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  • File : 1302811853.jpg-(387 KB, 631x744, panty-stocking-splash.jpg)
    387 KB Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:10 No.48205569  
    >yfw FUNimation licensed Panty and Stocking
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:12 No.48205600
         File1302811923.jpg-(28 KB, 331x319, 1300483603432.jpg)
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    >mfw it's legit
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:12 No.48205602
    Who's gonna voice GARterbelt?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:12 No.48205622
    Ten bucks on Christopher Sabat
    >> Admiral Aiguille Delaz !tDtykvLveo 04/14/11(Thu)16:12 No.48205631
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:12 No.48205633
    >Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, this site is not available in your country.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:13 No.48205637
    I'd love Crispin Freeman to do it.
    >> X^33333333333333333 !!WPVKdyLkVWl 04/14/11(Thu)16:13 No.48205645
         File1302812006.jpg-(86 KB, 744x418, ReturningSomeTapes.jpg)
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    >Not available in my country
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:13 No.48205661
    Samuel L Jackson
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:13 No.48205665
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    Please to not be fucking up or censoring anything.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:14 No.48205672
    mite b cool
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:14 No.48205675
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:14 No.48205689
    Yeah, this show probably was gonna work better dubbed anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.48205714
    Fucking great, now all the fags will buy it and other people will make more Drawn Together knock offs in japan. Meanwhile no one will buy good series like Kaiji or Hajime no Ippo.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.48205715

    That'll be fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.48205716
    >smash hit
    I though is sold like shit.
    >> Scanty !l5Ju6Ly8I2 04/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.48205719
         File1302812120.png-(36 KB, 115x129, Brody.png)
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    Steve Blum for stocking.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.48205720
    better fucking be
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.48205722
    >Smash hit
    >Was below the Hanabi line
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.48205738
    >4 main female characters
    >dub voice actresses
    >implying 4 good dub voice actresses exist
    It's gonna be shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:16 No.48205745
    >Discs sold out
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:16 No.48205751
    chris cason does chuck, still i doubt anyone can replace mai stocking
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:16 No.48205760
    My bad *manabi
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:16 No.48205769
    >I'm okay with this
    >I have no face
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:17 No.48205773
    Alright, let's try to predict the dub cast.

    They should get the woman who played Mari in the Eva movie for Panty. And....I don't know, maybe Brina Palencia for Stocking. Obviously Christopher Sabat for Garterbelt.

    I want Bosch to be Brief
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:17 No.48205776
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    >Smash hit
    It's funny how Funi always says that the anime's a SMASH HIT while almost everything they license totally bombed in Japan.
    Same with the Vampire Bund manga. It says "NOW A HIT ANIME IN JAPAN!" on one of the covers, while it totally flopped.

    Oh Americans.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:17 No.48205778
         File1302812238.jpg-(16 KB, 512x288, Dispair.jpg)
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    Another shit series gets licensed

    Funi better pick up Books of Bantorra next or I will murder them
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:17 No.48205781
    >Hanabi line

    Also, you realize that disc sales are not the only measure of a show's popularity, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:17 No.48205786
    I dunno but the best part was the MUTHERFACKING BEECH ENGRISH whenever the girls are yelling cuss words

    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 04/14/11(Thu)16:17 No.48205792
    I say they just get the Japanese cast to redo their lines in Engrish
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:17 No.48205795
         File1302812268.jpg-(93 KB, 900x675, 1297156000797.jpg)
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    >Be large fan of PSG
    >Realize that due to content it'll never get a dub
    >Decide to foray into /a/ to see if there is any news on Season 2
    >This is the first damned thread I see

    I want it to be good, and I pray it to be.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:17 No.48205798
    Except this is a good series with good animation and deserves to sell well for that reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:18 No.48205824
    I think this confirms its coming to Adult Swim now.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:18 No.48205828
    >Meanwhile no one will buy good series like Kaiji or Hajime no Ippo.
    >implying either of those are fucking licensed.

