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  • File : 1303754344.png-(123 KB, 663x657, both are shit.png)
    123 KB Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)13:59 No.48654405  
    ITT: Reasons why we are still on /a/
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)13:59 No.48654437
    Because I can't forget I'm stuck here forever
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:00 No.48654441
    i try to get out, BUT THEY KEEP DRAGGING ME BACK IN
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:01 No.48654484
    Outside world is filled with fagbookfags
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:01 No.48654497
    >OPs Image
    I understood nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:02 No.48654500
    I can't think of a less terrible place to talk about anime
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:02 No.48654506
         File1303754530.jpg-(53 KB, 413x625, disapoint yui.jpg)
    53 KB
    Gaiafags hating K-On?
    What a surprise
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:02 No.48654519
    Because no matter how big faggotry is here, there are still some good/decent threads about anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:02 No.48654522
         File1303754563.png-(98 KB, 409x687, 1300104667558.png)
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    This fucking robot every morning.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:03 No.48654539
    Because I don't know a better place.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:03 No.48654540
         File1303754594.png-(34 KB, 926x295, 1283191220439.png)
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    Because other forums are terrible.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:05 No.48654596
         File1303754705.jpg-(12 KB, 252x240, lolin.jpg)
    12 KB
    God damn it
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:05 No.48654597
    What the fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:06 No.48654642
    Because I always get banned from anime forums after calling the high-post count users and the mods tasteless faggots
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:06 No.48654651
    >4chan licensing anime
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:07 No.48654670

    4chan isn't a forum.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:07 No.48654674
    wait what
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:08 No.48654708

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:09 No.48654734
         File1303754946.jpg-(13 KB, 384x362, John Rambo playing Idolmaster.jpg)
    13 KB
    >kill 4chan staff
    but there is no 4chan staff.
    >> walw6pK4Alo !!Dad2zlG9Cj3 04/25/11(Mon)14:09 No.48654736
    Because no other forums cater so easily to rapid posting and response, image dumping, and fuck-it-all nature in regard to what can be discussed.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:09 No.48654750
    I think we need to push through the donation gaiz XD
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:09 No.48654759
         File1303754998.png-(25 KB, 553x579, 1303728591453.png)
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    Look at those responses
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:10 No.48654771
    I left for about a year but then I was lured back to this shithole by the proverbial yakitori. ;_;
    >> ronery /ɐ/non !!FtmNPQbl37r 04/25/11(Mon)14:10 No.48654777
         File1303755043.png-(100 KB, 358x312, 1297060439086.png)
    100 KB
    >mfw imagine /a/ dubbing it
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:12 No.48654829
         File1303755152.jpg-(32 KB, 400x400, 1290181807795.jpg)
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    >mfw I imagine /a/ editing it to be acceptable for the general public
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:13 No.48654849
    Because people actually write legibly here without all that "xD" horse shit. And nobody cares about becoming an internet celebrity aside from tripfaggots, but they are the minority.

    Sad as it is, this is the best best place for intellectual, no bullshit anime discussion on the internet, despite all the rudeness and name calling.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:14 No.48654889
         File1303755246.jpg-(60 KB, 881x533, 1278265012590.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:14 No.48654909

    Though /a/ is the most hate filled board I've come across, I can't stop loving you. ;_;

    Some good threads, some bullshit. Takes all sorts, eh?

    The average level of intellect compared to other anime discussion boards is much higher too.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:16 No.48654952
    Not sure if I should laugh or rage
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:16 No.48654978
    I'm here because.

    >Posting is easy.
    >People use proper english.
    >People don't throw random japanese phrases without some sense of irony to it.
    >Faggots know they are being faggots so I can forgive them.
    >Decent taste in anime.
    >I'm assuming you're all fairly regular human beings who don't flamboyantly go around talking about your japanese animes at innapropriate times in public.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:16 No.48654981
    Oh wow...
    >> MrD.Smurf 04/25/11(Mon)14:17 No.48654985
    I've become somewhat of an elitist because of /a/ and now every time I see anyone using emoticons or streaming anime I get angry for no reason. I've had some good recommendations on here and frankly had some of the best conversations about series. I'm here forever. Fuck you /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:17 No.48654989
    My gamefaqs account has nearly 3.5 karma

    For shame.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:17 No.48654991
    Oh you
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:17 No.48654997
    inb4 walls of greentext
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:18 No.48655024
         File1303755506.png-(1.43 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_lj5deoydct1qhav5wo1_128(...).png)
    1.43 MB
    Further proof that K-ON actually has one of the more mature, intelligent fanbases in anime.

