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  • File : 1303325287.jpg-(14 KB, 242x257, 1303133124129.jpg)
    14 KB Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:48 No.48436071  
    Let's talk wizards, /a/.

    Who's your favorite wizard in an anime or manga? What's your favorite type of magic in an anime or manga?

    Wizards are cool dudes and gals. I don't think we talk about them enough.
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)14:50 No.48436134
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    Sorry to say but the only good wizards aren't in anime and manga.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:51 No.48436151
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:52 No.48436195
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    I know a few cool wizards. Bombardment magic seems to be the coolest and flashiest.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:52 No.48436201
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    She has electric wizard powers.
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)14:53 No.48436222
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:53 No.48436251
    Anima is my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:54 No.48436264
         File1303325661.jpg-(223 KB, 1000x750, 660771-marisa_kirisame_550.jpg)
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    >implying touhou is not /a/-related
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:55 No.48436288
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    The Emiyas.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:55 No.48436300
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    SCIENCE was here.

    Wizards cannot beat man made gods.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:55 No.48436302
    No no no, magical girls aren't mages or wizards.
    You need:
    1) a staff or wand
    2) a wizard hat
    3) a cape
    that sais: Ook
    >> ‮‮‪ ‭‮‮ ‪ ‭소녀시대‬‬‬‬ !/Rei/JcrFk 04/20/11(Wed)14:55 No.48436305
    the power to make stoner metal?
    >> BadduCompany !!G5P54i/fkZI 04/20/11(Wed)14:56 No.48436326
    Fellow Lord of the Rings fag, I salute your presence.
    Also, Kel'Thuzad.
    >inb4 "wowfag"
    I point towards Warcraft 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:56 No.48436328
         File1303325777.jpg-(369 KB, 1400x1047, 641f1680efd2a7c39f7068e03d4d2c(...).jpg)
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    Louie is the best wizard.
    >> Phantom Renegade !nanDPYHkcs 04/20/11(Wed)14:56 No.48436349
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    Witch, Wizard, whatthefuckever
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:58 No.48436397
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    >you are now aware there's not been a good fantasy anime since forever
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:58 No.48436423
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:59 No.48436427
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    staff? check. Cape? check. Wizard hat? check. Badassity? HELL YEAH MOTHERFUCKER. Vita and the iron count, reporting for duty.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:59 No.48436435
    LOLHeroes was just last year.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:59 No.48436437
    Didn't the last novel of ZnT just release?

    I wonder how it ended..I'm guessing it was some shitty ending with Saito knocking up Louise and everyone living happy ever after.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:59 No.48436439
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    Hah, wizards and mages are only fools that try to bend the laws of nature without knowing what they do.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)14:59 No.48436440
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    Since toehoe is not /a/ related I choose Alice. She's surfing a broom. 'Nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.48436457
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    Rita thread?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.48436460
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    Eleven years have left until my graduating from the wizard apprenticeship.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.48436462
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    Yellow > *
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.48436470
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.48436474
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    Do necromancers count?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:02 No.48436512
    how could i have forgotten ;_;

    time for my yearly re-reading ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:02 No.48436515
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:02 No.48436523
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    One does not need all that staff. Fucking amateurs!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:02 No.48436526
    ITT: People who don´t know what wizards are.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:02 No.48436528
    Ryner from Legend of Legendary Heroes
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:02 No.48436529
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    This guy's a fairly good example.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:03 No.48436542

    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:03 No.48436548
         File1303326226.jpg-(150 KB, 1024x768, abenobashi.jpg)
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    best wizard ever
    also Louie
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:03 No.48436549
    A hammer is not a staff.
    A dress is not a cape.
    Whatever the thing on Vita's head is it is not a wizard hat.
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)15:04 No.48436562
         File1303326259.jpg-(74 KB, 400x634, Elminster.jpg)
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    Ohh let not forget one of the true Wizards of are time.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:04 No.48436579
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:05 No.48436598
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:05 No.48436603

    What level would she be, in D&D terms? 19? 20?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:05 No.48436611
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    There will never be any wizards in anime. The beard is essential
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:06 No.48436628
    No. No no no. Fuck no. Don't you bring that Forgotten Realms Mary Sue into this you son of a bitch. Next you'll be saying Drizz't is your favorite elf.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:06 No.48436629
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    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)15:06 No.48436636
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    I can keep going.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:07 No.48436658
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:07 No.48436661
    She'd be the instant-kill end boss that appears when your GM doesn't like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:07 No.48436667
    Elminster is the biggest faggot in a world full of huge faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:08 No.48436687
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    She'd probably be a very poorly built high level wizard with levels in Archmage, since the range, intensity and area of effect of her spells is ridiculous.