    Well, Ippo is, but it's in license hell
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:18 No.48205838
    I'm betting Patrick Seitz or some black dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:18 No.48205844
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:19 No.48205852
    >I say they just get the Japanese cast to redo their lines in Engrish
    I would be more okay with this than anybody could possibly ever imagine.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:19 No.48205854
    >I think this confirms its coming to Adult Swim now.
    It freaking better. Other than Venture Bros and occasionally FMA:B, I don't watch that network anymore
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:19 No.48205856
         File1302812355.jpg-(6 KB, 209x215, 1301454702162.jpg)
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    Cool, now it's getting dubbed.
    Now the retarded 5 year old shits who find this entertaining at all don't have to strain their brain with all that reading.
    >> Scanty !l5Ju6Ly8I2 04/14/11(Thu)16:19 No.48205860
         File1302812359.gif-(1.69 MB, 300x169, Deal With It.gif)
    1.69 MB
    Tara Strong, Grey Delise, Jennifer Hale, Gen Taylor.

    Stocking, Scanty, Kneesocks, Panty.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:19 No.48205863
    this can only end in utter failure
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:19 No.48205872

    Trigun sold less than 1k per dvd in Japan yet was a big hit in America. This doesn't appeal to Japanese the way it does Americans
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:19 No.48205874
    I have a feeling palencia will get stocking
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.48205889

    A part of me hopes Samuel L. Jackson does Garterbelt, but the voice might seem a little off.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.48205890
    >mfw they don't have to dub the music or soundtrack because they were in English already
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.48205898
         File1302812425.jpg-(19 KB, 310x282, Erika11.jpg)
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    >my face when Wendee Lee is playing Panty
    >my face when I imagine her saying fuck every other sentence
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.48205908
    When anime clubs start watching this it'll be-ugh
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.48205914
         File1302812445.jpg-(95 KB, 539x480, 1297983125667.jpg)
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    PSG was the only original show of last year. And not only was it original but it got a good reception on /a/. If the dub does well it can only mean good things for the industry as a whole, even if you didn't like the show or have no intention of watching it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.48205916
    You tears are delicious.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:20 No.48205917
    or in epic fail xd ><
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:21 No.48205926
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:21 No.48205930

    get out
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:21 No.48205931
    The epic amount of censorship going to be added in by Funimation is going to be great. I'm sure instead of 13 episodes it will be cut down to 6.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:21 No.48205932
    Americans are not as dumb as people think, PSG will bomb here as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:21 No.48205944
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:21 No.48205950
    You haven't seen FUNi recently have you?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:21 No.48205952

    They love this raunchy humor though, unlike Japan.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:22 No.48205963
    Funi isn't censoring that much anime lately. Didn't they release Vampire Bund and Strike Witches completely uncensored?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:22 No.48205971

    Glorious loli nipples in the funimation dub of Strike Witches

    Hate on funimation if you want, but at least they don't censor shit
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:22 No.48205974
    >not as dumb as people think

    Being American myself, I can tell you a large portion of our population is just as dumb as people say. If not moreso. Fuck 90% of this country.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:22 No.48205975
    Sold like shit=People didnt like it=Not popular
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:22 No.48205983
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:22 No.48205987
         File1302812571.jpg-(57 KB, 297x358, 1295124880754.jpg)
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    >my face when they dub it into japanese
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48205992
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48206000

    Maybe they should hire a French-Canadian actress instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48206002
         File1302812590.jpg-(45 KB, 400x338, 17462978_m.jpg)
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    That's weird, I thought FUNimation only did anime
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48206010
    It was a complete rip off of american cartoons like South Park, and as said before, drawn together. You people should buy south park, that's actually good.
    Also you didn't watch Tatami Galaxy did you?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48206012
    Funi =/= 4kids
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48206013
    Damn, Funimation is getting all the cool shit lately.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48206017
    >Steve Blum
    >Crispin Freeman
    >Wendee Lee
    NOPE.AVI they never work for Funimation, nor ADV's
    they work for Bang Zoom! Entertainment, Viz Media, Animaze, Bandai
    list of most likely VA is "Texas (FUNimation, ADV Films, Seraphim Digital Studios)"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48206020
    Isn't Wendee Lee part of Viz Media?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:23 No.48206030
         File1302812632.gif-(1.29 MB, 214x153, AndHereWeGo.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:24 No.48206048
    Anything Funimation has done in the past 5 years has turned to shit. PSG was the first anime I legitimately enjoyed in quite awhile.

    Brb, killing self.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:24 No.48206065
    They're not...

    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206068
    I can't really think of anyone that fits better, although I'm not sure if the budget is there.

