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  • File : 1304368816.jpg-(26 KB, 350x400, ao-no-exorcist.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:40 No.48912491  
    > Brothers
    > one of them uses a sword and other one uses guns
    > the one who uses a sword is a demon

    Panty and Stocking general.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:41 No.48912518
    Well,interesting coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:41 No.48912545
    Yukio is a slut?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:43 No.48912605

    just look at all those slut-moles
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:44 No.48912628
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    >Twin Brothers
    >Sons of a powerful demon
    >Blade that can cut portal to hell
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:44 No.48912635
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:46 No.48912664
    dat Ending song
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:47 No.48912690
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:50 No.48912775
    I just started reading this yesterday. It's pretty good. Im a few chapters past the part where everyone finds out hes Satan's son.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:58 No.48912980
    make sense
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:59 No.48913021
    Yeah, it's not a bad shonen.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:01 No.48913081
    it gets better,but the newest chapters are sorta boring. The overarching main story needs to pick up some pace
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:02 No.48913116
    It's surprisingly good for a shounen. The anime adaption isn't looking so bad either. Sadly most of the fanbase are retards but then again, that's never stopped me from enjoying my animu.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:04 No.48913160
    Really? Where are you getting that from? Not saying that in protest, just genuinely curious.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:05 No.48913178
    agreed completely.

    wonder how far the anime is gonna go.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:06 No.48913198
    So, Rins brother is Christian Alucard?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:07 No.48913219
    Does all the homosexual innuendo ever get toned down?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:08 No.48913260
    What homosexual innuendo?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:09 No.48913266
    Its below average really. It has a decent setup, and room for mini-arcs to improve their exorcism skills. Reality? Fuck no. No one does anything besides MC's brother and Shura, and MC can't even control his power. Author should have waited longer to introduce Satan's other son so the side characters could be sent on Year-1 level exorcism missions so they aren't fucking useless and cast aside after chapter 14.

    Also, god damn 15-25 is almost a year's worth of chapters and it has been utterly terrible with its pacing and content. Hoping the manga stops this arc soon, and then goes to do smaller arcs like 1-14 were. Anime? All I can hope is with its director we get some good filler fights/arcs and that is about it. Keep him the fuck away from an anime-only ending
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:21 No.48913622
    when the fuck are they going to release new chapters?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:44 No.48914253
    I'm actually surprised at how much I'm enjoying this so far. Animation is good, plot is cliche, but it's shonen, so that's OK.

    Music is spot-fucking-on. I've watched near the end of the third episode like 3 times because the music is just excellent, and brings the whole thing up a level.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:48 No.48914363
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    Less than 30 seconds, on screen, already a doujin, Fuck YEAH
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:49 No.48914388
    >Tentacle rape

    why you do this?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:51 No.48914452
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    Because she is hot
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:52 No.48914475
    The manga has been out for a while though
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:55 No.48914556
    wait a second,

    holy shit
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:33 No.48915466
    The names in this manga confuse the hell out of me. I swear I only know Rin, Yukia, and Shura.
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 05/02/11(Mon)18:36 No.48915546
    PSG is complete shit, ao no exorcist is atleast tolerable.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:38 No.48915589
    Episode 3 is decent then? Dropped it after 2, can't bring myself to care since it looks like it's only getting worse
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:40 No.48915614
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:41 No.48915631
    Haven't watched any of the anime yet, I enjoy the manga despite it using several horrendous cliches. Hopefully the rate of character development keeps up and the current arc ends in the next chapter or two. I'd like to see more of the main plot and Mephisto's scheming explained.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:46 No.48915743
    I tell you she also is partly demon! I swear it!
    1. she is japanese and summons foxes
    2. she has a short memory view about her past or so in which you see a blonde Kitsune women with the same eyebrows as her
    3. she is the first to come to Rin and tell him their are plenty of exorcists with a demon as one of their parents

