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  • File : 1298858679.png-(9 KB, 439x248, because.png)
    9 KB Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:04 No.46498312  
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:05 No.46498342
    Because the end of the industry.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:05 No.46498345
    Why are you still breathing if you will never reproduce?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:05 No.46498353
    because it's mine now
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 02/27/11(Sun)21:06 No.46498364
    I keep them in hopes of watching them some day with my significant other.

    really though, i do rewatch certain shows quite often, but I do'nt know about the rest.

    that being said I only keep maybe 1/3 of the shows I watch.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:06 No.46498372
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:06 No.46498377
    >bitches don´t know about my streams
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:06 No.46498395

    >significant other

    That will never happen for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:07 No.46498403
    external HD

    streamers dont know
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:07 No.46498432
    I've watched all the anime on my hard drive. I keep it on there so I can share it with friends, or if I'm in the mood, watch some random scenes.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:07 No.46498433
    That's a good question, OP, and I wish I could answer you, I really do, but I don't even know myself. Each time I finish a series, three more get downloaded and needless to say, 2/3 of what I download probably won't be watched for months or even years.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:07 No.46498434
    Protip: the captured women you keep in your basement don't count as significant others.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:08 No.46498437
    i know that feel bro
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:08 No.46498461
    Same here. I've met the person I want to watch it with, all I have to do is ask them.

    But I never will ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:08 No.46498468
    It will come slowly, we are slowly creeping into moe death.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:09 No.46498486
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:09 No.46498494
    iv rewatched hajime no ippo several times
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:10 No.46498525
    I keep series mainly to share with others, but sometimes I'll rewatch one.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:11 No.46498547
    Streamers gonna stream
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:13 No.46498613
    Because there might be a time that I will feel like watching it or watching it again. You can never be too prepared
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:13 No.46498624
    Digital media allows me to express my obsessive pack-rat tenancies without shitting up my living area any longer.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:14 No.46498642
    Actually, all of that data is nothing until you actually watch it.

    So, you're basically filling up space that only really matters when its full because you can't store anymore.

    So why fill a glass of water up to the rim if you won't even drink half of it?

    Mere capacity means that since you can, it's not possible to avoid this happening no matter what you do.

    Needless to say, I now want to download NEEDLESS again because that show was fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:14 No.46498657
    I don't.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:15 No.46498664
    >download anime
    >watch right away
    >download another series while watching current one
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:15 No.46498667
    so I can take screenshots of stuff I don't like and complain about it later on /a/
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:15 No.46498668
    Some I rewatch. Others it's nice to have on-hand, as I recommend a lot of anime to people.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:15 No.46498683
    Because one day I hope to share it with someone.
    forever alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:15 No.46498687
    Rainy day etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:15 No.46498690
    I'm a back rat when it comes to computer files

    hell I still have papers I wrote from high school on my hard drive
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:16 No.46498700
    because I'm a HOARDER, and this is most positive manifestation of that trait I can exhibit w/o losing my home/family

    *8+TBs worth*
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:16 No.46498711
    fuck, I don't even know man

    in case the internet breaks down.
    >> Raian 02/27/11(Sun)21:16 No.46498716
    The only anime I keep in my HD are the ones I rewatch.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:17 No.46498732
    Download, watch and delete brofist
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:17 No.46498737

    "one day someone will appreciate it with me..."
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:18 No.46498763
    Shit. I'm paranoid this will happen eventually. I save every fucking thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:18 No.46498777
    Why do you have clothes other than your t-shirt, boxers, and sweatpants if you're never going to go outside?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:19 No.46498793
    Actually, I will watch it all eventually. I got through three series this reading break. It would've been more but I was feeling really sick, and kept getting headaches.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:19 No.46498809
    I swear to god I was going to watch them when the download finished
    >> Damascus !!CcFlDtgVLM5 02/27/11(Sun)21:19 No.46498813
    1) Rainy day.
    2) Introducing to friends.
    3) Random urges.

    True, I barely ever touch them again. But, you never know. A couple months, I had a random urge to rewatch Eden of the East, even though I had seen it before, and I was thankful for it being on my HD.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:20 No.46498825
    That will never happen, ISPs always have a failsafe.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:20 No.46498832
    I watch everything I download and delete the vast majority of it. I hate having useless shit around and I hate collecting things. That's just the way I am.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:20 No.46498851
    When internet censorship finally gets passed, I will have contraband to remind me of the good ol' days.