    If the money is there somehow, Tim Curry needs to be Corset.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206070
    There aree a ton of anime that feature sex and penises and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206073
    parodying or referencing western animation =/= ripoff
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206077
    How're they gonna handle the engrish? That was easily one of the funniest parts of the show.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206078
         File1302812710.jpg-(347 KB, 1920x1080, title.jpg)
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    This is a hit show in America.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206081

    >he thinks Holo didn't have a far superior dub voice
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206092
         File1302812732.jpg-(74 KB, 840x458, 1302305136888.jpg)
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    What the hell are you talking about? They threw an f-bomb in the first few minutes of Eva 2.22.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206094
    >They love this raunchy humor though, unlike Japan.

    I thought PSG did very well in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206095
    >high profile voice actresses
    None of them do dubs, because doing dubs for anime is shitty pay. Video game companies and American cartoon studios pay a lot more than Funi could ever afford.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:25 No.48206101

    Oh god, this.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:26 No.48206105
    Funimation censors a lot of shit, not to mention they are based in murrika. Nothing good can come of this.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:26 No.48206108
    Fuck you and everything you've ever loved.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:26 No.48206115
    I don't get how people enjoyed P&S.

    It was piss, shit and sex jokes from the first min of the first episode.

    I'm not all "MATURE ANIME FOR MATURE VIEWERS SUCH AS MYSELF," but shit got old fast.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:26 No.48206125

    If they left Strike Witches uncensored with all those loli nipples, then they arent censoring anything
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:26 No.48206135
    That means that it's only a matter of time before it gets a following of stupid fucking Invader Zim kids.

    Better get my shit together and transform into a fucking hipster so I can score some underage mallgoth pussy.

    I'll never forgive Funi for what they did to Shin-chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.48206141

    Funimation hasn't censored shit in years, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.48206142
    >implying the Shin Chan dub isn't fucking excellent
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.48206145
    And yet the merchandise sold like crazy

    And it was popular enough to transform a cafe into a PSG-themed cafe for several months

    Not to mention its soundtrack being one of the best selling anime soundtracks of the last year

    DVD/BD sales are not the only measure of a show's popularity. Especially in the case of a show like PSG, where it had a strong following among women, who are less likely to purchase DVDs.

    Not popular among male otaku is not the same thing as not popular at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.48206147
         File1302812841.png-(36 KB, 500x392, 1300564448647.png)
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    >My MFW when it get a hilarious FUNidub
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.48206149
    They don't censor anything anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.48206155
         File1302812864.jpg-(30 KB, 600x450, 1294005904609.jpg)
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    I'm sure /b/ would be interested in this
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.48206159
         File1302812867.jpg-(151 KB, 600x504, 1285629931536.jpg)
    151 KB
    >Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, this site is not available in your country.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:27 No.48206162
    You do know it's hipsters that hate the things they like being liked by others, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:28 No.48206167
    >The OST was on Amazon's best selling list
    >BDs and DVDs sold out
    >Merchandise sold out
    >Ratings were great

    Yep, PSG was a total flop. That's why they're making a second season.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:28 No.48206173

    Going by dvd/bd sales, stuff like Naruto and Bleach isn't popular. Their volumes are below the Manabi line, afterall
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:28 No.48206175
         File1302812905.png-(166 KB, 447x384, 1302243235050.png)
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    >Anything Funimation has done in the past 5 years has turned to shit. PSG was the first anime I legitimately enjoyed in quite awhile.
    >mfw the Shin-chan dub was far superior to the original.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:28 No.48206183
    Some of us enjoy just letting lose with immature humour sometimes, PSG gave us that and it did it well, much better than the shitty "comedy" cartoons we have that are made in America/Europe.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:28 No.48206187
    It's not a surprise Piss & Shit faggots are the usual dub lovers jerking over their 3 F-list actors.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:29 No.48206208
    How about Laura Bailey as Stocking and Luci Christian as Panty?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:29 No.48206223
    Panty=Foxy Love
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:29 No.48206228

    Are you having fun back in 2002? I heard it's nice this time of year.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.48206243
         File1302813008.jpg-(72 KB, 640x360, 1289195491012.jpg)
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    >mfw MY MFW
    >> GameBoo !mpZx7zHN/Q 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.48206244
         File1302813009.png-(47 KB, 286x324, 1289057722503.png)
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    Goddammit Funimation
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.48206254
         File1302813026.gif-(581 KB, 124x146, 1295490047882.gif)
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    >mfw RRRUUUUUURRUUUUUS isn't gonna be in it
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.48206270
    CN lost half a million viewers during the short break after the new Regular Show and before the new Problem Solverz.