    I am so telling you she is a half demon.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:47 No.48915786
    Its actually pretty obvious.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:48 No.48915803
    Isn't that a Heckler and Koch sniper?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:50 No.48915849
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:53 No.48915922
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    I can't stop listening to this
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:54 No.48915936
    >she has a short memory view about her past or so in which you see a blonde Kitsune women with the same eyebrows as her
    Did that happen in the manga? If so which chapter? I can't remember it, if it didn't, it seems like it could be a plot line for an anime only ending.
    >> Lelouch MERA MERA MERA MERA !!vKeby4ZIHSI 05/02/11(Mon)18:55 No.48915967
         File1304376921.png-(728 KB, 1071x599, BEST SHIT EVER.png)
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    Devil May Cry the anime general.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:56 No.48916003
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:57 No.48916026
    It was in the manga, she had no actuall role till now in the anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:58 No.48916062
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    >dat engrish mixed with japanese
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:58 No.48916078
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:59 No.48916093
    I like her
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:59 No.48916100
    Oh, I dont watch the anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:00 No.48916110
    Any explanation for why the holy water didnt burn her?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:04 No.48916240
    dat brotherly homolust.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:05 No.48916253
    Not awakened powers, till now she isn't blonde is she?
    Author didn't thought sofar at that time.
    Rin wasn't hurt by holy handgrenade aswell in ep1
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:05 No.48916259
    Please, the manga is terrible like all of the series in Jump Square
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:06 No.48916298
    > implying TLR: Darkness is terrible
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:07 No.48916321
    Quite the opposite. It's surprisingly super interesting.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:08 No.48916352
    And all that plot!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:08 No.48916354
    You are now imagining Rin's updated transformation sequence as he slowly pulls off his socks and turns them into blades, while Yukio drops his pants and pulls down his white briefs, to turn them into guns.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:12 No.48916472
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:13 No.48916484
    Rin hadn't drawn his sword at that point, his demon half was sealed. If she is part demon, she is either similarly sealed, or descended from one far enough back that she is unaffected.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:14 No.48916516
    Sauce pls? exhentai is only sa panda for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:14 No.48916526

    This is true. I only read TLR for the plot.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:15 No.48916548
    Yaoi exorcist is kinda good.
    The VA are god tier and dat fucking ED. Also, delicious homolust.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:18 No.48916600
    my top 3 favorites this season

    >Ao No Exorcist
    >Deadman Wonderland
    >Ano Hana (fuck the long name)
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:18 No.48916601
    Rin is the son of the god of Gehenna and their are other excorcists that have demon parents.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:19 No.48916621
    Rin = Accelerator
    Shirou = Kirihara
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:21 No.48916691
    It's explained quite explicitly, at least in the manga. His father tells him to never draw the sword, because he won't be able to go back to his normal life ever again. His brother mentions that before his father death, he was ignorant of his own power because until very recently, it was all sealed into the sword.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:23 No.48916741
    I know that! I don't know what you yre on about.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:24 No.48916776
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    drawfags already did this one
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:25 No.48916807
    Blue Exorcist? More like Soul Eater 2.0 right! Right?

    Oh god I'm so ronery.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:26 No.48916834
    At least Yaoi Exorcist is interesting. Generic Shonen done right. Better than SE, DGM, KHR and Fairy Fail.
    >> puck the faerie dragon !3G49w9ZPuA 05/02/11(Mon)19:26 No.48916840
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:29 No.48916927
    >>Deadman Wonderland
    Your list, just like your taste, is shit
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:29 No.48916939
    Are you kidding? There seems to be a pretty strong love interest in the form of Shiemi.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:30 No.48916966
    Homolust is only in the anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:31 No.48916993
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    >Yaoi no Exorcist
    >better than Soul Eater
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:31 No.48916994
    The ED has been stuck on my head for hours
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:31 No.48917005
    >better than the absolute worst of their kind

    oh wow

    But honestly, AnE is decent. I enjoy it and it reminds of FMA somehow.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:32 No.48917018
    Man I just remembered DAT SHURA!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:32 No.48917023
    Same, might be the art style.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:32 No.48917030
    I don't see the yaoi in it. Guess you guys crave for dick 24/7 or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:33 No.48917055
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    That Yukio
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:33 No.48917061
    Why do I think 'this sounds korean' when the music starts playing?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:34 No.48917079
    Because they're weeaboo koreans singing in glorious nihongo.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:34 No.48917082
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    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:35 No.48917112
    It's the anime, apparently, haven't seen it myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:35 No.48917113
    Oh really? Huh.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:36 No.48917150
    Yeah really
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:36 No.48917155
    Are you fags blind or so insecure about your sexuality that you ignore gay subtext throughout anything
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:41 No.48917296
    I am blind. My pet parrot types out and reads posts for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:41 No.48917305
    I said I hadn't seen the anime, genius. As far as the manga is concerned, there really is no gay subtext in there.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:43 No.48917362
    What a bro parrot.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:44 No.48917395
    Not the anon you are replying to, but I don't what's so gay about caring for your brother.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:46 No.48917446
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:46 No.48917459
    There's a certain type of fan that sees gay relationships between characters in everything. Just look at deviantart. Or better yet... don't.
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 05/02/11(Mon)19:48 No.48917530
    >There's a certain type of fan that sees gay relationships between characters in everything

