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  • File : 1302521196.jpg-(114 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Tiger & Bunny - 02 [521D1EE(...).jpg)
    114 KB Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:26 No.48081645  
    Holy shit, what a fun show.
    I usually hate CG, but they use it pretty damn well here.

    I love Tiger's exaggerated movements.

    And now, this show somehow mixes Buddy shows, X-men, and stabs at consumerism all at the same time.
    This is unique, and I love it. How many episodes is this planned to have?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:28 No.48081676
         File1302521284.jpg-(198 KB, 597x612, 1302486687227.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:30 No.48081703
         File1302521400.jpg-(136 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Tiger & Bunny - 0(...).jpg)
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    I hate how much Tiger gets heroblocked. When it's not by that faggot Barnaby, it's by that bitch director.

    I hope he'll really have a chance to shine during the show.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:30 No.48081708
         File1302521414.jpg-(111 KB, 450x600, 18088836_m.jpg)
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    needs more Dragon Kid I cant wait to see how she reacted to the whole omg I have super powers thing
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:30 No.48081713
    I just got done watching this and was about to make a thread. Are you me?

    I love this show too. I was expecting it to turn to shit on the second episode but I actually enjoyed the first two episodes a lot. I look forward to finding out more about the rest of the cast.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:31 No.48081725
         File1302521464.jpg-(466 KB, 1011x590, 18052440.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:31 No.48081726
         File1302521467.jpg-(163 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Tiger & Bunny - 0(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:31 No.48081731
         File1302521492.jpg-(82 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Tiger & Bunny - 0(...).jpg)
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    Feels great.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:32 No.48081743
    Her head things look stoopid
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:32 No.48081749
         File1302521541.jpg-(70 KB, 253x727, 1302475407099.jpg)
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    >received and reciprocated
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:32 No.48081750
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:32 No.48081754
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:33 No.48081770
         File1302521597.jpg-(144 KB, 1280x720, 1302435884324.jpg)
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    CG usually looks like shit, but I'm already used to it in this show. It's not even noticeable to me.

    This episode was hilarious. So many good faces, and I just love how Kotetsu acts.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:33 No.48081774
    I wasn't the only who was expected this to be a complete pile of shit only to fall totally in love within the first 5 minutes was I?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:33 No.48081784
         File1302521634.jpg-(96 KB, 668x487, 1302280638046.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:33 No.48081785
    I would have preferred


    But this is fine too.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:33 No.48081786
         File1302521638.jpg-(249 KB, 600x422, 18087465_m.jpg)
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    Not sure about Dragon's episode but from what I understand we will see what Blue Rose thinks of being a super hero in episode 4
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:34 No.48081792
    2 seasons, probably 24 episodes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:35 No.48081802
    No. I wasn't even going to watch it until I saw all of the threads here because I figured it would be one of the shitty anime that nobody would like.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:35 No.48081817
         File1302521751.jpg-(153 KB, 599x617, 1302496433885.jpg)
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    I have the other one.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:35 No.48081819
         File1302521753.jpg-(68 KB, 332x470, 1302484584350.jpg)
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    >I wasn't the only who was expected this to be a complete pile of shit only to fall totally in love within the first 5 minutes was I?
    Nope, I think that was pretty much all of us. Runaway surprise hit of the season. I'm still entertaining the possibility it might turn to shit, but currently the prospects look good
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:36 No.48081833
    >I love Tiger's exaggerated movements.
    I think it's one of the best thing about T&B. Non-verbal stuff is generally very important for animated shows but 90% of anime doesn't have much of it because of budget limitations.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:37 No.48081845

    Also, ahahaha, fucking Origami.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:38 No.48081850
         File1302521882.jpg-(74 KB, 627x628, 1302358585674.jpg)
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    >and I just love how Kotetsu acts
    Calling it now: by end of season, Kotetsu displaces Kaiji as /a/'s husbando
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:38 No.48081866
    >fucking Origami.
    HOSHIT now that is a hundred times better
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:40 No.48081904
         File1302522026.jpg-(74 KB, 729x1200, 18029645.jpg)
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    Kotetsu is already my husbando
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:40 No.48081909
         File1302522034.jpg-(190 KB, 1280x1024, 18064476.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:40 No.48081910

    I'm not the biggest fan of Pepsi Blue - don't get me wrong, I like them all, but Tiger/Bison/Fire are my top 3 - but I'm thinking I'll like her a LOT more after her episode. Seeing how she tries to focus on just getting through school and how she probably actually isn't very fond of being an idol or her sponsors should be great.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:40 No.48081916
    I like how Origami's only goal is to pop up and be seen by the cameras. Also its cannon that he's like Waldo and we need to find him
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:43 No.48081992
    I wonder what Bunny's past will reveal.