    Also, this. Fucking robots.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:18 No.48655038
    I legitimately lol'd at the thought of us licensing anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:18 No.48655041
    I don't get angry at streaming - I really don't see what anyone has against it.

    I do, however, rage inexplicably at emoticons.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:19 No.48655057
         File1303755561.png-(58 KB, 459x880, xD.png)
    58 KB
    >"xD" horse shit
    here you go anon!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:21 No.48655107
    I'm pretty sure /a/ hates streaming because there are dumbasses who think it's faster and takes up less bandwidth than downloading a video of the same quality, which isn't true at all. Personally, the only justification I see for streaming is if you want to check out a low quality version of say, episode 1 of a show before you go ahead and download the whole series. But whatever.

    Emoticons however, do have no excuse. A part of me dies every time I see "xD".
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:21 No.48655120
         File1303755681.png-(292 KB, 396x449, funimation pillow.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:21 No.48655123

    I streamed for a while.

    Switched over to torrents about a year ago, never looked back.

    I can see why people would strongly urge other to torrent.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:21 No.48655129
    My eyes! Shit like that is why we can't discuss Death Note here. Even if it is good...until L dies anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:21 No.48655137
         File1303755711.gif-(944 KB, 640x360, 1295104568272.gif)
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    I want to apologize to some of you.

    Sometimes when I argue online, I do purposely veer into troll zone, but only because I want to know that my arguments are solid, and if they aren't you guys will rock me to hell and back. I basically bounce ideas off you guys.

    So I'm sorry if I've pissed any one off. You guys are great.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:22 No.48655147
    >regular human beings
    Nope, /a/ is full of bisexual shut-ins.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:22 No.48655154
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:22 No.48655165
         File1303755760.jpg-(158 KB, 965x659, what.jpg)
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    Holy shit look at this.

    This is someone's signature. It's at least four times larger than their post.

    Fuck me.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:22 No.48655168
    I don't think you guys should be pretending that /a/ is better than any other board after the multiple sakura con threads. Do I need to link them to remind you of your own retarded weeaboo faggotry? How about those threads a few weeks ago in which /a/ LOLEPICLULZRADED some poor weeaboo's DA?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:23 No.48655178
         File1303755781.png-(151 KB, 408x292, wat.png)
    151 KB
    Guys, I think they found us.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:23 No.48655191
    >he doesn´t like XD XD
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:23 No.48655195
         File1303755798.jpg-(108 KB, 1280x720, happy_new_year.jpg)
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    Because /a/non is my only friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:23 No.48655202

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:23 No.48655212
    Yeah, I torrent now, and I would advise it, but I don't see why streaming induces rage in others.

    I can see it more clearly now though, I hadn't thought people would actually advocate streaming as a superior way to watch.

    I stream while I download if I really can't wait.
    >> MrD.Smurf 04/25/11(Mon)14:24 No.48655228
    The quality is shit out and out. I also won't watch anything lower than 720p.
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 04/25/11(Mon)14:24 No.48655239
         File1303755879.jpg-(72 KB, 900x646, Untitled.jpg)
    72 KB
    I like the respect and admiration that comes from being a tripfag on an anonymous image board.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:24 No.48655245
    All I remember from the first few Sakuracon threads was making fun of cosplayers. Maybe they got worse over time.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:25 No.48655253
    A section of faggots doesn't account for all of /a/.
    >> Eddie 04/25/11(Mon)14:25 No.48655267
    Because I don't like anime anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:25 No.48655269
    > K-ON actually has one of the more mature, intelligent fanbases in anime.
    >Mitsu89 & co.

    nigga please
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:25 No.48655271
         File1303755933.png-(2.07 MB, 2963x4765, dead anons.png)
    2.07 MB
    I'm still here because /a/ is still love.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:25 No.48655274
         File1303755941.jpg-(27 KB, 522x635, v everywhere.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:25 No.48655278
    Why does that board even exist?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:26 No.48655301
         File1303756012.jpg-(11 KB, 260x248, 1291139517725.jpg)
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    Oh Destrado, you crazy.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:27 No.48655309
         File1303756030.jpg-(179 KB, 1280x960, easymode.jpg)
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    >/soc/ as an example
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:27 No.48655314
         File1303756043.png-(109 KB, 838x1417, neets.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:27 No.48655317
    >one image dumping tripfag
    >assume whole fanbase is like him