    Namely fujoshis

    They also love characters voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto, Hiroshi Kamiya and Jun Fukuyama.

    Expect a flood of gay porn, Durarara style.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:50 No.48917570
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    >Expect a flood of gay porn, Durarara style.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:51 No.48917604
    Are you that stupid? Better yet are you that ignorant?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:51 No.48917609
    This show, much like FMA, is a shounen which takes advantage of a strong fujoshi fanbase. If you don't think the author is aware of this, you're fucking stupid. Yes, there are homosexual understones.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:51 No.48917614
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    That can't be helped and as it is caused by their yaoi googles, there's no homolust in AnE, who cares about what the fujoshi think? Just avoid the pixiv tag.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:52 No.48917634
         File1304380325.jpg-(62 KB, 360x270, NOT-SURE-IF-A-TROLL-OR-JUST-ST(...).jpg)
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    >I don't what's so gay about caring for your brother.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:52 No.48917635
    KAmiyan is Kamiyan, he has a god tier teasing voices in the yaois he's done.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:53 No.48917676
    >This show, much like FMA, is a shounen which takes advantage of a strong fujoshi fanbase
    You do know that the original FMA was a yaoi manga but the editors didn't let Arakawa do it, right?
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 05/02/11(Mon)19:54 No.48917687
    japan does. Most of the sales for these shows are thanks to said fujoshi.

    And the doujins are often sold better than straight ones.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:54 No.48917707
    But why do YOU care?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:54 No.48917708
    Also, yaoi dj are better than hentai. Fujoshi knows their shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:55 No.48917709
    I'm aware, but she still took advantage of the fujoshi fanbase in the actual fma. Its just that they had the homosex in undertones.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:55 No.48917710
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    >there's no homolust in AnE
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:55 No.48917712
    I think you're mistaking FMA for the Road to El Dorado

    until you provide proof I don't believe you
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:56 No.48917736
    can someone explain something to me is the dude with the tophat mephesito a demon or what?

    why are they working with a demon if he is
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:56 No.48917749
    ITT: A bunch of homophones projecting their insecurities on an anime
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:57 No.48917780
    >Yes, there are homosexual understones

    OK, show me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:57 No.48917782
    Is that why Winry is such a bro?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:57 No.48917787
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:58 No.48917812
    >show me

    If I could show you, they would be overtones. An experienced viewer can detect undertones.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:59 No.48917858
    Winry didn't even exist in the original show.
    Roy and Ed was canon.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:00 No.48917866
    Saying there's no gay undertones in AnE is like saying there's no gay undertones in Hetalia. You cannot be this dense
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:01 No.48917914
    I'm ok with twincest. And I do want the djs. Yukio fucking the shit out of Rin would be glorious.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:01 No.48917917
    Um, what?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:03 No.48917981
    so you guys expect an anime only end or a "TO BE CONTINUED" end with a second season in 2 years when the manga gets further?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:03 No.48917993
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    Look at him. He loves the cock.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:06 No.48918069
    I honestly don't know, this anime came out a tad too early in my opinion. They probably made it with the notion that it won't follow the manga and go it's won route and if successful it can go on,
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:08 No.48918127
    That is obviously a boy, no mangaka can draw so bad that all their female characters look like guys
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:13 No.48918267
    Why Yukio/Rin? Not a fan of slash but I really want to know...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:18 No.48918438
    Suguro/Rin. You know it. It is inevitable.