    But yeah, poorly built, because

    >blaster wizards
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:10 No.48436749
    The Forgotten Realms setting is a disgrace to everything wizardly that ever existed.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:10 No.48436750
    Fuck yeah mera mera mera mera!!, he made me remember when l got my first 5th level as a wizard.
    >> Eurofag !qUytODkcyE 04/20/11(Wed)15:10 No.48436754
    >private server
    >Lvl99 high wizard
    >instant cast at 130 dex
    >full buffed
    Bring the lube, ma' boy
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:11 No.48436764
    Shes not a wizard.
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)15:11 No.48436774
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    Witch are not Wizards.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:11 No.48436777
    Blaster wizards were decent back in 2nd edition. Just saying.
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)15:12 No.48436822
         File1303326748.jpg-(54 KB, 379x254, Elminster_rom.jpg)
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    you seem upset.
    can think of a better wizard?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:12 No.48436823
    Really? She'd be a pretty shitty instakill boss. She's a blaster wizard with no real defensive magic, she's just asking to be fucked up in a dozen different ways.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:13 No.48436874
    she is not a b^Hwitch
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:14 No.48436910
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    hello there
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:14 No.48436914

    Yes. Mordenkainen
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:16 No.48436942
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    Suddenly, you need iqdb.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:16 No.48436943
    Raistlin for one, if we're limiting ourselves to crappy D&D original characters.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:16 No.48436950
    You seem to not remember her ability to cast spells that can doom the whole planet.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:16 No.48436957
    That is why she keeps people like Gourry, Amelia and Zelgadis around, though.
    And then there's Filia and Xellos.
    >> Yoshikage Kira !dQ9fa8sxbw 04/20/11(Wed)15:17 No.48436997
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    he is a warlock, but whatever
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:17 No.48437004
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    Wizards are kind of like Batman.
    They can do all sorts of crazy shit with prep time.
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)15:17 No.48437009
    Well played hero.
    I think sparrow hawk might be one of the few.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:19 No.48437045

    That's pretty low tier for a tope level mage in D&D. Karsus literally used magic to steal the power of the goddess of magic, Raistlin could have destroyed the entire Dragonlance universe had he gone through with his plan. And Vecna... Well, he nearly took over the entire D&D multiverse.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:21 No.48437107
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    Anime does wizards and magic pretty shitty in my opinion in comparison with western media.

    Obviously that doesn't make anime featuring magic and wizards necessarily bad, but the west simply does a better job at depicting them.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:22 No.48437166
    Then there's the whole summon an infinite amount of angels to create living planet golems for you thing. Destroying a world isn't going to do much when you can just teleport away and make another one.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:23 No.48437180
    Does she ever do something besides blast people with one or another variant of kamehamehas?

    I like Slayers, but as usual, it lacks creativity.

    Wizards in anime are like wizards in computer games: living artillery.

    Way more awesome things have been done with magic in western media.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:23 No.48437185

    True enough. Anime seems to think that powerful wizard = really big attack magic. Western magic tends to be more focused on more subtle things.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:23 No.48437186
    Wizards are in someways better than batman, I mean, Gandalf was a terrible wizard and he killed the Balrog. Balrog by the way killed and entire mountain of dwarfs and we all know 1 and 1/2 men = a dwarf and batman = bat + man so if we substitute the bat for 1/2 a man you could say that Gandalf killed a mountain of batman
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:24 No.48437195
    Bitches don't know about the Wizardry anime and Werdna laying the smack down.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:24 No.48437217
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    Who cares ?
    It's not like anyone mentionned in this thread actually EXIST.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:25 No.48437228
    Except for the science side being shit-tier in comparison with the magic side in terms of power.

    But Index is a shitty setting anyway, so it shouldn't even be mentioned in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:25 No.48437239
    >Gandalf was a terrible wizard


    He was subtle, yes. But terrible? Anta full baka.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:27 No.48437284

    Was he even a wizard? I thought he was just an angel using his racial abilities.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:27 No.48437285
    >Does she ever do something besides blast people with one or another variant of kamehamehas?