    Nice try, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.48206271
    >Funi's dubs are not censored (look at Sekirei and Mnemosyne for examples.

    >Luci Christian, Brina Palencia, Caitlin Glass potentially in.

    I'm excited.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.48206272
         File1302813048.jpg-(261 KB, 1280x720, 1300687501146.jpg)
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    >All the good actors in Bang Zoom! Entertainment, Viz Media, Animaze, Bandai
    >Bandai is licensing Star Driver
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.48206274
         File1302813048.png-(91 KB, 1423x715, 4chan google.png)
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    yfw this thread shows up on Google
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:30 No.48206278
    No, that's exactly what you sound like.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:31 No.48206293
    Funimation hasn't 'done' any shows. They're not a studio

    Unless by 'done' you mean liscenced and dubbed, in which case you're an idiot.

    Funimation puts out tons of great shit in the last five years. Beck, Mushishi, DBZKai, FMA, FMA: Brotherhood, Bamboo Blade, Eva 1.11, Eva 2.22, FMP!TSR etc.

    Not to mention that Funimation putting it out has no bearing on the quality of the show as it already exits.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:31 No.48206298
    They'll probably do two dubs, a straight one and an Adult Swim one.

    Either that or there's going to be a hell of a lot of censor bleeps on the Adult Swim broadcast.

    I look forward to Panty and Stocking's inevitable cameos in Aqua Teen and Robot Chicken.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:31 No.48206312
         File1302813110.jpg-(133 KB, 714x702, Whatdotjaypeg.jpg)
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    >Family friendly forum
    >Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

    All my whats.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:31 No.48206316
    Nope. It's perfectly okay to like something if you liked it before it was popular, and you can claim there are certain good elements that it lost when it got popular. Both of these are true in this game.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:32 No.48206317
    This is what I'm hoping for:
    Wendee Lee as Panty
    Michelle Ruff as Stocking
    Patrick Seitz as Garterbelt
    PSG on Adult Swim
    >> goat 04/14/11(Thu)16:32 No.48206318
    its too bad Funi does not have the pull to get VA's like Billy West (perfect for Brief) or people like Mila Kunis (think Panty.)

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:32 No.48206329
    >BDs and DVDs sold out
    >*2,127 - Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt [BD+DVD]: 2010/12/24

    Ahahaha. First volume did a combined 2.127k. Sold out my ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:32 No.48206331
         File1302813143.jpg-(36 KB, 400x300, hi_hi_puffy_amiyumi.jpg)
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    They need to get Grey DeLisle and that other chick from HiHi Puffy AmiYumi to voice Panty and Stocking

    But they won't, because Funimation is shit, and they're going to ruin the one show that deserves a good dub more than anything else released in the past couple years.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:32 No.48206341
    Steve Blum: Corset (In Orochimaru Voice)
    Brief: Yuri Lowenthal
    Panty: Rukia's VA
    Stocking: Raven's VA
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:32 No.48206344
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:32 No.48206350
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:33 No.48206356
    obviously gainax didn't make that many.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:33 No.48206367

    Michelle Ruff (Rukias VA) is connected California/Bandai.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:33 No.48206368
    >and that other chick from HiHi Puffy AmiYumi to voice Panty and Stocking

    Which one?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:34 No.48206390
    >My anon can't be this retarded
    Because that's the amount of discs they put out maybe? Idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:34 No.48206396
    Not that guy, but you're full of shit.

    If I remember correctly, PSG wasn't really all that warmly welcomed on /a/. In fact, it was trolled to hell and back while it was airing. It didn't really matter that it was okay.

    Your opinions on Kaiji aside, they have and should never be compared with each other. They are, essentially, two different things.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:34 No.48206408
    >Not to mention that Funimation putting it out has no bearing on the quality of the show as it already exits.

    If Funimation licenses it, it will probably, due to the nature of the show, get aired somewhere like Adult Swim. That will cause an influx of people with low power levels, emo kids, and other assorted faggots to get in on it and lower the overall quality of the franchise considerably.
    >> Hakumen !EuCEn4EfSE 04/14/11(Thu)16:35 No.48206410
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    I'm not sure how to feel about this
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:35 No.48206417

    What Gainax show isn't trolled to hell? Its part of who Gainax is
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:35 No.48206425
    That's below the Manabi Line. Of course they made at least 3k BDs, which is what's needed to break even on production costs.

