11s have a thread on ushttp://may.2chan.net/b/res/31586481.htm
They are probably butthurt because they can't figure the captcha out.
I want a category mode, too. Wish moot would work on it.
>implying that you didn't make this thread using google translator
>>44856331we do have categories the japs just couldnt' figure it out.someone should guide them to /a/ instead of /b/ though, i wouldn't really say /b/'s the equivalent of may
>>44856358>implying /a/ is the equivalent of /may/
sucks we can't post over there and troll them.
so are they talking about us talking about them talking about us?
>>44856331Just use the neet.tv catalog.
Tell them not everybody loves Madoka Magica. That Shinbo is a pretentious hipster fag. The only reason we don't troll Magica threads is because oldfags gonna oldfag and hide threads.
>>44856417Why do you care?
>implying OP doesnt have a Japan proxy or live in Japan and started that thread himself
>>44856404I think they're trying to figure out how to post here.
>>44856435Because they think we're all in love with their new shit. Not all of us do.
>>44856377/b/ with anime, sounds about right to me.
Someone must post doublesguy in there.Let's see how japs ppl will react.
why don't we have more like this?
>>44856513Theres a whole collection of them you insufferable newfaggot.
>>44856464Yeah, why do you care that they think that? You also think everyone likes K-ON there and they don't care.
i need moar haters gonna hate pix to post there.
http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmay.2chan.net%2Fb%2Fres%2F31586481.htmAtleast give a google translate link OP. We can't all read their retard language.
>>44856545So that they'd know their taste is shit.
>Haters gonna hate>キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!Apparently they find us funny.
>>44856581That shit need /v/ and /co/ and it would be perfect
>>44856513That was made here, on /a/.
>>44856464>>44856417Sure is "oldfag" in here, I bet you remember the good ol' days like Novembre 2010....
>>44856581Don't spread it, newfaggot. Keep a low profile on this shit.Jesus fucking christ.
>>44856581/b/rowser is a nice little application.You can get it off /rs/. Password is CRUISECONTROL
>>44856646hey can i join your SEEEKRET KLUBBZ LOL
oddly enough they find it hard to navigate around here
>>44856646http://catalog.neet.tv/a/what abouthttp://catalog.neet.tv/a/its just a link to http://catalog.neet.tv/a/what makes http://catalog.neet.tv/a/so special?
Tell them we don't care about their shitty country and only about the animeyys
WTF! How come these japs get ads for awesome jap porn and we get shit like J-List and Facebook of sex.Fuck you Moot!
I wish I had a proxy to post on futaba
>>44856646>doesn't update automatically>mouse-over gives jackshit information>no good searching functions to check the entire board for a certain keywordKeep your secret klub ex dee. I'll be over here with my superior /a/ browsing implements. (and no, I won't tell you want it is because I'm keeping it low profile)
can someone post the blazing bat picture?
still want my Cresta, faggots
>>44856908I think it says something about your proxy being blacklisted...
>>44856936Learn to Ctrl+F
>>44856972>47might wanna check for 54
>mfw not japanese cannot post on their site>mfw the culture you worthless faggots love, hates your foreign guts.
I think they like your image macros.
>>44857033Everyone knows they hate us, we also hate them except for the cartoons.
>Be careful to AnonymousThey have learned their place.
>http://tadaima-shine.blogspot.com/What's that?
>早速クソスレ化か>早かったなぁwe're not so different after all..
>>44857067They only trip when they're delivering and sage by default. I'd say they're pretty much doing it right.
Okay, who posted a link to this thread?
They're reading our thread! BATTLESTATIONS.
>>44857067Except everyone fears Anonymous like they fear a retard with the mental age of 5.
>>44857033>>44857062they got a site, /b/ raid it. they block foreign IP because of that.lets blame the japs for that for hating our /b/tardazion
>Now I'm sleeping in my boyfriend next thread in the stands I have a boyfriend or not come back before? Last night I enjoyed it but of course in English earnestly, like a raging fire fueled Fabyotta they did not say I'm the guy was fun! Unlike you guys I waste A'm bilingual I'm with my translation of the manga spoilers because sometimes tired and rank? Okay and thanks CassFuck google translator, I have no idea what's going on.