    She makes some protection amulets to sell at a magic shop for money. Probably a few other things that I don't remember, and possibly stuff from the novels as well. She seems competent in other areas of magic, but relatively uninterested in them.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:27 No.48437287
    Have you watched Slayers at all? She uses magic to combine some gems to make a nice one to sell for more cash. She casts light, can fly and all those other useful things. Also fireballs. She only pulls out the big guns when the enemy is strong or someone gets on her nerve.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:27 No.48437290
    Gandalf the grey was terrible, as wizard. He was pro as mediator but when it came to using magic he was subpar
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:27 No.48437299
         File1303327662.jpg-(21 KB, 200x346, Warlock look at my chin, b(...).jpg)
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    Warlocks > wizards
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:28 No.48437319
    I chuckled.
    Good times, good times.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:28 No.48437328
    They're essentially the same thing in LotR.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:29 No.48437342

    She sounds like a blaster/mild utility Wizard/Archmage. Which makes her fairly low tier. The true strength of a wizard in D&D lies in making yourself absolutely fucking invulnerable to everything (possibly hopping to another dimension) and then debuffing the shit out of your opponents to let teamates/summons rip them apart.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:29 No.48437351
    He was a wizard, The wizards Tolken used where made to look like and be similar to men but where buff'd to such a degree... well lets just say one of the lesser ones killed a fucking balrog.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:30 No.48437361
    Mentioning fireballs didn't help your case since fireball is pretty much the definitive blasty magic spell.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:30 No.48437370
    In Middle Earth, that's what all wizards are.

    Nope. Just because he wasn't farting nuclear blasts every time an orc appeared doesn't mean shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:31 No.48437396
    >The true strength of a wizard in D&D lies in running away and letting his team mates do the work.
    Fixed that for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:32 No.48437421
    Yet almost every other Wizard in Tolken does fart nuclear blasts, the 'crap' ones, like Gandalf, where amazing compared to Humans and Elves who could use magic but still terrible.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:33 No.48437449
    >The true strength of a Wizard in D&D lies in Locate City Nuke
    You guys don't know SHIT about D&D.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:34 No.48437473

    If by running away, you mean timestopping, gating in a bunch of Elder Celestial Golden Dragons, catching the enemy within a barrier or raw pain and then teleporting to a 2D dimension to get sucked off by the mind controlled cast of K-ON and Lucky Star, then sure, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:34 No.48437475
    I watched it when it was released where I live, so it's been a while.

    While Slayers comes definitely closer to the typical D&D wizard than most other wizards in anime, it still seems more influenced by computer games rather than fiction to me (and it's more of a parody anyway, so nothing to be taken too seriously).
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:34 No.48437482
    In Middle Earth:

    Wizards = Angels
    Balrogs = Fallen Angels in direct service of TEH EVIL

    Typically, wizards took the form of wrinkled old men because it made mortals trust them more and believe the crypric prophetic shit they spewed.

    The wizards of Middle Earth are typically underestimated by DnD nerds because their shit setting thoroughly demystifies the concept and makes 'power' into some mundane-ass thing attainable by any mortal.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:34 No.48437484
    Actually, Lina can destroy her universe and all the adjoining ones. I think that's what the other anon meant by "world" (story world, not planet).

    Lina's a lot better and more interesting in the novels, however.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:35 No.48437523
    No, The true strength to D&D wizard is the AoE, oh god that shit is fun. Why run? When you can run and fire a Halstrom back that has both your enemies and you partners in it. And I quite remember how to spell Halstorm (Mix of the work Hell and Maelstrom)
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)15:37 No.48437585
    But there can only be 3 wizards at a time right
    white,grey and brown.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:37 No.48437589

    As opposed ot the shit setting where technological progress, racial equality and medical advances are the domain of the bad guys.

    Seriously, even Tolkien said that Orc medicine was far in advance of anybody elses, it just hurt like fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:37 No.48437592
         File1303328262.jpg-(78 KB, 450x286, 349874-bigthumbnail.jpg)
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    Both from Rental Magica, left one focused on druid spells while the right is about demon summoning.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:37 No.48437594
    She still seems more like a mid-tier wizard with some innate ability rather than a real archmage though. While he might lose in the kamehameha powerlevel battle (which is doubtful but possible) he could still take her out in a million other ways.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:37 No.48437596
    The other reason they took the form of men was that they were not supposed to match power with power. Saruman got himself into his own mess by trying that, and was consumed.