    Hell, I could be the Al Capone of anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:20 No.46498854
    Im Canadian, HDD space is cheaper than bandwidth.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:21 No.46498884
    touche, motherfucker, touche
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:22 No.46498909
    makes perfect sense, in fact its probably faster to put like 40 BDs on a hard drive and fly them to their location
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:22 No.46498911
    kids these days. i used to put stuff on CDs. do you have any idea what that's like?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:23 No.46498961
    the twelve 256cd zippered cases still in my closet say, yes.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:24 No.46498991
    kids these days. i used to put stuff on Floppy Disk. do you have any idea what that's like?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:24 No.46499004


    3.5 floppy disk master race here
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:24 No.46499015
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    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 02/27/11(Sun)21:24 No.46499036

    Yes and it's terrible.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:25 No.46499067
    punch card elder race here
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:26 No.46499106
    Lots of people come to me about anime stuff, asking for animes, etc.
    Plus we usually use my external hard drive for anime club.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:26 No.46499107
    I will watch it! I'm just going to wait to do it until my internet goes out again or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:27 No.46499124

    >installing game
    >your installation is almost complete
    >please insert disk 5 of 14
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:27 No.46499145
    I translate all of my anime to morse code and save it as .mid files. That's how I compressed Legend of Galactic Heroes to 3.6MB.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:28 No.46499150
    so I can procrastinate in style
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:28 No.46499153
    >installing windows 7
    Please insert disk 53 of 2025
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:29 No.46499203
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    Because what else am I going to put on my HDD?
    Porn, games and animu is all that makes it onto my hard-drive. And I always feel more inclined to delete some porn or uninstall a game than my precious animu.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:29 No.46499210
    I've been hoarding files for ages now. I still have some stuff from my DOS times around.

    Anyway, occasionally the old files are useful for screenshots to post to /a/. As a reminder of things i liked. And if nostalgia hits me to rewatch them. You'll never know WHAT you'll want to rewatch in the future.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:30 No.46499241
    The same reason I don't throw out books after I read them.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:30 No.46499243
    remember how when you booted a computer it used to boot to DOS. You then had to


    to launch windows
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:32 No.46499298
    Yup, I remember those 8 inches pieces of plastic

    I could write in a sheet of paper more data then in one of those
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:32 No.46499313
    Im pretty sure this is the best argument I've heard in defence of keeping anime on your HDD.

    Well done, good sir.
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 02/27/11(Sun)21:32 No.46499316
    Because I might feel like watching it again, or I might want to share with friends.

    I've rewatched NGE recently, and will probably do so again, and I'm reqtching S&W right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:34 No.46499375
    I used to retype illegal books, on a typewriter, with several sheets of carbon paper stuffed in to make copies.

    No I didn't, but that's what they did in the USSR from the 60s all the way up to the mid-80s. I just learned that today.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:34 No.46499403
    cd \windows

    And then there was the optimizing config.sys/autoexec.bat so you had enough memory below 640k to still execute games...

    yeah... good old times.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:35 No.46499423
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    >8 inch floppy
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:36 No.46499441

    ahah wow good one. i never realized why i do it either. I don't really rewatch them either. Its more of keeping what i like as if it were a dvd. Also recommending animes for friends is easy when you actually have the series instead of their dumbasses going to go stream it somewhere in low qual.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:37 No.46499478
    wingcommander. 1,2, and 3.
    oh yeah baby, 3 was a total trip, 4 CD's!
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:38 No.46499493
    There was a time when I did not have the luxury of saving, let alone downloading anime due to limited hard drive space. So now I save everything as a big "Fuck you!" to my past.

    Old PC: 30GB
    Current PC: almost 2.5TB
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:38 No.46499506
    I don't, because I don't download anime like a faggot.

    I just watch it on youtube.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:40 No.46499563
    No it isn't. How many books do you re-read? Keeping books is as pointless as keeping anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:41 No.46499596
    Boy do I know that feel. My old computer was 20GB, and I'm near 2TB now. Thinking I need to get me a new external soon, too. Only about 200GB left, and I need that for a video series I do on YouTube.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:41 No.46499600
    Because bad manga to anime adaptations might become relevant
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:41 No.46499611
    ... i dont.

    ...because i stream
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:41 No.46499627
    Dude this was back in 76

    why would I use a format that can only hold 1mb of data?
    my cellphone has a flash card that holds 8gigs and its less then a inch^2
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:41 No.46499633
    damn my computer is old now it only has 1.5 Gb of ram and 250 of disk space
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:26 No.46501308
    I cant wait until 1TB hard drives get cheap enough. I'll start saving all my anime instead of the ones I'm currently watching.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:31 No.46501431
    1TB drives cost around 60-70$ now, still too expensive?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:32 No.46501499
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    I don't know why.
    I have collected almost every show from 2009 all the way up til now. and i've only seen like 10 shows in total

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