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  • File : 1296747769.jpg-(81 KB, 580x425, fauxnews.jpg)
    81 KB Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:42 No.45531372  
    Remember when /a/ was good?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:43 No.45531389
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    back before it wasn't called /a/
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:45 No.45531420
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    >back before it wasn't called /a/
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:45 No.45531424

    I always thought it was a computer board..
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:47 No.45531449
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    Hahahah..what a fag
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:49 No.45531489
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    >"we love chidori"

    If only i knew about 4chan back then.
    >> mishalover !!l14ghIzAV4y 02/03/11(Thu)10:50 No.45531502
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    Amelia was hotter then them combined.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:51 No.45531516
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    > /g/ - GURO
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:53 No.45531573
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    >"We love chidori!"

    So it was like Gaia back then?
    Good thing I missed it..
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:55 No.45531596
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    >Remember when /a/ was good?

    /a/ was nev...

    Realize it use to be good like an ocean is big and a planet is big and a solar system is big and a galaxy is big and a universe is big. Yeah its bi.. I mean good.

    wait..wut? what was I... and then it's... OH! OK! Thats fine then
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:55 No.45531600
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:56 No.45531619
    > A duck is fine too
    Suddenly I remember these words but not what it was about
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:56 No.45531625
    Way back in the day, /b/ was even more anime-related than /a/ is now.

    It was newfagy as shit, but it wasn't normafaggy. Azumanga Daioh was the best thing around.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:56 No.45531628
    2004-2006. The best years of 4chan

    2009-Present The worst years of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:56 No.45531629
    4chan Gold Account
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:58 No.45531658
    >2008-Present The worst years of 4chan
    Did you forget about scientology faggotry already?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)10:58 No.45531670
    >"we love chidori"
    I am the only one here who gets all nostalgiafag and smile at this?

    When 4chan really was just a bunch of animefags...
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:00 No.45531703
    2008 is generally regarded as a golden year. Great games, great animu, and I personally found the Scientology crusade to be quite lulz worthy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:02 No.45531759

    This, so is 07 some kind of magical void?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:02 No.45531768
    Probably missed it since I was hanging around /m/ before moving here.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:04 No.45531809
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:06 No.45531850
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:09 No.45531923
    4chan was amazing the first few years. We were a small community, threads would last for days, and most of the anons weren't retarded children. Even /b/ was a pretty cool place. Then 4chan started to become well known, more retards and 16 year olds came washing in, and the old posters began to leave. 4chan is a mere shadow of it's former self
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:15 No.45532036
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    Back then, where most users where aspies and 13 year old otakus..... when 90 percent was about animu, great times

    Today 4chan consists of "lulzy" and ironic hipster faggots that are so LOLSONERDY XD

    /a/ is somewhat decent but nothing special but...
    The majority of /v/ knows shit about gaming(yet most /v/irgins act like "h@rdc0r3 l33thax0r"), bunch of retards with no knowledge, most of the threads are just lame copypastas
    /b/ and /v/ are the worst boards right now(though /v/ is a young board)

    I have aspergers and 4chan was the only place where i could screw around(due to being anonymous, im even asocial on the internet) with similar people, now i feel like a total stranger

    Everything before chanology = god tier
    everything after = shit tier
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:20 No.45532135
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    >"16 year olds came washing in"
    >implying moot wasn't 15 years old back than
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:23 No.45532224
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    At least we're in some sort of silver age now. 2009 was /a/ at its worst. No one was allowed to like anything and every thread got text or image spammed. Then it came to a head with the Great Girugamesh Spam that nearly broke 4 chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:29 No.45532360
    /a/ was better two or three years ago

    remember endless eight, jibun wo singing, and all the memes that got made?

    but I guess it doesn't compare to 2005 back when 4chan was god tier. now I mainly come just because there's nothing better on the net to waste my time on.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:30 No.45532385
    >silver age
    are you fucking kidding me? 4chan has never been worse than it fucking is now.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:32 No.45532436
    You must be new here.jpg
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:32 No.45532447
    the Taiga spam was about that bad, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:33 No.45532479
    This thread is proof of why 4chan is shit now, all these fags talking about how 4chan was good way back when.

    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:35 No.45532523
    It's funny because 80% of them act like they experienced it but either was never actually there or simply went on once and acts like they were there the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:37 No.45532568
    4chan's like a million different antibodies trying to rid itself of cancer.


    NO U.

    4chan's always been like this in that sense, so lets not pretend otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:42 No.45532715
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    >visits there
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:45 No.45532761
    >4chan's like a million different antibodies trying to rid itself of cancer.

    So...4chan is like Aids?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:45 No.45532772
    I think 2011 may be a second golden year relative to 2008.

    Captcha is helping, /b/ is more readable.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:48 No.45532825
    >/b/ is more readable
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:49 No.45532857
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:49 No.45532862
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    >he still goes to /b/
    There's a reason no one likes anyone who admits this.

    Captcha only points out how fucking sad the double faggots and spammers are. Even with one bullshit word they still put time and effort into spamming the fuck out of the board.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:50 No.45532883
    Ha. Yaoi was one of the first boards. This is amusing.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:50 No.45532888

    dead except the front page
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:52 No.45532923
    Sad but true. Since moot made /soc/, there's been less camwhore threads and more threads about actual random shit
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:52 No.45532927
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    >Full Metal Panic
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:52 No.45532933
    Yeah man, I saw one anime discussion this year and some threads made by /jp/ users. It's a step up.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:55 No.45532988
    moot may have been 15 when he created 4chan but many of the posters where in their 20s. I'm not going to say that there weren't any 16 year olds on in the beginning, 4chan was made for moot and his friends after all. But the atmosphere was generally more mature and relaxed.

    If you want a good example of how 4chan used to be after it's inception, visit /d/.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:57 No.45533015
    No Moot, i don't care about your secret forum.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)11:58 No.45533044
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    >visit /tg/.
    FTFY. They really suffer from being complete open towards /b/tards though.

    /d/ is a fucking travesty, half that board has been torn up over asshurt normalfags who can't handle dickgirls. They bitch incessantly about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)12:00 No.45533119
    You probably say that because you came here on 06.
    05 was the start of 4chan's decline. From there it was all downhill.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)12:03 No.45533190
    Sure the newfags started flooding in during 2005, but 2006 had a sheer large amount of anime and it was when /a/ started to grow in an actually positive way.

    2006 wasn't like 2003-2004 but 2006 still counts as being good. 2007 was a bit of a clusterfuck though, people got too excited about 4chan being out of the bag.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)12:03 No.45533192
    anime is for losers

    that's why this board is so ironic
    >> ☼☺▓Gendo(☞≥∀≤)☞Ikari's♥Waifu♥▓☺☼ !/aPzExRzGw!!OEi1VN603QT 02/03/11(Thu)12:04 No.45533232
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    4chan was only good when it had a lolicon board
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)12:05 No.45533275
    Well, i guess i can agree with that.
    But on an /a/ and /v/ level.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)12:06 No.45533304
    Most of them have no problem with dickgirls, it's just after you've seen one dickgirl thread, and you scroll down, and there's 8 more, it gets kind of redundant.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)12:07 No.45533324
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)12:07 No.45533338
    Right you are. Unlike most anime communities, we aren't completely either 1. narutards 2. 30 year olds who think they're superior because they bought VHSes of Evangelion and various other anime in the 90s and watched it despite not understanding a single word of it.

    We simply started out as -sane- normalfags with a slight history of anime fandom who took advantage of the Internet to further our nerd cred.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)12:08 No.45533363
    at least anime fans are better than people who misuse the term "ironic."

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