    It's an attempt to keep the really bad shit away from /b/ and the other boards, presumably.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:27 No.48655319
    tsuki boards?
    Stay away from the forum/groups/etc and its a good site
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:28 No.48655337
    It was made to filter the shit out of r9k and adv. Clearly it was a well thought out board and has no negative aspects whatsoever, r9k is so much better now.

    Oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:28 No.48655338
    moot became a normalfag and was getting sick of looking at gore and scat in /b/.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:28 No.48655350
    I remember that thread. ;_;
    I wonder if anyone who posted in it is dead now
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:28 No.48655366
    I am.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:29 No.48655389
         File1303756184.jpg-(300 KB, 594x800, 02dafc30372e3188c5f317c2c643cc(...).jpg)
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    I switched from torrents to DDL a couple months ago.
    >mfw imagining speeds under 4MB/s
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:30 No.48655404
         File1303756219.jpg-(9 KB, 450x63, 1303727766805.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:31 No.48655457
         File1303756315.png-(7 KB, 454x103, typicalyaoifan.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:35 No.48655505
    all of my WHY.PNG
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:35 No.48655506
         File1303756539.jpg-(14 KB, 397x418, 1303253367475.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:35 No.48655513
         File1303756551.png-(166 KB, 794x564, inuyasha.png)
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    a at its best:
    decent discussion about the topic at hand. correct spelling and devoid of smileys other than ;_; (but that's halfway acceptable). sarcasm, irony, and a mix of loving shows without (publicly and obnoxiously) crossing a line. funny threads! recommendations! reaction images! spicy insults!

    this is what I hope for when I come to this board. sure, half of the time it's moe/narutard shit, but I overlook that and have discovered many a show and discussion.

    also, r9k died
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:35 No.48655516
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:36 No.48655528
         File1303756568.jpg-(84 KB, 300x354, 1298718611885.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:36 No.48655535
         File1303756578.png-(22 KB, 200x200, oneeblush.png)
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    >Implying I'm on /a/
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/25/11(Mon)14:36 No.48655543
         File1303756591.jpg-(160 KB, 1366x768, K_OnWhatthefuckisthis.jpg)
    160 KB
    >read all of that three times...

    Eh.... what?!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:36 No.48655564
         File1303756603.jpg-(46 KB, 408x508, why..jpg)
    46 KB
    You are forced to either
    1] Browse Gaia Online
    2] Browse /soc/
    What would you rather browse?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:37 No.48655575
    If you want to make that case, the same could be said about the images in this thread. The point was that /a/ shouldn't be throwing stones in a glass house.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:38 No.48655599
         File1303756692.png-(100 KB, 351x299, to do.png)
    100 KB
    >pic related
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:38 No.48655612
    Because as shitty as this board an be at times its still the best place to discuss anime.
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 04/25/11(Mon)14:39 No.48655624
         File1303756750.jpg-(47 KB, 704x480, zx.eva.renewal.09.divx511.mkv_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:39 No.48655636
    Minority majority difference.
    I'll take my section of faggots over a site full of them any day.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:39 No.48655651

    i'd rather disconnect my internet and do something profitable
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:40 No.48655669
    >Because as shitty as this board an be at times its still the best place to discuss anime.
    >still the best place to discuss anime.
    >discuss anime
    theres the problem
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:40 No.48655689
         File1303756846.jpg-(272 KB, 1505x1190, 1302215952950.jpg)
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    Does one need another reason?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:42 No.48655774
         File1303756965.png-(56 KB, 444x499, 130288640384.png)
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    it's like a magical wonderland of pretentiousness and hate.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:44 No.48655836
         File1303757088.png-(242 KB, 640x480, 1303236718693.png)
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    >> Billy !nTY2gScphQ 04/25/11(Mon)14:44 No.48655837
         File1303757094.jpg-(62 KB, 468x425, 1291958106182.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:45 No.48655855
         File1303757112.jpg-(411 KB, 964x1268, 1284593388697.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:45 No.48655862
         File1303757136.jpg-(44 KB, 720x480, 1303285439597.jpg)
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    >If U Got Love 4 JESUS
    CHRIST Copy This &
    Put it on ur profile

    >About me: Words in my vocabulary: Anime; Moe; Kawaii; Otaku; Gamer.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:47 No.48655918

    Do people actually like this fucking website?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:47 No.48655937
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:48 No.48655959
    Like it? Hell no.