    Renzou amuses the hell out of me though. I will continue watching this because I enjoyed the beginning of the series especially (up until around the point where they headed to Kyoto and everything sloooowed down). I'm hoping the manga will pick up some pace again and the next chapters will be super interesting.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:22 No.48918559
    I feel like the true inevitability is Rin/Shiemi, I hope it ends up being Rin/Izumo. Fuck Shiemi, she reminds me too much of Orihime in early Bleach, and we all know how that turned out.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:25 No.48918651
    Oh, yes, which is sad. I might be a bit of a fujoshi myself (hence the Suguro/Rin but c'mon) but I absolutely adore Rin/Izumo. She's a far better match for him than Shiemi because ugh, doormat. I generally dislike Shiemi and Izumo is a far more interesting character anyway. But this is just me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:28 No.48918711
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    To tell the truth, I really want A1 to do their own thing here.

    I am confident that A1 will take the characters and setting from the original manga and make a consistent and interesting show with a reasonable ending. Thus far in, AnE has a fair amount of potential and I don't think the staff at A1 will ignore that.
    I, for one, will be following each episode.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:29 No.48918738
    You like the tsundere types, eh? Anyway, from the way Shiemi and Rin interact and how they met, it seems like a textbook shonen romance to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:29 No.48918760
    Nice show, not reading thread because spoilers.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:32 No.48918822
    But... she doesn't even like the guy that way!

    Besides, Bon/Izumo is a much superior pairing.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:32 No.48918830
    I like the tsunderes and the rivals being silly with their hair clips. And this is very true; textbook shounen romance but hopefully we won't have to go eighty chapters of their ~feelings~ or I might cry.

    Besides, Rin, you can do better than Shiemi.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:33 No.48918861
    To be honestm I'm not a fan of slash but I'm hot for Yukio and I think Rin is tsundere for him. Also they're sharing the same room. I can't wait for the djs, man. I'ts probably because I don't see them as brother at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:34 No.48918879

    ...I must be some sort of pairing whore because I can see myself liking this too.

    But still Bon/Rin
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:35 No.48918903
    >voiced by glorious Zoro and Hijikata

    My body is ready.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:35 No.48918923
    >hopefully we won't have to go eighty chapters of their ~feelings~ or I might cry

    Looks like the current arc could go on for a while, and it's mostly about Bon and his family. Not much room for romantic development.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:37 No.48918959
    Don't feel bad, I totally dig that pairing too.

    Bon's gonna end up forever alone if he wants to be a Buddhist Monk, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:37 No.48918967
    >Principal named Mephistopheles
    Sounds legit.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:37 No.48918983
    He is one of the eight kings, the sons of Satan that were born before Rin and Yukio. Another one is Amaimon, he will probably if the follow the manga Show up at the end of the next episode or in the fifth (not sure its a while since I read the early chapters).
    Mephisto works since 200 years for True Cross, but his goals are questionable, even if he sometimes appears to be the evil mastermind. To be true I don't believe he will turn out to be the bad guy, if Shirou really was as good as said I doubt he wouldn't have been able to see through Mephisto's trickery and he also wouldn't have called him his best friend.
    Also this: ein Teil von jener Kraft, die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft und als Geist, der stets verneint
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:41 No.48919086
    IKR. The happiness I felt when I discovered who his seiyuu was...
    I like Bon's family. This is okay with me. I just need some better pacing in these next chapters. The, er, events of the most recent chapter could be leading to something intriguing though.
    I forgot about this. Sob, Bon. And then Renzou and Konekomaru too (though somehow I can't see Konekomaru caring, but Renzou...)
    Mephisto is cool, yo. Although I still think he's the overall antagonist OR like, um, Snape was in Harry Potter. Apparently on the bad side for most of the series and then ~suddenly~ the true motive appears!

    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:44 No.48919168
    I read the manga awhile back, I'm where Bon and everyone goes back to his family to help with those "Eyes" and shit. It's decent, but I hope the MC (forgot his name already) starts getting better at fighting. After 20 something chapters, I'm expecting him to get at least a bit stronger but he isn't. I also gotta say something, the bro, Yukio is a pretty badass character.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:45 No.48919187
    Man those snake bitches are hot if you ask me!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:47 No.48919226
    I'm actually hoping he doesn't get that much stronger. Everytime that happens in shounen, the other characters get left behind and are eventually phased out.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:48 No.48919264
    I just want everyone to make up... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:49 No.48919312

    It is plain as day what Mephesto is after.