    >My parents are deaaaaaad!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:45 No.48082035
         File1302522325.jpg-(312 KB, 700x700, 1302456366011.jpg)
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    I'm leaning that way too...but I can't just abandon my old husbando ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:46 No.48082059
    nah, you're not. this show is amazingly entertaining
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:46 No.48082073
    It's pretty obvious his parents died. Most likely because of a fire, as shown by the preview last episode.

    What I want to know is why he wants to be a popular superhero.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:48 No.48082110
    Actually I kinda like her already, she seems like a bro underneath the tits and advertising. I am expecting to love them all, and be distraught when something horrible happens to one/more of them

    I am already so impatient for the next episode
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:49 No.48082148
    Is there more? This is hilarious!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:49 No.48082149
    For some reason, this show gives me the same feelings tower of druaga did.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:50 No.48082176
    I know the original strip is from Hark a Vagrant. Does anyone remember which number it was?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:51 No.48082199
         File1302522701.jpg-(54 KB, 328x574, dont mess with my daughter bit(...).jpg)
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    I have a few minicomics done by /a/nons.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:51 No.48082204
         File1302522715.jpg-(173 KB, 600x480, psstpsstpsst.jpg)
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    Dat incredibly soft voice.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:52 No.48082223
         File1302522754.jpg-(9 KB, 300x297, tiger-rabbit.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:52 No.48082224
         File1302522757.jpg-(577 KB, 500x1100, 18025168.jpg)
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    Tiger & Bunny thread!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:53 No.48082234
         File1302522786.jpg-(61 KB, 341x647, 1302460273438.jpg)
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    Poor Tiger. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:53 No.48082249
         File1302522823.jpg-(101 KB, 599x617, 1299997554511.jpg)
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    It's a parody/edit of a Hark! A Vagrant comic.
    Here's a Madoka version.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:53 No.48082252
         File1302522828.png-(380 KB, 387x700, tumblr_lj80gsLAVa1qezpqco1_500.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:55 No.48082292
         File1302522924.jpg-(145 KB, 1920x1080, 1302369838413.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:55 No.48082294
    I lol'd, not seen that one before
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:55 No.48082303
    I see, does anyone have the original?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:56 No.48082325
    I want this so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:57 No.48082345
         File1302523055.png-(777 KB, 599x617, fannovel.png)
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    Here ya go.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:58 No.48082369
         File1302523127.jpg-(64 KB, 711x400, 1302475144039.jpg)
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    I know that feel, bro. Never even bought models before, but that I do want
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:59 No.48082393
         File1302523180.jpg-(357 KB, 700x594, 18083124.jpg)
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    Thank you!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:01 No.48082426
         File1302523264.jpg-(102 KB, 600x846, 18050841_p1.jpg)
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    Why so fabulous, Bunny? Why I want to fuck you so much? I'm not even gay!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:03 No.48082476
         File1302523393.png-(382 KB, 600x544, 1302475354878.png)
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    >not even gay

    Haw haw, keep telling yourself that.

    Bisexualnon here, I prefer Tiger. More manly. Though I like Bison the most.