    Go to it? Once a week on average.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:48 No.48655971
    well, if it scares people like that guy away, I'm willing to give it a medal
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:49 No.48656000
         File1303757396.jpg-(167 KB, 718x805, 1301543714127.jpg)
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    >mfw this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:50 No.48656025
         File1303757441.jpg-(1 MB, 981x3454, 1300538607911.jpg)
    1 MB
    Read it.

    All of it.

    I dare ya.
    >> MrD.Smurf 04/25/11(Mon)14:50 No.48656028
         File1303757448.jpg-(85 KB, 631x216, 1293586465446.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:50 No.48656029
         File1303757451.jpg-(261 KB, 618x570, 129632816323.jpg)
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    Requesting the screencap of the girl screaming over the Tales of Abyss episode where Luke gets tricked by Vaan
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:51 No.48656044
    While we're talking cancer, does anyone else think the overuse of greentext, especially the whole >mfw thing, is fucking dumb?
    It seems like /b/-style shit to me, and never contributes anything to a thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:51 No.48656045
    soo according to that image we can license anime now? Sweet! Let's see if we can get the rights to bleach or naruto and really troll the fanbase hard
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:51 No.48656054

    oh dear lord, I'm offended on behalf of Japanese people.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:52 No.48656059
    >Posts: 4,250,550

    What the fuck.

    That guy must be a master shitposter.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:53 No.48656094
    >Further proof that K-ON actually has one of the more mature, intelligent fanbases in anime.

    As much as I love K-on, I'm not gonna let that slide.
    Have you seen the K-on generals lately? Shit's ridiculous.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/25/11(Mon)14:53 No.48656095
    He must be a fansubber.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:54 No.48656111
    >Posts: 4,250,550
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:54 No.48656118
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:55 No.48656124
         File1303757705.jpg-(51 KB, 655x541, 58473_152588921435955_11666447(...).jpg)
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    This is why I love /a/.

    Because of shitstorms like these.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:55 No.48656135
         File1303757720.png-(633 KB, 872x637, 15.png)
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    Hey, /a/, mihonguga contymaska?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:55 No.48656145

    Expect another one to pop up tomorrow when the new manga comes out.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:56 No.48656157
         File1303757772.jpg-(12 KB, 353x240, happy-computer.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:57 No.48656184
    >Have you seen the K-ON generals lately
    No, because they don't exist anymore. And they weren't that bad even when they were around.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/25/11(Mon)14:57 No.48656186
         File1303757822.gif-(440 KB, 360x270, wellyaknow.gif)
    440 KB
    The K-On General is still around?! Can you show me the way to it please? Oh how I've missed it so--N-NO, I didn't mean that! They're all bakas! I-I don't want to see them! URUSAI!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:57 No.48656199
    Wakarimasen , lol
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:57 No.48656203
         File1303757869.jpg-(69 KB, 762x388, 1285859985960.jpg)
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    Everyone agrees on that except, of course, kids from /b/ who find it hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:57 No.48656204
    Oh god, poor guy.

    Shouldn't have made a DeviantArt account
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:57 No.48656205
         File1303757873.png-(6 KB, 399x194, rage.png)
    6 KB
    There's just something about here that sets it apart from all other boards.

    We seem to have gone a step beyond just being a community with common interests. It's as though most everyone here shares a sense of knowing.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:58 No.48656226
         File1303757899.png-(139 KB, 452x452, 1300207413244.png)
    139 KB
    If post number threads are why you love /a/, then you need to get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:58 No.48656229
    They were full of stupids who just used it as a clubhouse but they're gone now (despite the fact the franchise is reviving).
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:58 No.48656238
         File1303757917.png-(21 KB, 1349x173, I love you anons.png)
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    Because of

    And pic related,I love you /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)14:59 No.48656256
         File1303757997.jpg-(723 KB, 1391x960, c7a74d0554283af9a2fd2338a60f91(...).jpg)
    723 KB
    I'm waiting for another K-ON general so I can beg for rips of the Bandai dub.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:00 No.48656274
    you like shitty not anime related threads? get out.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:00 No.48656303
         File1303758051.jpg-(63 KB, 720x569, 47118_152589098102604_11666447(...).jpg)
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    Looks like someone is new.

