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    File : 1295571354.jpg-(133 KB, 500x368, 1294711826994.jpg)
    133 KB Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)19:55 No.44982492  
    wat should i do at an anime convention? i need adv from experienced people. and i think its obvious why i came here to ask this instead of /adv/
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)19:56 No.44982524
    Go ask /cgl/
    >> Inami !dPE6Q.8tRQ 01/20/11(Thu)19:57 No.44982549
    Talk to other fans?
    Go to whatever events are there?
    Buy things?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)19:59 No.44982609
    Buy things you can't get over the internet.

    Don't act like a gigantic fag.

    Pretty simple.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)20:00 No.44982679
    This, pretty much.

    Don't act idiotic.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)20:03 No.44982804
         File1295571814.jpg-(1.09 MB, 2000x1333, finalsmall.jpg)
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    Take a camera.

    Get the panel/event schedule and note the shit you absolutely positively want to see.

    Leave time for just wandering around.

    Remember; you're among friends, so leave all that powerlevel suppression at the door. If there's anywhere that it's forgivable or at least understandable to be an unbearable weeaboo, it's at an animu con. So relax, have fun, maybe even make some friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)20:05 No.44982879
    - stay away from retarded kids
    - buy shit
    - talk to people
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)20:06 No.44982888
    most of /a/ doesn't go to anime cons or outside for that matter.

    But rest assured I go fairly often, save money if you're a buy fag, or bring a big bag if you wanna steal stuff. Bring food money and all the essentials. Uhh... avoid furries, they're everywhere nowadays. Don't speak engrish, draws all the worst people. Don't go hungover, speaking from personal experience, makes you unable to deal with the weebs.

    Now for what to do, if there are 'sword' fights go see them. Nerds with high powerlevels love those kinda things and take it super cereal, it's fucking hilarious to see a fat kid almost brought to tears when he learns he sucks. Bring money for games, usually there are real weird game arcades if your kon is big, like for mine there were mecha pods you could fight mechas in, it's called battletech and its the shit. Bring a camera because there are some pretty good costumes, and some pretty bad ones. And if you have some game bring condoms, I don't know about you but a few cosplayers are hot, at my kon last year I saw a yoko that I had to do a funny walk around. Most of all look at everything the kon has to offer, there is art everywhere and famous anime figures at kons look for them.

    Be safe and have fun /a/non

    ps if you are going to a-kon, not the 'singer' the kon, look for a dude dressed as takakazu abe walking around asking, "yaranaika" cause thats me.

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