    His number one objective is to kill his Father, he is the next in line for his father's place, since he is the first Son of Satan.

    Satan wants Mephesto to strengthen Rin and then give him to Satan to Possess. Instead Mephesto wants to use Rin as a weapon to kill his father so he can take his place.

    A double Backstab if you will.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:52 No.48919378

    He is already one of the strongest Character in the manga in terms of Raw Power, but he has no control over it so there is a lot of waste, making him look weak as shit.

    Hence the candle training in the manga, to refine control.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:52 No.48919390
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    for the takeoff
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:53 No.48919404
         File1304383997.jpg-(82 KB, 481x350, 1303385398626.jpg)
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    >backstaber voiced by Kamiyan
    I'm in love.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:54 No.48919454
    Well see, aside from the whole Snape thing (my comparison was derp but it was all I could think of) what you said there IS my theory. It seems very obvious to me, and indeed anyone that reads it and looks hard enough, that he plans to kill Satan and take over his role, yes...

    which, if it happens, could be interesting if done right.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:56 No.48919510
    MC is voice by Accelerator's VA
    The MC's fatherthe priest, not satan is voiced by Kihara-kun VA.

    Coincidence? I think not.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:57 No.48919513
    Oh, I see.

    "Panty & Stocking" for da females and intelligent folks. Now we're cooking with gas.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:18 No.48920146
         File1304385501.jpg-(156 KB, 901x1429, wonka.jpg)
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    >Watch ep 2
    >Name is Mephistopheles
    >Really, now?

    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:18 No.48920158
    He mentions his bet with his father, could be something else entirely.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:25 No.48920361
         File1304385900.png-(2.24 MB, 1920x1080, thegame.png)
    2.24 MB
    if you can detect any gayness in this anime, then there's a good chance you are overly sensitive or is partially gay yourself as you tries to project things that normal people can't detect

    Trust me, I am a certified heterosexual.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:25 No.48920389
    I've been thinking this for awhile, but what the fuck is an Exwire? Do they mean Squire or Esquire?

    It's bothering me almost as much as Gosick.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:28 No.48920496
    Wait, so Mephistopheles and the earth king are Satans children as well? I didn't think he meant it literally when he called Rin his "little brother". Did Rin's father know?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:31 No.48920616
    Spirit detective.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:33 No.48920664
    In some sense, all demons are Satan's children, are they not? So it could be that they are not brothers in that sense, but it's a kind of...kinship that Mephisto refers to? Demons and demons, brothers because of what they are, maybe.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:09 No.48921905
         File1304388599.jpg-(365 KB, 1088x898, 17032938.jpg)
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    That seems rather like a copout, though.

    Let's talk about tails, and where Rin hides his.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:14 No.48922073
    Large intestine.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:18 No.48922183
    He probably coils it around his dick and jacks off with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:22 No.48922311
    Nah, he puts it in his butt~.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:23 No.48922346
         File1304389424.jpg-(285 KB, 720x720, Let me learn you something....jpg)
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    Yes, Satan has I believe 9 sons including Rin (Might be 10, 9 before + Rin) Rin is a half Brother to the rest, the Manga has shown 2 of them, Mephesto and The Earth King, and Episode 1 of the Anime shows a 3rd.

    Mephesto is the Oldest.


    He wraps it around his stomach.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:26 No.48922419
    He doesn't hide. Mephesto-kun said he looks human when the sword is save.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:29 No.48922533

    No, his ears are shorter and he isn't covered with blue fire, because he is an inexperienced demon he cannot hide his tail like his brothers, leading to a large weakness in his combat style.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:30 No.48922562
    His tail didnt disappear when he had his sword confiscated.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:33 No.48922665
    He keeps it wrapped around his waste until he is discovered. Then he just keeps it out. After drawing his sword for the first time his tail is permanent.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:34 No.48922730
    Honestly, this show is another shitty shounen. But it's damn pretty and I'm still too curious to drop it. And dat ending.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:56 No.48923415
         File1304391379.jpg-(207 KB, 800x800, 16790411.jpg)
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    Suddenly, tails are erotic.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:56 No.48923431
         File1304391408.png-(496 KB, 850x772, sample_96dc3f7e3a8329943e4c6f1(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:01 No.48923569
         File1304391687.png-(239 KB, 800x800, 18086112.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:03 No.48923623
    If anyone's wondering why nobody bothers him about the ears, it's cause there are plenty other half-demons out there so they probably think this is pretty normal
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:07 No.48923775
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:09 No.48923812
         File1304392162.jpg-(1.01 MB, 1000x666, f58f8e66f35abd067741428c415ed4(...).jpg)
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    Why is Rin so moe? Can shonen MC be moe?