    Look up "4chan lanced jack" on google and you'll understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:00 No.48656309

    i was destined to filter you tripfag, this cant be a coincidence
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:01 No.48656325
    >Join Date
    >Post Date

    Am I missing something?
    >> MrD.Smurf 04/25/11(Mon)15:01 No.48656338
         File1303758096.jpg-(65 KB, 1608x587, 1293586584331.jpg)
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    >50 thumbs ups.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:02 No.48656354
         File1303758140.png-(7 KB, 326x193, 1278877730091.png)
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    I love this place because we are all faggots.
    No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:05 No.48656366
         File1303758321.jpg-(40 KB, 720x288, 36648_137416152953232_11666447(...).jpg)
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    Whoa, there are people who don't remember that Lanced Jack/Taiga shitstorm?

    Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:05 No.48656373
    Lanced Jack isn't exactly a reason to love the board either.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:06 No.48656397
    I've tried other anime forums, I've honestly tried. Yet I can never stay on one for longer than a week and see myself returning here. Why?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:06 No.48656409
    Did you even hang out in the generals? Honestly, people exaggerate when they talk shit about them. It was just people talking about K-ON and posting pictures. Everyone acts as if they were some great evil when it was just a handful of people enjoying themselves.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/25/11(Mon)15:06 No.48656412
    No, you can't, you love me.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:06 No.48656420
    So today I went to the shopping centre in London. Its like britfags version of malls.

    As I was going home, this guy got into the lift before me with his son. His son was clearly half asian, and I was about to ask them which floor they wanted when his son asked, which floor.
    His dad said

    I was abit taken aback at first, but then London is a multicultural place so I just relaxed and rode to my floor (2).

    Then I looked at the kids dad, he had a golgo 13 tshirt on. pretty damn cool.
    So I complemented him on it. It was a nice lil moment between 2 guys.

    Anyway the point of this story is, I would probably stop coming on /a/ once I have children. So I guess that means Ill be on here forever?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:06 No.48656428
    I guess it's easy to get 4 million posts when you can time travel.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:09 No.48656452
    >Youtube comments

    It's like looking at a piece of shit and saying it is full of shit. I don't understand the rage.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/25/11(Mon)15:09 No.48656483
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    Indeed it is!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:09 No.48656484
    No emphasis on post counts.
    >> Yosuke !JpOPNP9ytQ 04/25/11(Mon)15:10 No.48656522
    We have even more.
    Pork Ranger
    Every Tripfag ever
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:11 No.48656538
    >It was a nice lil moment between 2 guys.
    So where did you take his load?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:11 No.48656542
    Just because I think they weren't entertaining doesn't mean I have forgotten them. They were absolute shit and carried nothing productive to this board. You could that it was funny, but all I see is pointless trolling, idiocy, and shitty posting. If you really think that that was the epitome of /a/, you are truly a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:11 No.48656551

    More like, newfags.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:11 No.48656553
    You know, I haven't seen Taiga for ages now.
    I'm not complaining of course.
    Of course, we still have Park ranger, and Yostuba C, although I haven't seen him around for about a month now.
    Perhaps things are turning up for /a/.

    Anyhow, I come hear because despite all the faggotry, this really is the only place I can find on the internet where you can have an intelligent discussion on anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:11 No.48656562
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    I love you /a/
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:11 No.48656568
    >was one of those faggots posting on naruto forums when I was young
    >talked all kinds of shit I know I'd be embarrassed by now
    >forums were deleted at some point

    now if only newgrounds would delete all the really old posts on their forums...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:12 No.48656579
    Paradoxically, I'm here because of tripfags. I love all our tripfags almost without exception, they make this place feel like a real tight-knit community.
    They should have forced trips for everyone.
    Also, I like the social/meta threads far more than the boring anime discussions. I only watch moe and hentai anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:12 No.48656582
    Because internet is just porn and games when you block
    ...and I don't want to go to normalfag sites with their /soc/ durrhurr.

