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    File : 1295133362.jpg-(35 KB, 463x323, 1291071104867.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:16 No.44784084  
    Are Mods still banning doubles users?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:16 No.44784124
    >doubles users
    +Anonymous likes this.
    >> sage sage 01/15/11(Sat)18:17 No.44784128
    Yes, and thank god for that.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:17 No.44784132
    no just double niggers
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:17 No.44784137
         File1295133439.png-(155 KB, 398x400, oh just look at the time.png)
    155 KB
    Don't know, but /v/ is 1500 posts away from 84 million. And there's no such thing as mods there.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:17 No.44784156
         File1295133466.jpg-(122 KB, 544x400, 1290004284463.jpg)
    122 KB
    been banned twice in the last two weeks....
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:18 No.44784171
    No. I make them all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:18 No.44784187
    they should.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:19 No.44784216
         File1295133588.jpg-(27 KB, 653x266, newmodgoodsofar.jpg)
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    I'm such a fag
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:22 No.44784288
         File1295133721.gif-(643 KB, 300x203, animated.gif)
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    maybe doubles will convince them not to
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:22 No.44784303
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:23 No.44784315

    IT BEGINS.jpg
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:23 No.44784325

    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:24 No.44784351
         File1295133841.jpg-(181 KB, 450x598, 1245713555192.jpg)
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    >> Yomi is my waifu ;_; !!P4jDCwvW2Wc 01/15/11(Sat)18:24 No.44784352
    >doubles users
    What the fuck is a doubles user?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:25 No.44784405
         File1295133943.jpg-(115 KB, 358x400, 1254909521208.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:25 No.44784407
    I didn't evade for somereason my bans always go away the day before. Maybe beacuse of time difference in England
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:26 No.44784432
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:26 No.44784442
         File1295134013.jpg-(55 KB, 482x307, 1294509316238.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:27 No.44784447
         File1295134025.png-(109 KB, 251x273, 1295124895528.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:27 No.44784456
    don't be such a gayfer, you stupid tattletale
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:27 No.44784459
         File1295134035.jpg-(83 KB, 1440x810, 1294424093636.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:28 No.44784497
    How many people do you think will go for the /v/ GET, like 300-500?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:28 No.44784500
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:28 No.44784508
    Fucking finally, it's been months and now the doubles cancer is being removed.

    Thank. Fucking. God
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:28 No.44784521
         File1295134130.jpg-(215 KB, 1440x900, 1293695851360.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:29 No.44784551
    More like 7 or 8 who are actually any good, 20 or so retards who will post 100 posts too late, and the get will be gotten by someone who wasn't even going for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:31 No.44784592
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:31 No.44784622
         File1295134308.jpg-(147 KB, 403x396, lucky shit_grin.jpg)
    147 KB
    >get banned for 2 weeks for being in a doubles thread and did not post.

    >mfw dynamic IP.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:32 No.44784633
         File1295134321.jpg-(563 KB, 1000x1000, 1260329469008.jpg)
    563 KB
    >double users
    yare yare doubles
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:33 No.44784671
         File1295134389.jpg-(16 KB, 369x246, strawberrymilk-1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:33 No.44784694
         File1295134427.jpg-(7 KB, 210x208, 38475673945783.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:33 No.44784698
         File1295134435.jpg-(100 KB, 396x556, 1281818641423.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:36 No.44784783
         File1295134563.jpg-(39 KB, 1297x257, a glorious day.jpg)
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    For you /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:36 No.44784799
         File1295134586.jpg-(41 KB, 460x462, 463424321342342.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:37 No.44784822
         File1295134630.png-(196 KB, 485x409, hokuto_no_ken_already_dubs.png)
    196 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:37 No.44784827
    Oh shittttttttt
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:37 No.44784833
         File1295134649.jpg-(57 KB, 248x249, doublesguy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:38 No.44784842
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:38 No.44784843
    Double that funnnnnnnnnn
    >> 소녀시대 !/Rei/JcrFk 01/15/11(Sat)18:38 No.44784850
         File1295134737.jpg-(63 KB, 781x543, American Psycho Bluray(SREEPC)(...).jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:39 No.44784859
    what the shit just happened
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:39 No.44784860
         File1295134748.png-(56 KB, 132x167, 1291070922999.png)
    56 KB

    Nuoh my god
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:39 No.44784877
         File1295134786.jpg-(37 KB, 419x467, 1280240471841.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:39 No.44784879
    >> Ushiromiya !LgBattler6 01/15/11(Sat)18:39 No.44784883
         File1295134789.png-(82 KB, 330x330, moot.png)
    82 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:40 No.44784902
    not doubles
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:40 No.44784916
         File1295134818.jpg-(9 KB, 280x210, 1268704140021.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:40 No.44784918
         File1295134822.jpg-(99 KB, 420x420, 1291919302500.jpg)
    99 KB

    God damn it.>>44784822
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:41 No.44784939
         File1295134879.jpg-(47 KB, 576x432, master_asia_01.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:41 No.44784954
         File1295134912.jpg-(75 KB, 1272x714, antacheckem.jpg)
    75 KB
    holy shit
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:41 No.44784956
         File1295134915.jpg-(102 KB, 1024x634, Getsgetseverywhere.jpg)
    102 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:41 No.44784957
         File1295134917.jpg-(3 KB, 95x126, 1295126527440.jpg)
    3 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/15/11(Sat)18:42 No.44784970
         File1295134930.jpg-(48 KB, 555x478, 1294299341689.jpg)
    48 KB
    Is there a script for getting gets, besides just refreshing the page? Someone should make a script like that.

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