    I-I... I think I found my husbando...

    ... Fuck, I'm gay
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:09 No.48923824
    are there any doujins out yet? fucking want.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:11 No.48923856
    dammit japan not every brothers want to fuck each other
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:13 No.48923916
    >see these threads
    >expect the episode to be full of the gay cocklusting
    >not bad, pretty freaking close for brothers but no gayness detected here

    you faggots have to chill the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:13 No.48923922
    >... Fuck, I'm gay
    welcome to /a/ !
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:18 No.48924036
         File1304392697.jpg-(161 KB, 510x624, 7e696775190fb8580930353a42380e(...).jpg)
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    Man, three years avoiding your faggotry and waifu shit. And Rin makes me fall. Fuck.

    >sins, finally

    It seems captcha was waiting for my downfall.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:18 No.48924044
    Word of advice. Never listen to /a/. They're either lying or over-exaggerating.

    Or homophobic. Or heterophobic
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:19 No.48924076
    usually theyre just gay
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:20 No.48924093
    according to /a/ if two male characters share the same scene for more than six seconds, they are gay for each other
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:20 No.48924100
    Idget the incest, personally, and I'm a fujoshi. Well I mean, if I squint I can see why they'd assume they secretly want to fuck each other but in my mind they're just rather close brothers. It's not as if I'm intolerant of incest either because I've liked plenty of incestuous pairings Not those two, not like that.

    ...some of the other guys, on the other hand...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:20 No.48924108
    They told me Char's Counterattack was good.
    I felt betrayed.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:21 No.48924144
    You are now saving every Rin image you can find.

    It is glorious. Delicious Rin.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:21 No.48924148
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:21 No.48924149
    Probably the /m/ people.
    That movie is a giant turd with a stupid ending.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:22 No.48924176
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:26 No.48924293
         File1304393192.jpg-(358 KB, 850x850, sample_989ae815f618873e522c72f(...).jpg)
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    My index finger is moving on its own!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:29 No.48924393
    So I'm the only one who really likes the OP huh?

    Come on guys. It's UVERworld
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:30 No.48924424
         File1304393402.jpg-(77 KB, 900x637, 18224547_p0.jpg)
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    Stupid sexy tails; stop being so stupid and sexy.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:30 No.48924442
         File1304393439.jpg-(225 KB, 800x1000, f56003eedbe1fb3142b3d6815f4825(...).jpg)
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    I want to grab and lick that tail...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:31 No.48924455
    It is surely controlled by Satan.

    If you aren't already there, get your arse to that Pixiv goldmine~. 奥村燐 is his personal tag of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:32 No.48924496
    I'm am a man and I'm neither gay nor some kind of yaoi fan I think, but I do see something between these two, maybe that's because I don't have a brother or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:32 No.48924501
    Do /m/ people come to /a/? I thought they hated us.
    Anyways, I just finished it and it was probably one of the worst pieces of legitimate cinema I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:33 No.48924536
    DAT BLUE AND BLACK COLOR SCHEME. Best color scheme ever or best color scheme ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:34 No.48924552
    I adore both the OP and ED, and actually I think I like the OP more. It's just. The music. The rhythm. Aaah. <3

    Speaking of music, I don't care even if the anime turns out to be shit or whatever, I will still get the OST somehow when it comes out at the end of June because holy fuck that music. So good. I've rewatched parts of episode 2 and 3 too many times simply because of the background music.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:34 No.48924564
    >20 minutes

    psssh, is that it?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:34 No.48924568
    Orange and blue.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:35 No.48924605
    >20 MINUTES!
    You are smalltime

    5 hours since I've got home bro. It's like in the background while I watch other anime
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:35 No.48924612
    If you see something there then you can't tell me the whole thing with Suguro giving Rin a hair clip is not slightly faggy.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:35 No.48924615
    Some don't like /a/, but due to their extremely limited amount of subjects to talk about over there, they come here anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:35 No.48924625
    Writerfags... some giving Rin's tail a blowjob.