    The thing I liked about magic in Middle Earth was that it was "magical"- things happened without precise explanation or set rules. As you said with DnD, it's far too scientific- it's like loading more gunpowder into the cannon to get a bigger boom.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:38 No.48437632
    That depends what edition we're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:39 No.48437638
    two words Mina Sue
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:39 No.48437662
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    You can never defeat Lina. She has the power of friendship.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:39 No.48437667
    >Typically, wizards took the form of wrinkled old men because it made mortals trust them more and believe the crypric prophetic shit they spewed.

    also because they believed that the world of men was beginning and they themselves must fight their battles to affirm their destiny.
    otherwise gandal alone could've probably exorcised sauron from middle earth had he been sent over in his full power.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:40 No.48437668
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:41 No.48437693
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    This man
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:41 No.48437705

    A cosmic level wizard has the power of the dozen magic gods that he no doubt beat subservience into a few hundred years back.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:41 No.48437708
         File1303328493.jpg-(126 KB, 500x395, 3673605946_f8400eef9c.jpg)
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    Motherfucking Dark Schneider greatest wizard EVER

    No contest
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:41 No.48437716
    >But there can only be 3 wizards at a time right

    Are you trying to troll the /tg/-/a/ crossposters or do you really no nothing about Tolkien? There were five Istari sent to middle-earth and they're only a fraction of their race (which is the same as Sauron and the balrogs' race.)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:41 No.48437717
    There were actually 5. Two blue wizards went south to mess up Sauron's plans in Harad.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:42 No.48437737
    No, he'd lose because she has the most important magic- plot armor. That sounds pithy, but we have to consider in-universe effects- and one of the powers she has is to never be placed in a situation she can't overcome.

    More seriously, the Slayers universe has different magic than DnD. Astral plane magic, for example, has some great options, along with other Shamanic powers. There is quite a bit of variety, but because most battles are decided quickly for TV purposes, the first thing that comes out are the quick spells- flare arrow, freeze arrow, etc.

    That's why I mentioned the novels.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:43 No.48437781
    >Rental Magica

    loved that show, especially because it greatly expanded on what magic they're using and shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:43 No.48437782
    No, Lina is a Munchkin. Her player has minmaxed her perfectly, and the GM is on her player's side.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:43 No.48437791
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    Still got nothing on the power of friendship.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:44 No.48437824
    If Gandalf had done that, he'd merely have become another Dark Lord- he said that quite clearly in the book.
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)15:45 No.48437834
    Thanks man. Much better response then >>48437716
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:46 No.48437867
    >If Gandalf had done that, he'd merely have become another Dark Lord- he said that quite clearly in the book.

    Wasn't that in case if he took the One Ring for himself?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:46 No.48437876
    >No, he'd lose because she has the most important magic- plot armor.
    The same is true for plenty of other wizards, so you could use that argument for them as well.

    Fact is that she displays both a lack of preparation and variety of skills. She has a few high level spells of ultimate destruction, but how is that going to help her if she's caught off guard?

    Besides, as I already mentioned, Slayers is obviously a parody and shouldn't be taken too seriously in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:46 No.48437877
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    She is awesome (and my waifu) but she is not a mere wizard, she is the fucking Queen of Demons
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:46 No.48437882
    And he seemed to consider it unlikely that he could beat Sauron with direct force anyway. All five definitely could have though.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:47 No.48437889

    He also has the friendship of the party companions that fought with him so they could reach that level. Friendship + Magic power of a dozen dimensions + Man who can break a planet in half with a totally mundane axe > Friendship
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:48 No.48437939
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    >The same is true for plenty of other wizards, so you could use that argument for them as well.

    >mwf Gandalf was saved directly as a result of plot armor and came back as Gandalf 2.0
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:48 No.48437946
    But that was the only way he could defeat Sauron. Even at full power as a revealed Maiar, he was not strong enough without the Ring. But assuming he was powerful enough without it, the theme running through Tolkien's work implies that he'd still fall.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:49 No.48437952
    Both Lina and Gourry were munchkins. Amelia was the excitable noob player going all Kamen Rider on the group.
    Zelgadis was the one "serious" role player who was clearly irritated by the munchkinings of Lina and Gourry.
    Xellos was the DMPC. And a well done DMPC at that. Pointing them on the way to go but not really interfering unless absolutely necessary.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:49 No.48437970
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    No love for orphen?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:50 No.48437990
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    Still not better than power of friendship.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:51 No.48438016
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    You know, manga and anime is cool for a lot of things. But when it comes to mages, I bet only in one man.

