Japanese censorship.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:17 No.49202411
    inb4 "that" Kodomo no Jikan cosplay video.

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