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02/03/11(Thu)11:15 No.45532036 File1296749715.jpg-(33 KB, 300x450, Your average ''virgin'' from v.jpg)
 >>45531372 Back then, where most users where aspies and 13 year old otakus..... when 90 percent was about animu, great times
Today 4chan consists of "lulzy" and ironic hipster faggots that are so LOLSONERDY XD
/a/ is somewhat decent but nothing special but... The
majority of /v/ knows shit about gaming(yet most /v/irgins act like
"h@rdc0r3 l33thax0r"), bunch of retards with no knowledge, most of the
threads are just lame copypastas /b/ and /v/ are the worst boards right now(though /v/ is a young board)
have aspergers and 4chan was the only place where i could screw
around(due to being anonymous, im even asocial on the internet) with
similar people, now i feel like a total stranger
>>45531628 Everything before chanology = god tier everything after = shit tier |