    Prettyboys USED to be my thing, but I think I just grew into different tastes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:03 No.48082482
         File1302523399.jpg-(522 KB, 1024x980, 1301967086585.jpg)
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    Darker than Black edition
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:04 No.48082500
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    >> guaranteed replies Boxer !8BoXer4n3s 04/11/11(Mon)08:04 No.48082515

    Oh god, what a faggot. Sage for yaoi.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:05 No.48082538
    I'm laughing way to hard at this
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:05 No.48082540
         File1302523541.jpg-(1.27 MB, 1200x1500, 18086855.jpg)
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    I love you, guys. T&B threads are always so fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:06 No.48082561
         File1302523594.gif-(53 KB, 536x682, 1302484280054.gif)
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    Each to their own, troll-kun.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:07 No.48082577
         File1302523634.gif-(61 KB, 400x960, 18077713.gif)
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    >yfw Tiger's facial cats
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:07 No.48082578
         File1302523636.jpg-(305 KB, 463x717, 18048052_p0.jpg)
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    >wants to fuck another man
    >not gay
    I think it's about time for you to come out of the closet, anon.
    Even so, I have to admit that I'd fuck Tiger any day of the week
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:07 No.48082585
         File1302523645.jpg-(184 KB, 537x600, 18085726_m.jpg)
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    I cant wait for the Blue Rose episode. One thing that bugs me is why the fuck does she still go to school? She make's more then enough money being a hero, is it just to keep up appearences?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:07 No.48082593
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:08 No.48082601
    The 'Ouroboros' name kind of springs to mind those old supervillain organizations from older anime series. Y'know, Cyborg 009 and the like.

    Should be interesting.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:09 No.48082620
    LOL, I was waiting for somebody to do this.
    All I could see his facial as was kitty ears.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:09 No.48082626
    It looks like that's going to be addressed, if the translated summary is any indication.

    I'm looking forward to the Dragon Kid episode more.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:09 No.48082628
    It says in her profile that Blue Rose is actually a pretty normal girl, and is very dedicated to her studies. And hell, we already know she hates her catchphrase.

    She probably likes being a superhero fine, but has life goals that have nothing to do with saving the world, and she obviously isn't a fan of the whole corporate bit of the business.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:09 No.48082631
    Reminded me of homunculi
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:09 No.48082635
         File1302523787.jpg-(198 KB, 576x324, homolustB.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:10 No.48082662
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:10 No.48082668
         File1302523858.jpg-(70 KB, 500x665, 1302281285586.jpg)
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    But I'd fuck Bunny senseless for days and make sweet love with Tiger. It's a mancrush... right?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:11 No.48082675
    I think I've figured out why that is

    The fanbase has a high composition of people who frequent /cm/. /cm/ is one of the nicest places on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:11 No.48082684
         File1302523882.jpg-(141 KB, 586x427, 18053285.jpg)
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    Laughing so hard that I spit my tea out.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:12 No.48082707
    Well, /cm/ pretty much turned to gaia, but yeah, nice people there, because almost everyone is female?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:12 No.48082722
         File1302523955.jpg-(181 KB, 780x780, 18034475.jpg)
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    No, you're just a homosexual.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:12 No.48082728
    Bunny makes your dick instantly hard, while you want to start a relationship with Tiger. Nothing wrong with that, bro. Just different motivations.

    I mean, sure, Barnaby will develop out of it, but right now he's kind of a dick.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:13 No.48082734
    I get that and it would make sense if she was the typical vigilanty but she gets paid to do it. So why the need to go to school? She has a insanly highpaying job. Even is she retires from super heroing she will still have more then enough money
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:13 No.48082751
    Being primarily female doesn't necessarily mean nicer people. See: /cgl/.

    Anyway, whatever the case, Tiger & Bunny seems to be a multiboard hit. /a/, /co/, /cm/, and /m/ are all fans of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:14 No.48082754
         File1302524041.gif-(130 KB, 438x359, bunny2.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:14 No.48082759
    Oh god, seriously? Would you rather become a teenstar and throw away your whole education?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:14 No.48082768
         File1302524079.jpg-(397 KB, 600x847, 18059352_p1.jpg)
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    I love Tiger&Bunny /a/ threads
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:15 No.48082781
    Cuz, again, she probably has goals that have nothing to do with the job - she possibly goes to school because she actually likes it, y'know? There, she has friends that have nothing to do with superheroes, she can socialize and be 'normal', which is probably a nice breather from having cameras on you all the time when you're in a superhero get up.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:15 No.48082787
    Im thinking she just wants to finish highschool so people dont think she is a retard, not like she's in college or anything, like child actors ateast finish highschool with a tutor most of the time
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:15 No.48082788
    Fukken saved! About time that scene got a gif. Thanks, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)08:16 No.48082798
    Move aside Hei.

    Kotetsu is mai new husbando.

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