    They most likely printed around 6k BDs for the first volume, if not more. Nowhere near selling out.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:35 No.48206432
    That still doesnt mean it sold well

    Its also fucking retarded for Gainax to do that
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:35 No.48206433
    >because doing dubs for anime is shitty pay
    Voice acting in general doesn't pay shit. Why do you think Japanese voice actors take on multiple roles at a time or take up singing or being idols?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:35 No.48206435

    I imagine they'll just bleep it a la South Park.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:36 No.48206445
         File1302813374.jpg-(94 KB, 474x390, Bern7.jpg)
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    >Rukia's VA
    >In Orochimaru Voice

    So much newfag in this post.
    >> ArcueidIsMai !WaiFuXP6nY 04/14/11(Thu)16:36 No.48206450
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    Not sure if want.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:36 No.48206457
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    >no more engrish
    >mon visage

    PSG was 50/50 with lovers and haters on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:36 No.48206458
    Janice Kawaye, I think is her name?

    >If I remember correctly, PSG wasn't really all that warmly welcomed on /a/. In fact, it was trolled to hell and back while it was airing.
    PSG had a HUGE following on /a/. The only shows that get trolled here are the ones that are popular, because that's how trolling works. You can't target something nobody cares about, because you won't get any responses
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:36 No.48206460
    Fanbases do not make a show worse. They make the fanbase worse.

    You're an elitist hipster faggot if you think otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:36 No.48206462

    There was no way this show was ever going to sell 6k. Its low budget so even at 2k you'd likely make a profit. 3k, or the manabi line, is only the AVERAGE amount of money to make profit. This show likely would make profit on anything over 1.5k sold
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:37 No.48206480
    >Because that's the amount of discs they put out maybe? Idiot.

    Are you really this fucking retarded? I mean shit, I knew some PSG fans were autistic, but fuck.

    They didn't only put out 2.2k BDs. That wouldn't even let them break even, much less make money. Face it, they didn't sell shit out. No company, not even gainax, is going to not print enough BDs to make a profit.

    Holy fuck, you're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:37 No.48206485
    >PSG not well received by /ɐ/
    >implying /ɐ/ isn't still listening to the OST since it got released by 11bro

    gtfo hater and go back to watching wan piss
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:37 No.48206491
    They probably aren't making a second series

    And if they do its because Gainax are fucking rich anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:38 No.48206506
    I don't care about this. Lemme know when we they release the new Hellsing or we get some clips from the Angel Beats dub.

    I'm holding out for Hilary Haag for Kanade
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:38 No.48206509
    I hope they get Peter Cullen and Frank Welker for the Transwhoremers episode.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:38 No.48206514
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:39 No.48206524

    Does Sentai even do dubs?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:39 No.48206529
    >Fanbases do not make a show worse. They make the fanbase worse.
    Fanbases, in case you haven't noticed have a lot of sway on anime producers.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:39 No.48206539
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:39 No.48206540
    Not to mention these BDs cost a little more than average.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:40 No.48206564
    >Not available in my country

    Are you even trying to sell me stuff Funamation?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:40 No.48206567
    >he thinks anime producers give a fuck about what american narutards like
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:40 No.48206574

    Wasn't it like 90-100 bucks per BD?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:40 No.48206583
    This is most likely voice cast

    Brina Palencia as Panty
    Cherami Leigh as Stocking
    Todd Habberkorn as Brief
    Chris Casson as Chuck
    Chris Sabbat as Garter

    Chris Ayres as Corset
    Jamie Marchi as Kneesocks
    Leah Clark as Scanty
    Monica Rial as Fastener
    from >>48205864
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:41 No.48206595

    Uh, they do. Quite a few animes these days are made with international prospects in mind. Its a business afterall, and you try to figure out the way to make the most possible profit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:41 No.48206604
    They'll at the very least get Frank Welker, he's incredibly easy to get.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:41 No.48206613

    I'd be absolutely shocked if it was anybody BUT Sabat who did Garter. He's the best "deep voice" guy that Funimation has
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:42 No.48206634
    >Quite a few animes these days are made with international prospects in mind.
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:42 No.48206641
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    >Chris Casson as Chuck