    Get on it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:35 No.48924637
    I thought it was just that Satan created all of the demons, Mephistopheles first and Amaimon second, etc. So they all refer to him as "father".
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:37 No.48924679
    If you requested that on the kink meme I would write it tomorrow when I wake up because I am literally just going to bed and you request the best thing ugh |:
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:39 No.48924742
    There's a kinkmeme?

    Please, point me to it. I'm new to the fandom
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:39 No.48924761
    Hum.. I thought l was straight, this show confuses me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:40 No.48924774
    'S all right, it was literally made today, hurr hurr.

    While Livejournal was 500 internal erroring on me. |:

    ( )
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:40 No.48924796
         File1304394038.png-(801 KB, 1280x720, black_cat.png)
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    don't forget this black cat of ill omen
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:42 No.48924843
         File1304394129.jpg-(2 KB, 118x126, heehee.jpg)
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    >mfw /a/ is asexual
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:43 No.48924876
         File1304394183.png-(289 KB, 600x465, 18584689_m.png)
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    Oh wow, now I finally understand the fujoshi hate for the shity love interest....


    You can do so much better then Shiemi... choose me, love me ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:43 No.48924899
         File1304394229.jpg-(119 KB, 707x1000, 17910710.jpg)
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    Delicious tail.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:45 No.48924959
         File1304394336.jpg-(118 KB, 425x600, 18275814_p0.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:46 No.48925003
    I think you mean of awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:48 No.48925053
    >>mfw /a/ is asexual
    Nah. /a/ is just gay and a tsundere
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:49 No.48925073
    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:50 No.48925110
    No problem!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:54 No.48925224
    Holy shit /a/ stop being faggots.
    Leave that shit in /y/
    >> Rinfag !i.MvhtnCx2 05/02/11(Mon)23:56 No.48925310
         File1304395006.jpg-(47 KB, 429x600, 18581313_m.jpg)
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    Dat tail.
    >> Rinfag !i.MvhtnCx2 05/02/11(Mon)23:58 No.48925356
         File1304395096.jpg-(190 KB, 867x625, 5bb23d25363a55c487cd79b53582de(...).jpg)
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    No homo between bros
    >> Rinfag !i.MvhtnCx2 05/02/11(Mon)23:59 No.48925392
         File1304395150.jpg-(40 KB, 450x600, 18580726_m.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:00 No.48925414
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    I love.. what, wait.

    I need to watch the second episode.
    >> Rinfag !i.MvhtnCx2 05/03/11(Tue)00:00 No.48925426
         File1304395223.jpg-(32 KB, 600x424, 18580842_m.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:00 No.48925432
    havent heard of kisxsis?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:00 No.48925442
    God damn some of these pictures make a character that looks totally badass most of the time in the manga look like a flaming fairy boy.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:01 No.48925469
         File1304395307.jpg-(107 KB, 800x567, 18412477.jpg)
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    I don't think we have nearly enough discussion on the appendage protruding from Rin's lower back, specifically on how erotic it is.
    >> Rinfag !i.MvhtnCx2 05/03/11(Tue)00:02 No.48925488
         File1304395349.jpg-(100 KB, 600x546, 18578745_m.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:02 No.48925495
    hnnnngh Riiiiin~.
    >> Rinfag !i.MvhtnCx2 05/03/11(Tue)00:03 No.48925529
         File1304395439.jpg-(300 KB, 850x596, sample_8360072b1a4dc27fa7b2bb1(...).jpg)
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    A little d'aaaaw.
    >> Rinfag !i.MvhtnCx2 05/03/11(Tue)00:06 No.48925597
         File1304395586.png-(224 KB, 702x583, 3542d40a76884bbdcf98e2666dc243(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:07 No.48925618
         File1304395632.jpg-(119 KB, 905x658, 1302530451579.jpg)
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    How do you like your ice cream.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:07 No.48925633
    Correction: That's /cm/, or /y/. Or /u/.

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