    This place is cruel enough to hang out in.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:12 No.48656588
    Yotsuba C was posting around here yesterday.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/25/11(Mon)15:12 No.48656599
    He was posting today, and I've argued with him for over a week.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:13 No.48656620
    we also have that weird sarah quest trip invading from /co/ every now and then
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:13 No.48656630
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    r/a/dio threads are always awesome.
    >> Mr. Knowitall !!eJ8wuk1kwAP 04/25/11(Mon)15:15 No.48656661
    because it is the most interesting board at this point

    (note interesting =/= good)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:15 No.48656666
    Fucks sake.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:15 No.48656672
    I'm here because I got bored of /vp/
    next week I'll probably have jumped ship to /co/
    and then the week after I'll be on /trv/
    and then I'll be back on /vp/ to start the cycle over again.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:15 No.48656677

    taiga still shows up in /ñ/ threads to ragepost
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:16 No.48656698
    I remember this.
    I cried a little.
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 04/25/11(Mon)15:16 No.48656704

    /thread, but go ahead and continue posting funny screencaps of shitty internet anime communities. I'm glad my history of anime communities went like this:

    1. eocities sites and webrings back in the 90s
    2. only talk to my bros and a few friends about anime
    3. freshmen year of college, discover 4chan
    4. Have never gone to any other anime community.

    Feels good man
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:16 No.48656708
    I like /a/ because unlike /v/, /a/ isn't filled with doubles faggotry and pics of Christian Bale making a "COOCK GOOS HOOR PLOOX" mouth.

    Wait, what were I saying?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:17 No.48656735

    Taiga posted a few time in /ic/ recently as well
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:17 No.48656741
    >Park Ranger
    You know, when Lanced Jack and Taiga used to post here I thought they were really bad trolls, but compared to Park Ranger, they are master of trolling.
    I still wonder how he gets so many replies in his threads when he is so obvious as a troll. Anyone today can make a tripcode, get some big 3/inuyasha/elfen lied etc pictures from google images, make a thread writing like a faggot from gaia every day and get famous. Yotsuba °C is a little bit better at trolling but still nothing special.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:18 No.48656760
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    >/a/ isn't filled with doubles faggotry
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:22 No.48656799
    Doesnt stop you faggots from creating a shitstorm every time it posts

    Just saiyan
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:23 No.48656839
    Doesnt stop you faggots from creating a shitstorm every time it posts

    Just saiyan
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:23 No.48656862
    >What were I saying
    >What were
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:25 No.48656891

    Oh god, This!
    Fuck I was lame as hell
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:26 No.48656904

    Does anyone have the cap of moot telling Lanced to leave?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:26 No.48656913
    Elfen Lied is actually good you fucking faggot. Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:26 No.48656916
    Can't you read the rest of his post?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:27 No.48656960
    Too obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:27 No.48656977
    Well this is what I was talking about. I was wondering how many people fall to the Lanced Jack or Taiga trolls and now to the even more obvious Park Ranger trolls. Just report the thread and move on. But no EVERY THREAD MUST BE REPLIED TO.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:28 No.48656989
    Hopefully the rumours of him going batshit insane are true.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:28 No.48657001

    Because of the boards on 4chan I find /a/ to be the most amusing. /m/ is full of stuff I don't like (like Toku and SRW) and trolls the things I do like (UC Gundam), and /v/ is just full of people who have NO CLUE how to play videogames.

    Anime isn't even that big a thing for me really, I've only watched like one show in the last half a year or more before this season hit, because nothing interested me. I still come to /a/ daily because you guys are just clever.

    I'm also not much of a forum goer either. The speed of 4chan and /a/ is what makes me come here and stay here, not to mention how terrible it is to discuss anime on other forums than this one.