    Why does Chuck need to be dubbed?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:42 No.48206645
    Kind of like your mom?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:42 No.48206653
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    they dubbed clannads, needless, xamd and will dub color wars

    <- my captcha
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:42 No.48206655
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    this is going to be a horrifying and despicable release.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:42 No.48206664
    >We'll be getting people yelling as loudly as possible into the mics with no effort at all in the dub
    >The sub will probably be shit
    >It will probably be toned down to air on networks like Adult swim

    Yea, no. Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:43 No.48206670
    No they don't. It's irrelevant if it's a sound business decision, for the most part they don't give a shit. Don't say Big O now.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:43 No.48206672
    R1 news and releases I care more about then P&S:

    Angel Beats getting dubbed
    Habanei Renmei getting rereleased
    Whether or not Tales of Vesperia's dub will keep the game's cast
    Whether or not Hellsing Ultimate will keep the same cast
    Baccano Blu-rays being released.
    Disappearance still not having a release date
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:43 No.48206676

    Panty & Stocking
    Those Marvel Animes

    Just off the top of my mind, animes with horrible sales or not aimed at typical anime demographic, that were licensed. Needless has already done significantly better in sales here, it didn't even crack 1k in Japan
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:43 No.48206678
    At least this might mean a US release of the OST, which I would buy.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.48206696
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.48206700
    That's like saying Karate Kid was made with Japanese audiences in mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.48206707

    Oh really. I wonder how they qualify what a "smash hit" is.

    Hint: they don't
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.48206711
    I laughed, On Piece is infinitely better and funnier.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.48206715
    But engrish was half of its charm...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.48206723
    Get out, summerfag. We don't like you.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.48206725
    They do, but sometimes like in the case of CLANNAD they release sub-only first, then wait and see if it sells before dubbing it. Which makes no sense as any customers who would buy it already bought the sub-only copies and a lot won't re-buy the same fucking show just for a dub track.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:44 No.48206729
    Whoever did Harima's voice in SR would be great. I like his scratchyness.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:45 No.48206741
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    >not fake
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:45 No.48206743
    Well, Tiger & Bunny definitely seems to be made with an American market in mind what with the simulcasting and western feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:45 No.48206748

    If you really don't think that some companies consider the way to get most potential profit, then I dunno what to say to you. Profit is all that matters in the end, afterall.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:45 No.48206753
    Hell, I relatively liked the show. I guess I'll check it out.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:46 No.48206767
    Gainax didn't make P&S for an American audience. They made it because Gainax just makes whatever the fuck they want
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:46 No.48206771
    I didn't say give examples, I said "citation needed."

    Show me where the producers of these shows talk about the western market. Just because you feel like they are, doesn't mean you're right.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:46 No.48206788
    because if they didn't they would have to pay the original voice actor extra and nobody wants that.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:46 No.48206789
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    >gtfo hater and go back to watching wan piss

    What the fuck is with the recent influx of asspies randomly tossing in One Piece into unrelated discussions?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:46 No.48206791
    You can throw "common sense" and "sound business decisions" out of the window when talking about the anime industry.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:47 No.48206800
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    >Implying I'm not here all year
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:47 No.48206802
    You can trade in your sub-only releases for almost full credit for the dual-audio releases.

    It's actually pretty cool of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:47 No.48206803
    You obviously don't know anything about money. PSG was animated on chicken scratch; Gainax is known for producing high quality animation on an extremely small budget. Gurren Lagann, often regarded as one of the best pieces of animation to come out of Japan, cost just a little more than your average 13 episode anime.

    Gainax put out a very small amount of BD's because the entire show was experimental, so what it DID sell was enough to break a profit.

    You also forget that DVD sales don't encompass the entirety of a show's profit. Black Rock Shooter had good animation, art, and music, and they literally gave away their DVD's. You know what made it profitable? The merchandise. The same goes for shows like K-on and Code Geass.

    tl;dr - you don't know SHIT about finances
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:47 No.48206806
    Its going to be shit, and make the already shitty fanbase even worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:47 No.48206823

    Fine, is Crunchyroll a good enough citation? Why would they even bother licensing stuff to stream if they aren't interested in building up a following to sell their products to?
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 04/14/11(Thu)16:47 No.48206826
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    Protip: P&S aired in Japan at like 3am, and had no advertising. It was made with a very low budget (Gainax are very enthusiastic about their works and can do great animation on comparitively low budgets when they want, as P&S shows). It's sales in Japan weren't anything to write home about, but they expected that.