>>44857147Fucking moonrunes
the fuck is going on in here?
>dubsSomeone please spam with doubles until you get them, then proceed to samefag and act surprised. They then have the same shit.
Which one of you fuckers did this?
I think they like us.
let's all celebrate our mutual love for milky holmes
>>44857124Its too late. They already walk among us.
>>44857254more like milky shit
>>44857197>Exporting forced memes
>I think interesting thoughts or foreign animation> Do I ask over there> Hello 4chan!> Be careful to Anonymousthey are trying to make contact with us
>>44857197Not a bad idea
>still no doubles
Somebody link them, this thread.
>try to post>got -> jp以外のipアドレスです(not jp)>mfwdamn elevens, they still block us
> 2ch
>>44857341Already done
They guy who posts there, please link us to your proxy.
>dubs spamOh wow.
Posting delicious Yui ass in completely unrelated thread.
バカ ガイジン
Proxy please.
>>44857096I lol'dEvery single comment for every post is "fucking gaijin scum stealing anime for free ww"
Fucking japs, you should die like the filthy 3D pigs you are.If you are reading this: You all are like /jp/ fused with k-on fans.Fuck you all, here, a jap slut.
>>44857432>>44857416no. ppl will spam and they'll block my proxy and i wont be able to post. go find one yourself.
Show them some of our drawfag's work.
>>44857429Now that's an idea. Export our love for Yabuki Kentaro.
Hey proxy bro, post this.
How the fuck are you all posting?
>doublesfag (there's just one) ruin futaba thread on us>business as usual
so what is it /a/? do the catalog come for not bad time? i am expect more today, ne!
>ps3 has no games
keep posting doubles guy!
Proxy Bro, Be a fucking Bro and put TK on that thread
Proxyguy post this, show them our drawfags work and besides they love SnO>>44857516They added /co/? Awesome!
>>44857581>mfw this
LolThey're not that different
>>44857593no. no fucking dubs. that shit adds nothing to ANY discussion. fucking pointless trash
>>44857628those were probably posted by someone from /a/ with a proxy
>my face when someone posted my Ika-moe-troll pic>my face when I don't have a face because my PC killed himself yesterday
>>44857628>implying that the Japs post in English>full baka
>>44857651We don't really want to discuss with them, there isn't anything to discuss either.
>>44857096it takes threads from 4chan and translates them into japanese
>2chan>not 2chReported
>>44857497Fuck yeah! Tell them we love TLR because it's interesting as fuck!
>>44857651>>44857651Lol @ TK
>>44857708it takes the lotion and puts it on its skin
>No-one gets dubsthe 11s are laughing at you.
What are we supposed to discuss with the Japanese? Their, rampant Xenophobia, their declining population, the fact that China overran them as the 2nd richest country in the world, that their written language is utterly retarded?
I wonder what they think about Yugi.
>>44857715>4chan>not 4-ch / world4chreported
Proxyguy, teach us how you do that.
Oh you nip fuckers
>>44857737I dunno, maybe, you know, something you both have in common, like, well, I'm just gonna go out on a limb here, but, anime and mangathis is why you fail at life
Tell them that they have population drop cause they all have small dicks.Also post this to show how badass western moefags are.
>>44857683>implying that is not obviously the translated page>r u 4 srs?
>>44857777>dubs ttonannan?What the fuck does that mean?
>>448577611) Get the addon for Firefox called "Foxyproxy"2) Find a proxy server list3) Find a proxy server located in japan4) ?????????5) Post on 2ch
>someone posts a link to 2chan>the first thing people do is spam their board with the dubs guyThis is why they banned non-Japanese IP addresses. You fuckers are the shit of humanity.
>>44857829>what the fuck are dubs?
I think that is pretty usefull to describe us.
>>44857836I tried it 10 times. Every fucking time: proxyまたはブラックリスト記載ホストからは書き込みできません
>>44857829"dubs to nan-nan?"basically "wtf are dubs"
>jp以外のipアドレスです(not jp)>not jpI thought that they blocked only American IP's (Polfag here)
Tell them to install gentoo.