    tl;dr: Because you're awesome /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:29 No.48657023
    >be underaged
    >play random mmo
    >be a nigger and troll newfags
    >meet a faggot
    >links me to /b/
    >/b/ becomes shittier than crap
    >discover /a/
    >Went for the anime, Stayed for the bullshit
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:29 No.48657035
    I don't think either of you was as bad as I was. My accounts still exist as a reminder to me and oh God were they bad
    /a/ saved me from what I was and I am forever in debt to this board
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:30 No.48657067
    >no fun allowed
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:31 No.48657084
    My story is a little like yours, except I used to be a Runescapefag, then got linked to /v/ and it all went from there, as I left /v/ and found /a/ along with a new hobby.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:31 No.48657103
    trolls trolling trolls trolling more trolls
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:32 No.48657110
    I'm still here because /v/ is a steaming pile of horse shit that can't appreciate good games anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:32 No.48657111
    they are basically out fools
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:34 No.48657191
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    I can tolerate an occasional smiley face or something OFF 4chan but the overuse of this shit is just obnoxious.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:37 No.48657212
    and that's why we're bros. I can laugh at this stuff because I used to be in the middle of all of it. I don't rage though typically because I also understand why it's like that. I don't like what I used to be, but I've moved on and found a place that suits me better. As long as /a/ doesn't turn into where I came from, I'll stay here. You guys are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:41 No.48657239
    I'm here because most /a/nons have a good grasp on the English language and a fairly high level of intelligence. We are all the same and sometimes we come together in agreement. That's when I realize that despite our differences in tastes, we could all potentially be friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)15:48 No.48657311
    At least he didn't link the board or something.
    I remember seeing a screencap of someone on some naruto forum linking everyone to /a/ because it had "EPIC CODE GAYASS DISCUSSION TOPICS XD XD"
    >> Dante !SamaOwO2P. 04/25/11(Mon)16:42 No.48657340
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    here you go :3
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)16:43 No.48657352
    I'm here because it's easier to pick up new shows I may have overlooked otherwise.
    Despite what everyone thinks, we all have pretty similar tastes in the end.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)16:44 No.48657359


    [spoilers]It's like that BECAUSE we allow rudeness and namecalling. The lack of a politically correct social standard ironically attracts more intelligent discussion. No one has to sugarcoat what they write.[/spoilers]
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)16:45 No.48657377
    That's not how spoiler tags work.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)16:46 No.48657390
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    The shitstorms are the best here on /a/
    >> Honey Bunches of Oats !I1tYcLS8Ts 04/25/11(Mon)16:46 No.48657395
    hey guise am I popular yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)16:47 No.48657406
    Protip: spoiler in singular
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)16:51 No.48657442
    >we all speak one language, despite being from a crapload of different countries
    >we all are faggots and we don't give a fuck about it
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)16:52 No.48657458
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    things like this
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)16:56 No.48657585
    >helpful emotifag
    Cognitive dissonance feels bad, man.

    Gendo camwhored last night. It was glorious.
    >> Anonymous of Philadelphia !!2Bu4qKlo0YC 04/25/11(Mon)16:57 No.48657614
    I've been here for the past 5 years(started with the trip in 2007), and I have always appreciated /a/ greatly.

    We have a long and illustrious history. I do miss a lot of my friends who used to post here though. This includes the people who were insane, like this one guy who was convinced that Heroic Age was the greatest anime of all time.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)17:20 No.48657819
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    Because if it wasn't for you guys I probably would have killed myself already. There isn't a single other place I fit in outside of 4chan. Thanks for always replying /a/. ;_;

    P.S. Fuck you moot, this lag is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)17:39 No.48657926
    I'm the same in regards to Newgrounds. I went on it the other day and read my older posts, I actually embodied everything I hate about people on the internet, thankfully I have since learnt how to act properly.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)17:43 No.48658005
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    Sup tripfags.

    Anyway, I'm still on /a/ because there's nowhere better, and sometimes, you're not complete shit. I actually left during 2009, but for some reason, I'm back, even though you're worse than when I left.

    There again, at least you've slide downhill slower than most of the other boards on 4chan. I made the mistake of wandering back into /u/ during Madoka. What the fuck happened in there? It's almost as bad as /c/. At least I can browse /a/ without running into fags who capitalize 'LOL' and post :) all the time for no reason.

    Btw, I'm 35, so don't go assuming you're going to grow out of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)17:54 No.48658148
    did taiga really wait at the airport for lanced jack?
    what is the story behind this, i really need to know
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)17:55 No.48658150
    But we already do. It's called [GG]
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:02 No.48658183
    I used to be a weeaboo 11 year old. Went around spouting memes and taking about Naruto, the lot. The reason I'm on /a/ is each passing day, I become less of a faggot.

    You've done it, /a/. You've made a weeaboo see their ways and made them actually have good taste. It's because of you that I've been able to drop Bleach and Naruto and watch other interesting shows, and this year I made it past my 100 anime mark. Thank you, you bastards.

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