    On the other hand, the western anime fandom is quite different. Since anything that isn't GitS, Bebop, Bleach, Naruto, One Piece or Pokemon isn't aired on TV, most people who watch the stuff have to download or stream and are more easily exposed to information like studios and voice actors. Gainax is a studio with a lot of weight over here in the west, at least as far as how well it's known goes, with Evangelion, FLCL and TTGL all being relatively popular here - PSG will do decently here for that alone, but then of course there's the fact it's low brow humour and how easy it is to sit back and watch means it will probably become wildly popular, at least among those who the licensors will see most - the kind of people who go to cons.

    I don't expect PSG to bomb in the west. It's not gonna be the Eva, nobody is pretending it will do, but it's not gonna bomb here.

    It's one of those shows that the kind of people who watch anime so they can go to cons with friends would like. You know, the ones who consider the anime cons more important than the stuff they watch? Those kinds of people will easily like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:48 No.48206829
    I'm not really sure how I feel about this. The engrish was the only thing I enjoyed about the show.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 04/14/11(Thu)16:48 No.48206842
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    >Gurren Lagann, often regarded as one of the best pieces of animation to come out of Japan

    >he really believes this
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:48 No.48206844
    >Fine, is Crunchyroll a good enough citation?
    You don't know what the word "citation" means, do you?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:48 No.48206851
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    >Gurren Lagann, often regarded as one of the best pieces of animation to come out of Japan
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:49 No.48206853
    It's true.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:49 No.48206855
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    >Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, this site is not available in your country.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:49 No.48206868
    The entire cast of Powerpuff girls.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:49 No.48206874

    >Wan Pissfag and moefag thinks his opinion matters
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:49 No.48206878
    >no engrish
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:49 No.48206879

    >Panty & Stocking
    Reverse weaboo having some fun with the animation team

    >Those Marvel Animes
    These projects were started by american companies to cash in on "this anime craze"

    Haven't seen it but how is this a good example?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:49 No.48206882
    >Cherami Leigh as Stocking

    >Angel Beats
    I have no idea, but they better have a VA who can do Yurippe's villai laugh perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:50 No.48206893
    Yes, but consider that GL 15 had over 22000 frames of animation, whereas an important episode in your normal series has around 12000.
    I think it still equates to GL's being superior even against a 52 episode animu because even by normal standards it is so infinitely superior.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:51 No.48206926
    >What the fuck is with the recent influx of asspies randomly tossing in One Piece into unrelated discussions?

    You just said it yourself. They're asspies. What else needs to be explained?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:51 No.48206934
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    >they probably won't do the R's good
    >they probably won't get Panty's voice as good as the original voice
    >nothing to room won't be the same
    >even more kids will fag up the already shit fanbase
    >no more engrish
    The worst part is the possible censoring, or >>48205987
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:52 No.48206949
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:52 No.48206954
    >No actual argument against it.
    You can at least try.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:52 No.48206959

    you making shit up about what you think, doesn't make the non-valid examples, faggot.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 04/14/11(Thu)16:52 No.48206962
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    >These projects were started by american companies to cash in on "this anime craze"
    It's more to do with pic related, probably. I think they're just trying to get a bigger audience in Japan for Marvel as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:52 No.48206971
    >he doesn't think Gurren Lagann had way above average animation, especially for its budget
    I didn't really like the show, but you have to admit that Gurren Lagann is often cited as an anime with great animation. Yeah, shows like Moribito and Birdy Decode blow it out of the water, but it's definitely out there.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:53 No.48206981
    What the fuck is all this complaining about impending censorship?

    It's like I'm really in 2001 again. I should get my caprisun and go-gurt ready so I can watch Toonami.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:53 No.48206992

    They were funded to air on G4. The Ironman anime is already slated for June with a dub.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:54 No.48207012

    Its because its a given its airing on Adult Swim, and they aren't going to allow all the "Fucks" and "Shits" on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:54 No.48207024
    >yfw they sell psg merchandise at hot topic and the audience of invader zim starts liking this instead, and migrates to /a/
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:54 No.48207032
    >you making shit up about what you think
    But that's exactly what you did too.