>>44857817>implying it isI dont have it translated and it shows up like that. Stop being stupid.
>>44857889Except that て it's a "te"
>>44857859Someone should explain to them that it's cool here to have the same two last digits.
proxy boy post thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G-ZiBxVTNs
>>44857864post this for those nips
You're actually proud of your post number getting garbage? Even in /a/, there should be a limit to how pathetic anyone can be.
>>44857903anything not JP is blocked.also, hello poland! does that make you a pole? what do you call your dick? pole-pole?
>>44857919no you fucking idiot its NOT cool to get "dubs" there is a 1/10 chance of that shit, it does NOTHING to the thread except bother otherwise interesting discussions.
>aの「I'm curious, how does "real" translators (like you know from Viz or Dark Horse) translate the word "Tsundere"?」ってのは「貴方がガチオタのツンデレマニアならどう翻訳しますか」って聞いてるのか。このスレ立てたの日本人だろ。Oh anon, you card.
Who's the idiot that confused 2ch with 2chan on that thread?
>>44857903German here. I don't know what Japanese have against us.2chan obviously blocks, but 2ch blocks two of the three ISPs I use (Deutsche Telekom, Alice).
>>44857966>there is a 1/10 chance of that shit,>doesn't know the power of dubs>yet at the same time>66>doesTHE CHOSEN ONE
>>44857919No it isn't you fucking inept shit stain
>>44857966I want them to have the same shit.
I love you guys.
… Are you guys dumb or what?
>>44857936eurofag reporting, not blocked
Filthy Elevens on my 4chan.
>>44858061>implying you're japanese
>>44858061Only a select few of us and unfortunately, they can handle proxies.We deeply apologize for this retarded behavior.
How do you post on 2chan?
>>44858108You don't.
>>44858100>"please forgive us oh japanese master, let me suck your dick as an apology for my races behaviour"
>>44858074Dumb, then. Thanks for the clarification!>>44858111よ。
Fucking foreigners.what are you going to do, nuke us again
>>44857889>>44857829mfw that's "de".> dubs de nannan?
>>44858169nice try, faggot
>jp以外のipアドレスです(not jp)fuck you rice eating gooks
>>44858147anonemouse is lejion Xd
>>44858169>>44858159Gooks mad.
>>44858169Yes.Begin the nuking sequence.
Everyone calm the fuck down.
>>44858171it's "te" (て), de is で>dubsってなんなん?>dubstte nannan?
>mfw /a/ is no better than /b/ anymore, and hasn't been for a long time.
>go to 2chan>use google translate>it translates to english>dont understand shit>translate to spanish>what the fuck is this shitcaptcha: Evermed Gerda
ITT we use google translate
This thead has gotten really good, really fast.Shame the only people able to get into 2ch are doing a worse fucking job than /b/
>This thread
You guys can't even make fun of the japanese without shitting it up with doubles. Fucking cocksmears.
>No problem. Everything's fine.大丈夫だ。問題ない。
>>44858240That's a really nice lack of ん, ごしゅじんさま。
>Please ignore the idiots.>From the 4chan2channers are assholes, just like us!
>>44858292>mfw you don't realize how much cp is on /b/ and that you see none of that herecomparing us to /b/ is retarded. it's like comparing the kids that have to go to after school tutoring to the special ed kids
>weeaboos butthurt because proxyfag doesn't give a fuck and spams dubsCome on, what kind of intelligent conversation would you expect?
How does FoxyProxy work?It still won't let me post
>dubsってなんなん?Kansai dialectdubsとは何ですか? What is dubs
>>44857966>Interesting discussions>on 4Chan>mfw
>>44858366Thank god it won't.
>>44858356I don't know. Fun. Hilarious breakdown of anything resembling communication. Baffling them with our strange image macros.Dubs spam is boring as fuck.
alright, this thread derailed into shit quickly. deleteing in another minute.
>You is a big fool man.>Hahahaha.Well it looks like he got us good guys.
ITT>/a/ doing a shittier job than /b/
4ch go away from 2ch you foreign pig