    "My talent's for lying. For sticking the knife in when people least expect it. Then walking away with a smile and a wave before they even realize they're bleeding."

    This fucker right here.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:52 No.48438044
         File1303329122.jpg-(68 KB, 800x600, 1301355303862.jpg)
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    His body is made out of swords
    His blood is of iron and his heart of glass
    He survived through countless battles
    Not even once retreating
    Not even once being understood
    He was always alone
    Intoxicated with victory in a hill of swords
    Thus, his life has no meaning
    That body was certainly made out of swords

    Postin' my favorite sword in a wizard thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:52 No.48438058
    a 30yo virgin... sucks to be you pal!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:52 No.48438082
    Lina's plot armor is stronger, being a cute anime female.

    We can argue about who would be caught off guard when, but that would depend on the universe and rules within. In the Slayers universe, high level mages, even gods, can be caught off guard. That means that any wizard who went there would be vulnerable.

    I think Lina is more powerful and stands a better chance than you imply, parody or not. In fact, the parody element works in her favor due to her durability. Comedy is power.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:53 No.48438091
    Well, at that point Gandalf was the only wizard left who was actively doing anything about Sauron and the ring.
    Rhadagast was hiding in the woods talking to animals, the two blue wizard disappeared into the east, never to be heard from again.
    Also, Saruman had gone from "the White" to Saruman the Many Colored. With a swirly tie-dye robe of every color of the rainbow.
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)15:54 No.48438121
    This would be the other beside sparrow hawk. constantine is a real bad ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:54 No.48438124
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:54 No.48438142
    elemental wizard reporting in and magicka is too buggy to play
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:55 No.48438154
    Sounds pretty fruity.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:55 No.48438160
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:55 No.48438167
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    Talking about wizards, has anybody read this?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:55 No.48438172
    Anime/manga doesn't really do spellcasters in general as we in the west do it in fantasy. Negima, maybe, but even that is a stretch.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:56 No.48438202
    Rhadaghast - tremendous faggot or livin' the dream?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:56 No.48438205
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    Gene may not be a real wizard, but he's got a magic gun that shoots magic spell from magic bullets that are actually made by real wizards.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:58 No.48438248
    Where do you think the trent wives went?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:58 No.48438257
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:58 No.48438266
    If by "dream" you mean teaching the peanut butter trick to all the wolves in the forest, then yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:59 No.48438283
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    Delishus Mushrooms.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:00 No.48438329
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:00 No.48438340
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    the witches in Umineko, they were different from the conventional Wizards/witches that are in the DnD style of mage craft that went around shooting fireballs and wear cloth armor.I liked how magic in that universe was illusions and can only appear before you or harm you only if you believe in them.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:00 No.48438352
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    This wizard right here.
    Mostly because I laugh because no one knows his name.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:01 No.48438371
    The point is that you're arguing within the setting, while I'm arguing when it comes to general skills.

    I like Slayers, and Lina as a character, but you're being really silly here.

    Sure, within her own setting, she can't be taken down because the author doesn't want her to be taken down. The same is true for Elminster.

    That doesn't change the fact however, that she doesn't display the skills of an archmage. She displays the skills of a mid-tier mage and occasionally some special ability which allows her to cast kamehameha on her enemies.

    Whether if someone faced her within her own setting he would be magically forced into a DBZ style battle of kamehameha powers is besides the point - the point is that she doesn't seem to be an impressive wizard. An impressive wizard is a guy who makes impressive use of his magic abilities, does interesting things with his magic, a guy who is first of all creative rather than powerful.