    Again, I ask you, give me some citation on this. If they are valid examples, you should be able to provide some proof of it, right? An example of these show's producers talking about how they are making them for western audiences.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:54 No.48207034
    They could just beep them out, they don't have to just edit around them you know.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:54 No.48207040
    It's good for sure, but it is nowhere near one of the best pieces of animation from Japan.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 04/14/11(Thu)16:55 No.48207045
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    I don't need to make a counterpoint with someone making a claim out of their ass about it being widely acclaimed as the best animation to come from Japan. It's a very "THIS IS HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT SO IT'S TRUE" kind of thing, so there's no reason to give a retort aside calling him stupid because he won't listen anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:55 No.48207048
    >Its because its a given its airing on Adult Swim
    Wow, I guess I missed the part of the announcement that said "This will air on adult swim"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:55 No.48207050
    Then the dub will be censored on Adult Swim. Not the DVD release.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:55 No.48207064
    The dub will be shit, just because the original voices and what not are one of the things that makes the show great in the first place. Not to mention the fact that it will fag up the fanbase EVEN MORE.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:55 No.48207072
    I don't know what their problem is. If a network pays FUNimation for the show, they'll probably have it censored somwhat, but who here watches American TV anymore?

    FUNimation will release uncut DVDs eventually.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 04/14/11(Thu)16:56 No.48207083
    You missed where he said
    >regarded as one of the best pieces of animation to come out of Japan

    Not just "it had pretty nice animation"
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 04/14/11(Thu)16:56 No.48207087
    I still say they purposefully did it to coincide with the release of MvC3 though.

    I mean, seriously, they just happen to decide to bring back a 10 year dead series of games in which they crossover with a famous Japanese game company the same time they start airing a bunch of Japanese-animated TV series based on their works?

    Marvel is definitely attempting to get a bigger market in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:56 No.48207092

    You're really thinking it won't? Its the exact same kinda shit Adult Swim airs. They'll just do those 13 minute segment parts like their other raunchy 13 minute shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:56 No.48207113
    So then they bleep those out for the broadcast and leave the fucks and shits in for the Blu-rays. Funi hasn't censored anything in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:57 No.48207139

    Granted it might have been more about promotion for MvC3 (but didnt these start long before it came out?). Either way its still an american company trying to sell to a japanese audience not the other way round.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:57 No.48207151
    I expect more brilliant marketing strategies as seen with sekrei

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:57 No.48207152
    Then they'll just leave it uncensored on the DVD/Blu-rays? Duh? Come on, use that brain a little.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:58 No.48207175
    Or just air it at 1:00am, when you can play uncut stuff on regular TV. You can air whatever you want from 1:00~4:00am.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:58 No.48207180
         File1302814728.jpg-(46 KB, 256x344, 1293416671187.jpg)
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    It's been so long since I wanted to use this image.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:58 No.48207182
    Maybe he jumped the gun a bit, but that really doesn't change the point. The fact that Gainax cranked out Gurren Lagann on an incredibly small budget still stands.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:58 No.48207183
    Marvel's been trying to get a market in Japan for decades, the last plan of an all manga line failed pretty hard in Japan and in the states a few years ago (maybe less)
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:59 No.48207189

    Where else are they going to air it? Not Nickelodeon or CN.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:59 No.48207193
    Since we are on the subject of PSG, does anyone have a torrent link for No pan night?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:59 No.48207199
    They need to get Kieth David to voice Portschach.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:59 No.48207205
    In their defense, Sekrei sold like hotcakes.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 04/14/11(Thu)16:59 No.48207214
    >(but didnt these start long before it came out?).
    No more than half a year or so, and I'd say it takes a lot longer to make a game like MvC3 than animate a TV series.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:59 No.48207216
    Most anime is released straight to DVD/BD over here, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)16:59 No.48207219
    Someone who's actually making claims out of his own ass shouldn't be talking.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:00 No.48207229
    Why the fuck don't they just do more things with Spider-Man?
    Japs fucking love Spidey.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:00 No.48207231

    Even in America cartoon boobs sell. I hope that more licensers see the potential so we get a lot more ecchi shows licensed.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:00 No.48207236
    Dude, there's less then 10 anime shows airing in America right now.

    There's an incredibly high chance it won't air on anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)17:00 No.48207247

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but has there been any Gainax dubs not aired on TV?

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