    Someone who shoots big lasers isn't impressive. Son Goku can do that too. Lots of characters can. Those are things we've seen before.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:02 No.48438416
         File1303329765.jpg-(35 KB, 600x400, wagnard-1.jpg)
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    And before anyone asks, no, that's not Wagnard from Lodoss.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:03 No.48438442
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    Travelling dimensions all day every day.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:03 No.48438450
         File1303329829.jpg-(136 KB, 440x280, record-of-lodoss-war.jpg)
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    >CTRL+F lodoss
    >0 of 0

    Come on! The show is pretty much a DnD campaign turned into an anime
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:03 No.48438455
         File1303329835.jpg-(91 KB, 370x403, 1301202439175.jpg)
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    >see Magicka
    >"Holy shit this game looks fucking awesome. Playing co-op is going to be god-tier."
    >download demo
    mfw I don't own a desktop and found out that the developers refused to optimize the game for laptops
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:04 No.48438483
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    Stop getting so anal about Lina beating some old dudes.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:05 No.48438492
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    W-wait for me!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:05 No.48438493
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    One of Lina's constant flaws is that she's a trigger happy, emotional, hormonal adolescent girl.
    With small boobs.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:05 No.48438501
    Have you read the Slayers novels? The problem is that you're just looking at it from an anime perspective, and anime needs lots of action to keep it interesting looking.

    But your continued use of "kamehameha" suggests to me that you're deliberately avoiding the magical effects of the different sorts of spells in order to keep your position.

    Lina is more than mid-level (a step upwards from your earlier positions), but there is no way you will convince me of your point, nor I convince you of mine.
    >> ‮‮‬‬ 04/20/11(Wed)16:05 No.48438509
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:06 No.48438536
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    For the record, she's one of the biggest sluts ever ,bigger than saten, But she has that charm that fucking charm that your would fuck her even if she gave you aids.
    That delicious brown skin, them child bearing hips, that red hair.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:06 No.48438553
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    You missed Wagnard by two posts.
    Also, Karla. Because I can fap to her.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:08 No.48438588

    It really is a fucking EXCELLENT game. I cannot stress how much fun I had playing it with mates until we got to a point where it always crashes.

    If they ever remove the bugs, it will be glorious. Until then, let it rest.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:08 No.48438590
    >pretty much
    It LITERALLY is a DnD campaign turned into an anime, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:08 No.48438596
    can't for the life of me remember the name of good wizard guy in loddoss
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:09 No.48438602
    Anyone know who this is?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:09 No.48438625
    not quite. the game that spawned it wasn't dnd but some jap variant
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:10 No.48438642

    >CTRL+F lodoss
    >0 of 0
    Liar, you didn't even try

    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:10 No.48438658
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    Remember your party.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:11 No.48438671
    >Come on! The show is pretty much a DnD campaign turned into an anime

    Except Lodoss IS a DnD campaign that got turned into novels with anime adaptations. The same thing happened with Slayers.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:11 No.48438680
    >Have you read the Slayers novels?
    No, and I think I already mentioned that I'm looking at it from an anime perspective.

    >But your continued use of "kamehameha" suggests to me that you're deliberately avoiding the magical effects of the different sorts of spells in order to keep your position.
    I use kamehameha because those are her high-level spells. Otherwise she mostly casts what pretty much any mid-tier D&D wizard can.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:12 No.48438706
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:12 No.48438712
    Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Thus it's all the same shit.

    captcha: staves, renditio
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:13 No.48438727
    I was just on Steam, and apparently they've released a $5 DLC Vietnam-themed campaign.

    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:13 No.48438735
    Then there's no real point to this discussion. Anyone will look like a massive tard when only bang-zoom-flash entertainment is considered. It'd be like saying "Man, Mario is fucking useless, all he can do is shoot in two directions and jump a short distance."
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:15 No.48438805
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    Take it easy.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:15 No.48438807
    You are talking about the man defeated my a weak main character, almost killed by a mad scientist with a gun, almost killed two time by another mad scientist, almost defeated by another sper and defeated by a catholic church mage?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:16 No.48438826
    >Nipponese D&D counterpart
    I thought that was Maid RPG
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:16 No.48438846
    >Nowadays it seems like every game is getting a Vietnam add-on and Magicka is no exception.

    I think it's pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:17 No.48438875
    >What's your favorite type of magic in an anime or manga?

    The interesting kind that isn't pewpew with magic instead of bullets.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:17 No.48438877
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    i like loli witches.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:18 No.48438903
    I'm not involved in the conversation, but it's kind of silly to keep doing that when there's someone consistently responding to him, and being just as serious.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:19 No.48438911
    You can fap to any wizard who can cast polymorph
    >> The Bread Man !YLiXoD5fmE 04/20/11(Wed)16:19 No.48438922
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    we all do.

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